12226 1036 TUSCANY PL. ' Building Permit Confirmed ❑ Not Required Cl CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT 9-27-76- -- - -- 19---- --- Permit No.----- . -( .�� - _ Date - - ------ ---. The undersigned herab makes application to the Plumbing Inspector of the City of San Jose for a permit fo ms}all }he�m �j is-Dw�rlisted one Jjvarse side, Exemption from raquiremenf or Sfato of`Celifoz /for/Contracfor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: Ss owner ❑ statement filed ❑ Undersigned attests that his State of Californi61Contractor's License #{' 110828 is in full force and effect and properly authorizeiappli�ioP./ San Jose City Business License #k I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER Pond. Homes ADDRESS 1036 Tuscany P1. Lot No. 3 USE OF BUILDING Res. `fes Sined------------------------ -'------ .""`�°"'✓ ! ShN CAR"?; SHEET METAL WORKS, INC. 280-20(��9,, .31-cf.:,LCOUNT.Y.-?nap -Cl'036 ,TUSCAN?. SAN CARLOS SHEET METAL ~ z 0 D O O T CO IL G1 a• _ � _ � < � a J N U O J n O a < a N CL _ _ m m Z Z yl -' o N � N N N m Q ti T O T O m n E N m m o n m N A S O O � a m