06120059CITY OF CUPERTINO- C i o � U S O y $ _ Oforthwith y ithe A z U W y fn ,'� ^ ;,�ilr1'FRr1CTORINFORMA.TION BUILDINGDIVISION PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: HENRY'S DESIGN. &( SIGN CO PERMIT NO. 06120059 19640 ST OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISUEDATE EVERSHINE 2018 EVANS IN I NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)269-0888 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION IOU De$CllpnOn 1 Mmby affirm Na,1 am lianwd uncle previsions of Came, 9 (commencing with Seen.70(X)).f Division 3cflhe Businusand Pwfmion Cole.and my license is nmllforce and erfeeL CHANNEL LETTERS ILLUMINATED SIGN "BAY AREA BRID _ License Class 1- / T Lie. a Dole aQ 4 Concannr "NEW THINGS WEST" TOGETHER IN ONE SIGN ARCHnECTS DECLARATION I undcrvanJ my plans shall he umJ as public mcnrW Licensed professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I affirm thatLicense Law for the 11. exempt Inn Nc Contrfessm.o poen ](131.5, Business and : maw.. ren Code: Any city or county which Permit ve de repair wuctum which t is a a permit re cn.ewq alms, improve do Permit i file ed prior uitsleredlprsurequires Wovisiosof for wehpermitm RlcasLsedwmmcni its Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation that ineingwitPursuanu0the pmvisionsofthe Division oBusiCtonfoutor',ndProrlaw(CMPmr9 of NCeged mops Pwfmievi Cook) of hecuore DO)ad $10000 thathe ringwith sfr alleged uempdom Any violation of Nat io is esrmpt mmefrom and the basis for APN Number Occupancy Type Semon by or bj usto veartyreddollforapermitSubjc<sNeapplicantwacivilpenaltyof not mom Nw five hundred dation ($500). Lasrwusrs, the Pmprny,or myotimanceswithwaguas Jm(Sec.7 Required Inspections Bassi, is iWns9r .Buri car will do lhewons he aro dosul Cme,and and out apply 0 sm cock The Com tees Licenselaw doss out apply lf rt ewer of q P m then ms, nd who propProerty who s thctm who docsrahworkhimselrer ugh hu eny wM buildsmed rand not or for sale.if. own tat we for ion.red year fcomired Nebuildingor Improvements withinone)serofaproveforNeowna- however. hee ilding or pr antis id within s, builder will Mss the burden of proving Nat he did ret Wild or improve for puryoa of Wilder will mleJ. ❑ 1, as owner or the pmpeny, am cacluunly com tact with 0cense! mnoactnrs m construct Ne project (Sec. ]044. Businm and Prufessiens Code:) The Cmufaelnrs U. cane law does not apply us m owner of propmy who builds or improves thereon, and whocontruts for such projects with a coneamer(s) licensed pmmant in do Cuatear es License law. ❑ 1 am unmet under Sec . B & P C for this moon nee Dam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby alfine uMer puulty of perjury aro of dm following dmlarations: ❑ and will uctm3700 of Conserv w clf-insum Ter Werke cn- on. u provided for ance of fer by Secure Section 3]00 of dx Labor Cade, for dm Performance of she, workf r work for which this permit is issued. mi 71 1 Mw and will maintain Workers Compensation Inwmnce. u required by Section 37M of the labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My Workers Compeua Inseam a caniv and Policy number am: C Policy No.: C IFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (ITU mins used not becmnplemd lithe Permit is refuse Wound dollars (5100) or less.) 1 ocnufy Net in be performance of We work for which his Permit u issued. l shall not cmplcymy pence. in any mmncrw asmbcmme anbjec%m We Woe rYCumpdon Laws of Calif a. Dam l� yf� —�— Appliam ' NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If, after making this Ccnificate or Eumption. you shouW became Subject m use Workers Compe.tauon provision urine, rabm Code, you most comply with such provisions or this permit shell be deemed mmmkcd. ' CONSRU=ON LENDING AGENCY ' •- -- IherebyaffusnthatNemisaeuntwctimlendingagencyforthePerformance of work for which Nu permit is issued (See. 3097, Civ. C.) lenders Name Lenders Addrm ' I certify that 1 have read this application and cute that the above information u ' comet I agree m comply with all city and county ordinances and sum laws relating m building construction, and hereby autherim mpraenulives or this city to enter upon the Pwp for inspection claveti (We) agree in save, indemnify and keep hamilm Oa City of Cupertino against es judgments. ort whilhma csmit. may in any way accmc against said City inconsacluuecorth.crauindof this of thegrantingof this permit. A APPLICANT APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOU CE REGULA �{ Re -roofs .zg�&, / 2�' 3 —n e Signature of ApplicanifContraetor Data HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof WIII We appliaut or future building occupwt sem or Mndlc bavardoes material u defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cock. Chapter 9.13, and the Health and Safety . Sceden 2ss3z(a)7 t] Yu ❑ No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will We future building If a roof is installed without first obtainingan inspection, I agree to remove P g applicant or occas ant nae PP g p yuipment or devices which emit Mnrdous if driu mimms u deOseJ by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? p Yes ON. I have mad We heemi sns m ckrialsmquiremens underCMper 6.95 of Ne Califon me He.?N& Safety Cede, Section 25505,25533 and25534. 1 understand ihuirthe building does net Currently Mw: a tenant Nal it b my on crujbility W notify the occupant of the re mentawhehm meipriar,i,ncear.cmdrRamer«apanry. Signature of Applicant Date —c All roof coverings to be Class 'B" or better Owner tar mNemcd agent Dam '