NO PERMIT NUMBER (5)No. No. Street T- APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No. "0d,1�1-17 Sanitary No. (o �/ Q Data � L 196 _r� pplication is hereby made for a permit to a story, p to be occupied only as in accordance with Plot Plan, Plans and Spec' c ion filed herewith, d0 Estimated Value of Improvements $ (Q 006 '- FEE$ �Sas. 3b r Plan Check $ 7 7 7s' Owner _//3// ,,Adddr--ess Contr. ��is /0 is 0/Or S Phone 8G — 3 SSG 3 State License Approved CrR 0r 4V;P. I TI R ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date 1 FEE$ Contr. Addre Phone State Appro' APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS Date r WV 9 S 196 � GAS FEES ` IcK , J �J PLUMBING FEE $ tS� a""S�'/0 Contr. 4� � ��-'rtkv Address _3"" - A. , en,4_ a Phone —a0d7e—ei State License /71ri 7 Approved �t/ q 1i j APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE Dare PERMtp c�— /(�n/' '/ c 196 1' Z FEE$ Contr. Y�-c-t-�I.�G..%l a.. e,.-Address -721V JJ2/'� Phone -� 9 7-/L' kYz State License // � ��-�� �z Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California i RECORD F INSP.EC�TI�ON APPj,OVA FOUNDATION B I DING Date UNDERFLOOR I,OOR fi FRAM 4CYL- Date AT 8p� ASTER — 24^6 , boy— 3o(— //— — Inspector F. Wector D t 16hector FINAL � Date Ins oector -LEQTRICAL I* ./7eL7 ,OUTLETS SWITCHES RECEPTACLES FIXTURES H.P. CHARGE PERMIT FEE TOTAL FEES T- IN 0. lE g49 DG RUUR INW Da3e FINISH WIRIMGT FINAL 4 1 K4 �%\ Date PLUMBING & GAS SIZE MATERIAL SIZE MATERIAI , ``LL •• L Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Wwl��� wm.M � A WATER SYSTEM SIZE TERI D TOTAL FIXTURES UNDERGROUND / FIXTURE FEE PARTIAL ROUGH 6 Dat/ee I MAIN DRAIN FEE ROUGH COMPLETE/-�—`% 1 WATER SYSTEM _l PLIANCE pector TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE CIRCULATING HEATERS REGISTERS BLOWER FURNACES COMBUSTION VENT SUSPENDED UNIT MISC GAS RANGE MISC GAS DRYER PERMIT FEE FLOOR FURNACE TOTAL FEE INSPECTED Dale Ins pe ctor No. Street f APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No.10d- "'1 1 Sanitary N Date 196 A iType cation is hereby ma for a permit to to be cupied only as in accordance with Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith Estimated Value of Improvements $ FEES Plan Check $ Owner Contr. Address Phone State License Approved APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date 196 FEES Contr, Phone Address State License Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Date I 196 % GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ �0's Cont,, y k(idress 1s.�%e2. GC/ /ti4 Phone -.37 7-e24 7e State License A Al 7 7 O 5, Approved APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date 196 FEES C ontr. Phone Address State License Approved Applicants agree not to vinlate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION BUILDING ' Date Inspector UNDERFLOOR Data Inspector FRAME Date Inspector LATH & PLASTER Date Inspector FINAL Date Ins oe ctor ELECTRICAL OUTLETS SWITCHES RECEPTACLES FIXTURES H.P. CHARGE PERMIT FEE TOTAL FEES SERVICE SIZE UNDERGROUND Inspector . Data ROUGH WIRING Inspector Date FINISH WIRING Inspector Date FIXTURES Date Inspector Motors Inspector Date FINAL Date Inspector PLUMBING & GAS MAIN DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL STORM DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL WATER SYSTEM SIZE ITERIAL TOTAL FIXTURES UNDERGROUND FIXTURE FEE PARTIAL ROUGH MAIN DRAIN FEE Date ROUGH COMPLETE Inspector STORM DRAIN FEE Dof9 MAIN DRAIN Ins pector WATER SYSTEM FEE Data GAS PIPING Inspector GAS PIPING FEE Data FINAL — or PERMIT FEE Data MISC Inspector TOTAL FEE Date MISC Inspector APPLIANCE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE CIRCULATING HEATERS REGISTERS BLOWER FURNACES - COMBUSTION VENT SUSPENDED UNIT MISC GAS RANGE MISC GAS DRYER PERMIT FEE FLOOR FURNACE TOTAL FEE INSPECTED Dote Inspector GAS SERVICE NOTICE c3PYz BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPEERTIN/O To 196..0.. You are hereby authorized to conned the GAS service for G Owner or Tenant At ...:.. .....-�Q-:..�.r .......l.............:.................... New Service No.. �of Metersp/ ........ ..... °......... No. ✓Gear Add. ............... Reconnect ............................. Move Service ....................... Move Meter ........................ L. .................. PG INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ....( ..:...- ;�f--- .............. 19..r1°....1... The Building Lomt'ed at Owned by--'��"�'''�" Has Been (�Comp For Use As: 102 12/66-IM Building Permit No. ----------------- ..--------------------`-- .....----....-------------------------- ---r..... ........ - G' d..... BUILDING INSPECTOR . 'Bldg, Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ❑ Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ['Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit N.1,0.01.17. Lot No. ------ --------------- Owner or Tenant At UZ — Tract -------- ---------- - ---------------------- ----- --- Date Connected ---- Date Final ---- - --z L> -------------------- /:7;// ------------ -------- - --- -----------------------------fed 111 12/66-IM PLU BING INSPECTOR i GAS SERVICE NOTICE OF171cl: COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO .............. ....... ............ 196? To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service forx'�A40�� Owner or Tenant .. ZArw........ A, / ..................... No. of Meters. ...... 4elz;A 97) -a4. No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter e�PqLUMBNG INSPECTOR ....... New Service .......................... Reconnect ............................. Move Service ....................... OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICF. CITY OF CUPERTINO G 196To 7. You are hereby authorized to connect lect 'cal service for Owner or Tenant ... .. __... At ....... �..�.�.�.t...�� . No. of Wires ........................ Size of Wires ---- -----... Size of h .-...._....._..._ Motor Load ------ _............ Voltage ....................:........... Yhnsc• .......... .... ..........._.... Heating Load ..._........------ ..... K. W....... ..........'---... ._ Voltage ._..........._........... No. of Meters.......Light...... . IU.... New Service_ ./._.... Reconnect..._. .._... �"-���� ���� Heat....... \ No. of Add. Meters............ f--.. 2_0... Power .........:..... Thr Pha r .....__..... Move Meter....._...._ """ + P.LECTIUCAL INSPE /OR - ` OFFICE COPY ' I` ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE f B ILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE { Y OF CUPERTINO I To I You are h gqhor�ize�d to come t electrical service for Owner or Tenant ... -.. _..-...-._..._ .........�e1.4_r-_' .. ..._........-_.......... At ... a co s�..i......�..�- ..._ ... No. of Wires ...._.._.. ...... Size of Wires . ......... Size of S tc . W77"-• I Motor Load .......................... Voltage _._....----- Phase ........ _. Heating Load -..-.................... K. W. _._..................._......-. Voltage .... _...... ..... .... - ..�fI Light_ ............. I10...._...... New S c....... .. ... Reconnect............. 'i No. of Meters-..., i _r..... �/ -.-. Heat ............._ 220... A. Three Wire... ...... Move Service...._.... No. of Add. Meters- i Power ............... h hase. ._.. Move eter......_...... .. _..... .. -. .......... .-.. ... _. ELECTRICAL INS P CTO OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSIDECTOR'S OFFICE CI F CUPERTINO ' ( ' J To u�t p11n'� c You are hereby thorized to conne a rtcal service for Owner or Tenant ......._........... _....... At......... ..._�.......�............_.....:.... .............. ` . G. -- ...... ...._....:.... No. of Wires ........................ Size of Wires ---------- ----------- Size S itch .11 OA-:.... Motor Load .......................:.. Voltage ... .......................... ... Phase ......_......................... Heating Load 11- ...............-. K. W...... ................. Voltage ........ ......... .......... -- Light ............._ 110..... ..... New Se e................ Reconnect............._... No. of Meters .................... No. of Add. Mete Heat ................ 220.......... T m e................ Move Service............ ........... Power ............... 7 e................ Move Meter.............. Zo$.CA -z ................. ............. '2-o Sd d 3 3e t � •. stecratc�t NSPH TEMPORARY 'ELECTRICAL SERVICE DATE: -------- Fee: ....... ... ...... AM JjfNOV 1 7 �1 --------- ................. AT: ....... �—L"s -Z� C' ---------------- CITY gF: Qj Zoj------- n ^c--"--------------------- REASON:....1c --------------- CC 11 .......... The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the electrical s ni e above location, until the b Uding is ready for occupancy, and is released by the Building Department., r City of C e r, fi Mn Phone ......... - --- - ----- --- .. TN T NANT OR OW JOWET�7 ........ 116 1/ 3.500 TEMPORARY , ELECTRICAL SERVICE DATE: - ... t. - � -......... -.. Pee: The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the electrical seiivic� ltth� above location, until th building is ready for occupancy, and is released by t e Building Department, City Cupertino, r 1 Phone .................... ........_------ 1.. LY1.1-.- IN ,°ECTOR/ X "1'ENAN1' OR O\VNC 14 `� _, 116 1/63-500 ( G� DATE TEMPORARY 1 GAS SERVICE Fee: ....................... ---------- '2— .................................. ... .. ............. ....... REASON: The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the gas service at the above location, until the building is ready for occupancy, and is released by the Building Department, City of Cupertino. �Sp'�I��Zcop I TENANT OR OWNS 117 1/63-500 ff TEMPORARY - GAS SERVICE DATE: A .... ......t.......... ..................... Fee: ....Is .......... -Of ------------- MI---------------------------------- N . REASON: ............................. The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the gas service at the above location, until the building is ready for occupancy, and is released by the Building Department, City of Cupertino. R.. .... INSPECT -- -------- 717 1/63-500 Phone ........ TENA NT OR OWA� BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITT OF (UPERTINO Correction Notice Job Located at ��....� �i'.._ ......Q: I have this day inspected this structur d these premises and have found the following violations City and/or State .................... .......................... _.. _....... ........ _..- ------- _-------------------— You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done upon these premises until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. Date...._-- Inspector�or Building Dept. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG 101 12/63-1M F9 9SEP STREET l PPLIEW-110 FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITYOP CUPERTINO o 25 -.op Sanitary No. / I "'Date 196_ ermit No.—ZO d 12�7 App,li titi �iih febyoL,LjtIad I Ii+permit to a { story, T pe Building to be occupied only as-Q--�e—,e-in accord�cgz {th Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. Ell-ug Fee ' % 3 Estimated Value of Improvements, $6O Od d'- Pee $ Z t S° It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and other lawns applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of =tino will bP fnm nlinei �;,k —3f�63 / State License. r% A,-, J 7 - 41jiddress zQ(��7 "�)/ -5-- /Y/ "4 ' Address/ &,—er1xj0 Approved BUILDING INSPECTOR