24185 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY 9uildln Pm'cat Idm�iflraUon PF.ItMITNO e�namgnaaress: - f'S A 1 P1 [ 0�3�7 Q-1.Q�-�... (,�� I � J ncre � ' one: � p : � CITYOP�NPERTTN0.BUILDINGDNISION n _,� t � . c ^ � �� �'Jq��_. . APPLICATION I PERMIT "1 '�C 1 ' �I /f` BUILDINGFI,EC7RICALPLUMWNGMECHAMCAL CA7'EGORY CONTROLN ArcA en r. Uc No: L G'" �I � BUILDINCPERMITINFO 1 � � � t Q'R' ELECTRiCPERMIT FE8 � Addrcaa: � � � P�UATISSUANCE ^" – ICFNSEDCONTR CTO 'SD�.CWMTI N IFercbyafflrmtlWlamllcrnudunderpravWoneofChapeer9(mmmenc A7'P�IANCESRFSIDEN77AL JOB�FSCRO'170N IngwltASect1on7000)afDiWsion3oflheBu n a Pmtevian� e,andmy . liccneelaln rce ndd(ect-----�r���� PAN�S LlreneeCl LIc.X � � f - , ��� ale Conhactor ; �TK MC IiECTSDECLA ATIO p�'����' �7. I undentand my plam e 11^ 1�ypub�recgd OVEIt 1000 AM79 SQ.fT.FLOOR AREA 5/SQ.F7. � 8� UN� � Licensedl'ro(ealonel 9GNSELEC7RICAL � �i ON'NQR-BUILDER DECW RATION G a� SI'ECIALCIXCUIT/MLSC I Z�.,7N Ihercbya(OrmlhatlameaempfromtheConlocloleLlcenmlawfmtM1e o qqq following reason.6eGlw 9m15,Buvinem and ProfevaloneCodc:My dry or CZ�� oountywhlchrequlm�pertNtrom�ulrua.alter.Impmve,demolbA.orrepalr T��'•MEIFRORI'OI,EINSf. �,� anyetructurcptlormllaleaancqaborequimthecpplianHonuchpermitto �a� fik a elgned rtatement that M le Iiceneed puramnl b tM provlsloiu of the �W�R DEV(CES �p� ContnRarbGcewelaw(CIu er9(mmmencin Ith5ect1on7000 o(Divl- � gw � SWP1MINGIVOLELCCTRIC alon3oflheBuelnceemdl'mlemia�uCode)m�hathebevem there(romand �ALUA710N ��6 5 the baein(m the alleged exemptbn. Any Walallon o(SMIon 7Q715 by any 0[J7LE'ISSN7TCHPS}7X['URFS �D/�r� ❑ °PPIlcantforaperMbubjectetAeapplkantloadvllpenaltyMnatmorctFan •V �.IC/ �� fivehundredddlan($50�. �WµG57DFN7iALGLEC7'2_SQ.67', STOW15 7Yl'ECONS'1'ItUCT10N � �I,ce owrmr o(tFe property,or my employeea with wagee aa Ihelr uole mpeneaHwy wllldolhe wwk and tFeatmcwm le noHnleMed or offered(or ��O vle�5ee7094,BueLicaeandPmfenb�uCade:TheContranoleLire�elaw . � �js� doesnotepplymanownero(propatywhobulWeorimpravnlFereoryand OCGGROUI' RES.UNITS F whodaeneuchworkhlmsel(orthraughNeownemployees,providedthateuch ', improvemcnbarcnotln(endedoralfcredtoreale.I(,Amveveqthebulldingor 7 improvemsntVeoldwithinoneyeamfcomplelloqthemvner-bullderwlllhave . �ryc_p�,rdeno(pmvingthatMdldnmbuildorlmpmve(orpurprneo(saleJ. Q1y, PLUMBINGPERMIT � FEE �000rvrae nrN LJ��e mvner of the pmpmty,em eacluelvely wnlnaing wlth Iimneed mntncmnmmreWtttM1epmjM(Sec.7014,9uelnmandProfeeaW�uCode: �'�RISSUANCH �.. The Contnc[or'e Llcenee Iaw dcea not epply ro an owner M pmpeky who pLTHLDRAIN k VFM-WATQt(EA) W Ilde ar Imprweo thercory and who rontncte !or euch p�okRo wlth • cqN(actor(e)IlmnrdpunwntrotFeConhanmhLlreneeLaw. BAIXFI,OWPROTECT.DEVICE FEESUMMAAY LJ 1 am ezempl under Sec B k P C (or tFb reawn Owner DRAINSFl.00RRODP.ARCA,�ND. SAMTARY Y N_ � Dae rc RECE�'f N WORKMANCOMPF]VSATIOND[CLARATION }�•��SI'ERTR�P I�� $C7i0OLTAX Y N ❑1 hercby e((Irm thal I hrve�mMl(lote of romm�t to�d4lneu or• RFGm'1'M <ertlflatmfWorken'ComperwtloNrmunnaonani(ledropylhemof(Sec. GASEA.SYSfFMdINGdOU7LE1'S 3800,IsbCJ PARKPEE Y_ N_ Pollry N GAS FA.SYSIFM.OVLR d(FA) RECFII'f M Com any 9UILDINCDIVISIONFG[5 [�Certlfledcopylaherebylurnlehed. • GR2ASC/INWSTRLWASCEIM'PltCFPTOR PLANCHGCKPGE �Cetllfied copy 6 flled wlth Ihe tlty Iwpe<lon divlalon. I CENTIFIGTEOFI➢(EMPf10NFROMWONKLRS' C�S��� PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE �}yER SAM7•ARY SNRMEA 2p0IT. D�tC+ RCtt'Ipl# RM1ia eecUon nred na be comple[etl I(IM1e permlc b(orone hundred dollam . ' (s�ao>o�i��,.l WATFltHFATQ2W/VENT/ELEC7R CNBRCYPBE -Y N ImrtllythallntheperfortmnttoftFewmklorwhichtAlepertnl�labsued, — — I shall not employ any peraon In any rtunner n a.�m bemme ubktt lo�he WA7.Qt SR,S�EM/7AFA,�NG worken'Compenaatlonl�weolGlllamh. Date [�AID 0 Z Appllant NEWRE4DEN77ALPLMB._�.FI. �ate ReCel [A Z p NO'fICETOAI'I'LICAM:If,akermakinglhisCertlOcateofFxempHon,you � shwldbemmeeubjectlotheWorkere'Compe�uatlonprov4loneoftheLabor TO�'A�.: N CodGyoumustfonhwlthmmp1yw11heuchpmvBlavorth�perMtsFallbe W > e��a re�or<a. DING � �� a � CONSTRUCf10N LINDING ACFA'CY SEISMIC FGE t Ihercbyaf(irmlhat�FereLsam�utruelanlendingagency(ortAepeAomm �� ELC�R�CI�.0 � Z anceoftheworkforwFichthlepermitbWUN(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) V O �nderiName � - � PLUMBINCFEE �• LLF [e�dcreAddrev Q7Y. MECAANICALPERMIT �E MECFIANICALFEE U .ImrtlfythatlFuvcreadtFtvapplimtlonaMpatelhattheabovelnlomutlon � W isrorrtxl.lagreerocomplywllhalldtyandmuntyoNinanmandrtahlaws �'�MCfLSSUANCE �' �$E$[�AT�: } a relatingmbulldingco�uW�tlaryandAerebyauthorlumprcsntativeeo(thle - r Z cltymenlerupontMabovcmentlonedproperty(orlr�apMlonpuryoan. ALTQtORADDTOMEC7{. D3tC RttCi td U _ (We)�grce lo eave,ind fy an d keep harMeee tFe Clty of Cvpertino P agalntl bNUn,' • ezpen whichmaylnaywa amue A7RFWN�LINCUMT(fOt0,000CFTl) SUBT�TAL' _ �i �ry+ o i � ami.a t p�RHANDUNGUMT(OVQt10,000CIM) CONSTRUC170NTAX � �gwm ! p �c�UCom�a r c Dc7inU5THooD hv/DUC� CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HA2ANDOUS MATERIALS DISCIASON Wlll�heapplinmortuturcbulldingom�pantetomorhnndlehvzrdoue �'�Fi�i'MCUMT('IUIO�,OWHN) matetlalaedeMedbytheCupertlnoMunlcipalCode,Chaptcr9.t;andthe _ D2t2 RCCCI't) Health and Safety Code Section 25531(a)7 HFATING UMT(OVFJ{1 W,000 BTIn TO � Ycs �]No WIIlthezppOnntorfumrcbuildingoc�vpantuseequipmentordevicee VFN77LATIONFAN(SINGLERESIU) ISSUANCEDATE which eMt lu�ardoua alr rontaM�ums ae de(Ined by tAc Bay Area Alr • QuatilyManagementDlsinR7 BOILHR�COMP(3F0'OR100,0009T1A Yca ❑No FavcrcadthefivardommaterlalsrequlremenbunderChapler6.95of ROIL82COMP(OVI7i100,000B7U) �� the Cali(ornla Health h Safety Cotle,Setllon.s 25505,25533 and 25534. I �O understandtFatl(Ihebulldingdocenotmrrentlyhaveatenant,thatltkmy NhVJRFSIDEM7ALMECH. SQ.IT. ^� eapamibllityrondlfytheo¢vpanta(ihertqulrcmenlawhichmustbemet J /� 4 priortoLuuanmo(aCcrtlfioMofOccvpanry. /" � OwnerorauthorluCagent. ' Dae ISSUGDBY:G�LUh�5,g9�_ OFFICE COPY