38687 7449 ROLLINGDELL DR LZI\ �nf,�"�, P—KP4-7f( .( Building Permit Confirmed ❑ Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING and/or GAS PIPING PERMIT Date_....wev...... ----- ... I Permi+ No.... � ...Q.... --------------- The undersigned hereby ma p sli n o t PI Ins or of the City of Sen Jose for a permit to install plumb' q e r arse side. Exemption from requirem or 'to o aliforma f r Conf or's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner ❑ sta}emonf filed 7� Undersigned attests that his $tate of Cal iforni o tor's Lic se is in full force end effect and properly authorize tZ �Q n. San Jose City Business License # I certify that in the performance of fhe work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER )�22 ' 2!211Z )';>2 eZ,) ADDRESS G y Ci Lot No. USE OF BUILDING Signed 0-401n' 7449 ROLLINGDELL DR ACE C oo p o f 1o D C o S T O O N ° p ° p 0 7C r SN, W 4 E O p 9 0 =' O p N N N p O O p p O ��j' O• T C y > p V' N 1/1 N N N N p 1 nN n R N N C N n N N R R A 4TTTMIT N 0 T m m W D W 9 W 9 W 9 T N p ZE (/N r T V! Z N 1 N 1 N 4E Z E ; T D G'1 o A A 0 m A o Z T m