01080077 CITY OF CUPERTINO nutuotNc DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR;INFORMATION: a BUILDING ADDRESS PERMIT NO 20060 RODRIGUES ## 8J WALDRON CONSTRUCTION COM ANY01080077 APPLIc TIO UB ATE ° WAIILTMORE APARTMENTS- 73 HERBERT LANE 0812801 PHONE: SANITARY NO. - CONTROL NO. i (408) 377-8186 BUILDING PERMIT INFO t�i O O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BLDG ELECT PLUMBMECH E- ¢u�i 8?i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob Description o-z=p Ihereby affirm that Iam licensed under provision.,of chapter 9(cammen<ing INTERIOR RENOVATION. F,;,l-.m with Section 7m0o1of Divisma3 of Bueinessand Professions Cade.and my license c,.-< is in full force and effect. (REMODELED KITCHEN & BATH,' NEW WASHER/DRY, S . License Clan Lie.M K o,, Date Coati for WALL A/C, FLOOR COVERING. ) ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION o-,0 1 anderaand my plans snail be used as public records cri utt ce C p.0 -Licensed Professional - c 6z OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION �u 1 hereny affirm but I am exempt from the Con ractor'.s Liame Law for the following reason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Proleo ions Code:Any city or county' Met p whicheq issuance.raiit to construct alter,improve,demolish,or repair any saveuve se 3 ei ..p. Permits,titapplicantf such penritt fl signed statement --�.I - - door be dp trthprevisions of C tract..L e L (Chapter9 ;Sq. Ft..Floor Area _ $346 N"Ouatlon n (co menc ag with Section 7WO)of Div s t n 3 t f he Business and Profession,Code)or that he is exempt therefrom:md the bmis for the alleged exemption,Any violation f Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a porea t subjects the appl'mnnr to a civil penalty /000mnthan eve hundred cup... SSW). 3 6 98FAY8Vl0 Occupancy Typee werorhe Property,ar my employees with wages Yx their sole compensation, will do the inwork.and the stnemre is am,intended or offered cr sale(Sec.7044, 101 - FOUNDATII� Busess and'Piorewme,Cade:The Contractor's License uired Law does act apply to an Inspections owner ofproperty Whbuilds p thereon,and who does such workit If 102 - PIERS or through his own employees.provided tit t suall' P t t intended or'officred for 1 If.however. it building r improvement is sold w ithaty f _ 1 UFER the msm,,mmkh,,n r p rp 104 REBA R as owner arrive property.can exclusively contracting Ithlt od1 1 105 — SER _B �._..-Z. project(See, D4Business and Ponde:)The Crac`tr's 106 WER & WATERcast h awrartna)1inmanowdPwhabudsTo . Ma d tsn pra T temL L nae oaPc rthnsreson 203 - .UNDERFLOOR'MECHANICAli o amp 1 . _. Dare o m 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME WORKER'S WS ° 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION ',. I hereby affirm under penalty of Perjury one or the following declarations: 3 01 - ROUGH PLUMBING ' 0 I have and will maintain a'Certificate at C...art tP self-insure far Worker's 3 02 - TUB & OR SHOWER - Compensation, as provided for by+Sectmn 37M of the Labor nate, far the 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL .'1arr of the work f nthis p tissued, - o I hose and will m t w xers Carafferearpon insurance as rats red by Sectio 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL 3700 of the Labor Cuske,fartheperformance of the work for which this permit N 3 05 - FRAME issued.Mr Workers c pv , , Insurance i cy No and P 1 y n r are: ' „ . . 306 - HOLDOWNS .. .....,..,.. o. + CERTIFICATION OF,EXEM PTION FROM WORKERS' 3O7 '.INSULATION l f pxs xect da nail not hi carimlatcd one permit is nr. a<h 3 0 9 EXEETROCK_ _ COMPENSATION INSURANCE308 unfired dollars (Sl Wl ar less.) T'SRIOR LATH ' ldeworkfrrwhich to rmanawoued.I 310 . INTERIOR•• LATH bill not employ an n' p 1nP 311 - SCRATCH `COAT I ,: Data Compensation any fC 11 a:ohm ,... . Applicant � .. . . . �,. ..313 ROOF .NAIL.. ......., ..... ........ .... ._ ...... _.:--- fNOTICE TOAPPLICANT:It,ff. -making n..cnfeatafe -pf ,younuld 501 FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY ' z beemame,tobjecturneW kers Cnaffer,aluenpno iml,mth Labor Code,you nus' O forthwith comply wthch provisions or this permit shall be deemed ravolkad. 502 FINAL PLUMBING -ENERGY HO ': cONSTRLCT1ONLENDING AGENCY503 FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY' I picarby affirm that thconstructionle,duag ag ,fir for the parfor sante f the work lor which th recruit,ssissued rs ,a m o 7.Civ C1 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY O:z Lew ndare`x , . ` . ......5.06 ...-- GAS TEST , AL,. _. . . ...__... . . . . ... ... . aft " 9 505 FINAL_.ELECTRIC UoQ �cae,Iasince to comply wi omplyvithallcitya"nd county o,linoand nl Istate lawr relating s 507 - FINAL PLUMBING constru<tmna,dhereby aumonicmpresemativesormiscity toenter open 508 - FINAL MECHANIC AL to building the:mase-n mioned progeny[or lnspemmn purposes.. rwe erect.suse indemnify and keep harmless the City 6r cupenlno against 509 - FINAL GRADE - F`V] 1 mems lost,,ad.expam Inch may is a y y e,agalmt said v cry tie come g.rth 510 - F NAL L I A PI I;AN U J' STA DS AND WILL COMPLY WITH At -PO �y, R c�.AT 'ssr . . O Issued Date 'p t eatpylic. ,/C cror.r,.. ' ' te" Re-roofs HAZAR US'b1ATERIALS DISCI OS URE Will the tjipliarat or future builikilie occupant store or handle hausindiaLs material -'Type of.Roof L _.,.. ... defithe coven Municipal C 1 Chapter 9 12d theHealth and Safety Coded S Sce i(e,3553 U '. °v °" All roofs shall be,inspected prior to.any.roofing material.being installed.-. . AVill the imphoull I.,...hadtfing a,r,aai ,a ampi,priamor dies loch' If a roof is installed'without first obtaining an'ibspectton;'Fagree to remove emilhazardous an t n l­,s deproulby he 13Area Air Q hl,MancoNmard • rating? all new materials.for inspection., Applicant understands and will comply with °t` q". all non-point source regulations._ , tf.,. , 1m�read mate nk I ems d Chapter m95 or the: Cali i Health@SafeyCL a,Sects 2550525533and 25534,l,rnaround that r .if th'bi ding does, t neb,ly hive at- y ospois,b,r'ym notify the. - ... . . - ._. . . ..._ .. . .. .. -.. .._ .. .,. .... _ . m;ttiot h is m t.a< Pa of "46i ancer,which most be met prior mc of b C ''i1 to aL Do p ' �j/�Z O� Signature ofAppli_cant Date 'o tie 'mmlicopi eat .Date All roof coverings to be Class `Bs'or better . OFFICE .. ... ._ _. ..