B 0107APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BuauHNG-f: ECHA IAL rt� 0107 SO7 BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT rl.uhmmr..131IDENI IFIL 50001 \5 '2, IIUILDI6G I'ROJI!LT IUBNI'IPIG'1'ION BUILDINCADDRESS SANITARI'NO. API'LICAI'[ON SUBMIITAI. DAT 10,:; � 2, Va l rel PaVk_1I115 �, ❑ 1 ��(0a kit BUILDING PERMIT INFO - ev❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG EuiCl' PLUM ysy ❑ ❑ ❑ I hereby mf nn that I am Ine,ord ceder provisions of Chapel9 (counteract, Qd'Z with Sfd1e.20Ngof Division 3nfthe Insinessmd LicnmPmfessionsS and myleence is Ing in 12176 qb clfnmaLic.xO I Qw ).,a Cel... or JQI NJ, ARCHITECTS DECLARATION F m Z, 1 xm 'stand my u . allU be ragg as public records H�E'LLl LiceusN Rolcsvonul OWNER-BUH.UERD CLARATION y� Q I hereby nmrin mut I mm exempt from file Contractor's License Law for the xL O following reason. (Section 7031.5. pastures and 11 fic ,ions Calc: Any city or county W 3 U. h which requires a Permit to construct. ober, improve. demolish. or repair any structure F �-�� prior to its issuance, also requires file applicant far such permit o file in signcdseemcm �y (hal he is llcensal pnssuanrm the pnwwon, of the Comrunor's Uorrsw: Law Winds'9 n1�00 (commencing with Section 7191) of Division 3nfthe lRomessend(toll inn, Code)or d d e t1 that he is exempt Iherefrnm and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of „y Sedmn 7031,5 bymry applinmt for a permit sobject, the applicant ,I nmvil pemlty of ton mom man five hundred dollars (SSW). =Q O La.ownet of the PropenX of my emploYees with wages as their sole comPenormse. p.. will rill the work, and the smaiere is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044. Business W j~ m and Professions Code: The Contmcmr's License Low does not apply to an owner of C peopeny who build, or improves thereon, and who docs such work himself or through his awn employees, provided that such improvements .m not amended or offered for Dole. IL f—ase., the building fir improvement Ix xold within one yea, of completion, the wnerboilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for pur- N of sale.). O I. a., owner lot be in rlpery, um exclusively contracting wire licenscd mmractors w acetrill the )reject (Sec 7044, Business .,,itP of .. but, CoE:) Gmaaded u Low docs not apply its an owner of property who builds or improves 'bureau. add QTY. who cammets for such projects with a contractors) licenmd Pursuant m the Contractor's Liccnsa Law. O 1 an exempt under Sec. . Is A P C fell this remnn Date r air WORKER'S COM PI?NSAI'I LIN DECI.A RAT ION 1 hereby anion under Penalty of perjury one of the following declardams. I have and will mommin a Cenificme of Consent to ed1-insure fta Workers Comped- sminn, us provided I'or by Scctloe 3900 of the Labor Cn ]a, for the performance of the we far whicb this pcmfit i.s ismed. 1 have anJ will maimain W'ndcr's Compcnsainn Insumnee, as required by Scetion 371.) o1Ihc l.vhor Cnde, for:hc pcdnnnunm of the work for which min pencil is ossa My Won, Co: scion ins ensu varier anJ Pnllcyn cher: Cama: ! Policy No.: COMPENSATION OMPIFNSATION INSURANCE NSURANCE i fDfi,sccfion Decd nm he camplcted iffhc pcmtit is for onehundfMdnllufs [5100) or less.) (canny:hat inthe any mann, of the work for wInch this Permit isersCo shill not employ any person in any manner as b1 become subject m the Workers Complain Z scion laws of California. Data Z0 Apdrealo ) h NOTICE TO APPLICAN'1% 11: aIle, making this CcuiGcum of Exanpeon, you should (--' berome subject In the Worker's Compencalion provisions of the Inbor Crile, you muM Wforthwith candy with such pmvi,inm 0, his Permit shall be deemed revoked. d ,U Z CONSTRUCTION LANDING AGENCY U Q (hereby affirmthanhem isuctnm mctinn lendingngagency for the perlirnnanee of the work for which this permit is issued (See XN7. Civ. C.) Leeders Name 0 U Lenders Addres Us W 1 certify that I have mad this application and state that the above information is 0 convect. I agree to atmply with all oily and curvy,Hammes, still state box, relating to QTs, L) Z building eonvated n, and hereby..:boom fepownetive, ofthi, city In anter upon 'he above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save. Indeomlly and keep hmmless the City of CuNmmm against liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which troy in any way.ceruc against said City in consequence of thegmafin s ) f. APPLICANT 11NDIi N AWII //�g/� MPLY WITH.LLL NON -POINT SOURCE NEO Il1N,' �j HAZARDOUS boding neAI.S Dm CLO URE handl Will the a Canadian or future Mmu building e, Chaplet t 9.1ore or huddle Heardous material us Adincd by :hc Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Code. Section 25532(a)'f ,Vats )"�n Will dm app(isanl or fair,, building oceuPunt use equipment or devices which tit hovardnus air comeminams as dchned by the Hay Area Air Quality Management District? ❑ yes I have red the b rte mma, mr mmol nus under Chapter 695 of the Cali- fnmia Health A, Safety Cyy¢¢. Sec' 5505.25533 and 25534. 1 understand fund if the buildinu drlev nm cu:yMf3/11uv sena ,ppa l: is my mspmsibiliry mnotify the cecupam ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL PANELS IIP TO 210 AMPS 201-1000AMPS OVER 100 AMPS SIGNS HIXCTRICAI, SPECIALCI UIDMISC. TIN . BOR VOLE INS'K POW DE. SWIM LHLE C OOI'1 1'1 CUP ;M IIS NEW RESIDE. A 'LXQ'R SQ FE PLUMBING PERMPr PI?RMI f ISSUANCH • ALTER - DRAIN d VENT- WA'IL IIACK FLOW PROTECT. DI. ,ICE s i DRAINS - FLUOR. ROOF, AREA. C(LNU, FIX 'I'U RIS- PER 'I'RAI' ♦, GAS - EA. SYSTEM -I INC.4 OUTI.E'fS GAS -EA. SYSI HNFOVER 0 (HA) GREASrANDIISTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GREASETRAP SEWER - SANITARY- S'IURM EA. 200 Flt WAT12R HEAI'IiR WNENTIELECTR WATER SY11EM PING WATER SERVICE NEW RESIDEN'I'1 P.MB. -- SS). IT. fOPAL. PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER Olt At)[) 10 MECI I. AIR IIANDLING UNIT LTO 10,000 CPM) AIR IIANDLING UNIT (OV ER 10,000 Cl M) EXHAUST HOOD (W/DUCFt BEATING UNIT (TO 100,E BI U) HEAPING UNIT (OVER IOU.000 BTU) VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RESID) BOILI!It- COM(' (311POR I W,(XN1 BTU( BOILER - COMP (OVER IW.000 BTU) AIR CONDI'I ONER NEW RESIDENTIAL. MECH, SQ. FT. TOTAL: OFFICE FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: IIIISMIC I'li ❑SFDWL ❑ KI'ICl IEN REMODEL C1 ADDITION ❑ PLUMBING RI%PIPE ❑MULTI.LJNI'1 ❑STRUC URAI. MODIFICATION El INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEYREPAIR IMPROVEMENT 0 SWIMMING IDOLS ❑ BATH REMODEUREPAIR ❑DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER J; .. to COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDGIADDITION ❑DEMOLITION cy�yfvENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE t`I MPROVEMENr OOTHER FLOOR AREA J PI.ANCHECK i?NI?RGY I 3 SISO.IT. IUILDING IT'. / s IIIISMIC I'li If,E. NH PAID Data Rcccipt M J; .. to ISSUANCE DAN, �-/�4-(P9 ISSUED BY. ::S It 0 __57 "