06080248 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMITCONTRACTOR INFORMATION 'm a3krA^9' s x BUILDING ADDRESS: -TURNER comaAcrINC PERMIT NO.O 6 O 80248 20745 STEVENS CREEK BLVD OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE TARGET CORP 7011 KOLL CENTER PKWY 09/25/2006 E: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (925) 485-0800 ARCHITECT/ENOINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH Oo LICENSED CONTRACT'OR'S DECLARATION .w❑ 1 heseby affirm that I am licensed under provimors of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description iiW withs«lan7txBgoroivimon3ofuxBwina:.anaProressiaweado.ammylmanxia REVISION TO TUBE STEEL COLUMN DETAIL AT GRIDLIN s in in full forte and affms. )EI Z License Class Lk.x O Date Conlracwr C-20 'dry ARCHTECTSDECLkRAT10N ORIGINAL PERMIT 05080124 i s< I understand my plans shall he used u public records )yU G Licensed Pw(cssional OWNER-exemp E0.ma dic RATION 0 I hereby.affirm Scc than 1 1. exempt fate the Comncmra License c Law for Ne O following mason.posted, t 703 construct. Business and Priimprove. csiom Co-1 Any easy or county f_ which meuissu issuance.permit w cnn s dLe plus,improve,deter it t nr e a sir any suuctum priorwitsensdpracurequires provisio a or far suchpermitwfileasigneds Pust dulheblicenxJpursuamwduprovisionsafthe Crnhacwr'aLiceraxlawlChapur9 Sq.FL Floor Area Valuation u�$ (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Businusanit Professinns Code)or $5200000 this he is eumpt therefrom and the huis for Ne alleged exmption.Any violation of Section 7031.3 by any,applianlfor a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penally of APN Number Occupancy Type nos mom Ww five hundred dollars($500). ❑I,u owner orlhe property,a my cmployca with wages as Heir sele compeuxl.n, wait doduwosk.andth TheCumame,LMade Law does a(s«.7an,Buirrof2622094. AA Required Inspections and Property who Code The Camsamnrs and who law docs rot apply te r untruth averse, is q P own eny who builds a impwveaen Ire r and who ar enot in work himself or ds his awn employees,provided Wn such improvements ...intended for sue If. buibiet Nebuilding orimprovementg veldwithinore year a improve a.for purpose awur- buildu will have she Writes of pmrin6 Nal Its did not dal0 m improve for purpose of 0 1.L as owner of the property.am 704.B allusively contracting with licensed contractors - \ construct the es not (see 704x,Guiness rod Professions Cade:)The Coauanor'.s Li- who claw docs not apply a an owner of u epertY who Wilds or improses theman,ora, D who Lacufor such projects with aeanuaaar(s)Iianxd pursuant to Ne Conmetnh License taw. ❑lame. P,undo . I&PC for Nu n Dau s WORK P A NDECLARATIO4 I hembysalritm un t o pe'ury ooe of the following declarations: _ ❑Ihsve and will munuina Canilica fCaucnuo ulf-insumfmWorkchCompan- sation,uprovided rte by SeNan 3700 of the Labor Code,far the performance of dm work far which Nis permit is issued. ❑1 have and will mountain Workers Compensation Insum es.u revered by Section 3700 of the labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My Workers Compensation Insurance artier and policy number am: Cartier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This seNm Cued out W completed Blue permit is for.hundred sell.($100) or Icas.) 1 certify Nat in the performance of a work for which Nis permit u issued.1 shall not employany nin my aR r n acorea wbje uo 0e workers'Compewfion I.awsaf Cuif Applicant NOTICETO PPICANT—If. f mai Nu Canifnof of Eaater,on, .yshould become subjec da,Warh fri mpun tan provisionsihal of the labor,Cede.you must .,Z fs.thwiN comply suite such prrvi6au or Nu permil.Nul h deemed mwkW. z OCONSUCTION LENDING AGENCY [-+� TRI hereby aRrm Our there isaconsuectinn lending agancy for the perfurmancu of [L du work for which this permit is Wood(Scc.]097,Civ.C.) 0 Lenders Name Z Lender's Addreu O C) 1 cunity that i have read this application and sou thar the above informal..is (•' correct.I agree to comply with est city and county ordinances and sou taws relating to p V building construction,and hereby amhmim representatives of this city to enter upon the 4 •havc-mami.n.d propertycosts for citipmes purposes. (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupcpi nino agaius o-Fw N Iiabilitla.judgmcnts,coxa and cxpcnsrs which may in any way aceruc agunstsua City ()Z in auquentent ee of the Sing of this permit. /h ^' AP JCANT D RSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-P INT Issued by: Date 50 RE 0 Re-roofs gig weafApp < UCa ter AZ OUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof rll thea t .Iwe Wilding eccupaw swm or WrWlc haurdou Madi az by the Cupenina Municipal Code.Chirac,9.11,and the Health and Safety .Sc zss3z(a)7 ❑Y. ON. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Yes If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove " Will dm applicant or future building occupant vx equipment or devices which g Pe g ' emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? Oyes ONO I have text Ne hua,drw maurials myuimments under Chapur6.95 of the Califon ma Hea &Safety Collo,Sections 15505.15533 and 25534.1 undersand tharifdm ilJing does ri t needy ase re ons.thu it' y responsibility w nudity the asap 1 of dm recut w- m atone, suauceafa CerlficauofOm Date 1 �i" ignatureofApplicant Own .r a. adm em `I Date All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better