S 2747i z z2 ILLI Q U_O OF J APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING -ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMB NG - MECHANICAL 111111.DINGPItO.11iUFIDKN'ITFICAT'ION PHRMITNO. Q 2747 G BUILDINGADDRESS. if qV SANITARY IN APP IJCAIIONSUBMI'ITALDATH OWIR NA 3: PIIGNE. Q .COO�/NG OAC ' R MH �/7 LIC NO'. A OPX Y / Jb� NIC ❑ q✓fc CON'I'ROLq ARC( IT,CT/ENGINEE : LIC NO, ADDRESS: [, ] / / o i' rf rS3Ngr 'CON Ai PHONE: O J3 3 / Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BUILDING PERMIT' INFO BLDG IJ.T:C'1' PLUM N I El El❑ LICENSED CON'TRACTOR'S DECLARATION I heath, 1,111 mitt 1 alit lice cd tmdet pntdixioms.1 Chal mr 9 matmtwnamg wilhSmlion 7Mxp of Dlvinon3ol my Busivess mW l'rofessionsGMe, andm licunsais in fall force and tide e2o0p j g_'* Lionise Class 1.10.M eY CJYr Dam Connector cZfY. ELECTRIC PERMIT PEC „ JJ013DESCRIIaDESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑SPEW], 0 KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION [I PLUMBING RF, -PIPE ❑X111:1'[ -UNIT 0 I RUM URAI, MODIFICATION C3 INTERIOR ❑ Cl IIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT E]SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BRI II REMOIIEIARIWA1R ❑DEh10LITION ❑ OfHlil2 PERMI'1'ISSUANCE APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL ARC11i'I'I iC'FS DI7CLAIIAI'RT4 I understand my plans shall be used as public records PANELS UPTO 201 AMPS Licensed Professional OWNLR-BUILDER DECLARATIONOVER Lircme Law Ito nto hereby (Seel mal I um exempt from the C..too, Code: following reason. tScetiot ](131 S, construct. ail, and 11 wc. d moll h.or Any city county which rcgairos v e. alt to quiesthealter. improve, demolish, or repair any t tement thovisio so fur Contranch rminnicense ow statement that M1a is licensed pursuant W the provisions of the e limintodx License Viol Law (Chapter 9 that hoitscenedpurs pursuant (can nncnc comm thertiontanaltl Dlvisinor(he hueged lJan'tant. A., in'Coda)or that be is exantpt thumfrom anal the basis for Thu alleged cxcntpnnn. Any vinmion of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil pcmahy of nonnmedian Eve hundred dollars($500). E] 1. as owner ofine propcny, or my employees with wages as their sale cmulanemion, will do the work, ark Thu arnemin is mw hu,mlal otol'fend farxaln (So,, 7144, It I,, and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to ;at owner of progeny who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work h tuself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements am not intended or offered for .sole. IT. however. the building or ingnovcment visold within one ycarofcnntplction,the owm,t will h'avc the human of proving that hadid not build,, improve for put- pose uI sale). ❑ I.ax owner of the pmpenY, stn exclusively amtmming with limtecd contractors to ons reci the Noma, (Sec 7044, Rainiest, and Profession Code, I ne Conrmmor'a Li- ceaseLuwdoesnotapplymanownerofpropenywhobuilda or lmpreves thereon,and whher nd pmsvamt .the Contractors License I,aw, [:]I am exempt under Sec. , B .0 P C fonhis remail 201-I010 AMPS 10N) AMPS SIGNS Ii1,liLTRICAI. SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP. ME'T'ER OR i'OhIi (NST. Of COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION El DEMOLITION ❑TMNANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMI'ROVFMENT ❑ OTHER PfIWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OUTLETS-SWITCIII:S-iIXTURI!S NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECIR SQ FT. SQ. F. PIOORAREn $/SQ. FP. TOTAL: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT, ISSUANCE - 71f79'0 Owner Date WOIt ad,, COMPENSATION DECTAIRAI efallowin, I hereby off nn undo penalty ufperjmy one ill the following dechtmlinnx. ❑ I have and will maintain a Cenficale of Comenl to self-inxcre far Warker.a Cornian, ,mum. in. provided for by Section 3704 of the Labor Cada for the performance of the work for which This permit is issued. ❑ I have and will tnai ntain Workers Compen.adan Immature, as retained by Scenan 3700cf1he LaMrCale, fon�he uperarnli.v�cnca�nceeoi'mew,,rk for yrwRvhi,IhImi, perm, Issued. Ctarrier:rAcrs Cot2A Ia Polcy NayZl:'�'!� E rl C TE OP EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This scetinn nsnJ not he enmplGed if the Pafmit iµ for nnchundred Jnllmsl$ITOP) or less.) Ioyany marinthe tperformance oymannero the workas tolaomeforwhichthispermitisissual.lshall urn anplay tont person in any mannnsnnm Mcnmesubjectuvhe Worked Compeo- vtion Laws of Callturnie. Dam Applicant ALTER - DRAIN A, VEX'- WATER QiA) VALUATION SACK PLOW PROfECI'. DEVICE DRAINS-I71.00R,ROOF,AREA,C(1ND. STORMS TYPE CONSI'R11C1'ION FIXTURES - PER TRAP CAS-i7A.SYS'I'EM-I INC401J'TI.H'IS OCC.GROUI' Mo GAS -I°A. SYSTEM OVER 4(EAT GREAMANDUSTRI, WAS'T'EINTERCEPTOR BUILDING DIVISION FEES GREASE 'TRAP PLANC111SCK FEE SEWER -SANITARY -STORM EA 2(xl Ff. ® ENERGY FEE WAI EI2 1II7N'I ER W/VENT/F.LECTR GRAVING PEP. NOTICE. TO APPLICANT If, after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should hecntne snbR us the Wudea', Compensation provisions of the Lrbur Code you nuts forthwith comply with such provisions or this Permit shall be deemed revoked, CONSTRUCT ION LENDINGAGENCY Iherebyalfirintltanhereanconstactiomandingagencyl'or the Wifomorce of .he work fur which this pemtit is issued (Sec. 3097. Ci, C.) Lender's Name WATER SYSTF,M(TREA'I INC, SOILS FEE WATER SERVICE. - PAID Date Rec tM NBW RESIDENTIAL TIMI. SQ, FT, TOTAL: Lender's Address T BUILDING THE I certify that I have it this a,plicmion and state Out the above lnl'mnrnlov is mi l agree to comply with all city andenunry nNinanees and.mm laws relating to building contraction, and hereby a thorire mi nemntatives of this city totimer ulsm the aMve-mentioned progeny for inspection parpases. (We) agree to Nava, indeninhy and keep hurtnlevs the fairy of Cupertino against liabilities,adgmvnts,cnstsand exisrsca wh,hnnty many way nemealmint mid Cily meyuence nfthe ranting of 111%Permit. APPLICANT UND STANDS AND B'If COMPLI' WITH ALL ON- DINT SOURCE REGUL NS. - (f� - O Sitcom of pli t(ontmclor Dat HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE theapplicmm or future Milking occupant store or hankie Lazallous material n defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chal,le, 9.12, send the Health mal Sulmy Calc, Section 2553200? 1 Yes r,JNn 1 Will me applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which emit In,ankns air cunntativand mcalmed b rho Be,Area Air Cathay Manntruamt y D"o'cl7 Yes �o (] I have read,hc Msallousmaterials reyuitemcmts under Chapter 6.95ofthe Cali- fnmiu Hulth & Sul'cty Cakes Section 25505, 25539 and 25594. undcamntl thm if the oftheng 'an al a:n ml l4, have ant, that it ismyresryonsihililymsalifyihunavpunt of me ircments rich nm primto mutual ofa Ccnilicmc of Occupancy. QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SEISMIC FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE -��-'-' ELECTRIC FEE ALTER II�i ADD Ty MECH. /� PLUMBING PEE AIR HANDLING UNITPI 111, 1'MI I MECHANICAL PIiE AIRHANDLINGUN I VERT WCFM j �, Y � 1 CUNS'I'Itl1CT10N TAX EXHAUST GOOD IW ) C'f) Ill HOUSING MITIGA'r1(IN PEE HEATING UNIT CTO 1),6) BTIB i (EATING UNIT (OVER IIF1sP(1 B'$'us PAID Date Receipt# h VENTILn'I ION FAN (SINGLE RESID) BOILER -COMP(3HI'OR IM).(1(10 B'TIJ) 'It I'AL COM P(OV 1111 , ITT C) BOILER- C(HqOW AIR CONDI'1'IONF.R ISSUANCE DATE. 3—� r ISSUED BY: NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. ET r amM1orin ug t Dam TOTAL: V OFFICE