1920 LOT NO.'•I� NO. STREET APPLICATIO R BUILDING PERMIT C CUPERTINO Date N'�¢�z Permit-No. !''04;�[j Application is hereby made for'q p t'to`' n a J ' story,Type ✓ r9t e�Csy Building to be occupied only as, ' in accordance.with'Plans,!$pecificatio "'aind-'Flot'ilan�filed herewith. „ • ' Estimated Value ofImpm'vements, ,5y r �;;a%"Re.$ Eos ^ It is hereby, agreed that the requiremDnts of the:Cupertino Building and Zoning.Ordinances and s all other laws applicable;;to, construction; location and use,of buildings within the City of Cupertino will I be coinpliedlwifh. / Addres�f l t • Byt I ` Addre" 'Phone Approved r" BUILDING INSPECTOR R•ECOR OF INSPE I ROYALS " FOUNDATION tiATo FRAME si DA E INSPECTOR y ' LATH a PLASTER --�I DqT . INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG,%,. , DATE JNSPECTOR FINAL ELECT, DATE I ,1 INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG.` yyy 5r� : YJ DATE ^. - [ w INSPECTOR+ FINAL GAS' DATES INSPECTOII . CERTIFICATE " MPLETION ''''-BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE ' CITY OF, CUPERTINO Date .: ...t. a..................... 19.:x`._ . Building Permit Ng,. The Builmg'LocntedTat �u' ' s >r "aridE :''�f w .. ............. ... Owned by' �, a r�-c a i ..... -0.rnolete�d r Has Been"M.. .p--...�1 For Use As: .:...,. ': ;*„'" :'." (Altered). '.........-. .......... .... ...................... ...........................:........ 1 t . ....._.......................... _..............................:.....................'........................ .....................f d.: f ..... . - qq BUILDING INS'E7EGTOR,:�;: ' 102 461-500'