04050164 CITY OF CUPERTINO (�as 'tTa. ('�a`(j�3 ry��a"T A� ��°Tara' BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONIT RrAl�'R^; MAvg, "" BUILDING ADDRESS: JSJ ELECTRIAL DISPLAY PERMIINO.O4050164 19900 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DAIS DREXEL HERITAGE FRUNATURE 459 INDUST E: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. 7077475595 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMBMECH a 0 0 0 Y 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION F I h 7 serum that 1 em licensed under pmviai0na of Chapxr Y(rnmiemaing with Sectimon]QM)of Division of LW BusinesSIGNs end Pr sir C andm licenx is y}arc ntun race p�n p Z Llcenu Ctts>ti( Lk.M Qat DSC1 e R 1 crs DEcuaA 7on� t ��HII Y In srJ�l c uygTar�r J WyU 3 C Lice d P cosi al g at I ma aUILOER DECLARATION a��V�I� 4 F rah no than 11. exempt from the Cnnuecloo e:Any c Law for the V mg reason.(Smuou ID3 s 5,Bualness and Professions Code:Any tiny or countyou which its issuance,s aim re cnnswe,alms nt for demolish,or repair any awdmp _ y thior s hest ensedpurse requires the applicant of for Contrach ctor's micensrite ae ned Law then he is licensed pursuenlmthe previsions ser the Comrumh Llcenu Taw(Chapmr9 SLI.Ft.FIOOC Area Valuation xG Commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Busimaa and Professions Code)or - that he u exempt therefrom and the beak for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7031,5 by any applicant for a permlt subjects the applicant Ir a civil penalty of , Occupancy Type not mots than five hundred dallan($500). ❑I,a a owner ofthe property,or my employees with wages as loos sole compensation, will do the work.and thewracture lsnotudended reoffered fonala(See 7046,Business Re and Professions;Code:The Conamom's License Law docs ret apply k an ownqui of 9 Fe NALED property who Wildsmimproves Nemon,andwhodoesamhworkhimselforthrough his own employees.provided that such improvements art not intended coffered for side.If, however.the building or improvement is old within one year of completion.the owner. bonder will haw the bNm uof proving that he did non Wu build or Improve roe puryoof q I I I1 31 /nI lg eska. 1,as owner of the property,em exclusively property who Wi with licensed convectors k N constnmt the project(Sec.7044,Busineu end Pro(esaions Code:)The Convukr's W- � FD cense Law dopa not apply men owner es property who Wildsor deimprove sumer end. whocwho mnlmck for such projects with aeontruta(q licensed personal m the ConvuloYe BTW Licansetaw. ❑I am exempt untler Sec. .B,kP C for this moon Owner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby aftne under penally of perjury am of the following declan0ans: 1111 16 2004 1 M1mex and will maintain aCcAOcam of Consent o self-intim for Worker's Compen- workf for for by Stenon 3]011 of Ne Labor Code,far the performance of the BUILDING work far which Nie pertnin is issued. ❑i have and will maintain Worker's CompemNon Insurance.re acquired by Secure 3700 aide labor Code,for Ne performance orthe work for which this permit ie issued. My Waken o Iqlagrance carrier and Policy nu r :—w6 f/„�i Cartier. Polity Nae _f�-L CERTIFICATED TIONI NFRA WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ( hissection need not hecompleted ifthe pmarit is furore hundmddolkrs(3100) nr leas.) 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which the permit is issued,I shall not employ any person in any manner an as in bacomc subject to the Workers Compensation , Laws mfCalifornia.Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.a00t making this Goodrum of Exemption,you should became Subject 0 Ne Worker's ComMmistlon provisions of the Labor Code,you must �0 forthwith comply with such provisions or this permluhail W deemed revoked. 'Z CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [-i I herchy a from than Nem its comuuetinn lending agency far the perfurromea of all 7 Bre work for which this permit is issued site.3097,Civ.C.) aQ Lender's None = z Lender's Addmu U Q 1 certify Nan I have read this application and some than the be.information is [a. F correct.I agree be comply with ell city and county ordinance;and sum laws relating an 0 building connotation,and hereby authorize repreacnuuves of Nis city to amerupm the fad eWvs-manuoned pmpaly for inspection purposes. (We)same to cove,indemnify and kith harmless Rte City of,agent against fn liabilities,judgments,coati andmnify andwhich epmayin lsnywayty of Curie colo City U Z in consequence of the It of this permit. APP U ST AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date RCE S � Re-roofs Sign a App V ntnctor Data ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof ill the rant.,auto building occupant aim or handle ha'rardous manual defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12.and the Health and Safety Code.Secuen zssu(a)l All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yes No Will Nc applicem o fuwm building occupantesu cyuipmcnl or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,Inagree to remove tie,? nus air conumymdefined by Ne Bay Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. D,ha ❑Yes I have reed the ovaterialsmquiremenu under .Chapmr6.95oftheCalifor- riell thASafcty2-"' S,25533and25534.1undcrsundthatifthe building docs non o n s apo sihiliny m notify the occupant of the recall ents whi as acemrcau ar. ignature of Applicant Date owns rr nl -A I e Dam All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better