NO PERMIT NUMBER (2)No. Street APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No. %r1&1 ? 7 % Sanitary No. Date 196 Application is hereby made for o permit to a story, Type to be occupied only as in accordance with plot plan, plans and Specificatiori filed herewith„ Estimated Value of Improvements $ FEE$ a Ow ne r Contr. Phone Plan Check $ Address Address State License Approved r' . . APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Data 196 1LLFEE$ Contr. �J.Cp�_:�.'+.� Phone _J7,P-3.2y.�, Stata License Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING 8, GAS PERMIT Data b a 196 %r GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ CI1 1 N�0 C�Q./ aZle C ontr. �j �y �,y Address Phone —3 7, ^7J 6 � State License -. 0�t-/00 - 'T Approved r/`� 1• APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date 196 FEE$ Contr. Phone Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the Stale of California Address State License Approved a RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS - FOUNDATION BUILDING Date Inspector UNDERFLOOR Date Inspector FRAME Date Inspector LATH & PLASTER Inspector Date FINAL Date Inspector ELECTRICAL OUTLETS SWITCHES {o wd RECEPTACL Sw FIXTURES `30 H.P. CHARGE .2 0-0 PERMIT FEE P'D S 7 UNDERGROUND —_ ROUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING FIXTURES Motors SERVICE / I spactor S pector Inspector Inspector TOTAL FEES FINAL ' tO _% Date Inspector PLUMBING & GAS MAIN DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL STORM DRAIN SIZE TERIAL WATER SYSTEM SIZE ITERIAL TOTAL FIXTURES. UNDERGROUND FIXTURE FEE PARTIAL ROUGH O- /'6_ Date nspector MAIN DRAIN FEE ROUGH COMPLETE ' Date Inspector STORM DRAIN FEE MAIN DRAIN /0'—,2.3^ Inspector WATER SYSTEM FEE GAS PIPING i n Date Inspector GAS PIPING FEE � FINAL 4T. Date Inspector PERMIT FEE MISC do Date Inspector TOTAL FEE MISC � Dare inspector APPLIANCE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE CIRCULATING HEATERS REGISTERS BLOWER FURNACES COMBUSTION VENT SUSPENDED UNIT MISC GAS RANGE MISC GAS DRYER A PERMIT FEE,!! FLOOR FURNACE TOTAL FEE INSPECTED ;I Date Inspector, I e S TO OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO .......... G ... ... , .. ... .... 19dg.. You are hereby autKNzed t f_j*�,,-, /-% kn1riec . C ri al mice for Owner or Tena nt 0 .......... ..... D� ... . ... * --- * ..... ***, "**" - .......... - ............................ At ----- ai= . . . ...... .. .. .... No. of Wires ..... ............ Size of Wires Size of Swit ....... ..... . Motor Load .......................... Voltage ..... ............ *1 ..... ............... Phase --- Heating Load ..... . ............... K. W. . ..... ............... _ ........... Voltage � ......... ..... ... ...... No. of Meters....................'ih, .... service-- ... 4e�xeconnect .................. �Hftt.. 220 ... �'�rm ^e No. of Add. Meters _../ ....... _ Move Service............ Power.- ........... 4&V hase . . ........ Mov eM t er . . .......... ELECTRICAL SE 1 3Gd !il//� tOTNO. NO: STREET - * c<'rj;� - CITY OF CUPERTINO dCFI APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT •jam �/�� k `M Permit No. ,.p- e J Z7, 7— Date , 19�C._,� Fee E'.. Application is hereby made to the City of ,Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse-sidiVhereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the - - City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of �.yj'Work To Be Premises nA /l �L/"/ performed �0 K Owner, l.i�LL/� Address t Phone � ,,,�1 s BY-jg N!%ZK f%s4� Address2T4 -'Pr= fO•\/. 4- �0 ¢ �Coon�ntractorr, Agent 'J'/� .7 r T Phone .." 7J L.n - tZ yV�L .' t4 ... .State License 7 A 03 Approved Electrical Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF, HE WORKMEN'S t(J COMPENSATION LAWS.16F THE STATE OF.CALIFORNIA. �',NEW 3RPL FEES Number of Outlets -7 Number of Switches Number of Receptacles RAI Number of F,.tues tj ��--Wmges or —0v.A, K.W.- Size a oin Service Number of Meiers Number, of Poriels - I-Si g ns -T to n'sf a r me rs I..- D,y�er-s-,', Moi6rs. , P Phase HZI a6je H P. Phase HR Phase k,'_Po-er Poles Permit Fee 7 P �,Cloges_ k Total Fees L A 3 V rx w1141 AA 111—N SW- TI FOR BUILDING PERMIT ,a r OF CUPERTINO 0 o < 9AY 19 1965 Sanitary No.� W ,r Permit No: .f-lda % nMTTCatokis lupywwopemit to o to a�—stor7%Type , ^ 1 . Building W `` to be occupied only as S 00 in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan o wi ,'"; Estimated Value of, Improvements, $ Fee $ ?On SC i i J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and j Z all other laws applicable to the construction, locatiDq, and use of buildings within the City of o . Cupertino m lied with. 3� — `m Owne Address W Z a a By Address us _ a U Phone Approve e9 State License -2' 0 / v 1 .DING INSPRCt'OR RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION UNDERFLOOR FRAME LATH and PLASTER FINAL BLDG. FINAL ELEC. FINAL PLBG. FINAL GAS DATE. INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPFC.TOR 20<#6n I mml, r,. rn+ALane __Suites 4,536 X NO. STREET LOT NO. I I FOR. ELECTRICAL PERMIT ��$ Y OF CUPERTINO Dat ®,{ i Q 96 Z, 6 = 195— Permit No. o'T p�(� Fee $ �.5.,�'Q40 N` TYati f[s IWe ER IRQ City of Cupertino for a permit to install eerical wrong and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordane with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Owner Cku'ienan Horses Inc Address 6 e&*I ByW��lkinsan Rlactrir Inc Address pp CONTRACTOR, AGENT _Approved Phonc: �28-96JZ ELECTRICAL ENSPECIOI State License- 2277.5-'e t / NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit......................Number of Outlets ----- 45-. Size Service Wires .......................... Number of Switches ... ---...-.............. Size Service Switch ........................Number of Receptacles.6�/3..........._...............(�/^���' Size Sub Feed Conduit----- ..2/4Number of Fixtures_._ `'`-��................. Size Sub Feed Wires ..._..6 .......... Ranges ................ KW............ Number of Circuits..._ .............. Oven .............. KW............ Number of Meters ........... 3.......... Signs ---------- Mist-------------------- ---------------------------- Dryers ------------- ...-.......... ------ - " � -------I-...---.I......------- - _ Motors ...... 31--------- 6---------- HP ---3�6--- -- Phase ---35------- i/b........ ------ Permit Fee $1.00 Motors ...... HP .... Phase--1------._.... /� li�w- Motors ..............._... HP --------------- Phase ----- ------------ H P Charge------------- - TOTAL FEES� RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiring .... .----------- I ----------------------------- Fixtures .... .--- ------------- ------------------ ------ DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR Finish WiringMotors ._........A. ........ . _.:.:_...... .. osre INSPLCTOR C..O........ orE IxsrsrR Final------------------------ --------------------- ------ DATE INSPECTOR �C�36C Temr. rpn+.Pr r 41� /rec 4� NO. STREET LOT NO. ® U14 FOR• ELECTRICAL PERMIT S E P 27 1965 Y OF CUPERTINO � Date Se tember 2! 1 65195'- Permit No. `7 7_ CITY OF C Fee 2 0•` Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other !aws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Owner Chr; sman Homes IncAddressb By W;hk;ncon Electric Inc Address 4a0s. In u tr: CONTRACTOR, AGENT e Approved Phon�: __378-96:�6 2 _ LECTRrrAG rNSPEC' State License 22 Size Service Conduit.......'��.-........ .-Number of Outlets._...._......... Size Service Wires.. ,-------Number' of Switches.... '. Size Service Switch ... 7 ?9W� ------Number of Receptacles.. Size Sub Feed Conduit.. /....Number of Fixtures.-.. .--- Size Sub Feed Wires. ! .' Al ---Ranges ................ KW.............. NEW RPL 3.7 --- - 2.:3........-...11 /. 1 U Number of Circuits ................... Uven .............. KW.------------- ---..._L-...... _ ..._- ._ �G Number of Meters .....2-_---.._.._ 4 Signs ...tZ Transformers ................_ ._......Z.'Gn. Misc........ ._------------ ----------._._.Dryers ..............-----.._...------------. -------- ----- -- ----.._. Motors --------- Z_...... HP ----- 3--------- Phase --.-. .--------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors HP.....4:..-.... i Phase---- /_.._-..-- .---...-'`.� Motors ------------------- HP.................... Phase -----.....-------- H P Charge........ .. { cra TOTAL FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiring ------------- ------------------------- . Fixtures ............ ------- -------- _...... ..._...... OATS INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR Finish Wiring ................ ..... .... ---------.... Motors ............. .--------�.....----------------- ._... DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR Final.......................... --------- ------------------ DATE INSPECTOR (JUN 11 1965 T�NO.�_/ FOR PLUMBING PE IT OF CUPERTINO Sanitary No. f �{ r D 2F��� 196� Permit No `S�0 ' -el 7 0 Fee $ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable/thereto. Use of Premises _ /�r��/%C!LY /lsY .f� �./ /f /•+/� Owner Address lt.J T'-O'li By Address /'Z--�.� �•'-/' �""� NTAACT ,AGENT Phone. t;2s�Q - -7 54 iL State License., � `� IF Approved 4 &22_� \,jr PLUMBING INSPECTOR UNITS FEESRExisting FEESWamr Heaa Water Closets Bath Tubs Showers Lavatories 11 Sinks 101 Not Conn. Dish Washers Sewer Boxes Waste Disposals `Was'h Trays STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines Size Water Softeners Material Bar Sinks To Main Drain Cum . Sink -Trays To Curb Dental Units Drinking Fountains Floor Drains WATER ,SYSTEM Hoppers Size Restaurant Sinks Material San raps TOTAL FEES Urinals Fixture Fee ,pd re DDrains Main Drain Fee Water Leaders Storm Drain Fee dnk�cr valve: Water Sys. Fee ,Q Permit Fee TOTAL TOTAL FEE tECORb OF INSPECTION Underground Rough... Partial Rough.. Rough. Complete.. Main Drain Final... i ZQ tic BING PERMIT w Z IJUN 11 1965 Y OF CUPERTINO f� Y O o LL � Q 3LL �o LL F oa r� zU a W w x r � J LL _oo > N O a ZJ J Z 20 3a W W Z W W ¢ a F ao —U ,11 Sanitary No. Date 196 Permit No X70at 7' Ci Fee $=� UW Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixur tes in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Address&,&An�UG(1G� Address 1��1 �6 Approved PLUMBING INSPECTOR RAi UNITS FEES JUNITS1 FEES %later Heate Size JUate, Closets Material Bath Tubs To Curb Showers To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existing Kitchen Sinks Not Conn. Dish Washers Sewer Boxes Waste Disposals Wash Trays STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines Size Water Softeners Material Ear Sinks To Main Drain Comb. Sink s Trays To Curb Dental Units Drinking Fountains Floor Drains KWATER.SYSTEM Hoppers Restaurant Sinks al SanFTraps TOTAL FEES Urinals Fixture Fee r�ea rains Main Drain Fee q�� W ater Leaders Storm Drain Fee 5 rinklrr Valvcs Water Sys. Fee Permit Fee TOTAL TOTAL FEE RECORD OF INSPECTION Underground Rough... Partial Rough.. Rough: Complete.. Slain Drain Final... 177\ a o 3 (0 0 �u� 'eT t 3--5-�, N 0 E P TION FOR GAS PERMIT N w Z VJUN ITY OF CUPERTINO 11 1965 p s-/�Q 7 o J � 0 1965 Permit No. e 3 LL CITY ' F CUP Fee '— o Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes o` a and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes i in and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City W w of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. � z W Use of Premises '2"e t p r// 00 r 3 Owner Cr 1'1L� Address z_j A. o By O Address 1� F ONTR_ACT R, AGENT w PhoneC ao Stale License /3T` Approved _ Q7 V PLUJtRING INSPECTOR .b of Appliance I Units Fees as HOUSE GAS PIPING Number of Outlets 7 J Size of Main Gas Piping Fees Tested and Approved_......................_........_._......_.._.................... DATE INSPECTOR 2 N , �O '0. ET /. �1/sI�-l` �/ . �rFLICATIO R • APPLIANCE PERMIT 17 1965 k OF CUPERTINO f R o " S 4r V7.47 a Da 96� Permit No. 3 Fee $ AO 'o Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to o < install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to <a install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing v = Code of the C'tv of Cupertino, an 211 tthheyrr laws applicable thereto. .s o Q Use of Premises��a �1 p l.ta V P ate' liv >; Owryer Address a z J /'i ln.. _ / _ I CONTRAI-rOR, AGENT —m hone��� aW State License /G ? Approved PLUMBING INSPECTOR Type of Appliance I Units Fees I1 Remarks .(Check ✓ i New Replace Relocate Gas Ranges �� Wall Heaters II Gass Plates Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers ( Warming Ovens _ Percolators Griddles Steam Tables Gravity- Furnaces Suspended Unit Floor Furnace .� I \I Miscellaneous NAME TYPE of :T I I — p� ees :7S ��— Inspected and Approved ............ ..... '............................ Bldg. Dept Office Copy ; BUILDING INSP9CTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ''LL / ❑ b Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No...T.-t------.--.-. Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No!$7 dP ' 7'-T- - j.ot No: -------------------------------- Owner 'or Tenant ................' -: -- At.. ---- Z O �J:oC�...---................................--...----...--.-----..--.. Tract...........::-�.------ ---- ----- --'--- ----- ---_.-....f. DateConnected ............................................ ------------------------------------------ 19..64..- Date Final ---.-.. .--..--.__-.......--. .......-...._...-._ 19.`�c0 / %- / ----.....-. PLUMBING I S ECTO I11 7/63-1M eS GAS SERVICE NOTICE' BUILDING INSkcrows 'OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO .................................. IJ OFFICE COPY ............. 194 To You are hereby authorized to onnec�_ S service for Owner or Tenant - At ......... ---------... ......... .......... ....... New Service --- .............. No. of Meters ........ I ............ No. of Add. Meters .............. Reconnect .............................. M ve Service . ....... M kve d&� ............. PLUMBING IN X 110 6/63-500