S 1425APPI IrAMTTn gB 1 IN INEnRMATInit WITHIN RED LINES • USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO OFFICE BUILDING - ELECTRICAL L 1•LIIDIRING-M1IECIIANICAI. PIiIl�IT No, 1425 BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONIPF,RMIT BUILDING PROJECT IDRNTIFICATION . S4N/ APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE BUILDING ADDRESS: O NEifS NAMI?: PHONE �• �ySrj Q) " ACIOR" NAME: LIC NO: CON 'I'ItO1.M `S•�` A1O ,VI� AR�CI(IR�F:C�f/ENGINIiER: LIC NO: P_ti�x �'f CONTACT: PHONE.: BUILDING PERMIT INFO PRN H+'T l 11 WAI M ^�,. - vcn-ozw UCL,UAA)'ION W ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG / aI':(T, PLUMB i MrByC�H CONTRACTOR S S LICBNSIiID O`,D QTY Ii1.ECTRIC PERMIT' FEE 1 hereby ::firm that 1 am licensed under provisions of chapter 9 aommcaiIng JOB DESCRIPTION with Section 700(b.f Division 34ine Business and Profes,iom Cnde uadmylicenseisn lull force and elfin �gy-is / PERMIT ISSUANCB r O RESIDENTIAL: ❑SFDWL [I KITCHEN REMODEL Licca Ltc'g APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL []ADDITION [I PLUMBING RE-PIPI? Du1C Cmn NCln! UCTURAL ❑MUl:fl-UNIT' ❑MODIFICATIO { ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I murfromnd my plans shall be uncal., public accordv PANES MODIFICATION UP'I'02pIAMPS ❑INTIiR10R El CHIMNEY REPAIR j Licensed Professional 2014000AMPS IMPIFM1:SET CSWIMMING POOLS OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATIONOVER IIMIOAMPS ❑ BATH RIiMODEUREPAIR 0DEMOLITION 1 hereby duos that I an exempt from the Contracmrs License law lin the C OTHER following reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Cute: Any city or county SIGNS ELECTRICAL. j which requires a permit m construct. alter, improve, demolish, or repair any ameturc ' prior In it. Lnwance, non requires the applicant for wch pennluofileamEnedsmtemeut SPECL\L CIRCUIT/MISC that he is licensed punuanna the provisions of the Contractors License Law (Cooper 9 (commencing with Sua'wn 101Ngnf Oivisinu3 nnhe Businuresand Pnreal I, Coca)or TEMP. METER OR POLE INSI COMMERCIAL' that he is exempt therefrom and the sets Coshes alleged exemption. Any violation of 0� NEW BLDGIADDI'I'ION 0 DEMOLITION • Section 7031.5 by any appllcanlfnrapermit subject, the vpIflant n, a civil pen:dry of POWER DEVICES � WTtnANT El FOOD SERVICE; not more than live hundred dollars(S500). IMPROVEMENT f ❑ I. as owner of the property, ora In een with wages as their sole cont peau tion, ycmp y g Sal M MI NO V001. ELECTRIC ❑Ol'IIF:R will do the and the oot intended Business offered for rvlepply The Curn In i and Nofesxions Code: The CanOunor's License Ww docs not apply m nn owner of n,Licarve OUT'LE'TS-SWITCHIi$-PI%TI1RE5 propcny who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements am not intended or named Int NEW RESIDHNT'IAL ELECTR SQ FT. SQ.I'LRP.ItD SISQ. FT. sale.IL hawavcq the building Crimpnrvcnmmissold within one year of ernnpktion,the ser -builder will have the bntJcn of proving that he did nm build or improve tar put- pose or anle.l. ❑ 1. 4s owner of the property. am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the protect (Sec. 7044. Business and Poll—in Is Calc:) The Cmoracm'n I,i- ,AAA Nj(,R 3 0 ANS -0 museLawdoesnotapplytoanownerofpropenywhobuildsorimprovexlhereon.and QTY PLUMBING PERMIT FEE whoammL,fmsu,h protean with rmmmcmr(s) licensed p.,.art Into, Cmbecluns CITY Vf License Law. PERMIT ISSUANCE VVi CfI I BVV ❑ 1 am exempt ander Sec. . If & 1' C lin this m r.ann ALTER - DRAIN & VENT- WATER (EA) VALUATION Owner Uote WOR DECLARATION BACK PLOW PROTF.CI'. DEVICE I hereby al affirm under penalty of perjury one the following dedkent's Clhave and i inection3Mficaac of Ce ll sd6inome for or th- DRAINS - FLOOR, RM)RARG,COND. STORIES TYPE. CONSTRUCTION Labor fortheefformsce of sainn, as provided for by Section 3100 of the Lahr CMe, for the pertonnance of the polviddfor b work fns which this penult in issued, FIXTURES - PER TRAP El I have and will m oxides] by Section Wnrkefs Compream ols he w rk lot whiae,ch PWof the Labor Crbe.lisr the perfinmmme nllhe work tui which this la�mrit is issnW. Code GAS - EA. SYS1'HM-I INCA OUTLETS OCC. GROUP APN My W'oH.els Compensation Insurance canner and Polhyy number am: Cameo Policy No: GAS -I?A. SYSTI7M OVER 4 (EA) CERTIFICATE HE EXF.MFI'ION PROM WORKERS' GREASfYINIIDS'1'RL WASTE INTERCEPTOR aulitili OIV'ION FI?F.S COMPENSATION INSURANCE ('Ihi,waion need not bewmpleted iffeEmor, ixfarnne hundrdddm11am($100) GREASETRAP m les) PLANCHI?CK FEE �. I Wily that nth, pufnrmanceol the wo rnwhicpthispeyrtl[)a.n Qishall SEWER -SANITARY -STORM f?A. 2fq FT. IiNER(IY Elis not employ n morin an ry so as men( enc ISe /rkers'Compen- • sainn latws California .te WATER HEATER WIVFN`1MLECfR GRADING I:EE Applicant NOTICETOAPPI.ICAN'.11',u ermaking Thi'die,molExempt in I, you should WATER SYSTF.M/1REATING SOILS FEEi became subject to the Worker's Compensation p vision, oFlhe Labor Code. In. must fonhwith comply with such provisions or this permit that be deemed rcvnked, WATERSEIIVICH I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIUF.N'1'IAL PI -MIL SQ, IT. PAID Dal/kuciptM I hereby afOrnt that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3091. Civ. C.) Lender's Name TOTAL: Lendc(n Address TOTAL.BUILDING F/ I. 1 sanity that 1 have read this appllcon m� and state that the above info dmilon is court. l agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and suite laws relating m QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT PEE buildag emm0Inner uction, and hereby unihoriae mpreunmtives of this shy car ,pun the SEISMIC F ELECTRIC :EE shove -mentioned properly for inspection purpose. PERMIT ISSUANCE (We) agree m save, indemnity stud keep harmless the City of Cupertino against to dahilitius,judgments, costs andexpemes which mayin any way ammeagaimt said City ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. in I ce Is the granting of us permit MECHANICAL FEB AP LICAN UNDFRSTAN DS AN LI. IMPLY 11 AL1. NON -POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10.000CFM) SO CI: :C.UI O' CONSTRUCTION TAX AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10.00(1 CPM) A 4111,11 Si marc of Aimmunl/Cnnuumor Date EXHAUSTHOOD(WIDUCq HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HAlARDOUS MAT RIALS DISCLOSURE Will the appllcam or I mane buildingoccopanlranom handle hmnrdoua tourist HEATING UNIT (10 10(1,0!10 BTU) as defined by the Cupcnino Municipal Cafe, Chapter 9.12, and the health and Safety Coale, Section 25532(4)! HEATING UN[T' (OVER 1(0,00(1 B'DD 0Ycs E] No VP,NTELATION FAN (SINGLIiBESIDE PAID - ])—am RcceipM Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which BOILER- COMP(3HP OR 1(X1,00(1 BTU) emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Qualily'Managcmen( 'I'OTAI. Dinricrt BOILER - COME' (OVER 100,000 BTI) E] 'fix CNn quirt I have read the baeardous na¢rialsis under Chapter 0.95 of the Cali AIR CON fit HONER ISSUANCE DATE fomie & Safery Cute, 2559) and 25534. I undcrsy tom if Ne NEW RESIDEN'I'IAI. MBCH. SQ. F1'. gdohs th buildinggiodoes not currently have atenantthatit ismyrespf arnotifytheoccupant aaSection, that i a Clati of the requirements which must is met pdor ¢r issuance of a Ceniticme nl Occupancy.Ise- 1A.r " r ` A �--. I SUED BY: •Q 1✓ / Owner or submitted agent Date TOTAL: OFFICE