99120118WOC CUFu z GF N N� OZI- a0� f• Ela � C F.Wp° h 4:�OC a�oE FZ� A antuul ..n I DUMC _ I ICC wet 1 OnINT PFN nNLY Ll'Li 1 2 C J I/ X CITY OF CUPFRTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONIPERMIT I'llUMBINC.-MECHANICAL PIUILDIN(; PROjECP IDENT'IF'ICATION' PERMIT NO. MEW ADDRIi9S? SANI'IAR1' NO. 'LIGATION gUHM1ITAL DWIILDIN(i )W NEWS NAME; PHONE v Sri �ZS3' 9431. C NI'RACI'OR'S NAME: LIC NO NAC ❑ CON 'RO_# CHITECT/ENGINEF,R: LIC NO: JDRISS: CONTACT: / PHONE: y f} 7y Q'S fi I/� r rj$/ nt F ❑ Consultaees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BUILDING PERMIT NPO BLDG ELECT PLD. B MECH ❑ ❑ ❑ QTY, GI,ECTRIC PERMIT FEE LICENSED CONORACfOR:S DECLARATION 1 hereby aflirni ne" I ons Ilcenosi under powslonx of Crude, 9 (unnmcncing with Section 700(dof Division 3m he Business and P -bovines Code. and my liceme is inllSctio antic I /N Le'ens 'la - 3 Lee0 Zi'.3s Dale Comma"r JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL ❑SFDWI, uryR''ITCHEN HE ODEL ❑ADDITION OV'I,UMBING RE-PIPfi ❑MULTI -UNIT �❑SHOICTURAI, MODIFICATION FERMITISSUANCE APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTS DECLARATION PANELS I undenoull my ptoo, shall he used as public records UP TO 200 AMPS 0INTERIDR C1 CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT ElSWIMMING POOLS [:1 PAT REMODEL/REPAIR C1 DEMOLITION TfIIIiR Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that 1 ons exempt Gone the Contractors license Law for the 1 following reawn. (Section 7131.5, Business and Profe„inns Cdc'. Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, ober, improve, demolish. or repair any structure prior to is':: Iso re,ttims,tile applicant fsuch ormitt file a signedstatement 1 man n ono I tl C t toe bar In, is li,enned (commencing thSe,cti ]qq] fDivision3 of the Business dib fav, ns Codc)or ecallelgeduexm I' (Chapter p cmpuna Any violation of • Ser hm�]113L56 herefrn lican Porvhpermil. he • yany app 1 'PPlic'unrm a civil Penalty of not more than five hundred dollar, ($500), 01, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sale compensation, will do the work, and the structure Is not inlendel or offered mrside (Sec. ](H4. Business o and Profligates Code: no Comrcctors License Law that not apply to an owner (ItOU9'I,ISLS-SWITCHES-Iq 201-1000AMPS OVER 1000 AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. 9 EM P. METER OR POLE INST. R N LDG/ADDITION ❑ DCMOLITION ❑TENANT FOOD SERVICE IMI'ROVEMI',N'I' ❑ OTIfIiR POWER DEVICES - SWIMMING POOL ELECT RIC XTURliS NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTS SOFT. • poll who builds or improve, ancestor. and who dressuch work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements we not intended or o0cred for sale. IT however, the building or improvement is sold within enc year ofc nupletlon. the raxvr-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not Wild or Improve for put - SQ, FT. FLOOR AREA g/SQ. FL TOTAL: poo, salc.l. 1, Its owner tel the propert& ant oxelusivoly vernal ing with license canno,o rs to nsmucf me peel (Sec. 70s4. Business and Professions CeeU) File Contractor's la- cense law docs not apply to an owner of peopcny who builds or improve, hereon. ad who ni mael, lar men projects wins o commuter(,) licensed parsmmt tome Cannanore, License Law. lam exempt under Sec. . B & P C for this mown Q O EC 2 1 1999 VA ON / QTY PLUMBING PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER - DRAIN & VENT - WATER (EA) BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE Owner Dom WORKER'S COMPENSA'T'ION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penally of perjury one of the following declarations: have and wi 11 muinlainaCcnific:ac of Cnnscm to self -imam lin Wnrkcr'x Compete- smion, as provided for by Scelon 3700 of the labor Code, fill the performance III pre on fur which oris pcnnil is issued. I how C anLutond will rminmin Wmkds Compemmion Insurance• as required by Section 9](glof lM1Ctdc, for the ryrionomecul'dne work ler whirlibis permit is issued. My Wurk'C mnce e. and Policy pRA1NS-FLOOR, ROOF. AREA. GOND. IT T.4 'TYPE CONSTRUCIIC FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS - EA. SYSTEM -I INC. Int Ol FTS GAS-. SYSTFM-OVER fiA(E ;m Cartier:_,, IPolicy Nrr.: CHRTII4:AIE OVEXEMIMON PROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASEINDUS'On. WAS' FE IN'IPRCEPI OR BUILDING DIVISION PIiF.S GRGASETRAP PLANCHECK FFE (This,enionncenotbccnmplendifthcpemnakfurene M1mdreddollars(SIW) or le".) ectur which this a islouCl.Inn.mil Nexnthe an, oreamcoflhcwork Toy on, that not employ any fierson in tory manner so as to became mbjauo the Worker,' Compem Z, amino Laws of Califomia. Dam SCWIiR-SANT FARY - STORM IgA. 2001 I'I'. ENERGY FEE WATER HEATER WNENF/ELECIR GRADING FEE 2 Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making his Cenille nc rf Exemption, You should account subject to the Worker's Compensation provision, of the Labor Code, you must r fnnhwith amply will such pmvmams milli, pcom, ,bill he deemed revoked. WATER SYS] IiMORFAIING SOILS FEE WATER SERVICE PAN NEW RESIDE TIAL PCMB, SQ. FL ZUmc CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY tiIhemny union that them isanm.amdiun lending agency for performance of the wad for which his Permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) Rcccipl0 TOTAL: jLenders Name Lcndcr'x Addmss 1 cenny that I have read this application and ,one mat the above inlatmmiun is A correct. l agree In Comply with all city and county ordinance, and state laws reningm ',Z building constmnion, and hereby amhorizerepresemddves of city tet enter upon the uMwe-memiorod propcny for insparmrn pugxtse,. ' d ily a keep hammscre the City of Copartner against cx may inany way azcrvc against seiJ City TOTAL: THAI DING FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT f'Eli SEISMIC FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE ELECTRIC FEE ALTER OR AUUTO MECH. PLUMHING FEE rnhich Ins of t.'AM D WILL COMPLY WIT II ACI, NON, POINT )H. W AIR HANDLING UNI'I'(TO I0.x)0CFM) MIiCIIANICAI. ITE AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10.000CPM) CONSFRUCIONTAX EXHAUSTHOODIW/DUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION FFF S roof Applicam/Copowtor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the upplieun jointure building astern, store or hondlehauWous mantled as delinal by file CupninU Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, anti the houlth and Safety HEATING UNIT(TO 100.000 IFFU) HEA:rING UNIT (OVER 100JRX) BTU) Chic, Section 25532(0)! ❑Ycx R17” 7C PAID Dam Receipt N VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RES Will the applicant or future building occupant use ryuipoem or devices which nit hexa ti air cnmaminants u, dlfined by me Hoy Area Air Qu,fity Management BOILER- COMP(3HPOE Ia0.g0)BTU) TOTAL: • , Ii(11hI:.R-COMPOVER ItID1001BTU) )IstriuR ye, 7y�(/ AIR CONDD'IONER ISSUANCE DATE ISSUED HY 1 havt re char ., n m' , equircmenu under LTOPtCf 6 95 of the Cali- arty t 2 05, 25597 and 25534. 1 undcrsland that if the fon a Heads] Sc mi ingd 11 cc Idhal if is mY mspon,ihiliry mntnify acupm rcqu em u t to unceafaCertil Enzd ¢i on i e w NI?W RBSIDE N'I'IAI. MECII. TO'I'AI,: Owner m inu m led agent Umc OFFICE