51283.1 (3) BUILDING .. DEPARTMENT ooca a ccua anc No. ._-285 -------------- THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the (description of building or. structure). Racquet Sports - • ................................................•-----------•-----................. ---- .............. , ........... ------------•-------•------ ---------•------------•----..... ... ....._.. /l3 ..--•-.___ ................. -------------.Erected on Lot No. ------=------ ---__Block No. .__:._-- - .:._.. . Addition ____:.._': _New construction Fire Zone __.___ 21267 Steven's Creek Blvd. F ___________________________________________•- Stregt No. -'•:_ " A8c"net"S orts______--:-•----------..00C. Group 4 - Pladn�d neveYopmenr Commercial t' Owner'..: Use Zone ____•--•--•_••-•-•-•-•-•--••-••--- Archi+act ..:--------------- -------------------- ...,; ontrec4or _:__:___St_onesan._Cnnstr_uatzon__CR,____....__..._..: __.____ .... Building Permit No. 283.1* No. ........................... __ as been inspected and the following occupancy thereof is herebyautho'rized. OCCUPANCIES Max. Allowage F oor Loa s per�sq. +. Basement -' ----- __-•--••--------•---•---•--_-•--- •---•--- ----------------- = s+ floor _:__.:--•---_--='- 7s lbs. . t ---•--___..____.. --------- •------••--- --- . . 2ndfloor .;.-'.-, ---------------------.. ..................... ________•----•---••----•--•--------- •--•- ..... . - - = . . 3rd floor..................., • __.. ________________•-•--..._ = „. , = . 4th floor: •:.. . : . : ................ .......................................... a Add floors as necessary ".................""' ------------ •-------•-----•------•----•- . Roof _..---•-•• .......................... ------------------ 16 lbs. -----•---•--- Mach. Well ss lbs. City of CUPERTINO April 19 19 77 r 1 Building Official':x x` This-certifica+e'must be posted and permanently maintained in a conspicuous place •a+ or,'*,-, ;> . _ close to the'entrance of the.building or structure referred to above: `. . :