68049 7653 Shadowhill Lane Tract No. Lot No. /1� CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT . APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Q Date 9-9- 1971 Permit No Application is here/ ade for a permit to ' APAO` a r story, Type�T v B i ing Use Zone Occupancy to be occupied only as % /�-i Parking Space 27- in accordance with Plans, Specifica#ions d Plo#-plan led herewith. Fire Sprinkler Estimated Value of Improvements, $ 5-0 C U r. Elect. - I certify that'in the performance of iha work for which this permit is issu I shall no+ employ any person in any ma ner so as i violate iha workmon's compensation laws of California. -/ Owner Address BAddress /5 77 �•CG�t.�/�-�REcc,CORD OF INSPECTION p f� FFrame Stucco R fFinish Aa 7653• Shadowhill Lane Hayes WOl O[/S I-OK w16=� QQ— # Psuaoll ssou!sne A{!o asor uvS uogeollddP sly{ samogynv Aliedoid puv {oaJ}P puP Pao} Iln} ul s! # esuealq s Jo{a ej{uoo PIU4OiIIP3 }O a{v{S s!y {Py{ s{say{P {uvailddy / Y 7 EJ Pell} {uewa{e{s Cl jaumo SP :{ueo!ldde Aq paw!Pp AgaJPq s! Psuaml s io{oej4uop jo} v!u+of!lPp {o a{a{S uo} {uowannbm woj} uol{dwas3