30988 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN REDLINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY - - - CITY OFCUPERTINO _ BUILDING-ELECTRICAL • PERMIT N_D., On Op BUILDING DIVISION, APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL 3.BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ILDING ADDRESS: SANITARYNO, APPLICATIONSUBMITTALDATE ios"�r �ioG�✓lCi.✓ Coc��i 07LI- -len TiW 'SNAME:� l-OE:'� • C TRACTOR'S F: 'A ,LICNO:,t, S wSrAlN/C L CON9'ROL# ARCHITECT/E INEEk:' LIC NO. A RESS: ���Jot ❑ ' '.CONTACT: - ` ' PHONE. vn', BUILDING PERMIT INFO _iQ, ❑ Consultant Fees P9id by Applicant(Initial) BI ELECT PLUMB MECH LICCEEN/SSEDDCCONNTRACTORSDECLARATION QTY, ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE 1 h by firm that 1 licensed de pr f Ch pt 9( mend., JOB DESCRIPTION- ❑CZ, wnh5 f Wk10) Iph ton of the Basta sand Profess on C d nil my Tcense is aOO PERMIT ISSUANCE - ) - �F to fullfrc and effect. L - ❑SFDWL ❑KITCHEN REMODEL aUZU Lice c� Lie# APPLIANCES RESIDENTIAL' ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE-PIPE y6 Date Cammrmr , RCHITLCT MULTI-UNIT - ❑STRUCTURAL Fpm PANELS , •z OmI t d ndmyplunsshall M1vterser! .public records MODIFICATION OZm'� - UP El INTERIOR El CHIMNEY REPAIR T0200 AMPS �+� m Licensed Professional t 201-IOMAMPS IMPROVEMENT_ _ OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION OVER.1000 AMPS ❑BATH REMODF.IAREPAIR ElDEMOLITION C� 1 hereby affirm th r 1 rept from the Connector's demur :A.,c ty o far the _ - ip5�O d U folio g e n,(Section 7031.5,ii roars d Prof ns fide Any ctry or coumY SIGNS ELECTRICAL [_1OTHER t++�WO F•' which q rea perms t t t,alter, p d I'h repo r y structure _ pnart t .:urn to commies the apple tf hpermit t filestarenrom SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. a , 111•ggq•���... th.t ti b licensed pursuant t thp f the Contractors t t -License L (Chapbr9 an CO (commenting with Sects 9000)H Di,i,ial'3.ftha Bisires,indP f s n C de)or TEMP METER OR TO L EVOT. COMMERCIAL: t1y, a that he is exempt memEmn and the basis for the alleged exempt m,Any violation of ]NEW BLDG/ADDITION ]DEMOLITION W N Section 9031.5by any.pplicam for a perroolumjens the applicant to a civil partly of ROWH CRIVS '[]TENANT ❑FOOD SERVICE not more than five hundred dollars(SSW). t I IMPROVEMENT aQ 6 El I,ns owner of theproperty,nr my employees with wages as their sole compensation, S O LECfRIC Q will do the work,.ad thesuucmre is not mtendWmro[(ened Em,rb Beo.9044,Business ❑OTHER Land Pmfidad ns Code:The Contractors License Law does rat apply to'aa owner of -/ITCHES-FIXTURES " 'propeny who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself or through his own employees,provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for ARE/ ENTIALELECIR SQ Fr. sale.IL however the building or improvement is sold within one year ofedmplvtion;theSQ.FL FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. overar,buildervill have the burden of proving that he did not build ar improve for pis ❑I,m owner of the propeny,a xdm usively coraning with licensed cnntracmre m 'TOTAL: come, La the Project(Sec.%044,Brldr ofe vnd Professions Cale)The Contmhor's i cense Law,aces not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves lh d Q PLUMBING PERMIT FEE who contracts health projects with.eommemrG)licensed purdoaono theC License La, PERMIT ISSUANCE, t ❑ 1 sm exempt under.!cc. ' B&P C 6 `_ Owner Data ALT W VALUATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATIO BACK FLOW PROTECT.UP ICE I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the fnllowi I dolls: ❑Ih a nJ ill maintmn aCenAcme of Conserv to self iron, er',C en- DRAIj$SSU6&, ftrAI$Ca,P1915) II)KA COrnp TORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION cation provided' f by Section 37M of the Labor Code, t trman of the - workforwa,diddspermitisisruad. FIXTeontra�r and/0- Om!. y keep OMP;@ @ 0 I macron will maintain Workers Compensation•lusdmr:a Ione Swtlon 3700cidthe Labor Code.for the eformnnce of the work for tabic t' issued. GAS' pp is per 0II=p15yIH {1hx'JlETISti I ;."[�.! a I OCC.GROUP ANN My Workc Com corm W��r �I�{ it Policy nn •r - CnneF /�(J uic,Nm n (. GAS Eank&� rev�I.S..I�Or..nr.' on . CER'fIFICAT,OFF.XF.MPTION FROMWORKE - GRE �YfJ f71N'>7, to COMPENSATION INSURANCE f 4 ,BUIL DIVISION FPHIS (This sedan need notbe completed'fthe permit is Entire h reddollars(siou) GRE 3 thirtyda .S PLANCHF.CK nr less) i _ I certify that in the performance afthe work for which thi. rmitisissued,lshall SEWER-SANITARY- RMF*nu.not employ any person ern a nny manner do ad m hecmm subject he Workers Compel- - ENERGY F OEE 0 Z satin.Lows of California.Date ,WATEF10tWNE GRADING F .7 Applicant G NOTICE TO APPLICANT,If,aper making this Certifier tf Exemption,you should WATER SYSTEM?BEATING FEF C✓ become rubjed to the Workers Compensation provisio the Labor Code,you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permitshs edvemedrwoked WpTEalur CONSTRUCTION LENDING ENCY NEW F.SIDENTIAL PLMB, PAID ' - Date Receipt# V Ihercby of&mthanhem is construction len gagency for the performance of e _ - the work for which this parol Is issued(Sec.309], v.C.7 - w H Lender's Name f TOTAL: �V Lenders Address ' � �" � TOTAL: r - DJ 1 rattly that 1 have read this.pplleauon d dram that tibo4e informmion is BUILDING PEE - Eon correct 1 agree to comply with all city..."do nd co. ordinances and stem laws relating to QTY, MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE - U building Conrtmetion.notereby authoriicrep .outativae of this city to enter upon the SEISMIC PEE above-mentioned propeny forindpecicn purp es. yr PERMIT ISSUANCE (We) me tb'save,indemnify and le harmle";d,City.of Cupertino against ELECTRIC FEE y lirbllltles,judgmente,wnts.ndexpenses wF may in any waysccme against said City ALTER OR ADD TO MECH - in onsegoence of the granting of this perm _ PLUMBING FEE APPLICANT UNDERSTAN S AND W L COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT('IO 10,000 CPM) SOUR E EGULATION MECHANICAL PEE ' ., 1 AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,(1110 CFM) ,CONSTRUCTION TAX tirgaintaraw'Ap,lin t o racmr - -' '" Dat EXHAUST HOOD(WMUCT) t HO USING MITIGATION PEE HA RDOUSM ERIALS DISCLOSURE Wllltheappliennt or future buil gacapant.emre or hAdlehazardous material HEATINGUNIT(TO 10Q00()BTU),' ' as defined by the Cupertino Municipa ode,Chapter 9.12,and the Heath and Safety - - Code,Second 25532(e)P, _ HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) `d.l - [_]Yes Y ❑N VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) PAID - -' f ip t - Dab Recoipt# Will id[heit malt future building occupant ase equip n nt deo ccs whish milt bazaN us air come'mno t as defined by the Bey'Arav Air Q alit)Management BOILER=COMP(3HP OR 100,000 BTO),. - TOTAL: - Dillrmt? I I - BOILER-COM ❑Yes CIN. - _ - ' 1 have l the hmatdousmaterial,4equiremeous older Chapter 6.95 or the Cali AIR CONDITIONER' reaISSUANCE DATE - famia Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.I a.&pater I that if the NEW RESIDENTIAL1 L MECH. SQ F1'. I _ luddingdoesnotcurc ly vca bnan4 that It is mymspansibility muotify the occupam f th imments w art et poor to issuance of a Cvnitlentc of cupanc + - ort' Date TOTAL:tom, - ISSUED BY: