05010028 CITY OF CUPERTINO Tg�,. >/�s ,^^ry. +, �n + ` ' i,:�" k';1 BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT TsIn0L�T 11kA T,0RANF A'' ATIpN'`�� . , lkk�`xk fi,e:'N s k@1N.,h •,av� ram-%•rd a�' .,� UILDING ADDRESS: ANTIQUE TERMITE & PEST PERMIT NOO 5 010028 723 SANTA T.lJrTA RT) NER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE MAXINE BECKER 1913 STONE AVE oi /or /�loos ONE: SANITARY N0, CONTROL NO. (408) 995-6300 ARCHITEC(ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MUCH l00 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ib Description �+ 1 Mmby afarm that 1 am IiceuOeSCrIp ed under previsions of Chapter 9(Commencing i with Section 70001 of Division 3 of NC Business and Professions Code,and my license is infull-ore enseClesudercec'' TERMITE REPAIR L lyag icensemLica et• Dam Contractor 4 C ARCHITECTS DECLARATION / i I understand my plms shall he used u public records cep Licensed Pmfcssionel OatNEm exempt DECLARATION ^ J0y I Wmhy affirm that 1 1. eaempl from the Contractor's License Law for 1W 00 followwhichinguiresa permit 7lDLS,Businai and improve, de use Coot:Any city structure which myuimaae,Also requires construct,since,Improve,ticermitt,orrepaira signdatmcture zy priermits iensedpaluantto res provisions r applicsor forbe,such ConpermtuLicense Law(Chapter 2 •c that heencingwJpuuuan70the 00)ofDiviounflWComnctuu.ndProfsJon%CodlCr9 Sq:Ft. Floor Area Valuation j,SpyS (commis exempt Section7000)the Division nflWBed exemption. Any Cadc)ser 3� that he is exempt Nemfrom and Ne buts for Ne alleged esemptlan.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant our a permit subjects the epplicanl to a civil penalty of 344�N`?t"crO 0 Occupancy Type not mom Nu five hundred dollar,(5500). - ❑L u owner of the property,ar my cmplaycu with wage u Heir axle compenution, will do the work.and dmanew.is net intended Oroifertd fanele(Sec.7144.Buineas Required Inspections and Professions Cade:The ConuacroYa Lictue Law docs not apply to m owner of q p propeny who builds orimprowa thereon,and who daasuch work himselforthrough his own employer;provided that such Improvements see not intended oralfered ferule.IL however,the building or improwmenl is sold within one year of completion,the owner builder will haw the burden of proving that he did not Wild.improve for purpose of tile.). has owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed COOMICLOCS 10 Construct the pmject(Sec.7004,Business and Professi9u Code)The Contractor's Li. esus law ties not apply m m owner of progeny who Wilda or impmva thereon.and w 0 contracts for such projects wit a conuanar(Q licensed punuanl in she Contractor's . on.Law. s�a(/e/myy ujnnd�dy�eery/r See. .B PC for that tomo r T /a/'M 111 C//a Gi'Lbr'1',; am _ WOMER'S SAT( TIO I hereby affnm under petWty of perjury aro of the following declanriou: ' 1 have snd will maintain a Cenlfiam of Continua wlf-insum for Worker'SCOmpcm aside,u pmvid of for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code.for Ne performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ❑1 have and will maintain Weaker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section TOO of the Labor Code,for the performance of Om work for which this Permit Is Issued My Workah Camisemation Insurance carrier and Policy number art: ' Cartier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF MEMP71ON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Tbla section need not W completed If the permit is forone hundlnddollara(SIM) ort .) I ceni( Nu in the Performance of one work for which this Y pc is Issued.l Nall not employ any person!ninny menncrm u m become Wcome subject to rW Workers Compcua0an Laws of Cdifomla.Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: r'aftermakingthat COnonsof of Exemption,you should Wcomesubjecth comp y it Worker's Com s or Oil Permit sou of the m Wr Cnde,you must �O forthwith comply with Cosh prnvulnu or Nis permit Mall Wdeemed mvnked. ti CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby alarm that then its Conatmedim lending agency for the performma of x a the work for which this penult h Wired(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) 33 Q lender's Name3. z Ltnder't Address J0 1 unify Nat I ban mad this application and sum Net the show information is y CORCCL I agree to Comply With all city and county oNlnalues and stem laws muting to building construction,iogand hereby tuNorimmacess. tiws of this city to enterupon dm It7 above-mentioned agree pto onysaw for indemnify an purposes (WO)agree to sew,indemnify and keep harmless � Omy Cupertino against in0e hcosts expenses may in my wtcenss agena send City conIuenefte this APPLCANTUNDERSTANDSAND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE�RR//EGULATIONS. iaiae2 '1 r'6 n �r_d✓N i-/'t l 0� Re-roofs atypnurc ol�an tactor Dam IUSMATERIALSOISCLOSIIRB� Type of Roof Will Nc applicant or future building occupant stow nrltmdb�avuduus material e0nOd by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Clupmr 9.17,and the Health and Safety e,Seed 75537(1)7 - All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing materia/beinginstalled. Yu r Will the apPlicam or fuwrc WIIJing occupant use cyuipmem or Jcvica which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove it harardnus air C uannum is u defnod by rhe Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. isulcl7 ❑Yea u C� IhewicaiNtharaldousmsmrialsrequiremcntsunder Chepmrii.95ordwadifor. nin Health&SafctyCDdc,SeNou M505,75533.dl55M.1undcmandthatifNc Wilding duo Our currently hew it Comm,that tr is my rmpouibility m notify the occupant of the ter nuwhichmusIbe I tovavanaeneertintameaapaney Signature of Applicant Date toner uname see m1 m All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better