00080044BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT PHONI ARCHITEMYENGINEER LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION t hereby atfsrm that 1 am IlereBu order Pd v fess of Ureter 9 my lken i is with Section ]0001 ofDivision 3 ofshe Business and Ptofnsima Case. tial mY license is fuIt foad o��ta. eve Clclass_ g O�Lic.• rce c Conuactor JJ ARCH SDECLARATION �yfiden plans Nail ustd as public rewds LLLvas LF Pmfe small OWNER-BUII.DER DECLARATION 1 hereby M. thin I un exempt from Ne Contractors License Lew for the following reason. (Section ]031.5. Business and profess«s Code: My city «county which m]aun a permit 0 cantruct, alone. improve, demolish. «teem my u - Pd., ..is issuance. alto requires the applicant for such pemtit to tilt a sigvd smemem that he is limosed Funuan to the prow m of the Contractors License Lew (Chmptem 9 (comtxncing wish Section ]000) of Divisco3 of she Busimras and Profeuiau Cade) or Out he is comp therefrom and she buis for the alleged esempion. Any vioWi« of Section ]031.5 by my epplicem for a permit objects the applicant to a civil s aloy of not mom dm five hundred dollam 1, u ownerk. she property, os my irate eca wish wager Nei( sole compBw u will doth work,ade: oisriai License Lawmdofor We(Sec.]044.Buai«as and ProfwZ b Code: The Empower th Contractor's License law tlnc trot apply self ower of propeney coed builds at improve n, such real who does .acne wart hes) .1 orired e e his own employers, provided that mors improvements tie cove intedd or plemar for sale.ILMwe will Wilding rimprovement issold within t ileo ertrnrove For she ownrr-W ho.). will lave Uce burden of proving that M did not Wild «improve (« We. Peru of sale.). 1. an, owner of Jce Sen. 71Property, am exclusively contracting with licensed comracmu - ove La d project (Ser. ]04q wne, of ad Profession Code:) The . tterm's Lid who lawdocs neatapplytoan ownerofprogenywce Wild «iot-the Jrmn.ad who r«tracB for such projecu with a conuanor(a) licensed purswnt to the Covntrectors an Law. 0 I em cxempe oder Sa. . B @ P C for Nis recon Owner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under Penalty of perjury me of the following declarations: ❑ I have ad will maintain a Cmiflestc of Covent to calf -insure fo Workers Compon- W ine. as Provided fee by Section 3700 of the IaWr Cade, fon the Performance of the work for which dais permit is issued, 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 3700.1fJte labor Cade, fa the perfovrrv«e of the weak for which this Permit is used. My Wofkera Compensation lnsura«c carrier and Policy number me: Cartier: Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ('Ibis section «d Out be completed if the Perron is follow hundrd"Ima (SI00) or less.) 1 certify Nat mine «Hormmceof the wok for which this pomth is isued, l shall WE employ my peram in any manar as u to Woonse.mbject to the WorkerCampm- ution laws of Califurrim Dace Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making Nis CcniGeine Of Exemption, you should become subject to the Worker Compcuution provisions of the Labor Celtic, you must foMwith comply with such provision or this .it shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Q I hereby affirm that Vert is a concoction lending agency for the perfomumce of Zthe work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.) Ledels Name 0.a Iandcrs AJdrtsn Ly 1 certify Jan I have read this application and stale that the above infomamon is L z torten. I agree to comply with all city and nnca county otdiand 'into laws relating l0 z building cantvetion. and hereby sudwriu represeautiva of our city to enter upon Bs �! 0 above-memlmaA pmpsny for inspection Imposes. La. (We) agser to save, indemnify and kap harmless the City of Cu«nino against LF.7 liabilities judgments, costs and eaponus which may in my way accrue against laid City } LTi in «nsrq«ret of the granting of Nis permit. E� 96APPLIG\'f UNUIiRST D ANIl WILL COMPLY WITiI ALL N(IN.PoINT f..% Z SOUR NGUTA'iI St ur Applicmt(Comnctor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future Wilding Occupant store or handle haeasdous material u defind by the Cupertino Municipal Cdc, Chapter of 2, and the Health sal Safety Code, Section 25532(0] O Yes ON. Will she eMli'mt or future Wilding mecupant use equipment or devices which mil hasardo is nor communities u defined by the B ty Aran An Quality Mmagcmcnt District? C Yes rho I have read do hasudout ="all nuuitcnrm udof Clalacr 693 of Je Cali- fornia Heal A Safety Cade. 25505. M533 ad 25534. I udrnund that if Jte Wilde ria current) , rnanktha, it iy�ty res'niubday to notify the«cupnt t of drer«nb w be in prim t ante of a Certificate of Occupancy. SCHAUMANN PLUMBI L 1455 LAURELWOOD (408)986-9044 Re -roofs Type of Roof AND Job Description SERVICE UPGRADE 7 77 3 2Zg ❑ IO8/O7/ 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with all non point source regulations. Signature of Applicant OFFICE All roof Date to be Class "B" or better