00090129-r IIU11.mNG DIVISION v PERMIT I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: _a OWNER'S NAM[ -.0300 TOR PHONE: MERRILL L ARCHIT'EC'T/Hi UNIFIER LICHNSP.DCON'IRACIOH' S DECLARN'ION 1 Imrchy Ell i'nt That I ant h,enoal under...... eium of Chmtc' 9 tcn'un'eneing wllh Section 71X(1 of Division 3 of the Nusincaa and Promesiom Code. and any license I'm full force and elle Limn acyl .+ e" C S' M orale uf/__, tl�D_I cnnnaen ARC it I'Ibe a S UP.CLA e N I undcrstund nmY Plena ah'JI he axed as pnnllc rcenrcL. Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby utlina tha' I con cacao, amu the Contractors Liceme Law Ibr the following reason. (Seeaion 7031.5. Ilea rad Panes cox Cndc: Any ei,y o only Pr which rap'iresa perndl re utresthe alcor, improsu demolish, Orr repair any statement prior rat ins issnencc.alsoatto be the applicantfor eachpenniuolinoa Jgncd atmcmcm (ex be it Iimnwit punuanl to the pmvrstoir of the C e Beside, Liccnsc Irw (ChapterCod ) (commencing con Section HXM1) I tDivision 3 at he jecod s and i i. Any i Coda) or'hel he is 31 5 b Imay ap li and the basis for lhu alleged fplilz fiI a, Any violation of I,,, on e Ira 5 by xray applidnn fur a icor Ell xuhjcc'e the upplicum m a c'v'I pomhy of Ern more Non five hundmJ Jnllacs (851N)). 01, as owner of the profeny, or my ctnpluyces with wages as their woe compemation. will no the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. ]loaf• b.,oac,a and Pntfmsions Code 'Han Contractor's Licensc Law does not apply to an ,otneit co,,, y W1 bounds or unquote, Ihcrion, and who cine, inch work am,elf ur Iltmugh his own mnpinym. mo,alod Ihot tech Intprovcnu7us arc nm intended or Ordered lar sale. IL however. the heilding or intpnncmem is sold within one year of untpleion, the amnerrbullder will have the burden of proving that he did non build or nmpruve for parfow at tale.). 01, as owner of the ..... pony, inn exeluaivcly suarmling, wldl lieemed ennm¢vtrs to Ltmtme' the project (See 7044, business and Profetsiom Calc:) The Commctor's icense law Jees not apply la an owner of property who build, or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with Or commetorlsl licensed pursuant to the Cmnrictors Licemnc law. CIEInt usempl antler See. . it Nr P C On, thla'coon Owner Dane W'ORKER'S COMITNSATION DECLARATION I Imreby affl under pemJly of perjury Enc of the following dcclarmiom: ❑ I have and will initiation n Certificam of C'nnnnl to self -insure lin Worker's Cmngemelion, as pmeided for by Section 3710 of the labor Cada for the performance tilde work (m which this permit is issued. Ott hate and will IannaiLio Wurket's Con trenealoo Insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Coda, lit, the pd eor of the wads fur which 'hi, pc nil it issued. My W'or •r, Cnon,..a'inn Insurance ar nce crier d pub, number are son C:nsa:�p,vv .Policy wNo.:.L.-LA CIERI IF A7.t—olt1 ION (1P EXEMPI'R1N FROM WORKERS COMPIiNSATION INSURANCE - ('this section need not be completed if flan perndl in for Ene hundred dollars IS (Aft it, leis.) I cenlfy that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 1 shall nal employ any pcmnn in ;toy'manncr su as'u hcconic suhjod ,, he Workers' Cmnpemanmt lawn of Cold mltia. Dore Appfeam NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL after necking this Cenifcam of Excmplion, you should hecome subject to the Worker's Conmpenwtion provikions o(the Lahur Cade. must ust Itmhwllhcon'ply wIli such provisions or this Formol shall be&Eamd revokod, CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that them is a mnsuuction lending agency for the perfomnnce of the work for which this permit is issued (See. 3097. Co. C.) Lender's Name 1<adcr's Address I cert i tha' I hove mad this applicmion ,.,it su'c tha'he ohne information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county endurances and stoic laws relating rat huildimg conswction, and hcrthy authorise rtprc>ennttives of Nis ciry at enter, uptnt the ubno-menliuncd properly for inspection purpltm. (Wc) agE c,, onto. Inden"d I y;nal kip I El,,, be City n(Cupcniao against Iianilhica, and uper,c, whmh may Ia any way accrue against .said C.— in. nnwmence of'be emnline of his cermil. HAZARDOUS MATERIAI S DISCLOSURE Will the applieanl or future vending uccepont dere or handle hv:W:Ius material m defined by the Cupertino Municipal Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Code. Section ]55311.)7 12 Yes Will the applicant or mune bonding occupant use syuipmcar or donees which coif hararJoas our contaminamt as defined by the bay Amt Air Quality Management District? OYes I have need One hamrdnua mammals m1laireacats under Chaotic' 6,95 n! the Culdomia Health k Sol'cty Gyle. Sections' -5505.25533 and 25534. 1 understand Ihm if the building dues not curmmly hie a anon,. that if is my respumibilify for doody the oecapin of the rcquimments which must he met prior to issuance of Or Cenifcaa of DEMO YI19311Eifiss@ No. ❑I.D(It ELECT PLUMB MECH Job Description Inspections NO ASSIGNED INSPECTIONS Issued by: ar<__ Date F' --ems Ut) Re -roofs Type of Roof All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations. Signature of Applicant Date All root' coverings to be Class "B" or better 46 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Building Address: Owner's Name: Phone No: _y s Contractor: 0 License No: Contact: -4' Phone No: b , Architect/Engineer C License No: Applicant/Contractor: Energy Add Multi Building Permit Info: (circle one) Idg Elect Plumb Mech escription: Residential: Commercial: t ."T Sq. Ft. Floor Area: el S/Sq. Ft.: APN,# (Must provide): Valuation ibjoo<=> Type of Construction: Occupancy Group: Qty. if Fee ID A licable Fee Descripflon Fee Group BTEMPPERM Temporary Bldg Permit IBUILDING BCONSTAX Construction Tax fBUILDING BENERGY Energy. BUILDING BENERGYADD Energy Add Multi BUILDING BOVERTIME Inspection Overtime BUILDING BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILDING BMITIGAT lHousing Mitigation Fee BUILDING BPLANCHK IPlah Check Fee BUILDING BPLANCKADD . IPlan Check Add Multi BUILDING BPLANCKREP IPlan Check Repeat Fee BUILDING BREINSPECT lReInspection Fee BUILDING BSCBLVD IScb Specific Plan BUILDING BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial' BUILDING BSEISMICRE Seismic Fee Res BUILDING . BSPECIAL Special ins ection BUILDING BSWIM Swimming Pool BUILDING ZADDCHG Address Chane BUILDING