03040094 CITY OF CUPERTINO ",,OR BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT k_XONTRACT,QRaINFORMATION'� SS.���. ;x O EUI6DSN ff"ta,WfA. LUCIA RD AHMED DWIDAR PERMIT NO.03040094 AMW"lVlD71 EDWIDARl7 PenmrrLSSI1EDAlE /2003 E: SANITARY NlOJ.4 CONTROL NO. ARCHITECnENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH jGo LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I Job Description IF 1 hereby afOrm Ihes I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(mmmcncin{ p - s� with Section 70rl))uf Division Sof the Business and Professions Com.and my license is n oPill eneClass derzect. REPLACE iJ Licence Clans Conti 7 F Dem Cumrsdor gg ARCHITECTS DECLARATION f 2 I underutanJ my plans ahail be uuJ u public records t Si cG Licensed Professional 7 3 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION d OOI hereby maso .(fere that 11. exempt from be CanCos License law for the I p O following reunn.(Section 703 coon. Business and Professionsde Coot:Any city or county _ 5$ which myuims a permit re enniwm,slier,nt rrow,dconsitt or recede any atrucmre prior-iy that he incensed galso uantto res the provisions of ear such Connermitmfento Law(ata¢mem [�< m mountingsedpuntion7 thepmvivision3ortheBuucestandcnselawlChapter 9uts)or Sq.Ft. Floor Area �glg�fion p that he ,examwiththerefrom and the Division r the the alleged euantl Profeson.Any late.or ��$ that he ie exempt therefrom and Ne buts for Ne alleged exemption.Any vinlatlon of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects Ne applicant to a civil penalty of 3 ABJ4 DIO)Mr O O Occupancy Type not marc Nan five hundred dollen(5500). I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole coopenatin, will do one work and the ewctme is not imended offered for sale(See.IDN,Business 101 - FOUND and Proressions Code:The mm ConcYs Licevdao m e law s apply m an owner of d Inspections property who builds Or improves dumin.and who doessuch work himselfor through his 102 — PIERS own employees,provided that each improvements am not intended ororfemd for als.If. 103 — UFER however.the building or improvement s sold within one year of completion.Ne owner- wilder will haw the bums.of proving Oat he did not wild or improve for purpose of 104 — REBAR am,)' 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS ❑1.as the p of Ice progeny,am exclusively contracting with:)TheeComm Comment's m centuva does no, apply to aowner of and Profusionsds or The Convenor:Li- 106 — SEWER & WATER emusLaw tlocsnoupplmkcm with aofpropenywho censed arrant in Ban themContrn.actor's 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING who conu¢u for such projeeu with a conuutoKH licensed pursuant m tbe Convacrs e^a Law. 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL tun exempt uncle sec. Bk PCfor this recon 204 - - UNDERFLOOR FRAME r w. KM A NDECLAR "d,4111103 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION archyerrrmenderPenaltyofperjuryoneofinernuowingdecl.rations: 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING ❑I have and will maintain a Cenifeam of Conant to selbinsum for Worker's Cooper. 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER radon,as pmvidcd for by Section 3700 of the labor Code,for the performance of the 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL work for which Nis pesmh is issued. ❑I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL 3700 of the LawrCook,for the performance of the work for whim this perms is issued. 305 — FRAME My WmkeYa Consternation luunnce carrier and Polity number tae: 306 — HOLDOWNS Cartier. CERTIFICATE OFEXEMPTION MOM WORKERS' 307 — INSULATION COMPENSATION INSURANCE 308 — SHEETROCK CThh accarm need roc be mmrlcmd if the permit is for..a hundred dollars($100) 309 — EXTERIOR LATH nrlual I coldly Nut in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued.I shall nut 310 — INTERIOR LATH employ any person in any manner an as to become subject to the Worker'Compensation 311 — SCRATCH COAT Lew.or California.Data Applicant 313 — ROOF NAIL NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If.after making this Ccnifcata of Exemption,you should 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY become subject to he Worker:Compmuslion provisions of the Lacer code,you mull 7Zforhwithcomplywithsuchprovisinuorchisremthshallbeaccruedmvokes. 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY zo CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY I hereby affirm that them its construction lending agency for the performance of 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY q X F>-t the work for which this permit I.issued(Sce.3(197,Civ.C.) 4 Lenders Name 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL Lenders Add. 506 — GAS TEST ;,)p 1 certify that I have read this application and sum Nal the shove information is 507 — FINAL PLUMBING w+ Correct.I&&Me to comply with a 11 city and county ordinances and sem laws relating to building eumwcuon,and hereby amhorim repesenutivu of this city to enter upon the shove-mentioned property for laureation purposes. rN — FIN L MEC ICAL ? y (We)all.I..w,indemnify and keep harmlessthe city orcupenim,against cn Ilabilities,judgoonts,coats and expenses which may in my way accrue against aid City ,Z in consequence of the granting or this Permit. �OU NGAPPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-P01 Issued by: C WORKSDa SOURCULATION . << Re-roofs ign w A u rector Dem HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or future building Occupant store or handle haamuus material as de(Innd by the Caperton Municipal Cudc,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Com.sectio.25532(a)? ❑Yat IAll roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or future building occupant use,equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit huardou.air contaminants as defied by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? ❑Yes �Nu Illave reed the waaNtms materials requirements under ChaPmri.95 of the Califoo- iia H..IN,SafetyCodc,Somans 8505,35533 and 25534.1 undcmmM Not i0w wilding dura nal m nay hew a tanam,that h is my responsihility m notify Ice occupant of Ne iequimmen whit ualbem pammissumceofa Cenricamof Oecupanty. Signature Of Applicant Date ow nri,e,dagent ( am All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better