2630 • •' G I .. LOT N0.. �� � a z APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Y ° AU 23 9 � clTv Or UPF.RTINO c 0 a Sanitary No.�_ U te /wo�f" .� 196 Permit No. 02 •-��� o Application is hereby made for a permit to G'e7a'sJi-.uG7`— a a In a / story,Type 5 7T Building w ato be occupied only as /gsz, .YCP 0 o in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. Estimated Value of Improvements, $ /B QM Fee$ 3"7 oa z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of 0 Cupertino will be complied with. 3Q - m Owner Qv/ /adios Address{ lJ.x' e3y w Z Wf By AIdr s 3 r ¢ a a U ottr / —OcXYJ Approve Ph State License i9a669 ,r "'n DIN° I....c''ON 'Y /� /� RECORD OF INSPECTION PPROVALS FOUNDATION p 3 DATE INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR c/'?"-� - DATG INSPECTOR FRAME 11-13 - 3 DATE v • INSPECTOR ATH apli PLASTER ���— 33 DATE INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. DATE // INSPECTOR FINAL F.LEC. ��` — `4 I DeATG J INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. � / INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATG INSPECTOR 104 Q, � � ST4EF.T � LOT NO. APPLICATIr' FR PLUMBING PERMIT w - SEP 11 IS63 CITY Or CUPRRTINO x o ,,� Sanitary No. 0U Date .'t i_/_L!' P- x•1963 Permit No = LL ll Fee $ �� 0 LL W Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing o a id fixtures pipes an /or listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices i H and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. 2 LL Use of Premises 00 — > 0 o a Owner�yA�/� Giell.Gfi� Address ZJ �/ o By /'„L�C�JGEI/ GO Address AO",;W. 44~ 3 r CONTRACTOR,AGENT — m Phone. leEA -2A 20 wz ao State License � Approved C( 1 E� i PLUMBING INSPECTOR m55 :!na!t § ) \ ( r $ % E \ ! § � & � : % ■ ; , - k � lit \ -j-0T r@f rrKLA � 2wwek �� ) ® a ' 2E £ E ° > n ■ E " q § £ 00 / } , ee � � � oo " wE ad ! E k ` ] 220 2 ; NQ ■ o * I � « G E > ] ° . Q � . LOT NO, 9.3 NO. � _r.— .._ti\ APPLICATION FOR GAS PERMIT w = SEP It 1963 Ct Z �- TYjiOP CUPERTINO E Y � LL '. 3 ¢ Date I `10(d Permit No. � i W : I Y U r'� Fee $_/SO o Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes o a and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes iand/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City aw of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. 0 a Use of Premises 00 oa Owner A.)AV-D ef.&VM/O Address Z JG.eOt✓Ifi/ GDI = O By CON'lIZACTOR, AGENT Address /V;i1�I 1�I'V 3 � - W Phoneh �26zo W Z ���.r<- o /669o'pl Approved C 0 - Q� u s State License --/6 U PLUMBING INSPECTOR oo 0 p7 o. 9 v o� N o z N N z w 2 ry 3 n \ n l O� w n LOT VOCT PPLICe4TION � ,R ELECTRICAL �PERAAI�> o 0 < 9 196: 1 F CUPERTINO W0 3 0 LL W Date "—,195— Permit No. oaS Fee h < a Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical W wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 0 o wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the 5 City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. 0 1_ oa z Use of P ises J 0 3 Q OwAddress 1 N W Z a a _ Address a 0 NTRACT/O R, AGENT Approved —U Phone: ' if 5//�/ pp ELECTRICAL INSPEG7W y� State License; �la 6 _ // NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit--- L� ......Number of Outlets........... . . .......... 1. � Size Service Wires...... .......Number of Switches---------------- ....�.. .._..__ dJ R—O Size Service Switch..�� '....Number of Receptacles............ ..... . . `& ''� Size Sub Feed Conduit..................Number of Fixtures.................. .�..(--- ---------- -------------- Size ------------ Size Sub Feed Wires--------------------Ranges.......... .._ KW.............. ......... . ._..._-- ------�-- Number of Circuits................... Oven ----Z...... KW-.--------- ------ ---------- -------7i Number of Meters...--- ..............Signs.......... Transformers........ .......... ---------- -------------- Misc.._.....-.r---------------....;/. Dryers-..../........ .--------------- ------ �......... ....... Motors...e-------------- HP...Y................ Phase---- --------------- Motors-------------------- HP----------------- Phase.................... Perini[ Fee I$1 00 { Motors------------- --- HP-------------------- Phase.......... .. _ .--. H P Charge---------------- `✓'✓ Ar TOTAL FEES VV O OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wirinl / - - ---..S,.. .... ..... Fixtures ....----_.. ........ --------- ----- D TX IN]PECTOR DSTE INSPECTOR Finish Wiring .... ...�--- - - Motors ........ ......- �- -.. ...............-- DET[ IX]PE"OR ^^ _ �q�TE .I. . NSP[CTOR Final----.-,--I'-'--. . OSTE INSPECTOR Tract # 150_ LOT NO.-Lot-'3193 NO. STREET 11\ F R APPLIANCE PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO OST 10 1969 _ Date 8 Oct. 1963.. Permit No. /� s Fee $ ZOO — NApplication is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install cn gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 0 r-1 appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Res , u Owner �Camino Del Homes Address P. 0. Rox 6?I�_.__ BYE C"z�/�� Address Cupertino CONTRACTUR, GENT Phoney / " �i6S Approved 1 PLUMBING INSPECTOR N G� w L) m n C� E n G" G7 w rt O R G' 0 -------- ------— B m ; O A n 04 .3 �-q GASrZVIC NOTICE OFFICE BUILDING 'INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO _...... ��. �.. ..... _...... 196t Tu You are hereby ahorized to connect the AS service for Owner or Tenant ..._ ................ ................ d n / New Service ----- No. of Meters .........r......._. Reconnect .............................. Move Service ........................ No. of Add. Meters ..`........... ov Meter .......................... -`- - - - .. . ......... PLUMBING INSP CT R 110 6/63-500 ` n OFFICE COPY r ELECTRIC .SERVI,CE NOTICE cjz BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ................................ ............ ....... 196 - To You are hereby a horized to conned ele i4l ice I Owneror Tenant .......... ............................ .. ............................. ..... . .. .. .........o...... ... No, of Wires ...... ............ Size of Wires .................__. Size of Switch .......... � MotorLoad .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase .................................. HeatingLoad ........................ K. W. ... . ....................... Voltage ................................ Light...... ... 110....5 New Servk,—�....... Reconnect.................. No. of Meters-................... Heat.-...._ ... 220....... Three 'r"... Service............ No. of Add.Meters............ Power............... htree haMeter.............. ........... . . --. . ..... .... ............. ELECTRICAL INE O 104 7/63-500 TEMPORARY- GAS SERVICE �3 � y 22s� DATE: ......._._....- /..--/................................... Fee: ..��.1.....�:......--.-- OWNER: ....G ... .. .. . AT: � //() . //� l/ 1 .......... . ....... - - - •_..._.. LOT: ..�c ' _.... ... _ .. tf-� ' FEB 113 1964 .. j ----------------------------------- --- -- REASON: .... ....- .......... ...�a..---CUPERT.,^. The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the gas service at the above location, until the building is ready for occupancy, and is released by the Building Department, City Pf Cuperti . Phory ?S'3 "C�U' ........................ 11P1/63-500 INSPECT R TENANT OR OWNER TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE DATE: ......��h Vox------------------------- Fee: ....... ...... OWNER: ...../D . ..... .... LOT: —31 REASON: .-'X"�& —' The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the elec bO RfoTCation, until the building is ready for occupancy, and is released by the Building Department, CiA Cupertino. PMneZ S3 . .... ......... ...... .. ......... ........ .......... ... -*--- - -------------­'-D_* 5161/63-500 INSPECTOR TENANT OR OWNER I _