03020117CITY OF CUPERTINOiAh'sa`%deSw - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT " TQRAINE00 i ONN" . 4CON=CIi BUILDING ADDRESS: — PERMITNO. 19625 STEVENS CREEK BLVD 03020117' 'S NAME: 1577 ALMADEN RD PERMIT ISSUE DATE YAMAOKA GEORGE AND MISAKO 02/27/2003 NE; ('40d) 2s!�-1883 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO _ BLDG ELELT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description 1 bemby .m. that1 am licensed under provlaiom of Chapter 9 (commencing P with Section 7000) of DivWon 3 ofsha Buss pretesiou Cod.md my It.. is lama an ff _14 Liccnro CI Lie SIGN --2 SETS OF ILLUM I,TRS/MOMUMN ' jk If Dela Co fir L-•lJ Nu A�e CHmSCI'S ATION ®. 104c,aln my plana shall he used ss public mco d, - JUN 1 7 2003 Licensed Pn,femi... l OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm Na 1 em exempt from the Comncmes license Law far the following mason. (Sudan 71313. Business and Profesaiuu Cade: Any city or county BUILD which raquiress a permit to construct, A, improve, deminnuinnuendoolish. fir repair any u prior to ID Issuance, also oximme Ibe applicant for men Permit to file a signed Annuitant Sq. Ft. Floor Area ' on that he is detract! pursuant to the provisions of the Communes Li¢nx Law (chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7001)) of Division 3 of the Business and Profession Code) or Net he is exempt therefrom and the bub far the alleged exemption. Any violation of ' 3 109 Milt Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not mom Nen Ove hundred dollar, ($500). ❑ I, as owner of tem property, or my employed wish wages As their sale eompenutia. 101 Required Ins 103 - UFER 9 Inspections will do the work end 0eamrmme is nal moded uroRered fouale(Sec. 7044, Busiws and Peninsula. Cade: The Conductor'. License Law does not apply n motor er of property who bunds or important n.end who doeuuhwork himselfor through his, _ -- — 104 — REBAR' ' awn employee, provided that such Improvements art not Ounded proffered forum. If. however. the building or improvement is sold within one you ofcompletion, the owner- 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS builder will have the burden of proving that he dial not build or Improve for purpose of 304' - ROUGH ELECTRICAL ❑ 1, an owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed condanmn m 505 - F I NAL ELECTRICAL construct the project (See, 7044. Business ad interactions code:) The Contractor. Li- 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS ahs, Law does not apply n an owner of property who builds, or Improves Merton, and who contracts for such projects with a comadu r(.) licensed pursuant to the Contactub License Law. , Sea .BRPCfor Nbmuon Data . '. WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of dm following declaration: Ieumptunder nd will maintain. Corollate of Consent n self-lasum far WorkeesCoupon- M provided far by Section 3700 of she Labor Code, for the performance of ther which this permit Is Issued. ve and will maintain Wmkces Compenudon Inau nee, ss rtquirtd by Sation the Labor Code, for the per(ormancc of work f whichddaprmitisluucd. ,tees Com dation Into see emierandPo men% CA)Polley N ✓✓✓✓ CERTIFICATE FEXEMPf10N OM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS- ANCE (This seerin nand not uncompleted lfthe permit Is forarc hundrtddallso,41 ) fir IGF) I coolly that in the performance of that work for which shit Permit Is issued. I shell am employ any porton in any manner an as in become subjeet to shat Workan'Compenullan Laws of California. Data V Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT, If. afar making this Certificate of Exemption. you slanld become abject at the WorkeM1 Compensation provisions of she Labor Code, you mut forthwith comply with such provisions err this Permit snail be domed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that them is s construction lending agency fir shot Performance of that work for which this permit Is, issued (sec. 3097, Civ, C.) - Lendcei Name ' Lender'sAddrau - - I certify that I have read this Application and sum that the above information Is, cuildin l agree n comply with ally and county oNinaces and atom law relating ! y upot e abovengeadomed compunction, and herebyashanwmpmuenmives of fib city nsour upset the ahovrmrndoned pmpcny for purlpmg V indemnifyAn We) sju g rte n taw, indemnify es hap harmless the City of Cupertino against IlebilhieLJudgmenu, costs And expense which may in any my same against old City In conteq c f granting of A D it. A IC ERSTANDS AND ILL COMPLY WITH 0 - INT SOU RE Issued by: Dale e -roofs Type Of ROOF SI{nounrc DO LS to HAZARDOUS MATERIADISCLOSURE Will fie applival err Inure Wilding occupant slam or handle mamaterialnc HeartloG Od by 044 Cupenlm Municipal al Code. Chapter 9.13, and shHealth lsh anal Safety , . Section 44533(.)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ' Ely.,No If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will the applicant redo building occupant van equipment or d vices which haadnus air contaminants a defined by the Bq Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. ' District? ❑Yes Nu I haw mW ardasmauriai mquimwnuundcr Chapur6.95oftha CAlifor• hS'I ,sectiou25 5533.m125534Aundcnundthulfda building oed y on my remouibillty, MA dm occ t of r mut m t 'p iasa a ACenific or a Ewnu ignature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better /Data ulnorimde ant i 9 k OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO�' BUILDING DIVISION ' r. "' 11, 1 ` e - - I46RIVIATI T• . PERMI ;CONTRACTOR exit s,s BpILplyC,a'f'T$ EVENS CREEK BLVD ALLEN SIGNS INC` PERMIT NO. 02050117 D TWMl!A ASSOCIATES INC. 1982 STONE AVE Affy5l i"yi�lff2 PHONE: (408)280-6500 SANITARY N0. CONTROL NO. 0 ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO u BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ou �:3 yz LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION then am T hereby0) provisions Chapter 9ldin, Se hi]esc SIGN (IND IVIDUALIO F3MIfnLETTER) X5-3 aedunder with Of Jim.. ormose)of Division3 of Ne_Business mtl Professions Code. and mylittnu 4' �y< a u ixin I lass Intl cc `/y is Clain Lic. a 5 ������� > o. eµfy- e Cont ° , ARCh 'S1 RATION understand my plans shallb used public mcoms 11 be JUN 0 4 2003 p o 9 Licensed Professional OWNER S m ? < -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby a%im1 that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for Nc following.... (Secdon 7031.5, Businessend Profeamm Code: Any city orcounty BO/ILI.1'Xvt� gy 0 E F C 53Q which squirts a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure - Prior to its issuance, also mquims the applicant for such pemd0o file s signed statement _ _-. _-_ _ _ __ '3 I�21R.Cf8obr�@a. .f Valuation Net he meq licensed Reused trine provision of to Consaelor's License law (Chapter 9 (commencing win Section7000j of Division 3 of she Bmunssaad Professions Code) ' ' ' or that he is exam t sherefrom'a'1d the basis for the alleged ekem lion. An g A ' Season 7031.Sp en licunt for end penalty by raw ppm,itiabauthe.ppliunlm.rivilpewty. of not more then five hundred dollars (5300). 1 1APNRGIWATION Occupancy Type 01, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, 103 - USER will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7(so.- - _ Re nlred Inspections - Business and Professions Cade: The Contractor's License Lew does not apply to a Ownerofproperty Who Wilds orimprevesthereon.and whOdoessuchw�rkhimself , 105 - ANCHOR BOLT$ Or through his own employees, provided Nal such improvements an not intended or °Berea fon rale. however, the buildingor ire- improvement 304 - ROUGH -ELECTRICAL -.----..__.—"-- completion, w lhave the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve tar paryoae of ale.). SOS - FINAL ELECTRICAL i ❑I;Li owner of the property, un exclusively conuaciiag wiih'itaensesl convenors to 514 — FINAL- PUBLIC --WORKS--. - ... :_.. --------..... .... ... _ ermines the project (Sec. 7004, Business and Profusions Code:) The Contractor's - License law does not apply 10 an owner of property who builds or improves Neeson, ..end who contracts for such projectswish e. COmm ar(s) licensed pursual to she. .- Contractors License Wec.. -. ... _... ..... ..... _. _-...... .. .... exempt Cl 1 em exempt under Sec.' - B A P C for this reason ..., Owner' ` Data - " WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty Of perjury One of the following declinations: f ❑ I have end'will maintain a Certificate of Conunl m self-insum for Worker's Compensation, u provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Code, for the parformence of the work for which this permit is issued. ❑ 1 have read will msinuin Worker's Compcnati0n fniurantt, u requ'v xi by Section ' _ 37M of On Labdr' Code, for the piman ance of Ne work for which this permit is - issued, My Wore is Comps !on Insurance carrier and Policy mbar ere: bGnr-P°Re �3L ..... _ .... ..._ ..._ _.... _. .. .. .. _ Y ye52.. CERTIFICATION OF EX ION FROM WORKERS'; .; . ;,,_;.,_•, ,,._.' COMPENSATION INSURANCE - -' miii -c IIOO need Out W completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars 7- I 1 cetilfy that in Oe performance of the work for which this permit is issued, 1 - - - - - _ . - .. shell not employ any, person in any manner, u ss to become subjut to the Warken' 1 . Companoam" Lew} R Califomia: Data ' 'A c[ licant' _ _ .. _ .. .. NOTICE TO APPLICANT, aft" akin 'this canificam of Exemption, you should .. _ ... .. ._ .. _. - - Z become subject to the Worker's Cam r anon provision of the labor Code, you must P, forthwith O comply with such revisions or this Penni. shell be domed revoked. y id .CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY "I C hereby Out N[R 19 0 construction lending07, agency for the pCrformBrlCC Of the work (of..IIICII which (So.. pCrlllll is issued (SCC. 3497, GIV. (,'.) lander I .. s Name'' � � �• .. _ . �. Z Z Lender's Atldrtis " I certify th1 have read this application and state that the above information is ' [r i corsln. 1 agreeat .comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relning .°building construction, hcmby authorise V . (T] and mpnuntalives of this city to enter upon Ne above-mentioned property for Inspection purposes. a,M agree to save; indemnify and keep hetntless the City of Cupenum against 0 tat) Z liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way ¢cine against said City in consequence of the gaming m Ihii permit. �PpR�A ND ST!S'AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL D Issuedb ..SSJJMM)) y�" E �' rZ y Date Sign esule .1 Applica .ta ° r le Re -roofs RDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applidanl orfnum building eminent store or handle haardous material Type of Roof . . .. n defined by the Cupenino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.13, and Ne Hullh and Safety cbdb:Section 35533b)7. . ". 0 yes " "° � •' ` All,roofs shall be inspected prior to,any.roofing material being installed. Will the applicant Oi future building occupant use equipment of devices which emit hazardous air contaminants u defoad by On Bay If a roof is installed without first obtainingan ins ectiori, I agree to remove p g Arta Air Quality Management Di"^°oY�° all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and,will comply with all non -point source regulations. . I have mad the hazardous meluials requirements Ender Chapter 6.95 of the C6lifomia Heeled @ Safary Cade, Sekund 35505, 8533 and 33534. I understand Net if Ne Wilding don not currently have a mnem. Io, it is my rtspo0 bility lononify Ne' occupant of Ne iequinmena which must be met prior to loss m Of an! "am of Occup a y Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class `B" or better Ono or authors a at S Z OFFICE Ll • d J *CITY OF CUPERTINO* SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # 3 -2 -o93 1 VV VIVO BUILIDNG Date: 1612-oZ Building Address: BUILIDNG BPLANCHK 5 Cr -BA) . BSEISMICOM Owner's Name: BUILIDNG Phone.#: d rJC. - o Contractor: Elect Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL License #: Rmdl Signs Add Branch Inc. BREMSIGNS 5v5 S Contact*�/ j 1\I UU?' �iV1 Phone #: Applicant/Contractor BUSLIC Business License B ' ding Permit Info: ldg-) A PlumbMech Job Description: T yj n Residential: t; :.1 ; . COlnnleccial , Sq.Ft. Floor Area: $/Sq.Ft.: Architect/Engineer: Valuation: Type of Construction: Occupancy Gro Qty. if AnnlicaMe\ FPP m T _ l BENERGY LLV31 EneEgy 1 VV VIVO BUILIDNG BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILIDNG BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILIDNG BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILIDNG EPERMITFEE Elect Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNAD Rmdl Signs Add Branch ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNS Rmdl Sings, Mar uee ELECTRICAL BUSLIC Business License BUILIDNG �837� M0131L INNOVATION BUILDING SIGN ELEVATION: 19655 5TEVENS CREEK BLVD. CITY OF CUPERTINO 5" THICK INOMDUAL CHANNEL LETTERS, NEON FOR INTERNALLY ILLUMINATION. 3/4" WHITE COLOR PLA5CO TRIM -CAP, RETURN PAINTED M llf2 COLOR. LETTERS WILL BE ORANGE COLOR -D,4Qe $,fti)a K.L. SCALE: 1/4'"=1'-O" DATE: MAY -13-2002 a9 i APPROVAL: BUILDING ELEVATION: MOBIL INNOVATION 19655 STEVENS CREEK BLVD. CITY OF CUPERTINO PORTAL PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER CUPERTINO CA DATE: ill i 1f till N W � E S I: e .mnsamr.sa.nev •I• d— E �bagm � ewft � -ha3p �aWW "�== trdmudeamMtl 1IMWP6aO" '6rkxbwmy. �-- Uded dbmmsl W#Akiph"ic, MsBii tlphl lmcdnun W 6l d tlpi. 11 Tubs kffw Pal W13Ael P�Pd kwabl, ercI bblb bn Items W mmbrderA alw ueme lb NEC HMW), M2, WPI. per bus. '19d OhM °� adlr>ea h btY numbr d Sipa aeclnm ELECTRIC SIGN SECTION W In mMbmm Wed nn (=W Pln/chm NO. )0(.123/5/ ud bbd GTO Cab l®dor rub . aNy end b tlr rind ndim LrtiN. ra3cnoalelaWosl. _ Letter, bddl,W/bb wins" sism; wAid with aipi. Wlrs CN6etlas 121 V 11a I stallion of sign fisted per UL48. D.b Inb Nob: Installation regdrammrta wdV. . uwdawlma jn� MWubArmtl/ nmespuirab contained in ULI8. aaedeaLUlEnow CNAM1EL LEram BISIAATINO BOOT ANO SLEEYE Data: October 198/ D Srie. MEI don SAA Spa e h by ebenkal Nene Dg. Nn U"S-T1D 1 Lett; Mew units n.k b on ends Yltir webmn. TM se and mmbrderA alw ueme lb testing laboratory '19d OhM °� adlr>ea h btY numbr d Sipa aeclnm ELECTRIC SIGN SECTION NO. )0(.123/5/ 0 d OAPPROVE®. IN 10 01 ACCORDANCE V4 OR NANCF•9 cu OAT CO ES AN OAT S16NED,� " ecitications MOST This set of (.1 is nd Sp be kept an tho ab achenBes or l times and it Is un IaWtUI t7 111 ";r, t r permission from 00 6'A" Vxit r-zt Wr.:E11 hit tokAlka 6 tt, of n° ►A L C : i tD ii�r65CL1 . sag PO* VS �V Cdv o-Mnancz 0 PROJECT: All designs & art works belong to Allen Signs, Inc. Any duplication is prohibited. COPY RIGHT 2002 111 MAY 2 12005 �0rl � 1r: 1" �c# 7s��I,. c 3 PLOT PLANS CHECKED BY TE,408/280-8500 +x408/280-8700 1982 SMNE AVE &WJOSE, CA. 95125 Slate License # 505655 CITY OF CUPERTINOj BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT 'd�� RE� TQR Ix\� ^' T10 BUILDING ADDRESS: —61UN PERMIT NO. 19625 STEVENS CREEK BLVD 03020117 NER'S NAME: A MADEN RD PERMIT ISSUE DATE YAMAOKA GEORGE AND MISAKO 02/27/2003 PHONE: — SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECVENGINEER: - BUILDING PERM ff INFO ' BO P ELECT LO MECH O LICENSED CONTRACT'OR'S DECLARATION lob Description I hereby efl4m That 1 em licamed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing P with Section 700D)off, Vision 3oftho Busidissa9p Professku Code,and my license Is In full en Be L.l SIGN --2 SETS OF ILLUM LTRS/MOMUMN 1i1�// LkeneC ' Lknbi� Deb CHITECTSD Cr ATION L— AJ o �' 1 un un my plena shall W stud u public recnNa t,/r Licensed Pmfasionsl OWNER -BUILDER DECe i I hereby (Oren that 1 exempt from the Conlnclafe Lkou Law for the ConumN 0 following recon. . 710 1. Business tad Pr Code: Any city county aitch Permit t su , demolish, structure ae,also tocnnswn,pWcImpmw, deermitt, rie sig sayoment itsinu such Contrarros LideaAgnedmtement a pdorbioisssedpuruarequire. lWvision that he um License LA.Llans Sq. Ft. Floor Area 'on pursuant to of of Disioro Of theeBuxtm'a (commcndngwit Code) or (commencing with Jof Cade)uf Business utl Preon. that le H thection refrom of li tad ae half far be alleged exemption. My and the basis ran al egad My Iany r Occupancy Type 31.5 b 7031.3 any applicant for s pennll subjects the applicant to a civil pemlty of applicants itvioladpenalty .1 am five not more that five durMred dollen (5300). ❑ I, our Owner of the property, or my employau with wages as their sok cempenutian, will do the work, and the structure lmut intended or offered panic (See 7044, Business and Prefeidons Cade: The Cormue.e. License Law does not apply b cancer cWr of Required Inspections 103 - UFER 9 P property who build, or Improves demon, andwho dos such work himselferarough his ., 104. — REBAR . we employeu,provided IAalauch tmprowmenu nee [Huhmaded oroffenJ formic. If, hewew. the Wilding or improvement is sold within one year ofcompleuan. the owner- 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS builder e'er will have the burden of proving that W did not Wild or Impmw, far purpose of 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL ❑ I. u owner of don property, am exclusively convecting with Ikemned contractors 10 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL wnslmct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code:) The Contracux'a Li. cove Law dOca not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves lhemem,and, 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS who monarch, for uch projects with a contractors) licensed pursuant to the Conaaerrues License Law. ❑ l am exempt under See ,B k P C for this noon ' Deb WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION �I hereby aRine under penalty of perjury ane of be following declarations: ❑ 1 haw and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -tum far WorkersCompen- sotion, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Cade, For the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ❑ I Mw and will maintain Worker's Cam pensVPa, u required by Section 3700ofthe Code,fortha ' Labor Krfarmencoorwhich this permit lm issued. My Wo keys Cam nsadon Insu roamer aG�Po✓✓✓✓✓✓ CERTIFlCA78 FEKIiMPnORKERS' (This section need not be completed if the permit is for can hundred dollars (5100) Or leas.) 1 cenlfy that In the performance of the work for which this Permit is fund. I sball not employ any pence in any manner an as to Wcome subject to the Workers'Compensation Laws of Celifomk. Dab Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICAND IL after making this CcNfream of Exemption, you should -become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must ' forthwith comply with such pmviakns or this permit shell W deemed mvoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby Net ban ins ansuuc.3 lending agency for the performance of rwhich i ac work for which cels permit It issod (So. J097, Civ. C.) ' Lender's Name i LantleYS Address I ceN(s, that I haw read this application end slab the the above in \ /I "relating l4ree b comply wW all city and county ordinances state laws reining ad coon v When. tallw+of bis city to enter upon the e 1 aWVC(we) noul above-georrswctlomudhorinsputhodnrpose& fInemnify anpatpabl vJ improperly is cove, indemnifytadkeep hay ters;Inas the City or GpcmLold m,ju gore 1 Iia tlesfudgmenLL. tomo end eapasa which may In any way scores againstuid City City In Co.cobq c f c gnnOng of aim pc II. A IC ERSTANDS ANO ILL COMPLY WITH 0 INT Issued by: Date SOU R e -roofs Type of Roof Signal= o p mcant/Camrsctor Ib HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occuputsrote of handle haeardou material uuuade���0n5gge��Cd��C by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chaplcr 9.1x, and the Health and Safety Cuan zss3xta)T Ycs No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining'an inspection, I agree to remove will the applicant raw Wilding Occupant use equipment or &VIM. Which emit hexaNnus sir canteminano u JcflncJ by the Bey Arta Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District ❑ T Ya Nu I hInmad the Me mrsm Wrial mquimmenounderChapwr G95ofac Califon nice Hcallsisey o.Seedom x550 533and25334.1undersmndassifhc building daunotcuao y w. my remonibilikyL nodfytW Occup tofth rogu)rent , m mast m t o issmanAttaCerdfli fpig ignature of ?pplicaltt Date All roof coverings to be Class "B” or better wnerunu0iamcd a[ent D„2 • DAN, CITY OF CUPERTINO o� �2 117 • CITY OF BION CUPEkTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM E • APN # •, «� Energy rcc vruu BUILIDNG BPERMFEE Date: Building Address: ZS' �-cvc1J5 Y2,I U BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial � Owner's Name: vM ac)L CSOC. Phone #: 2ts�- 3 Contractor: �1 ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNAD License #:,� Contact: � A BREMSIGNS Phone #: cl-- Applicant/Contractor: 1 _ S �w�rT Building Permit Info:. Business License BUILIDNG Bldg Elect Plumb Mech Job Description: Residential: /I of 1-1/, LhutluGL LfdSMoa,617 f uLQ ommercial: Sq.Ft. Floor Area: $/Sq.Ft.: Architect/Engineer: Valuation: Type of Construction: Occupancy Group: Qty. if Applicable Fer m BENERGY •, «� Energy rcc vruu BUILIDNG BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILIDNG BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILIDNG BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILIDNG EPERMITFEE Elect Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNAD mdl Sins Add Branch ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNS Rml Sins, Mar uee ELECTRICAL Business License BUILIDNG uZv I 18-3" CARPET and more Detail scale: 1/2"=1'-0" "6MS-M 1 C23 NJ a ELECTRIC SIGNS OF ALL KINDS SINGE 1976 TM 27.37 sq. ft. PE cou p1 Monument reface specifications: Cab. ht.: 30" Cab.width: 9'-0" retainer: 2" corner radius: S' sign face: white lexan graphics: black #22 lettering teal #246 horizontal rules 1?w-Nz, vi, T E 1800 CAL -NEON fax 408 289 8024 WWW.CAL-NEON.COM 1577 ALMADEN ROAD, SAN JOSE, CA 95125 COPYWHI NOTICE& THIS IS AN ORIMMAL uNIVE11 HEO DRAWING SUBLITTED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WFTHA PROJECT BEING PLANNED BY CAL -WON SIGNS. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN TO ANYONE OUTSIDE YOUR ORGAN VISION NOR IS RTO BE COPPED, RE14MMED, OR MMI ED IN ANY FASHION. 0 APPROVECF IN ACCORDANC WITH THE CITY 0R C,PEBTIN0 C � A;' - INANCE9 BATE SIGNED MIS set of plat, an specificat� ion" 37 09 Opt on the �b® e0 times and i$!itis un $tdt t@ i@@ko env channe� — _,. -. SCOPE OF'1#69 ''`9oni written permission " "I51! Not city of Cupertino. f' r 'MdfHp pt tpis @Ian and specificat 110d to permit or to be "'�' "f the o%..I.'s. _ Manufacture and install two sets of aluminum coil rovisi channel illuminated letteis withcompanion cabinet unit (Carpet and more). Black aluminum cabinet White acrylic face. Black vinyl lettering Reface existing double sided monument display. CHANNEL Conde Rrcway/transbnner Loin w� N r3'M scr .moi.4Wb r . J 0 100' frontage S8G CARPET and more . 4 xe 4 � i South elevation (Stevens Creek Blvd.) 1/w=1'-0' S8G CARPET and more FEB 2 7 2003 )JECT NAPE: S & G carpet and more SCALE: as indicated DESIGN: 15372 )REBS: 19625 Stevens Creek Blvd. - SALES AGENT Joe Katz IuKAWN BY: KJohnm Cupertino, Caliromia DATE 2-13-2003 REVISED: NAME: S&Gl5372. It SHEET OF 3 IN SITE PLAN SCALE: 1'=40' 1800 CAL -NEON /ax 408 289 8024 WWW.CAL NEON.COM 1577 ALMADEN ROAD, SAN JOSE, CA 95125 SIJGrJ-N , OWYRTHIS *KT FORRUSEINOONNECNVIIITHARi GPLANKEaH DII& O' HS NOf 1b eE SMWAM TO ANYONE OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR IS IT TO BE ELECTgIC SIGNS OF ALL KINDS SINCE 1 B75 i� C�p� G� OR IN MY FASHION. NORTH RECEIVE FEB 2 7 2003