S 1845APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO _ BDILDINc-P:L VC,RiCAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING. MECHANICAL ' BUILDING PROJECIADEN'I'IFICA'1'ION PE 1l NO. 1845 BUILDING AIJDRESS,. SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMI'fi'AL [)ATI; 17 14 na.d C�. 7-16-iir U t N'fSN MH: IIUIINE' _ 57 I7 �� •J CO ACTOR'S NAME UC NO' re a///�T 1/a -I NIC ❑ CON'I'NI11,M, ARCHINECUENGINFER: LIC NO: ADDRE: 6W CONTACT. PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG I71.ECi' PLUMB MECH FaAl 7 ❑ ❑ B- ❑ LICENSED CONT'RACTOR'S DECLARATIONQTY I'achy amrm dun I nth, licensed node, rm.ioo:t. of amps', 9 (tommOra ng ELPCTRIC PI°Ry,I PEE JOE DESCRIPTION PERMIT ISSUANCE with Sewion]Q90)nf Division3nf.he ltnsinexsunJ Ymfessiom Cedgandet,licenui, in full force and clfect. RESIDENTIAL: C SEUWL [I KITCHEN RIEAfOUEI. APPLIANCES -RESIDEN'1'IA), - License Or. Lic.It Dam Cunmumor CADDHTON LUMBING RF:d'IPF, []MULTI -UNIT []STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION MODIFICATIONUI'T02f0 ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMI:NT []SWIMMING pOOLS ARCHITECESDECLARA'1'ION I undenumJ my plana shall be used ax public records PANELS AMPS Licensed Pr.fe,oneral 201-1(gg)AMPS OWNER -BUILDER lam UILDER..d he ConnRAI ION 1 hereby emrm (Section nl ten exempt nom the Conor, Cos e: Any. Law l.r t nguiresa reason Any ei,Y'' IY ❑ BATH REMODEIIREPAIR ❑DEMOLITION ❑OfIIER . OVER I000AMPS SIGNS Ii1.ELTNICAI. wrindimma-mu..c, imdPmfesion,Cale: which requires u permit ah imprnve. Je,noli,1 or repair any which SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISE'. dic,,led applicant r tohm ulmnIn ."'Moi iso Yore dpool io,ema,Ioi,easigne Imitsocowm, that he is licemcl pursumn to the pnwixions nf,hc Conmaanrx Liconw Low hapm It, (cut cing with Scninn7lNNp nfDivision3 nLM1.Ousincxs and l'ndc"ido'Cod0o elT tP. MI3'1'ER OR POLE INS,. COMMERCIAL ' thin hes exempt thcrefrnm and the basic fim the alleged exemption Any violation of C NEW BLDG/ADDITION C DEMOLITION Section 703 5 by any applicant for a permit sunj-1, the u,h, nl ton "OH lrcnalty of not mmc than too lmndred dollars ($500). ❑I,as owner of the property. or my employees with wagesas.homaaleaaanpc,sabn, will do the work.;md the souaure is not intended morRred for ole (Sec. 7011, Borons, POWER DEVICES ❑'1'17NAN'1 C FOOD SERVICE OTHERMPROIEMIiNT El OTHER NIINGF EC'1'RIC OI LI!'I'. 'l1ES- ' X'I'UItES and I'mlc,.ne, Cn to'. 'I m Conlmcmra lewnw Law due, no, apply to to owner of property who builds or inipmves thcrcon, and who does soon work himself or through his own employees, pmvided that stub impmvcmem, are not intended or offered for sale. Ir. It .... r, the build s„g nv inauavamemissnid within nneyan ofeonhpLtionAre nenboildv, ,It nave me harden of pnwVng Out fie did om build or imprnve Lor pars NEW S LNI'1 FLI:C1 R SQ 14. - SQ� IT. FLOOR AREA S/SQ. IR post, oLm1c) C I, as owner of .fie property, am esidmively cnntmeting with licensed contractors to TOTAL: mmnm, the proiw (Sec. 7144. I3uninrss anA I' olloon., Calm) Thu Cn n ,,, I.i.- censc Law does not apply In an owner of prnpeny who builds or impro.es tbemon,an Z\, PLUM ,PIiBMIT„ FEE V who contracts for.such projects with a eoneracums) licensed pursuant. no Contact PERAID ISSU O e Llwnsc Law. - ❑ latned,upttmdcr Scc. ,B&PCfm0v,rcasoo - ALTS Y] N & VENT- WATER (IEA) Owner Uam VALUATION _ WORKER'SCOMPCNSAHONDI3CIARATIONB 'p WPROIHC'1'.IIEVICE 1 hereby vdirm under penalty n({xrjury one of the ,..lowing declam.ione ❑ I have and will nmintim a Certificate ofanwatto self -insure for Winker'% Camper. ac of Ibe ,anon, nx pmvidnl for by Seclioo 97m) of ,he. Labor Cute, fns Thu perrann:¢ ,ink for whtlnhis permit is issued. DRAINS- ILOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION FIXTURES - PER TRAP O []- cad will maintain Weri:e/s Compensation Insurance, as requited by Section 3700nithc Loh -Cod, birdie porftn.mo,,ot the work In, lit,[, lixpcnnh its issued. My Wor- r Cn,np r dao I and Policy n n �'tyay �r�s Cartier: cam+-� ,icy No.:( ✓gw? OCC.GROUV AI'N GAS-I7A.SYSI13M-1 NC.4011T1.ITS GAS- RA. SYSTIM.OVIER 4( EA) GHF.AMUINDUS'FBI, WAS LE INTERCEPTOR CHRTIFl(. I'E OP I?XIEM ION FROM WORKERS' CoMI-17NSAPION INSURANCE BUIhOINO DIVISION THEE bs .it i,5nont, eddollars($ILO) Old, bdo need nm lc vo.nplemal if lhlnm nr )cs,J GREASE'FRAP PLANCHIiCK IEE Iccrtity l bat in rho porfendurceofthe work for which this peord is issued, l skull bjecn the Worker, Cmnn- not an, lo' im, person in any manner so as u. become xunpe SEWN{ -SANITARY- S' I' ORM EA. 200 fT ENERGY FEII WRIER I WATER W/VF.N UELECIR sten, law, of Colifomia. Dare Applicant GRADING ItE NOT ICE 'ID APPLICAN'I's11. sio,,ntking this Ccndwate of Excntp, you ,boWd one to subject to the Worker, Contra orlon provision, of the Wlwr Code, you must WATER SYSTRM/IREATINC, SOILS FEE , fonhwih comply with wen pmvi,ion, or his punnet shoo be, dccntd revoked. NEW RESIDEN'T'IAL PLMB. SQ. IT. CONSITUCI'ION LENDING AGENCY I hereby a(rmt that there is a construction lending agency tonne perommance of PAID Date Receipt it ,be work for which this pernnt is mond (See 3097, Civ. C.) Lender', Name 'TOTAL: Lcrdcr's Address T r _ _ BUILDING PER I ani fy that I have read tai, application and stem d at,hc vMve information is reet.Intone fieomply with all it, and eoonly noilmu,eesmulmancIr-relxfingto building construction, and hereby mnlmriec representatives offinis city to enter upon the Q'I'Y. .. MECI IANICAIL PER MIT, 1 PEE SEISMIC II?H - PERMIT ISSUANCE. ELECTRIC FEF. abtrvc-mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) ogrm said, indemnify and kap hamdes, the City ofCupenino again,, w ALT ER OR ADD' 1'0 MIECH PLUMBING 1138 liabilitics,judg,ucntn, costs and expanses which may in any wayn.crue agaiml said City in nsequence.f the granting of this permit, AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO I0,000CFM) MIiCI IANICAI: FEi3 APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILT. COMPLY WFIH ALL NON -POINT SOURCE REG IJ LADONS. AIRIIANOLINGUMT(OVER 10,(0OCF10) CONSTROCITON'1'AX - Mile ur.ofApplicma/Cmnrnmor Ute HAZARDOUS MATERIAIS DISCLOSURE EXHAUSTHOOII(W/DUCG IOUSINGMI',IGATIONITH HEATING UNIT (0) IW,000 BTU) Win me up,llcirm nr future ltlldar,.c.,urd,m,.,handle hvallon, mtedal .is defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, and ,he Health and Safety Code, Section 25532(a)] 1 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,(100111'U) ❑Yes L] No PAID - hate Receipt M VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) 8011.1311- COMP (71{p OR IIN0,II0011'fll) Will ,he. u,iici I or bnnre building ...... 1cw u,'c Cyuiptnc d m dcvices.which emit hnamino air commninants as defined by he Buy Area Air Quality Management DiNnal ❑Ye, E] No f� T 1 1 ll BOILER-COML'(OVER 10,0001111D AIR CONDITIONER Ih ninelimitationsN nidal i n, ode Chapterh95 time Cali- broomHealthIts&Safety[] 1 eSectionst.thmi 25533 135514.1 d'. I'that (the. buil, . u%l dyl y........nCerdide rfydcuecap n ISSUANCIi DA'I'li � �q v7-� NEW RIiSIDENI'IAL MIiCf{, SQ 17. r orb my- nt, whin .Ibe et prion n. roc nt t of Occupancy. met T ISSUED IIY' -� / TGIAL: Owen,,,u uathoriad ugcot Dtn OFFICE