R 5926 APPLICATION FOR . CITY OF CUPERTINO Nu e'RR- 5926 . � INSPECTIONDIVISION PERMITEXPIRATION � REROOF PERMIT — � � �4OB�777-.�EZB PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 1B0 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR • 1B0 OAVS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. BUILDING ADDRESS � �� � � RESIDENTIAL �COMMERCIAL OTHER NER's HAZARDOUS FIR�,AREA /,•p �(�� VES ❑ If yes—I underetand that e Class A NAME����Ffrs n� („fe(� L' 7� roof essembly is requlred. NO ❑ Initial I.C.B.O.N ADDRESS 3 EXISTING ROOF COVERING � PHONE � � NUMBER OF EXISTING COVERINGS � - CONTR TOR'S , � TO BE REMOVED � TO BE RETAINED NAM � ADDRESS TYPE OF ROOF COVERING cirv s zi� .�� EXISTING PHONE /—r�(���'�u-�--s-.3 BUILT•UP ROOF ❑ LICENSE � /, NUMBER �' y�- ASPHALT SHINGLES ❑ LIC NSED CON MCTORS�ECLAMTION I here0y eHirm thet I em Ilcanaetl untlar provlelone ol Cheptar B(commencinp wlth Sectlon WOOD SHAKES � 7000)of Divlelon 3 0l tha Buelneee entl Profeeelone Cotla,entl my Ilcenae la In full brca antl I ' eneC� � �iJ..^ 3�� D SHINGLES ❑ Llcenae Cleee Lic.Number oete contrector O (SPECIFY) ❑ OWNER�BUILOER DECLARATION pROPOSED I heraby eHlrm Ihet I em ecempt from ihe Contrector's Licenee Lew lor ihe kllowlnp reaeon. (Sec.7031.5,Buelneaa entl Pmleaelone Code: Any city or county which requlree a permit to constmcM,elter.Improve,tlemolleh,orrepelrenyetmcture,prlorrolteiesuence,eleoreQulreatne BUILTUPR�OF ❑ applieent for auch Oermit to flle a sIB�eE atetement thet he le Ilceneetl pureuent to the provislona oi the ConVectofs Llcenee Lew(Chepter B(commanclnB'M1'��h Sactlon 1000)o�Dlvlelon 3 0l lhe • Bu6lneea entl Profeeelone Code)or thel he le exempt theretrom antl the beela lor tne elle0etl A$PHALT$HINGLE$ ❑ axemptlon.Any violetlon of Sectlan 7031.5 by eny epplicent br e permlt aub�ecte the eppllcent to e civll penalty of not more Ihen fiva hunEratl tlollere(5500).): � ❑I,eaownerofthepraperty,ormyemployeeswlthwegesaathelreolecompensetlon,wlll0o WOODSHAKES the work,anG tha etrucNre la not Intentletl or oXeretl lor eele(Sec.7044,Buelneaa entl Profea� elone CoEe:The Contreaora Llcensa Lew tloes not eOPly to en owner ol property w�o bullEa or y�/pOD SHINGLES � Impmvee thereon,antl who Eoee suc�work hlmael/or throup�Ne own employeea,pmvltletl��et 6uch Improvemente ara not Intentlatl or oHemtl for nele.If,howeveq the bulltllnp or Impmvamenl � Ie6oIEwl�hlnonByBBrofcompletlon,��eowner�bulltlerwlll�evathBburtlOnofpmvinpUa�hatllE OTHER(SPECIFY) , ❑ nat bu11E or Improva lor purpoea of ealeJ. ' ❑I,eeownerofNaproperry,emavcluelvelyconVedinpwit�licenseticontrectoretoconalrucl Ihe pro�eR(Sec.7044,Buelnece entl Proleeaione COEe:Tha Conlractofe Licenae Lew tloee not PROVIDE I.('..B.�.REPORT NO. . eppryroenownerolpmpertywhoEUllEsorlmproveethemon,antlwhoconlrectelOrauthpro�acta wliheeontmcmr(e)IlceneeEpureuenim�heCono-anorbLlcenee�ew. PROVIDEMFGR.INSTALLATIONSPECS. U /� P,�� - ❑I am ecempt unCer Sec. ,B 6 P.C.Wr thla reeson �I owner oe�e APPLICATION DATE VALUATI N.. PERMIT FEE WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECIARATION I hereby eHlrm under penelry ol0erjury ane ol ihe lollowinp declaretlon; '� �� ❑I heve en7 wlll melntaln e Cartllicele of Coneent lo eelf-Innure lor Workale Compenaetlon, lll�dl❑ as pmvlCed for by Sactlon 3700 of�he Lebor Cotle,lar the pedormence of�he xro�k br which Ihla 9 perml�le leaued. � �� Q$ b�9 AN ' _ ,� ❑I have end wiil meinteln Worker's Compeneetlan Ineurence,ee requlretl by Sectlon 3700 of ! BISff11C Ihe Labo�C e,lor tha petlo�men f�he wo�k lo�whlc��hle pe�mll le Iaeuad.My Workefe p Oe Compensa' Inaurenpecertlere II numb ye: ' �ufcni irTO�el O• cerr� � / koncy � PERMITAUTHORIZATION DATE I CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FR�M WORKERS' - COMPENSATION INSURANCE N.C.[] �� (Thle eectlon neatl not be completetl II Iho permit Ie lar one huntlretl tlollare(5�00)or leee.) J �� ^ ^ O _ I ceriity�he�In Ihe pertormente of tha xrork br which Ihle permli Is leeuatl.I ahall no�employ ��� - � a�r ve�.o�i�a�r me��a����o ea�ama a�niaci�o me wo���a�comPa�sano��wa ai cen. All roots shall be inspected prior to any roofing material be�ng �0f"�' installed. Ii a roof is installed wilhout first obtaining an oe�a AppllCeni inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Bube�toEheWorkaue'C mpeneatlonprovleionleot�ha'ILebo�Cotlamyolumuntulon�wltlhbcompry Applicant understands and will comply with a�l non point with auc�provlelone or thie parmit e�ell Ee EeemaO rovoketl. SOUfCB fB9U�8tIOfIS. • I certlty t�at I hava reatl Nle epplleetlon en0 atala thet the ebova Inlormetlon Is wrreet 1 aBree tocomplywllhellclyenOcountyortlinenceeentleterolewereletlnptobulltllnpconatmclloqantl Allroofco/v�f/p1gstobeclass�Ci"orbetter. hereby euthotlze represenletivee ol Ihla tity to ente�upon tha abwe�mentlonetl pmperty kr Im �//.'!/��� �� O �O e0ectlon purpoaes. (Wa)epree to eave,indemnity entl keep�ermleee IM1e Clry ol Cupertlno epalnet Ileblllllee, 7. 2 �uCpmen4,coeta entl expeneef wMch may In eny wey eccme epelnsl eeld CIIy In con6equence • ounas�ancnqotmiepermu. SIG UREOFAPPCICANl' DATE PRE-INSPECTION: PLYWOOD: IN-PROGRESS: � INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE I TEAR OFF INSPECTION: BAITENS: FINAL: INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE NOTE: OSHA APPROVED ACCESSTO ROOF SHALL BE�PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION OFFICE COPV I