08050225CITY OF CUPERTINO ��a,� -�'Tk��'�k',`{,a A J,q I�fx-Qllu�=fw d�FN} ^, BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT �kC�L l' BUILDINGAI�RESS:,TANFORD PL J WATER QUALITY PLUMBING PERMIT NO. 08050225 , O S/NIAMEY: PERMIT ISSUE DATE DAMPANKHANIYA OB 1860 ALMADEN RD 05/28/2008 PHONE (408)267-9330 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BURRING PERMIT INFO HLOG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 701) Description l meby affirm that 1 am IkevsN under provisions of Chapter 9 (eammencing with Section?").fDwita. 3.fthe Business; and Professions and my license is COPPER REPIPE & MAIN LINE in full fort and e5 A, Licenscf Lica Dam ConaazNr tRCHME S DECLARATION 1 undersand my plans shall Ito used as public asard �-8� Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 herby aRrm Nat 1 am camps from the Contractor. Licenx Law for the , i following mason. (Section 1031.5, Business and Protection Cade: Any city or county which requires a permit to commucl, alter, improve. demolish, or repair any structure r priorto its issuance. alsurequi. thoapplicam(.,.In permi,m Ric a.ignedsutemcon Contractor's License law9 Sq. FL Floor Area Valuation s that heulicensed pursuanttotheprovisionsofthe (Chapter $6200 (cannot ming with Section 1000)of Division 3 ofthe Businessand Pro men='or Nat he u eaempt therefrom and the basis for Ne alleged seempuon. Any violation .f 3 5 9 3 2 O 1 ?Dl(jVumber Occupancy Type Section 10313 by any applicant fm a permit subjects the applicant 10 a civil penalty of ..I mom Nan five hundred dollars (3500). 0 1, asownerof Ne property. army emplayco with wages asthouselccompewuon, ns Required Inspections wits d. the work amt de.wctumunclintende or ortemd mrsak (Sec.'yOU, B.drcss and Profession. Cada: The C.nuactoYte a Licro a Law dorot apply m an owner of q P pmpertywho build oimq.ves thereon, andwhodoessuch .,it himself., through his own employees, provided that such improwmenu art not intended aro@red for ask. If. however. Ne building or improvement is sold within am year of completion. are owncr- build, will have Ne Without of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of sale.). 0 1, a owner of 0m property. am exclusively contracting with the mad amntraclam b , cormatct the project (Sec. 1061. Business and Pfafossl.= Code:) The Commoner Li- cove law does not apply m an owner of progeny who Wild, or improv Nem ser. and who coneacus buttock projects with amnuuaol(s) licensed Personal to the 0maracors Licenx Law. m , B 3 P C far this recon 0 laexempt under See WORKER'S COMPE45ATION DECI.aAAT10N I hereby affirm under perully of perjury arc of the following decluuions: 0 I Intim and will maintain • Cerufiom of Consent ro self-i=um for Workel.Compen- cation. a provided fm by Section 3100 of the labor Code. far Ne perfarmuxe of Nes wants, for which this permit is issued. 0 1 have and will Wom n WorkeYs Compemation Isommance, as required by Section , 3100 of the labor Code, for the performaa of the work for which this permit is issued. ' My Workcl. Compensation I.e... carrirad Policy number am. car r. riglr til -XV, y -Y 1t119'iry No.:pi�2.'-IL'1J _ C) y CERTIFICATE OFE `PITON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (rhumlon reed aomecomplewd if Ne permit is (mane hundred doRan (3IW) or ice.) 1 unify Not in Nes performance of the work for which this permit Is issued. 1 shall not cmplay any person in any mater so a In bctmme subject In the Worked Compensation Laws of California. Data Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL alcor making this Certificate of Exemption, you should became subject an the Workces Compensation provisions of the labra Cade, you must ' forthwith comply with such provision or this permit shall be deemed evoked. j CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY -' I bereby affirm this Nem use comunctinn ladingageney for the perfmma este( ' Nes work fur which this permit is issued (Sec. 309'!, Civ. C.) L. do sNrme . l,endeea Add. I certify that 1 have read this applicuian and state that In. above iNmma tut is x correct. I agree to comply with all city Nd county continences Nd.tate I. Rkti.g to Wilding construction. and hereby authorize representatives of Nis city to enter upon the ' 1 above-mcr u reed properly for inspection purposes. (Wes) agree to aw, indemnify W keep harmless the City of Cupertino eget=, j liabilides,judgmcnu..... and esp. which may in any way scene against mid City in consequence of the grating of Nu permit ' APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND ILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT ^ �� Issued by: Date SOURCEREGU _ Re-roofs Type of Roof 5ignuu & b f Aoi%UpuCan m pale HAZARDOUS MA ALS DISCLOSURE Will de.,plum t or future Wilding accapanlnac orlundle harallous maer al a deposal by the Cupertino Municipal Cade, Chaps, 1, 11, and Ne Health and Safety . Suction 25532(a)1 ❑res cC Na, All roofs shall be inspected nor to an roofing material beim P P Y g g installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I to Will the applicant or mom building accupam use equipment m devices which agree remove P g emit hvadous air coumhunu as defimd by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Dimict4 ❑Yes No Ihaw real Nehv psi materialsmquiremenu un4r Chaper6.95afNeCetifor- nuHcaiN&SafctyCode, Sccuo=13503.25533 and 31.I unMnwd Netifde building d.=ut rcmrendy haw a mea. my rap.- ility tonotify the mct,mm.f the r9quWau-54 whichmuubc t 'man umccaf Cuuficate afpc5upancy. S DV Signature of Applicant Date cog ass rrTT All roof coverings to be Cl�" or better g� Owncr m rothorim em Da¢ • 3 ITEMS OF 3 • CITY OF CUPERTINO PERMIT RECEIPT Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN ........: 35932017.00 DATE ISSUED ....... :'05/28/2008 RECEIPT #.........: BS000004918 REFERENCE ID # ...: 08050225 SITE ADDRESS .....: 7464 STANFORD PL SUBDIVISION ....... CITY CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OPERATOR: patg COPY # : 1 METHOD OF PAYMENT ----------------- CREDIT CARD TOTAL RECEIPT : AMOUNT --------------- 61.89 --------------- 61.89 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- 106 SEWER & WATER 507 FINAL PLUMBING REFERENCE NUMBER -------------------- AMEX VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- 301 ROUGH PLUMBING OWNER .............. BAMJI PANKHANIYA ADDRESS ..........: 7464 HANFORD PL CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUPERTINO CA, I 95014-5815 RECEIVED FROM .. MARTY SATALINO JR CONTRACTOR .......: SATALINO, MARTY LIC # 21526 COMPANY ..........: WATER QUALITY PLUMBING ADDRESS ..........: 1860 ALMADEN RD CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: SAN JOSE, CA 95123 TELEPHONE ........: (408)267-9330 FEE ID --------- UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT.PD-TO-DT ----------------------- THIS REC NEW BAL 1BPWSVCS WATER SERVICE -------------------- 1.00 20.40 0.00 ---------- 20.40 ---------- 0.00 IBSEISMICR VALUATION 6,200.00 0.70 0.00 0.70 0.00 1TRAVDOC FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 ---------- 0.00 40.79 0.00 TOTAL PERMIT ---------- 61.89 0.00 -----61.89 ------0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT ----------------- CREDIT CARD TOTAL RECEIPT : AMOUNT --------------- 61.89 --------------- 61.89 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- 106 SEWER & WATER 507 FINAL PLUMBING REFERENCE NUMBER -------------------- AMEX VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- 301 ROUGH PLUMBING CUPEkTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO REPIPE/SEWERS/MAIN SERVICE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM QVC5 0� APN #259 017 L 61 Date O 5 Building Address./. r n 1 Owner's Name: Phone #: Contractor:. r Phone: License #: O 1 Contact: one: Cupertino Business License #: Building Permit Info: Bldg ❑ Elect ❑ Plumb' Job Descriptio L Residentia Commercial ❑ Cost of Project: r, n 20O �� -�Y J • CITY OF CUPEkTINO L CITY OF CUPERTINO REPIPE/SEWER/MAIN SERVICE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # Fee ID Date: Building Address: Permit Type Owner's Name: 1PCSEWER Phone #: Contractor: 1CPSS Phone #: Fax #: Contact: Commercial re -pipe per fixture Phone #: Fax #: Contractor License #: Cupertino Business License #: Job Description: Commercial Gas Piping System 1-4 Outlets Residential ❑ Commercial ❑ Valuation: 1BSEISMICOM Green Building: Please complete relevant portion of the Green Building Checklist & attach it to the application or if applicable, include in plan set & the sheet index. Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Grou Permit Type 1PCSEWER Commercial building sewer/sanitary sewer P 1CPSS 1BPREPIPE Commercial re -pipe per fixture P 1CPRP 1 PGASCOM Commercial Gas Piping System 1-4 Outlets P 1BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial P 1BSEISMICR Seismic Residential P 1PRSEWER Residential building sewer/sanitary sewer P 1RPSS IS - CITY Of CUPEkTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO REPIPE/SEWER/MAIN SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group Permit Type 1PRREPIPE Residential re -pipe per fixture P IR -PRP f 1BPWSVCS Water Service P 1CPWS or 1RPWS 1PPRSEWG Private Sewage Disposal System P 1PCESS Cesspool P 1BPWATER Install/alter Water Pipe P 1BPFIXTURE Plumbing Fixture P 1PGASRES Residential Gas Piping System 1-4 Outlets P 1BPGAS Gas Piping System 5+ Outlets P IPPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Fee Issuance P 1PLMBLNCK Plumbing Plan Check P 1PLMBINSP Other Plumbing/gas Insp. P 1TRAVDOC Travel & Documentation Fee B 1BUSLIC Business License B • 9 E U Plan Review Process Work Book Page -12-Revised 3/25/08 Green Building Plan Check Index of Green Building Points/Categories A. Category Example of an Index or Table of Green Plan Sheet or Page Points Building Points Categories that must be shown and referenced on the Project Plans See below ., I , UTAMMUM B. Site 9. Install H.E. Irrigation, (details/spec)' L-1 11. Permeable Paving,Note L-1 C. Foundation 1. Use 15 % Flyash Concrete, (note) S-1 7points D. Structural 3. Uses Wood I -Joist, (See Spec.) S-2 5. Use Truss with heels, (detail) S-2 6. B. OSB Sheathing,detail S-2 E. Ext. Finish 1. Composite Decking, (Note/Spec.) A-3 2 points 4. B. Fiber Cement Siding, (Note/Spec. A-4 2 points F. Plumbing 1. Insulate all H.W. pipes, (Note/Spec.) P-1 2 points 5. Tankless W.H., (Note/Spec.) A-2 2 points 11. A 2500 Gal. Tank, (Note/Spec L-1 10 points G. Electrical 4. E. Ceiling Fans, (Note/Spec.) A-3 4 points H. Appliances 1. Energy Star Dishwasher, (Note/Spec.) A-3 1 point 3. Energy Star Refrigerator, (Note/Spec. A-3 1 oint P. Other 1. List Green Features on Plans A-1 1 point FORNIUMMMI TOTAL POINTS1 40 points E U Plan Review Process Work Book Page -12-Revised 3/25/08 Green Points Rating System for Remodeling Projects • Due to the diversity of remodeling project types, assigning a'total points' value to a project to be considered environmentally friendly is not feasible. However, 25 measures have been highlighted to signify that every effort should be made to incorporate them into your projects. These items have been chosen based upon their impact on the environment and the health of the home in coordination with ease of implementation and relative low cost. These measures can be used as a starting point for 'greening' your project. INPUT Resources EneTgy IAO/He@Hh A. Site 1. Recycle Job Site Construction & Demolition Waste 65%= 1 point; 75%= 2 points; 80%=4 points 2. Salvage Reusable Building Materials I 3. Remodel for Mixed Use, Adaptive Reuse, and Historic Preservation 4. Protect Native Soil 5. Minimize Disruption of Existing Plants & Trees 6. Implement Construction Site Stormwater Practices 7. Protect Water Quality with Landscape Design 18. Design Resource -Efficient Landscapes and Gardens 1 9. Reuse Materials/Use Recycled Content Materials for Landscape Areas 10. Install High -Efficiency Irrigation Systems 11. Provide for On -Site Water Catchment / Retention B. Foundation 1. Incorporate Recycled Flyash in Concrete • 25% Recycled Flyash = 2 points; Add 1 point for every 10% increase of flyash, up to 5 points 2. Use Recycled Content Aggregate 3. Insulate Foundation/Slab before backfill C. Structural Frame 11. Substitute Solid Sawn Lumber with Engineered Lumber 2. Use FSC Certified Wood for framing (For every 10% of FSC lumber used = 2 points, up to 10) 3, Use Wood I -Joists for Floors and Ceilings 4. Use Web Floor Trusses 5. Design Energy Heels on Trusses 6' or more 6. Use Finger -Jointed Studs for Vertical Applications 7. Use Engineered Studs for Vertical Applications 8. Use Recycled Content Steel Studs for Interior Framing 9. Use Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS) a. Floors b. Wall c. Roof 10. Apply Advanced Framing Techniques 11. Use Reclaimed Lumber for Non Structural Applications 12. Use OSB a. Subfloors • b. Sheathing up to 4 Resource pts 4 Resource pts y=yes 4 Resource pts y=yes 2 Resource pts y=yes 1 Resource pt y=yes 2 Resource pts y=yes 2 Resource pts y=yes 4 Resource pts y=yes 2 Resource pts y=yes 2 Resource pts y=yes 2 Resource pts y=yes up to 5 Resource 2 Resource pts y= 3 Energy pts y= 3 Resource pts up to 10 Resource pts. 2 Resource pts y=yes 2 Resource pts y=yes 2 Energy pts y=yes 2 Resource pts y=yes 2 Resource pts y=yes 2 Resource pts y=yes 3 Energy pts y=yes 3 Energy pts y=yes 3 Energy pts y=yes 4 Resource pts y=yes 3 Resource pts y=yes 1 Resource pt 1 Resource pt r r r r r r r r r r r 0 0 0 Use Sustainable Decking Materials a. Recycled content 3. Resource pts y=yf b. FSC Certified Wood 3 Resource pts y=yt Use Treated Wood That Does Not Contain Chromium/Arsenic 1 IAO/Health pt y=yf Install House Wrap under Siding 1 IAO Health pt y=y( Use Fiber -Cement Siding Materials 1 Resource pt y=yes E. Plumbing 1. Install Water Heater Jacket 1 Energy pt 2. Insulate Hot and Cold Water Pipes 2 Energy pts a. Faucets (1 point each, up to 2 points) b. Showerheads (1 point each, up to 2 points) Replace Toilest with Ultra -Low Flush Toilets point each, up to 3 points) on 6. Convert Gas to Tankless Water Heater 7. Install Water Filtration Units at Faucets (2 points each, up to 4 points) 8, Install On -Demand Hot Water Circulation Pump r. uecu lcal 1. Install Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) } (6 bulbs=2 points, 10 bulbs =3 points, 12 bulbs = 4 points) j 2. Install IC -AT Recessed Fixtures with CFLs (1 point each, up to 5 points) 3. Install Lighting Controls (1 point per fixture, up to 4 points) 4. Install High Efficiency Ceiling Fans with CFLs (1 point each, up to 4 points) G. Appliances Install Washing Machine with Water and Energy mservation Features Install Energy Star Refrigerator Install Built -In Recycling Center H. Insulation 1. Upgrade Insulation to Exceed Title 24 Requirements a. Walls b. Ceilings 2. Install Floor Insulation over Crawl Space —�1 3. Install Recycled-Gontent, Fiberglass Insulation with No Added Formaldehyde 4. Use Advanced Infiltration Reduction Practices 5. Use Cellulose Insulation a, Walls b. Ceilings 6. Alternative Insulation Products (Cotton, spray -foam) a. Walls o. Cenmgs Up to 2 Resource Up to 2 Resource Up to 3 Resource pts. 1 IAO/Health pt y=yes 4 Energy pts y=yes Up to 4 IAO/Health pts. 4 Resource pts y=yes Up to 4 Energy Up to 5 Energy pts. Up to 4 Energy pts. Up to 4 Energy 1 Energy pt 1 Energy pt 1 Energy pt 3 Resource 2 Energy pts 2 Energy pts 4 Energy pts 3 AO/Health pts 2 Energy pts 4 Resource pis 4 Resource pts 4 Resource pts 4 Resource pts Is • i1. Install Energy -Efficient Windows a. Double -Paned 1 Energy pt b. Low -Emissivity (Low -E) 2 Energy pts r c. Low. Conductivity Frames 2 Energy pts 2. Install Low Heat Transmission Glazing 1 Energy pt J. Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning - �1. Use Duct Mastic on All Duct Joints 2 Energy pts y=yes 2. Install Ductwork within Conditioned Space 3 Energy pts y=yes 3. Vent Range Hood to the Outside 1 IAQMealth pt y=yes 4. Clean all Ducts Before Occupancy 2 IAQ/Health pts y=yes 5. Install Solar Attic Fan 2 Energy pts y=yes 6. Install Attic Ventilation Systems 1 Energy pt y=yes 7. Install Whole House Fan 4 Energy pts y=yes 6. Install Sealed Combustion Units a. Furnaces 3IAQ/Health pts y=yes b. Water Heaters 31AQ/Health pts y=yes 9. Replace Walt -Mounted Electric and Gas Heaters with Through -the -Wall Heat Pumps 3 Energy pts y=yes 10. Install 13 SEEW11 EER or higher AC with a TXV 3 Energy pts y=yes 11. Install AC with Non -HCFC Refrigerants 2 Resource pts y=yes 12. Install 90% Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) Furnace 2 Energy pts y=yes • 13. Retrofit Wood Burning Fireplaces a. Install EPA certified wood stoveslnserts 1 IAQ/Health pt y=yes b. Install/Replace Dampers 1 Energy pt y=yes c. Install Airtight Doors 1 Energy pt y=yes 14. Install Zoned, Hydronic Radiant Heating 3 Energy pts y=yes 15. Install High Efficiency Filter 41AQ/Hea1th pts y=yes 16. Install Heat Recovery Ventilation Unit (HRV) 5 IAQ/Health pts y=yes 17. Install Separate Garage Exhaust Fan 3 IAQ/Health pts y=yes K. Renewable Energy and Roofing 1. Pre -Plumb for Solar Water Heating 2. Install Solar Water Heating System 3. Pre -Wire for Future Photovoltaic (PV) Installation 4. Install Photovoltaic (PV) System (1.2 kw = 6 points, 2.4 kw =12 points, 3.6 kw = 18 points) 6L -Select Safe and Durable Roofing Materials 7. Install Radiant Barrier L. Natural Heating and Cooling 1. Incorporate Passive Solar Heating 2. Install Overhangs or Awnings over South Facing Windows 3. Plant Deciduous Trees on the West and South Sides 0 4 Energy pts 10 Energy pts 4 Energy pts Up to 18 Energy 1 Resource pt yq 3 Energy pts y= 5 Energy pts y=yes 3 Energy pts . y=yes 3 Energy pts y=yes -24 q s7�-r4;��zi) P� .... Vit. Use Low/No-VOC Paint 1 IAQMealth is P y=Y es 2. Use Low VOC, Water -Based Wood Finishes 2 IAQ/Health pts y=yes F3. Use LmNo VOC Adhesives J J 3 IAQ/Health pts y=yes 4. Use Salvaged Materials for Interior Finishes 3 Resource pts y --yes 5. Use Engineered Sheet Goods with no added Urea 5 IAO/Health pts y=yes Formaldehyde 61AQ/Health pts y=yes 6. Use Exterior Grade Plywood for Interior Uses 1 IAQ/Health pts y=yes I7. Seal all Exposed Particleboard or MDF _ _ Ji 4 IAQ/Healthpts y=yes S. Use FSC Certified Materials for Interior Finish 4 Resource pts y=yes 9. Use Finger -Jointed or Recycled -Content Trim 1 Resource pts y=yes 10. Install Whole House Vacuum System 3 IAQ/Health pts y=yes N. Flooring 1. Select FSC Certified Wood Flooring 8 Resource pts y=yes PUse Rapidly Renewable Flooring Materials _ J 4 Resource pts y=yes 3. Use Recycled Content Ceramic Tiles 4 Resource pts y=yes 4. Install Natural Linoleum in Place of Vinyl 5 IAO/Health pts y=yes 5. Use Exposed Concrete as Finished Floor 4 Resource pts y=yes 6. Install Recycled Content Carpet with Low VOCs 4 Resource pts y --yes Total Points Avalla le: Total Points Project Received: 1401 1301 57 01 01 0 G:datslprogsrgreenbuildngguidelines4emodelersJgreenpointstinal2.12.04protected.nls n U 0 0 J. CITY OF UPEkTINO Buildi Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone (408) 777-3228 Fax(408)777-3333 artment JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT # OWNER'S NAME: (�gyt', Vc,,kj'lan 44a I PHONE# AO GENERAL CONTRACT • oma L-), .DAWo 41t .est . FAX # I am not using any Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the YIT. E-B6mTn Owner/Contractor Signature Date SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum / Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting / Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date