04010028 CITY OF CUPERTINO ('� a '' 11 �T4n'(�`' v ,BUILDING DIVISION PERMI0 `�� }Q `131A',"^� � ?' " BUILD]NO ADDRESS: MID WAY SIGNS _ PERMIT NO04010028 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE STARBUCKS NE: - SANITARYNO. CONTROL NO. (408) 982-9696 ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLt3C ELECT 0 PLUMB EC MH a 0 0 X00 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob Description V I hcrchy affirm that 1 em licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing p with SectiOn]q%1)of the, 3 of NC BusinessandP ssium Code,nnd my license is ^ N in fuEm ea err t. G �'3 SIGN . z License Lie.a �� Dale Contractor eeF `A ARCHITECTS DEC A Y U '. W.mnJ my plans shall k used as publi rcc Js 6 ;oN Licensed Pmfeasionel OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION <f I masa.(firm that 1.m exempt from the Contractor's :Any c Lew for the i c GE following reason.Permit i WBLS,Business and w,demob Cale:Any city nr county which rcyuires a permit re inesthe construct,a@q improve,demolish,or repair any structure 5Z Pan tusl lensed e.also pursuant thovisio so for Contractor's ennwrile a ave statement (emathat re ctagwiJ Sectia 700)).mvisinnsoftheComsimes mdPmRsaw(Chapmr9 Sq.FL Floor Area Valuation $ (commencingwith Section and ODivisionJ of Ne Busincss and.n.A,vi Cryle)ser that M1e•is ezempt therefrom and the baso for the alleged cumpllan.Any violation of ' Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a Peanit subjects On applicant to a civil penalty of 3 WI L 1i"cr0 0 Occupancy Type a.,...One five hundred dollars($500). P Y YP ❑ I,m owner of the property,of my employees with wages as their sale compematlon, will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044,Business and Professions Co"':The Connectors License Law does not apply to an owner of Required Inspe tions propeny who builds or improves themon,and who doessuch work himselforthrough his awn employees.provided that such improvements are not intended oro@red fortune,If. however.the building or improvement is sold within am year of completion.On owner- builder will have the burden of proving Nat he did not Wild or improve for purpose of sada.), ❑1,as owner of the property,am exclusively convecting with licensed conuaaors to Q camtmct the project(Sec.7W4,Business and Profession Cade:)The Contractor's LL cense Law does not apply to an owner of property,who Wilds or improves themon.and O who contracts for such projects with a contnnor(s)licensed pursuant o the Convenor's License Law. Ell am exempt under See ,B&P C far th9 reason Owner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affum under penalty of perjury one of the following declinations: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Cement to self-insure for Worker's Compere sation.as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work(or which Nis permit is issued. ❑I have and will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance,u required by Section 37W of On labor Coda,for the performance of On work far which this permit is Island. My Workch Co pens tion In mnwcarricrmcIPolicy numkrare' - Cani" Polity No,: C RTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FR ORKERS' COMPENSATION] ANCE (This uetion mad nm hp completed if the permit is fa one hundred dollars(SIOD) or lass) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this Permit is issued,1 shall nut employ any person in any member ants In become subject to the Workers'Compemation - Lawa of California.Data Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL after making this Candidate of Exemption,you should become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the L dWr Code,you must .J Z fanhwi in comply with such prnvisiens or this Permit hall be deemed revoked. z ti CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [-+ work wh.fOrm Natmere isaconstruction 3W7,Cing agency for the Perfamancc of the wars fur which this pcnnit is iuucd(Sec.7W],Civ.C.) A Leader's Name - � z Leaders Address U Q 1 minify that 1 have read this application and sate that the above information is {2r F correct.I agree to comply with all city and county rudimental and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the 0O 6i above-mentioned property for inspection p to auv (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmlcu the City of Cupertino against rF.,t fA liabilities,judgments,costs and cape s which may in any way accrue against said City C) 7 in CmanNi eontaftla,matin,ollhis and. t� APPLICANT NDERSTAN 5 A D WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NP NT Issued by: Date S4TURC`E REGU 3 ATIONS Re-roofs Signatu fAppl'an C Bids, HAZARDOUS - HA ARDOUS MATEft1AIS DIS Los Type Of ROOF Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle harardoes material defined by Ne Cupeni40 Mun' 'pal Coda.Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Salcty Cade,Section 25532(a)] All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Ycs u Will Nc applicant or fu ore building occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove t havamous air card. an JCEncJ by he Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. . District] ❑Yea No I ham mad the haze nusmamrials rcyvimmcnts under Chartar 6.95 of the Califon. nia HcalO&S.fciy Calc, dom25505.255JJ anJ25534.1 unreastmd that if Wil ing Jut feu yhave amnan4 it is my responsibility to the .'an' Or agnoo�gna h me m r.c rcamoroocuancy. ` Signature of Applicant Date ' . O sent re All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better CITY OF CUPERTINO om 1 of 1 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: conniew COPY # 3 Sec : Twp : Rng : Sub: Blk: Lot : APN . . . . . . . . : 35907005 . 00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 01/08/2004 RECEIPT # . . . . . . . . . : 24170 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 04010028 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 21000 STEVENS CREEK RD SUBDIVISION . . . . . . CITY CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . OWNER STARBUCKS ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : CITY/STATE/ZIP : SUNNYVALE CA, 94087 RECEIVED FROM . . . . : MID-WAY SIGNS CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : MID WAY SIGNS LIC # 20684 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : MID WAY SIGNS ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 3290 BASSETT ST CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : SANTA CLARA, CA 94539 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408) 982-9696 • FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------ ------- --- -- - ------- BPERMFEE VALUATION 1, 700 . 00 77 . 00 0 . 00 77 . 00 0 . 00 BPLANCHK PERMIT FEE 77 . 00 65 . 45 , 0 . 00 65 . 45 0 . 00 BENERGY PERMIT FEE 77 . 00 23 . 10 0 . 00 23 . 10 0 . 00 BREMSIGNAD NO. CIRCUITS 1 . 00 4 . 44 0 . 00 4 . 44 0 . 00 EPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 35 . 52 0 . 00 35 . 52 0 . 00 BREMSIGNS NO SIGNS/MARQ 1 . 00 22 . 20 0 . 00 22 . 20 0 . 00 BSEISMICOM VALUATION 1, 700 . 00 0 . 63 0 . 00 0 . 63 0 . 00 --------- - ---------- - ------- -- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT 228 . 34 0 . 00 228 . 34 0 . 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT NUMBER -- ----- ---------- ------------- --------------- --- CHECK 228 . 34 15481 TOTAL RECEIPT 228 . 34 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION 101 FOUNDATION 103 UFER 104 REBAR 105 ANCHOR BOLTS 304 ROUGH ELECTRICAL 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 514 FINAL PUBLIC WORKS • CITY OF CUPERTINO o o 2-e SIGN .CUPEkTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN# :,_ Date: 55 7_ 0-x- D cis / e d Building Address: Owner 5X Phone#: u 77/-ao9g" Contrapt r: License#: 1 C J �� �� Conta t Pbone# n C Applicant/Contr ctor: 601 — \ vnV` . 6 Buildi- g Permit Info`. Bld Elec Pl Me l Description: . Residential: Commercial: `L Sq.Ft. Floor Area: $/Sq.Ft.: Architect/Engineer: V alio LQL ype of Construction: Qty. if Mvbaable Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group ENERGY Energy BUILIDNG BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILIDNG BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILIDNG BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILIDNG EPERMTTFEE Elect Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNAD Rmdl Signs Add Branch ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNS Rmdl Signs,Marquee ELECTRICAL BUSLIC Business License BUILIDNG C � SignResourm ® 6735 DistrictBlvd. •Zywood, 90270 800.423.4283 Faz 323.560.0.7143 • WebsBe: www.sigrnesmenel/ aEx, STARBUCKS PLOT PLANS PART NUMBER. QUOTE NUMBER sYntKs CRM eftUVARD �iV 1 BY IQrAI 103220 qq (UPERTINO,CA •.._ _.. / p� <5 DRAWN BY: DECKED BY: . R.ROSAL SIM; DaTE: N4, Dh� NTS 09-30-03 B 12 09 03 "wmmei A(" " FC TO SHOW MOUNTING T112-tY03 "NWP "W" N "' . Dr 48"TO 36"HANGING e o� n o ® At SIGN#1 ffi;SB00T4 LOT roe o. APPROVOD t _ `''' :- -. ERS WE d1Y 1 gp p AwGE ( SIGN#2 PART#SB00241M00 f CouWP TIN0 D 24"WINDOW LOGO ua r r SIGN#3 PART#SBZ0044 36"LOGO • .m ar T ,and spec Cations M Won the job at ell as and if isam� g larsbdl to make any cha gas of atteratian9 ® ® on >a= wdhout written pennissiON the buk n8 Dept,,City of Cupertino. 1T) The ompft of this plan and speAcOdM y AMU R(W be treld to permit or.to be 80 rpoom of the viotation of any pry f arra C" Ordrtm m or State Lew 1 LqeI I.TOUMIE(UNIfSS NON) -GRAPHICS+/-1/6' •FACE SIZE+1/16'-%- •CABINET+0-1/8' _ 0-3 •WNYLOVERLAP+J1r+/-1/16' �• •ALL COPY LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2.VIEWING DISTANCE 25'TO 50' 3.PMS PAINT COLORS . NORTH SPRAYLAT MIX SYSTEM 4.NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION WITHOUT ECN. uo# DRAMIG# RkY. SNE I# STBG178 C 1 OF 5 SinResourm 6135 District Blvd. Maywood,CA 90270 800.423.4283 Fax323.560.7143 • Websh: www.sigmesoume.net OJERT STARBUCKS OPART NUMBER ONORNUMBER - 14"SINGLE F,10E L 103220 LOCATION:GREEN LETTERS fppllLLY IN f65Clp TI O,W UBAWN BY: DRUB BY: WIE R.ROSAL STARBUCKSCOFFEE 1/8"=1' DATE B 12/11/031 OF ICE "COPY "'IffilMTOSHOWMOUNTINGTC 148-w0 36-HANGING RIIDCXOEUFIXIX Eo EO SIGN#1 PART#SB0014LL01 14"CHANNEL LETTERS OIflIWE ea- INTERIM SIGN#2 PART#SB0024LMOO - - - IuuL LOGO Osc LAN NORTH ELEVATION o 8 2004 SI N#3 PART#5610044 COT 4(t2hn\Y�G�\t�/ 3 LOGO 36"HANGING a ` SIGN ® J 1.TOLERANCE(UNLESS NON) •GRAPHICS+/-1/8' B -CABINET+0- '/: 1/8' -ALL COPY LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE Eo. CENTER LOGN DISK EEVER 1 I (7 2.VIEWING DISTANCE 25'TO50' - - 1 `1'� _ _ _ _ NIN®N NLLLInNS 1 N` 3.PMS PAINT COLORS •SPRAYLAT MIK SYSTEM • SOUTH ELEVATION 4.NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION WITHOUT ECN. uo# oBAmNo# NEr. sxlETx - STBG178 _C 2 OF 5 0 SignResource 6135 District Blvd. Maywood,CA 90270 800.423.4283 Fax 323.560.7143 Website: www.signresource.net mrm: STARBUCKS PARTNUMBIL OUOIE NUMBER: 18'-9 1/2" S 103220 10 OCATION: I CUPERTINO,CA 11'-31/2" k T-O„ DRAWN RyROSAL - aICKEDBY. SUIT: OAIE: �— 1/2"= 1 09-30-03 14" B 112A103 I x ACe _STARBUCINKSM COFFEE "m'6 TO SHOW MOUNTING uw ar� ur`�BY 5/16" 48"TO 36"HANGING uv arz ewurmer uvwmar FRONT ELEVATION COR0.040"Interiors antedaluminum S'deep returns Inferiors painted white,exteriors painted with semi-gloss black polyurethane Aluminum backs pop-riveted and sealed to returns 5" Deep channel letter Remote mounting FACES 1" Black Trimcap Disconnect switch in primary .177"thick white acrylic faces with with square head to be within sight of sign screws (sign includes power supply LPJ ` cps, enclosure)REF:NEC 110-3 243 -1'76 Scotchcol [B]600-2,600- 8 2008HollyGreen Tube Support Primary electrical source(1/2" TINGAluminum Letter Back conduit minimum)REF:NECIlumination 30mo double tube 600-s,600-21 of Brilite#4500 white neon. 1/2" EMT conduit UL listed Double Tube-12"and up 5/16"Exposed white border COLORS Brilite#4500 7 EGL 8300 Neon Detail-NTS Green-3M#3630-76 Holly Green White neon glass Translucent #3 Electro bit housings - Black-3M#3630-22 Mane Black vinyl.Paint color Black. 177"White acrylic White-Show through While# with 1 st surface acrylic borders or pointed white. 3M vinyl inset Remote transformer box with 30ma, 120v, transformers I.TOLER4NCE(UNLESSNON) within 6'of sign ` GRAPHICS+/-1/8' •FACE SIZE+1/16'-'/' *CABINET+0-1/8' •VINYLOVERLAP+1/6'+/-1/16' `2 T V 1 03 •ALL COPY LEVEL - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2.VIEWING DISTANCE 25'TO 50' 3.PMS PAINT COLORS •SPRAYLATMIX SYSTEM • � � •VQ SQ FT 4.NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION WITHOUT E(N. oRAvnxa# REY. sem# STBG178 C 3 OF 5 ( ELECTRICAL M RE U.L APPROVER • C 3„ AND SHALL MEET N.E.C.STANDARDS ODedelAhanfodu lNc r■ SignRe_sourc_e � des B 6135 District d� Maywood, Am9 270 ELECTRIC SIGN " 800.423.4283 Fu323.560.7143 • WebsOe: www.signresoumemet WALL CLIENT. STARBUCKS 21/2 PART NUMBER 1111 NUMBER, SB0024LMOO 103220 LOfdTION: CUPERTINO,CA Front View-Angle Plate Side View-Angle Plate DRAWN BY: alEOaa BY: R.ROSAL — — — — _ SCALE: 1 '= 1' DATE: 09-30-03 r - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — t 1 t I B 1 09 03 HWEAal61 H ACO I 1 TO SHOW MOUNTING T 11217031 "W" I 48"TO 36"HANGING B0UTr xcwmmel UMMET B '/V RIGID CONDUIT,PAINTED OFN BLACK((UT TO LENGTH)5'-0"PROVIDEDTO BE ADJUSTED "X 4"deep aluminum cabinet Straight end cap ON SITE CE COP olnied black with satin finish Interior painted white U ■ ' — "�J Flat 3/16"thick white acrylic Fares ■ A urm 3630-76 Green vinyl 230-22 Black 1"Black himmp with square head screws G_jpT 1 h' neon UL I' :. C 1 v �D MAtransfomer lec JAN (AS 2004 fw i _1vr r mer T` o . 0) ca L r) E 0 a ips Le re e S i.TOLERANEE(UNl65NON) 4 c-o Tube ;EY sformer -GRAPHICS+/-I/e• I �j. •CABINETERLAP ' � U -VINYL OVERLAP+1/8'+1-1/76' Section View Open View -Neon Grid 1 L' L6�D3 -ALL COPY LEVEL . - - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2.VIEWING DISTANCE 25'TOO 50' 3.PMS PAINT COLORS • SPRAYLAT MIX SYSTEM _ Volts 4.NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL # • A A • SUBSTITUTION WITHOUT ECN. S252 24" 13" 17" 3.14 120 1.3 5000/30 DRAWING# PfV. aHffi# STBG178 C s "465 5 liaResource ' 613501stict Blvd. Maywood,CA 90270 C 800.423.4283 Fax 323.560.7143 Websfte: wwwsign ouxe.net Q UJIND: STARBUCKS PARTNUMBER. DUNE NUMBER SBz 103220 LULAUQN: CUPERTINO,CA Front View-Mullion Mount Side View-Mullion Mount DRAWN BY, (NECIED BY R.ROSA[ SEALE: lff=l' ""; 09-30-03 B 12/09/ U7 03 C Mm" -UT" I TO SHOW MOUNTING II T 11217031 'Fir] "W" 48'TO 36'HANGING B M�r ivnwn I 11 3/4'RIGID CONDUIT,PAINTED B )6cj[LUMINATED CEILING MOUNT SIGN BLACK(CUT TO LENGTH)5'-O- PROVIDED E .063'W'DEEP ALUMINUM CABINET ADIAED co PAINTED BLACK WITH SATIN FINISH Straight end icap ON SITE I"BLACK TRIMCAP INTERIOR PAINTED WHITE k ELECTRICAL 13MM WHITE NEON UL LISTED 30 MA TRANSFORMER FACE CEI -177 THICK FLAT WHITE ACRYLIC White neon (13mm) JAN 0 9 C'2004 36' RS 0-76 HOLLY GREEN VINYL Electronic 23 -22 BLACK Transformer 4 Lexan Strips Lexan to secure GTO wire Tube Stands transformer 1.TOLERANCE(UNLESS NON) -GRAPHICS+/-1/8' Open View - Neon Grid •-FACE SIZE+1/16'-Y,' CABINET+0-I1r VINYL OVERLAP+I/B'+l-1/16' -ALL COPY LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2.VIEWING DISTANCE 25'TO 50' A B C Sq.Ft. Volts Amps Tirans.Sji.e 3.PMS PAINT COLORS S253 19 Y2 u 244 7.07 120 2.4 9000130 SPRAYLAT MIX SYSTEM SIGN #3 . 4 N DEVIATION OR MATERIAL UT EON.SUBSTITUTION 0"V TU ION fl MH�O UBSTI T ON V`AMN' _STS C G178