020901431/ 0O yZu 0Z a E ,Y04 Oa 30 t�O LL0 Wdc z_ wt t L. 4 suit.OF c mERTINo CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: .CI PERMIT 7 UMP'19TEVENS CREEK BLVD WEBCOR BUILDERS PERMIT 090143 @"C7rLgtltf INO CITY CENTER ASSOC 951 MARINERS ISLAND BLVD APPLICATLONj'&D.yfS 002 / LCONTROLNO. PHONE: , (415) 349-2727 SANITAIR/YiN/0.L ZZ ARCHITECflENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH CJ O L_:I L=1 i i 'i's :•�:.'I LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION' . :'lnerenyarrm,th.,lamhrenudanJerprav:,an.ercM1apter9mnmmei,emg ��' REVISION=` -IN HOUAt1�ILY ` ' wrzn Secorea ;defect, nronneeasine.. and Proresamna caee, aha my ham 'sin full force end effect, NO NEW PERMIT ISSUED (#01070021) U LicenseClass' Lic.N Date Contractor MECH COPMT SPLIT SYSTEM.OF EXISTING FANS ARCHITECT' S DECLARATION g I u;dersmnd my plans shall be used as public records Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION ib 1 hereby affnn that I ate exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the O < following reason. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county V which acquires permit to t t Iter, improve dcmoli.sh o rcpatr any tructum ----- - - --. - -pro Sits"mw,.als 4 the„Il,m1 fnr such permnt rl e;nl uancal - motet 1 n£alpunuannothepmnJonsofthcContnctm c I� (cnaPter9 -Area Sq.-FL,Floor-Area Ft.,Fl 26737 521uation (con,merc g ,qh Sen n l(X,B) -r Drvismn 3 of me Buzme. d Profc ., .Cade) ,,,`.,,, ,•.-T. l \A I . � s.. • 6_ L or Sect he ti daempi ap ,li and the bars for the alleged pemynu o Any l Penalty - of any non , any do4 for a Permit subjects the applicant S; o civil penalty snBQ ',', .c r: � �•'. Occupancy Type not sof ern nmrc than Eve hundred dollars (asnm, than iv hundred ° I, as owner of me property, trip y employees with wages us their sole compostuiim, uired Inspections ”` 11 • - will do' the work,, ad She someone is an, Intended or offered par 'sale'(Sec: 700.4,- f Buii"mmfPiofc,mmw Code: The Conmeoh License Law does not apply to an owner of property Who wilds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself 102 - PIERS or mrough his own employees. Provided mm such .emen. mans ere not intended or t ,offcied forsSle If. however, the building o'------ tis ....ld within one -eon of urden ---- -- - -` '"""""""' 103 --UFER---- .Nva\ }0 r.,�n•nt •. ofmoY will base the burden or proving teatwdid not wua or completion, the 104 - REBAR ' ovefm,osci-wuaer imp f p ryose of vatic) - - __._.._.-105-----ANCHOR--BOLTS _ i 1a i i midenaThe Cmdur i '0i - . iject conswn the prawn Tapp Ito Business and Cute) The Contmetor s (See. 106 - SEWER & WATER icnyProfessions - License Law does not apply m an owner of property who builds ord. prow thereon. a ? .. aSW who convaeu.forsuen.Projttrs.wim.a. conwaortal.licenscd.pnrsuam.m the --__........2A.2_..-...UNDERFLO,OR__PLUMB ING.... _—.. _....... .---------._-. _.._ ..CmoraearaLicehvsL,vv,',;} ".k[C.'•rT;'t..•,.' °1 pt a'.s B&Per msrtaon 203-'UNDERFLOOR',tMECHiNICAL - 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME Owed WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION r Ire by frnn a IK gyafpe,'ry'n:ofinelmlowngdeelmmomn 301 _ ROUGH PLUMBING ❑ I n a iii ri t c 5n fie t f'Convert m sti insure for Worli 3 02 TUB & OR SHOWER - Compensation. a provided for by Section 3700 or me Labor Code. for the 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL 'performance of the work for which this Permits s issued. „ 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL °Iliafe'andwla't�hiniamWorkerscsn, 4 (ronlowntree,are4tu,rcaby,Section 305 FRAME 3700 of the labor Code f the lapfmma ce f Sec k f r which thkind, issue e Myw knC pe tlonl arae and y umne'e 3.06 HOLDOWNS-` & +i'1 ` 3 f ( PohcYN '. { Y i. �. ;3,0�,F-7.INSUiATION',ky, n• ty CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS ( i is COMPENSATION INSURANCE s ..... .. _ t -'• .. _. .�. _..___L. _. 8_=_ .SHEETROCK-._. _ .. .-.__....,.......... ron mmpldcJ fthe perm o for one hundred dollars 11�v., r'i'. )'.Irl 309 EXTERIOR LATH (6100)1 11z' ;... sol.. •• I rirgStet'in-thepefter of thew kf hichtti.`permhsiss d 311 - SCRATCH COAT'(.Ll•.!tPLJ.` shall t mpluy may perso m any manner 1 t to become abject to the Workers' co pe i L .otclt Dille 313 - ROOF NAIL Nrrrlte TO APrucANT a E Lookingm c rel; i IExemption, shouldyou .... _ 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL'--EIVBRGY • u eat m s n„tt m2work,r c pest p m obo ca .you int 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY fonh m ply ohr such Provisions or thispermit shall be ❑ J revoked. 'MECHANICAL -ENERGYt.-''ti rCONSTRUCf10N LENDING AG ' ny,mm,mattn a,onrt coo IenanbENCYFINAL hge,yr lhc,p Ir t rf 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY' ; r of rodwork fm which 1Mn perms is issued (Sce. 3097. Civ C.), q Ee der N me ct - - - - "• •' - ' ---505' -" FINAL ELECTRICAL' ----- - - -- - --- L d< Ade 506 - GAS .TEST '7 IttnfyNmlhvercaJthixappli tmtendsmu.teanh abovetmomtatonis INAL PLUMBING 5C8- comes. I agree to pomply with all. city in l,...ty ordinances and nom laws relating to building construction: and bemny autBoria representatives or tho city iocnter upon 5 INAL HANICAL L theabo(We)ii Bonedpmpcny foo ify and ke p (nim ile.yve-ropgrceroLum,e",foriryrehopphamd shdCityorCux, ..4 ainst 5 INAL DE A liabilities. jopgmcros, costs and expense, which may. in any way, etc me tigromt said c "' 510 - F AL Z City in consequence of the granting of this permit. " APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS'AND WILLC011PLY WITH' ALL NON -POINT ISsued%� - P RKS Date SOURCE REGULkTION'Sn" Re -CO 3 - R00 BATTENS Type Of_..R -'— _ -•• •__.-..__.- . $ig at or AP1'loant/Chbt ctor -" .HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE t c 'wif doe t rrt wilding stim or handl hae:W6. moa'a1 ppBe acapam as diel ed by theCuprn n Municipal Cod Chapter,912, and theHealth and Safety I F"IN'-PROGRESS .. "- , Codes o ;25532(.) ! sJ " f " 5 :k, '.kl i rail 3:, ..r.l. ss s; •. .' + ' ° " ,- All roofs shall be. inspected prior.to.any.roofing material.being installed. _...... _ ._ Wal the I cans r fou rt hti king occupant use equipment devices h ch PPi s P n s PIf 1'mthcdd . ;t t a. d. Jb the Ba Area Air -It Y Y QualityManagementt.. District? r -s .. a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection; I'agree'[o remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with,__, - .c— °Yea r°Na- ., all Tion-polritsourceregulations,j„ I h read the ham d s maanels re,mircments'u d -Chapter 695 or the California Health & Safety Code. Sections 25505:25533 and 25534,J understand that __. if She WilJingdi,es not currently have arananS.-thotitismY,rcsponsibilirymnotify d,c 'rccupabt of ttie a9mamcros which'musi'w inn prim m issuwce of o Ccniticatc of •. •' Signature of Applicant Date ..... ....... _.... ..........._ - - - - All roof coverings ro be Class B" or.bl' ow a or a9modua agent :...:-, L. -T OFFICE'