2073 STREET LOT NO. APPLICATION VOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date -"19k' Permjt No. Fee $ zct (0a Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. v Use of Premi v,,t�Z v a Owner Address By " ! Address 3:2 ONTRACTOR, AGENT �� $6 j O Approved yn� Phone '— 3 ELE CA INSPEGTOIt �C/ ' NEW RPL Fres ✓ Size Service Conduit-----.J�.....--..---Number of ats-....:...-.------ - i?... ---- S SS-& -.-L_._......... Size Service Wires......./G...........Number of Switches. ...-.-........ S . ....-.-...I .......... g� Size Service Switch_s�/.:Sl...-.Number of Receptacles............ . .3 )1�;i0 ..... .......... .............. Size Sub Feed Conduit...- y--------Number of Fixtures-................ S..S.. .......... .S!.S�G Size Sub Feed Wires.----(0------...Ranges.....- ----- KW-------------- ---------- .......... ... G Number of Circuits..----/�-.... Oven ------------ KW------------- ---------- ---------- ---- --------- Number of Meters................Signs.......... Transformers........ ---------- ---------- -- --------------------------Dryers.........!"........................... .......... .......... ---------------------Dryers........./....--...._.............. ...._.... .-----. -S--a-u Motors------------------- HP.*... Phase----------------- Permit Fee AGO Motors.................... HP..- ......----- ---- Phase----------------- 1. Motors_.................. HP---------------- Phase.................... H P Charge.....-. ........ --------- ....- TOTALFEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPRS3 ALS Rough Wiring......._------�--------------------------- Fixtures --C_. DATE INSPECTOR DAT PECT OR Finish Wiring ....--------..�. ... . .XSPECTOR Motors ---.. . - ..... ..-0.OR ----- Are/ / P e DR -�---- ............�.. ......................... ' ATE INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE`-O-F . COMA' iiON - BUILDING INSPECTOR'S ,OFF;l E .'• . ' CITY OF CUp.ERTINO'. + ( � I •^77 �� � Bu y.� ; �i/ Date ...............Locatedf�." ....... ',.�'7 I }`- ild*a� eimit-No: The Building y I.... � a ' Owned by ' / ''^ ..cs✓—= —. .. Pod 'clad Flys Been PI .. r�Use As: .......... .....' .y .....�........... ............................ ........:........................_i - .. ..�.. ... .. �/r.......... ............. 102 1/63.500 -- B U DING INSvECCO�� OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC CE NOTICE BUILDING—INS ECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ............. To You are hereby � rauthori. to-cIionn'.eect'_eS7Ylectri � se..rvice / d � Owner or enant — . i� . r➢ --.i.-......... ... --` -- --(-------�-- --- .... .... .. At -- ----..- ------- No. of Wires ....Z............ Size of Wires ........ .. Size of Switch OQ'y..... MotorLoad . ------------------------ Voltage ................................ Phase ..............-------------------- HeatingLoad ---------------------- K. W- ------------------------------- Voltage -------------------.....------ No. of Metersg ° 110._... Nw Service... ......... Reconnect..__............Liht Heat_...._. 0......... . 1-h4� 111� ir . ..-...___. Move Service....-....... No. of Add. hfeters.........._ Power_............. Thase. . ........ Dfove ter.............. ..... ........ ............._..-...r... .............. ....- CAL INS EC1' R 104 7/63-500 Bldg. Dept Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ❑ Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. :7--7............. Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit N0=2i-s-c�------------ No. . ... ....'I-------- - Owner or Tenant .... .. ...... ... At ........(-.9 .. ..... .... . . . . .. .. .. . ............... Tract .._-------------------------------_.. .... Date Connected ----------- --------------------------- Date Final ................... PLUMBING INSPECTOR III 7/63-IM GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S;OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ` .......................... �0 yJ.. .::.., 19 .... To You are hereby t ri to c nect the G�S t /L e-r A Owner or e alt . .... I....... _... ............... . .... ........ 1 � ��0 At .................... .._.... )-- New Service ..._� No. of Meters .._1......_...... Reconnect .............................. ' ( Move Se ice ........................ No. of Add. Meters .............. o e e er .......................... i ............... . .�...:..-- ---- -- ,--- PLUMBING ECTO 110 6/63-500 '