01090009a U'- 1 i `Y CITYIoFNG DIVISIONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO, 20627 SUNRISE DR SAN JOSE ROOFING CO 01090009 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE LAWSON SAMUEL H AND MARILYN 350 SENTER RD 09/04/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO, CONTROL NO. (408)227-4931 zp ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO � ELECT PLUMB MECH I IJ I_J IJ a i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Descri IIOn O 1 hcrchy u( mm 1 am licenxd under provisions a(Chaprer!,1, ncing with Salo )of Division3al the Business and Profe"i G,te. and mylironse RE -ROOF - is in fu orci nd effect, u�Lle,k '2` T/O & INSTALL COMP. re'_ Contractor �'jr ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I unacrsmnd my plans shall be used as public records Licensed Pmfasioml i OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hcrchy alarm tom I am exempt from the Conn.,.,', License law for the a following reason. Iseniou 7031.5. Bminess and Professions Cods: Any cit, or county O which requires permit to c .wet alter. improve demolish o poi y swcwrc .priori i 4 n ppleum forsuchpi on ride.. d atemem.. __ _ _______ -- ---- '.t'„ S Ft,Floor.Area�• - a uauon - that he slce sedpunu.wtotfi pro n softheContractoraLi La (ChapterY s (commencing ithSection 7000)of Division 3ofthe Business and prfezosCuJe) ar that he it exempt lhercUom and the basis for the alleied exemption. Any violation ..q' „tl,, 2 29 -mf Section 7031:5 by any applicant for a Permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty A Occupancy Type of not more than rive hundred dollars (SSW). umber .:. O 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their axle cnmpensatinn, r wiH do the work: and the structure isnotintended toofered for rale $Sec: 7111," ' eaanesx oda Prnfen,ims Cade: The Contractor's License Low, discs nm apply to an 307 - INSULAT Mpired Inspections "' ... . awn r property Who Wild, or mpmves th on 0 Ira d such rk himself 601 - ROOF TEAR OFF. nrthroughhi ployersprnsdedthat . mr improvements tintended _or o ewr, _ . - - -- -- -W -- - - - ---- Impend! If ho the building itemeni is sole withinone year of 6-62 - ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL'' -` spli then rl un the burden fp proving did otb�ldor r f p ma f 1) 603 - ROOF BATTENS of ones pens excluumlyly contracting thlicensed< t-clr.to cj 604-- ROOF IN -PROGRESS m project (ti ]Baa B d Profession, Cod ) Th C them.ms ;,C terconstruct e 1 ice a pply t of Property wlta wua. p m can. and . 'hcontracts-f such projects.wnh a contracmtiq licensed. pursuant. to the.o 7. Contractors License Lep,. ❑lameaerrutnder Sec; .. (il&PC for this main l,"i'. r•. 4" :';o, Owner " Date' .. ' , WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION hereby affirm under, penally of perjury one at the following dcclanuionc . ❑ 1 have and will'mainmi. a C,mrcdtd of Consent to seff hurt for Worker's Compensation; ®-provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Cade. for the performansx of the'work for which this permit miscued ❑ I hove anJ will'timinivin Worker's Comperiation Insurance, as inquired by Section 37M of'1y I rr'Code. for, the performance of the work for which this Permit is „ ,pa. rW kr Co pe f Insurance carver and PolcYnumberarty„r. ,. _c S-� Lam. .. / yt a” - _Policy _ _... r, 7, arem No -'CERTIFICA'I . j :. r ' ION OF EXEMPTION FROM,WORKERS't- x"' . - . I.,— COMPENSATION INSURANCE • -t . `_ , -___ ..._.. . _ ..____ .__ . _ __. ' • tic completed f the serious For one hundred dollars (TM1 i sect on need oat t'' •, - I '1 III W)orless) _ I c n fydhm in the srrfo nil c f the o k'f Which p t sued. 1 1. - one o m any ma . s as to became mbjar to the workers' shall not employ any u fCalid Jon Lows of CuIlGimly. Dvte pen.,. ... Alies.. 'NOTICE TO APPLICANT: It, nfbc u,aking lhi, Ceniricmc of Exemprion, you should ` nanme subi to the workers Compcnimion provisions of the Labor Code, you must , fonhwitb comply with such provisions m this permit shall he deemed revoked. `CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 t ` 1 hereby n(fnn that thele s a consrun on lending agency for me pedommucc , t 'nf the work for which this permit is issued ISee 3097, Civ. C.) ] - Lenders Name•it .'. _ _ _. .. _._... __ Lender's Address.. -I certify thio I have read This and anile that the above information n relating to coon.iandira all city and county Ordinances and Slam laws rdmmg cityand co "recd. I agreeng Wilding hebyaurhoriu representatives of this city to enter upon Con d the abo Purposes. propcndemot ify a] the nba(We)agree to and keep .leis the of vino a, nit y (We) agree to save. Indemnify and Aa aCop way and expenses which mny loony way acerae vgainst said O liabilities. 'u runts, costsre City i saq ace of the granting o his permir. (Z�by: AT .ICANr NDERSTANDs'A' 'ILL COMPLY WIT NONPOINIT -ATIONSI Issued Y' Date S - ,1; �,• Sfgnatureaf ApprcanVcomraetar: ': '• .. ate'. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE �. Re -roofs - - ; '. Will the applicant oen " Wilding pari tars or handl haiallous matcdal - Type Of Roo .. ... _: - ..... .. . - or defined by the Cupertn Mu pal Cod Chapter 9.13, and the N lth and Safcry s - Code Section 25532(x1 EF 1 ore! ' -'' ono:,. ;J:'. ` ': :y „_- All roofs shall be inspected prior to.any_roofing,material being. installed. _ • Will the applica torfut <h ildingoccupantuseequpmem e, ices which -' If a roof is installed' without first obtaining an'irispection;'I'agree`to'remove emir hoz fdo Ciarmo r as iter ed by the B y A A Qul ry Management Dat r all new or inspection.,Apphcant understands and will comply with .. or ❑No, t all no omI source regulatlo d the ha 2 dor. m t dal q t ruderChapter6.45 of IS, Calf a Safety Code Sethi... 25505 25533 nd Z553a I ode turd that Iflh b ngd note dyh to t rh t t nyrcp a' liryt rfy rhe i /C/�/ . . oix p t IF - q remem b st be n pn to vas f u Certificate of main u e , t Si nature of Applicant Date ­ Al] roof coverings to be Class "B” or better Us. ow a arm dzea.g r a. ., ;..,t ... OFFICE i