DRC 10-16-02Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 777-3308
Design Review Committee
October 16, 2002
Committee Members present:
Marc Auerbach, Chairperson
Taghi Saadati, Commissioner
Committee Members absent: None
Staff present:
October 2, 2002
Minutes of the October 2, 2002 Design Review Committee approved.
1. ASA-2002-05, V-2002~02; Arkady Faktorovich, 10130 Craft Drive
Request removal from calendar
Gary Chao, Assistant Planner
ASA-2002-05, V-2002-02
Arkady Faktorovich
10130 Craft Drive
1. Application:
Design Review Committee
October 16, 2002
Architectural and Site approval for a new garage for an existing three-unit
apartment building.
Variance to allow a three foot separation between buildings instead of five feet in
accordance with Chapter 19.80 of the Cupertino Municipal Code.
Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed
Request removal from calendar
Commissioner Saadati moved to remove ASA-2002-05, V-2002~02 from the
Chairperson Auerbach
Removed 2 - 0
Dick Fang
10583 Felton Avenue
Residential Design Review of a new 3,579 square foot single-family residence.
Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed
Staff Presentation: Gary Chao, Assistant Planner, briefly described the project to the
Committee. This project complies with the R1 Ordinance. It also generally complies
with the single-family design guidelines with the exception of the exterior wall height
and the placement of the second story. The applicant is proposing an eave height of 12
feet from the natural grade, which is taller than the eave heights of the houses to the left
and the right of the property. Staff recommends that the exterior wall height be
reduced to 10 feet or to a height comparable to the eave heights of the immediate
adjacent homes. This has been made a condition of approval.
In addition, the proposed second story mass is oriented next to an existing single story
residence to the south. Staff recommends that the floor plan of the proposed residence
be "flipped" to place the second story closer to the existing second story residence to the
north. Since the Design Review Committee packet went out, Staff received a letter from
the neighbor to the north of the applicant in opposition of the second floor closer to
their home for privacy intrusion concerns and also causing the sunlight to be blocked.
In response to the letter, the privacy intrusion is more of a concern on the single story
home side to the south and there is no provision in the code to protect sunlight
exposure. The proposed project meets the minimum daylight plane requirements.
3 Design Review Committee
October 16, 2002
Privacy protection trees are proposed to be planted to screen all new second story
windows. Staff recommends approval with the suggested changes to the house as
Commissioner Saadati asked if the privacy protection trees would still be planted to
screen the second story windows if the house was flipped. Mr. Chao answered yes and
stated that the applicant would have to modify the landscape plan to accommodate
Staff's recommendations. Mr. Chao went on to explain that if the house were to be
flipped, the second story windows would not be visible to the south neighbor, the
second story house. This was illustrated in some diagrams shown to the Commission.
The bay window on the north elevation in the second bedroom on the second floor
would require privacy screening. If this were not a bay window, it would not require
privacy screening.
Chairperson Auerbach was concerned about the complexity and number of the roof
angles and lines. Mr. Chao explained some ways to simplify the roof. For example the
bay window could be straightened. Mr. Auerbach stated that the rooflines should be
simplified to match the neighborhood. Mr. Saadati agrees that there are a lot of
Dick Fang, Architect, stated that the living room is 11 feet. Mr. Saadati asked if the
room could be lowered to 10 feet, also reducing the exterior front elevation from 12 feet
to 10 feet.
Dick Fang explained that he and his applicants had worked closely with Staff. Mr.
Saadati asked if there was going to be enough privacy protection along the side. Mr.
Fang believes that there is a 7-1/2 foot setback on the applicant side and an 8-1/2 setback
on neighbor's side for a total of 16 feet. He believes that the eaves match the neighbor's
eaves. Mr. Fang went on to discuss the roof stating that if he tried to simplify the roof,
the home would be too tall. Mr. Auerbach asked Mr. Fang how he felt about not
changing the second floor roofline and simplifying only the first floor roofline. Mr.
Fang thinks that if he were to do that, the proportion will change, causing the garage to
be too tall.
Cary Chien, applicant, agrees with Mr. Fang's comments. Mr. Chien also stated that he
and his family have reviewed all of Mr. Chao's comments and found them very
reasonable and sensitive to the neighbors. He feels that they have tried hard to make
the project work. Mr. Chien showed the Commission some pictures of homes in their
neighborhood showing examples of what they were trying to avoid with flipping the
house. He believes that the proposed house fits well with the existing neighborhood.
Mr. Chao stated one of the main focuses on the Design Guidelines is transition,
streetscape and elevation. He feels that there are many ways to make these
4 Design Review Committee
October 16, 2002
modifications without moving the garage and just shifting the second floor a little to the
right. In terms of the streetscape, privacy intrusion is a main concern. By shifting the
second floor to the right, there will be a smoother transition from the existing second
floor to the existing single story to the left. He believes the main concern is the
streetscape and neighborhood transition from single story to two stories. Mr. Chao
went on to say that in simplifying the single story portion of the roof, a lot of the
breakage of roof pitch is from the short roof above the bay windows. The bay windows
could be straightened out and that would help with the awkward angles. As far as
setbacks are concerned, if the applicant were to flip the house, that wouldn't mean that
they couldn't have a different setback on the right side of the house. The applicant
could have a 10-foot right side setback on the two-story side and then the 5-foot setback
on the left single story side.
Mr. Fang explained that if the second floor were shifted, it could impact the first floor
plan. Mr. Chao stated that could be avoided by flipping the house. Mr. Saadati agreed
and suggested that if the house were flipped with a 12-foot setback it could allow room
for a camper.
The Committee closed Public Hearing and discussed whether to approve the house as
proposed or to flip the house. Both Commissioners agree that flipping the second story
would result in a redesign in many ways. They also agree to leave the house the way it
is proposed but put the maximum amount of side yard setbacks to the south, the single-
story home. Currently the proposed north setback is set at 7.5-feet including the
chinmey. They suggested moving the building to the north as close as code will allow,
which would be a 3-foot setback at the narrowest point (architectural features). Which
would give the south neighbor greater setbacks. As far as lowering the plate height, the
Commission would like to see them match the neighbors. To simplify the rooflines, add
that as a condition of approval to state that the roofline shall be simplified to the
satisfaction of the Director of Community Development.
Commissioner Saadati moved to approve R-2002-13 with the following amendments:
1. That the house shall be placed as far north on the property as possible.
2. That the wording in condition #2 should read "measured from the natural grade
to the plate height or to a height that is visually comparable to the immediate
houses in order to be more consistent with the eave heights of the immediate
adjacent homes" and the satisfaction of this shall be as determined by the
Director of Community Development.
3. That item 3, second story placement condition should be removed and replaced
with "Single-story rooflines shall be simplified to the satisfaction of the
Community Development Director".
Design Review Committee
October 16, 2002
Comrnissioner Saadati moved to approve R-2002-13 as amended.
Chairperson Auerbach
Approved 2-0
Yezala Abayneh
19725 Parkview Court
Director's Minor Modification to a use permit (15-U-96) with referral to the
Design Review Committee for a single-story, 280 square foot addition to an
existing residence.
Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed
Staff Presentation: Gary Chao, Assistant Planner, gave a brief description of the project
and explained that this project was brought before the Design Review Committee due
to neighbor concern. Staff has received complaints from the adjacent neighbor, Mr. Bob
Johnson, 836 Shetland Place in Sunnyvale, about the lack of landscape screening
between the two properties. Since this is a single-story addition proposal, there are no
requirements for landscaping in the ordinance. Staff has recommended that additional
landscaping be planted and with that Staff recommends approval.
Yezala Abayneh, applicant, stated that he has complied with staff's recommendations.
Commissioner Saadati moved to approve DIR-2002-33
Chairperson Auerbach
Approved 2 - 0
Respectfully submitted:
Kiersa Witt
Administrative Clerk
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