NO PERMIT NUMBER �. y City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue . Cupertino,CA 95014-3255 Telephone: (408)777-3228 CITY OF FAX: (408)777-3333 CUPEkTINO BUILDING DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION OF ADDRESS CHANGE TO: All Agencies FROM: City of Cupertino DATE: January 24, 2007 RE: Address Change APN #362-18-003 • Please note the following address change: 11081 S. Stelling Road has been divided into five lots. They have created a new street and have new addresses. The new addresses are as follows: Lot 1 11081 Catalano Court Lot 2 11085 Catalano Court Lot 3 11089 Catalano Court Lot 4 11088 Catalano Court Lot 5 11086 Catalano Court Please update your records accordingly. The new addresses will take effect 30 days from the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please call me at (408) 777-3246. Sincerely, Susan Winslow Administrative Clerk Printed on Recycled Paper FR (E)SFR APN 362-18-045 APN 3LANDS 62.18-D46 OC.#7527193 T ACT 7666 LANDS DOC. #1144 655807867 4 gv.nnA,WNc•wnu 3 KCH _ Irlrnrr., P'. NDD°-0D'33"W: I4 ., ' 0;Dq -•v-", �.`�..�... , - ,ii�CO'�P" -� 4 9 G2-18-D25 _I, O F 14514KUSTES 7 err Z� F`i� LAN 3S- 5214614 /•�� I b G x701 ..__....___ 54Jv.Ypq r /// TIfIPro, nrn• � � �� rNY I I " ' c ) E N 3 1 i ON 362.18.027 ,..omee q,aR 1 LAN05 OF KAVENY . 62-18-008 DOC. 471,62657 OF TADIN-. #16543900o ,mew Y ( -•iTi.00' i S yy j I 1 y '`nwrlrN t{hn y��t(�. QI W LLQ Z Q tL:L •l.+F'l•li' \ or. A Y 41+'� +1 J w .>,q,.,`.111 •, ,�_...::.. Q JJ a. 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A���I r� � kf•�F� , // � s 9�� � p � s TIT 1 fp �. . e T o o`w tt c 1� vZOo' � ga.ao I Yw p rr � gotNOV1 oy :.' E 7 . k� a7 � � �- SIR_ BcY ' �� P 1 • -01 a�� �tSS N roo'ayw• , y. • I 9s + 40 at OLOICnT6O TO cN a1 WaUTINO" ut.no S: STEELING ROAD 1 . p$ mm- 'r.. ��F�: •moi � �E��,.$ F9 � �r � � � � � r.G„r'.cce6GGEG�CGc�9 �ap�Lt leo pili ppm 16f 1191 g �_ . 9 . ��a _ .0 �o� y � , s i . � 0 I I fie& #� SFi y� ay4x �1 APN (E)SFR -' �2 362 45 APN 362-18-046 T So 1 8 LANDS OF YU10EN LAND F L DOC 2,� ACT 7666 DOC. #14658074 M RETAINING wALL I HIGH (E)TREEs LOT' 9143 S .. (E)SFR .-LOT49273F� APN 362-18-025 y LANDS OF KUSTERS (ij DOC. #13214614 -------------------- OR ------ Ped�5 "I (N)TREES(INP I A T�- (E)SFR I APN 362-18-027 LANDS OF KAVENY 62-18-008 DOC. #7182657 ;OF TADIN ED #16543900 w . i mow Y z MON,Y :4 zee IF W— . D w LL, R: ci 0 n -tlo�o -i7lfiC D81m : I Z < g 0 LL Z W a w TRACT 5711 55 td (L 545F Z A. 0 0 w ED lww 0P Dc FROW YARD 1-U LU LL 2 A7 15731627 FRONTYARC >1 (E)SFR I APN 362-18-051 LOT 5-850 2 LANDS OF MAHESHWARY DOC. #17570205 ..................... A Zil( F(E)L5 SMP ------------ - u BY Nil (E)SFR 411 0 APN 362-18-053 NH R LANDS OF LEE 162-18-038 31-sj DOC. #15178890 S OF MARSHALL #5532470 I 77- IRS Drewn ON FRONT YARD L 1-7328 SF 77.0d DEDICATED SEE'C DWGS Job Na 05.20 EXISTING OURS,GUTTER ANOSIOE,,4K S. STELLING ROAD ARCHL SITE PLAN Nonni A I 1 CITY OF CUPERTINO 1 of 1 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT RECEIPT # 36946 PRINT DATE 12/04/2006 PRINT TIME 11 : 00 : 11 RECEIPT DATE 12/04/2006 OPERATOR amyw COPY # 2 RECEIVED BY amyw CASH DRAWER: BS1 RECD . FROM GREATER BAY CONSTR USER 1 USER 2 NOTES : STREET ADDRESS CHANGE CATALANO COURT (5) FEE ID AMOUNT THIS RCPT BALANCE - - - - - - - - -------- --- - - - --- -------- GADDCHG 1340 . 00 1340 . 00 0 . 00 TOTALS : 1340 . 00 1340 . 00 0 . 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT NUMBER - - - - - - - -- - - ---- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- ------ - -- - - - - - - - - - CHECK 1340 . 00 020069 1 10AL RECEIPT 1340 . 00 IV/11bl LVOb •V b:VS rA 4Vb rfr SSSS UlIY UUNtHIlNU IQ 002/002 Community Development Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Telephone: (408)777-3228 Fax: (408)777-3333 CHANGE OF ADDRESSWADD SUITE NUMBERS REQUEC T FORM NAME (please print): PAN CAL- CA7ALAN0 p TELEPHONE NUMBER: yO$ 2y8 —6600 APN (assessors parcel #): _ 36 — /g " C>Q3 EXISTING ADDRESS: NEW ADDRESS REQUESTED: NEW SUITE NUMBERS REQUESTED: Request for address change will be approv t-d only if the change meets the following criteria: • 0 The change of address will not create co lfusion. �_�'CAST DIGIT will be considere d. (3. The odd/even addressing system will b! maintained. �✓ numbers must be NUMERIC. The change of address will not result irk a public safety hazard. PROOF OF OWNERSHIP IS REQUIFCiD- (property tax bill) The fee for a change of address/add tion of suite numbers request is $268.00. The fee is due with this reit uest form and will not be refunded if the request is denied. The direct costs associated with an addres!;change/addition of suite numbers request Will be borne by the applicant. Approxirn;kte review time is fifteen (15) days. If the address change is granted, the new addre;:s will be in effect thirty (30) days following approval. - Sign ture Date vi.iniuus •ua:u;s rnn vue rrr aaas Uiir Uu1,1:81INU in melQ02 Community Development Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue • Telephone: (408)777-3228 Fan: (408)777-3333 CHANGE OF ADDRESSIADD SUITE NUMBERS REQUE',T FORM NAME (please print): PAN G/�L �7hLfRNO L P TELEPHONE NUMBER: _ yDB _ Zy8 -66M0 APN (assessors parcel EXISTING ADDRESS: NEW ADDRESS REQUESTED: //08/ Ct 7•AlAA112 Cover NEW SUITE NUMBERS REQUESTED: Request for address change will be approved only if the change meets the following criteria: . CD The change of address will not create co ifusion. _S t AST DIGIT will be considers d. The odd/even addressing system will ba maintained. numbers must be NUMERIC. �6 The change of address will not result in a public safety hazard. PROOF OF OWNERSHIP IS REQUIR:iD. (property tax bill) The fee for a change of address/add tion of suite numbers request is $268.00. The fee is due with this reel uest form and will not be refunded if the request is denied. The direct costs associated with an addres!;change/addition of suite numbers request will be borne by the applicant. Approximate review time is fifteen (15) days. If the address change is granted, the new addret:s will be in effect thirty (30) days following approval_ Si re Date y:US rAA 4u8 fff 6666 ulIV uurtm IlNu I000vQ02 Community Development Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Telephone: (408)777-3228 Fax: (408)777-3333 CHANGE OF ADDRES.7/ADD SUITE NUMBERS REQUEC,T FORM NAME (please print): PAN CPrL CAThLf1N0 � p TELEPHONE NUMBER: yO� �y8 '6600 APN (assessors parcel #): _ - /8 00-3 EXISTING ADDRESS: NEW ADDRESS REQUESTED: /_/089 STN L/tNd WURT NEW SUITE NUMBERS REQUESTED: Request for address change will be approvr-d only if the change meets the following criteria: • CD The change of address will not create co Zfusion. AST DIGIT will be considers d. (3. The odd/even addressing system will b a maintained. � numbers must be NUMERIC- GThe change of address will not result in a public safety hazard. PROOF OF OWNERSHIP IS REQUIR:,D. (property tax bill) The fee for a change of address/add tion of suite numbers request is $268.00. The fee is due with this reel uest form and will not be refunded if the request is denied. The direct costs associated with an addres!; change/addition of suite numbers request will be borne by the applicant, Approximate review time is fifteen (15) days. If the address change is granted,the new addret:s will be in effect thirty (30) days following approval. • _ //-&p -O6 Signa re Date V/,Ia/ZVUE, Vyj Va h M A vua M 6656 UIIv uurLmiNu 10 o0z/VV[ Community Development Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Telephone: (408)777.3228 Fax: (408)777-3333 CHANGE OF ADDRESt7/ADD SUITE NUMBERS REQUE',T FORM NAME (please print): PAN- CAL- CA>ALAMQ p TELEPHONE NUMBER: yO$ .2 y8 '660'0 APN (assessors parcel #): _ /S " 003 EXISTING ADDRESS: NEW ADDRESS REQUESTED: NEW SUITE NUMBERS REQUESTED: _ Request for address change will be approi,(A only if the change meets the following criteria: • (D The change of address will not create co-fusion. --C BAST DIGIT will be considers d. (3. The odd/even addressing system will 4! maintained. �✓ numbers must be NUMERIC. G). The change of address will not result irk a public safety hazard- 0 PROOF OF OWNERSHIP IS REQUIFi'iD. (property tax bill) The fee for a change of address/add tion of suite numbers request is $268.00. The fee is due with this rei;uest form and will not be refunded if the request is denied. The direct costs associated with an address,change/addition of suite numbers request will be borne by the applicant. Approxiu ite review time is fifteen (15) days. If the address change is granted, the new addrEt s will be in effect thirty (30) days following approval_ 30 Si e Date IV/,Itf/2VVb., Vtl:V3 FAR 4Va ft ( S;fSS Elly I:VrttiliNV in 002/VO2 — r � Community Development Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Telephone: (408)777-3228 •' Fax: (408)777-3333 CHANGE OF ADDRESS]/ADD SUITE NUMBERS REQUEr,T FORM� NAME (please print): PAN GAL- CA/ ALAN0 � p TELEPHONE NUMBER: _ yDS _ .2y8 —66M APN (assessors parcel #): -------3-6,2= _ /g " C>03 EXISTING ADDRESS: NEW ADDRESS REQUESTED: l/�6 CAntuwo Cs�UIeT NEW SUITE NUMBERS REQUESTED: Request for address change will be appro,.'t:d only if the change meets the following criteria: • (3 The change of address will not create co Zfusion. � t�CAST DIGIT will be considers d. (3. The odd/even addressing system will b!maintained. 'J ' numbers must be NUMERIC. G)The change of address will not result in a public safety hazard- 0 PROOF OF OWNERSHIP IS REQUIR:3D. (property tax bill) The fee for a change of address/add tion of suite numbers request is $268.00. The fee is due with this re)uest form and will not be refunded if the request is denied. The direct costs associated with an addres::change/addition of suite numbers request will be borne by the applicant. Approxirruwte review time is fifteen (15) days. If the address change is granted, the new addret:s will be in effect thirty (30) days following approval_ • _ ��20-0.6 Si a Date Xi § ) — & ) y 7 \ 0 , mA � § T L\ ` / k n „ ) k - 33 CL $ k ) ) -9 d . B : cGaee � e a ® » \ § � — ' § 0 Q _ m § e ` 4 § $ eegae8@ a� # ? ( \ \ d 2 { d \ ) j § / \ _ � � / ® � u- — ® L } 7 \ ) \ . ( ( ( ; ■ ) / ! ! ± 2 � � Z ! ! :1`• Irl � '..i s'. f lA s:. a--.— 3n' T e't_ 1s e� � � 1t )i�U sr�� rv�-: f 1 ) . _..'l. . . .h...W1i � i i:I�l x f-...>� t.•i. Wil.- 1..: .h.+t .l.i.{ ',�! �µ. 1 ) ON 1 t.. 1 . I T w lµ J { if