TC 12-04-02Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
December 4, 2002
Chair Sal Algeri called the meeting to order at 7:28 p.m.
Commissioners present: Sal Algeri, L.T. Guttadauro, Ernest Tsui,
Commissioners absent: Reggie Duh6, David Eggleston
Staff: Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren
Guests: Bob Haber, Linda Grodt
Public Access Grant Request from The Better Part - Four members (Ronald Moore, Chuck
Johnson, Diane Bennedetti and Val Jeffrey) of The Better Part were present to answer questions. The
commission questioned the group on the itemized costs in the proposal. After discussion, Algeri made
a motion to accept the proposal for $250 as submitted, Guttadauro amended the motion to increase the
grant to $312. Tsui seconded the motion for the increased mount and the motion carded. All in favor.
Review of educational grant applications - Fremont High School, Lynbrook High School,
Cupertino High School. Paul Stout presented the proposal request for $7,483.94 from Fremont High
School. Marie Jackson presented the proposal for $26,000 from Lynbrook High School. Bill Boggie
presented the proposal for $9,825.00 from Cupertino High School. The commission agreed to discuss
the selection of the recipient of the grant request at the end of the meeting.
Oral: The Commission presented the COPA award to Val Jeffrey.
Written: Kitson said the three letters included in the packet were self-explanatory.
Reports from:
City of Cupertino: Kitson reported the city is still not receiving monthly reports from AT&T.
The last one we received was in August.
AT&T: No report.
De Anza College: Guttadauro announced the winner of the COPA award was Valerie
Jeffery. She is from the Better Part. She won this year's COPA award with her program entitled
"Earthquake in E1 Salvador." This show was also a first place winner in the 2002 WAVE awards.
Haber reported the last producer's meeting was held on December 2. He said they
continue to cover community events and stories. The most recent coverage was the dedication of De
Anza's new Science building and the 35* Anniversary of De Anza football. Haber said they continue to
move forward toward automation. The most recent purchase is a hard disk recorder and event
controller. This will allow up to 22 hours of automated playback with on-air traffic programmable over
the internet.
Guttadauro made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Tsui seconded the motion. All
in favor. Motion passed unanimously.
L.T. Guttadauro nominated Ernest Tsui for Chair. Sal Algeri seconded the motion. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Ernest Tsui nominated L.T. Guttadauro for Vice Chair. Sal Algeri seconded the motion. All in
favor. Motion carded.
Activities Calendar. Ernest Tsui will attend the December tea with the Mayor. Sal Algeri will
attend in January and L.T. Guttadauro will attend in February.
Action Item List: One action item was added to the list. That item is to modify the educational
grant paperwork deadline dates and require the applicants to attend the commission meeting and give a
brief presentation.
Review of educational grant applications - Fremont High School, Lynbrook High School,
Cupertino High School. The commission reviewed the three applications presented by Fremont,
Lynbrook and Cupertino High Schools. The commission decided to narrow the choices down to two
schools. Ernest Tsui made a motion to eliminate Cupertino High School. There was no second, so the
motion died. L.T. Guttadauro made a motion to eliminate Lynbrook High School. There was no
second, so the motion died. Sal Algeri made a motion to eliminate Fremont High School. No second
was made, so the motion died.
The commission continued to discuss the pros and cons of each application. Algeri made a
motion to grant Cupertino High School $3,250 with the condition that they confirm they have digital
camcorders available to do the project and they are still willing to do the project with the reduced
funding. The second part of the motion was to grant Lynbrook High School $6,750 to buy three laptops
and upgrade their server with the condition they have funding to do the rest of the project and are still
willing to do the project with reduced funding. Tsui seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
Algcri made a motion to adjourn thc m¢ctin$ at 9:52 p.m. Guttadauro seconded thc motion and
thc motion passed unanimously.
City Clerk