02070165 CITY OF CUPERTINO ^� y'�-I•+s: --r. elsa':•e:;.unz� - .n,n "•.�
22185 VIA CAMINO CT 02070165
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which mquircs n permit m eon.wet alter,improve,demolish,or repair anysttunurt T
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01,as owner of the property.ur my employees with wages as their sole compensation, 307 — INSULATION
,win'do-the'work.add the someone is not intendedor offered for sole(Sec.]Odd,- 601 - .. .
Business and Professions Coda:The Contmcta's License law does nut apply towg Inspections
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or through his own employees.provided that such improvements are not intended or
,offered for core.IL however.the building or improvement is sold within one year of - 603 - 'ROOF- 'BATTENScompletion
Improve for purpose owner-builder will M1°we the burden of proving that he aid ata was or: 604 - ROOF IN-PROGRESS
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❑1 em ramp,under Sec: B J,P C fonhis rtuon i
Owmr' Date
1 hertbY.Rrm uMA pemltY of perjury arc of the following dxlarations:
ID I have and will maintain v Ceriificae of Consent to x3f.insum for Worker's
Compensetmn, as provided for by Section 3100 of the labor Code, for the
per(omu ice of the work far which this permit is issued.
❑1 have Gad will maintain Worker's C6inlmi cm Insurance,as required by Section
3700 of the ubor Code,
nON OF FJ(EM a 10r W Poli num&r ort:, '
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'`'rlTia secrion'na ct not be completed if the Permit is for oma hundred dollars •. ` .
($Iran las.)
Cmen1 cempl that in-it e p in any ma of the work for which this ct to t o issued;I
bt employ any person In any manner so a to become subject m the Workers' '
Compensation laws of California.Dare '
'NOTICE subject
APP LICANT:rs If.after Compensation
this prevision'
of Labor Exemption.yen you
become h comply
it Woils pr Compensation Permit of the Labor Code,you mud
Q 0 '(onhwNi comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. II
1 hereby afar,that them is s Contused.lending agency for she,performance
k,w of work for which this permit ii issu W(Sec.109].Civ.C.1 "'
Lendner's Nam<--.._..._....._.. .._ ... ... ...._.. .. ......... :.. _.
Larder' Address
U"0 Ice that 1 Nvc rtW this.ppliotian and sine that the above informni..is '
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U to ill in st ti :andhereby'eu oritereprtmnhdivexofthisequ,cnmrupon
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Si bi v' pp, .VContnc r . . . .. ,'..•D.te Re-roofs /
_ - l wntne ..paean,oe,moth wad, occupant:tote or handle ha,raol,s rea¢na Type of Roof . . _ .. _._ . .. .._
as clef ed by the Cupemro Mumci a Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety
Cade Settle.25532(a) l - { k. •.
ors All roof a be in pected.pri any roofing..material being installed._...
•Wlltheapplicenternmorcbuil ' gxapant use equipment or devitts which If of is installe r in an inspection;I agree.to'remove
emjt,hasardoustirconumimntses ned by NeBey Arte Air Quallty Management
DixvidtOYa _ new material r plicant understands,apd will comply-with
all non-point s rce u ..
+�- eve ieed'the' dou.snare' nu under Chiptar6.93�of
domii ing do s i a c 33 and 25530.1 understand at ,.✓A
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need of the 'rrui en n h t prior to issuance of a Cenifi to of
Occupan y T
_ g ture of Applicant
at. All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better
SUM • CITY OF CUPERTIW a 2 v 7 o 4s5—
• APN# Date:
Building Address:
R A;1niN0CE
Owner's Name: Phone#:
Contractor: License#:
DII&Iaui a°iz C31 v�o S6 2
Contact: Phone#:
. 2) AI o w e2 63/ G 6-13 - 4 4.s
Applian ntractor: Fax#:
DOAJ F-1r) e/2--
Building Pe "t Info:
Bldg Elect Plumb Mech
Job Desc ption:
Resi tial: E10004p- Commercial:
q.Ft. Floor Area: $/Sq.Ft
Architect/Engineer: 10� V uation:
Type'of Construction: ^� Occ G
• Qty. if
A lic le Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group
BUSLIC Business License BUILIDNG
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� 2 5 2002
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'•' >ry ON0 �I:.nanre r State law V
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ICBGEvaluation Service, Inc. American National standards Institute
A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials
Reissued June 1, 2000
Copyright®2000 ICBO Evaluation Service,Inc. _
EXTRUDED CONCRETE INTERLOCKING ROOFTILE�� 2 5 2002waterdamming.Crackedorbrokentilesmustnotbeinstalled
MONIER LIFETILE LLC ; or allowed to remain on the roof.
7575 IRVINE CENTER DRIVE I., 2.2.2 Sheathing: Sheathing must be structurally adequate
IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618-2930 _ _Lo
tsupport the loads involved.At a minimum,spaced sheath-
1.0 SUBJECT ng boards must be nominal 1-by-6 lumber spanning a maxi-
mum of 24 inches (610 mm). Solid and spaced sheathing
Extruded Concrete Interlocking Roof Tiles: Roma, c must be fastened in accordance with the code.
"100," Homestead, Mission "S; Shake, Slate, Split Shake, 2,2,3 Underlayment: Tiles installed on roofs with slopes
Split Slate, Country Shake, Country Slate, Country Split lessthan2l/2:12(21%slope)are considered decorative only,
Shake,Country Spiit Slate,Cedarlite,Espana,EspanaTejas, and must be applied over an approved roof covering,subject
Capri,Villa, Sentry Classic and Traditions.
to local building official approval.
I I"OI L) \"j 12roofswith slopes of ved b2 (21% slope) ie less than
2.1 Materials: tll�Jn Illi' f 13:12 ewit slope),5- approved built-up roof applied in le-ply
U dancewithTable lS-D-lot the code oranapproved single-ply
2.1.1 Regular-weight Tiles: roof membrane assembly must be installed prior to installa-
The extruded concrete roof tiles are interlocking elements tion of the tiles.
having the dimensions and configurations shown in the ac- On solidly sheathed roofs with slopes of 3:12 (25%slope)
companying table and figures.Accessory tile units are avail- to less than 4:12 (33%slope), underlayment may be as do-
able for ridge, hip and gable areas.The regular-weight tiles scribed in this section for roof.slopes of 21/2:12 (21%slope)
are composed of portland cement and selected sand aggre- to less than 3:12(25%slope),or may be asingle layer of Type
gates.The mix proportions are accurately maintained to en- 90, granular-surfaced, asphalt roll roofing, or two layers of
sure file production in accordance with the specifications.An- Type 30 felt installed shingle fashion, or other approved
chor lugs, located on the underside of all tiles except single-ply systems installed in accordance with the code or an
Cedarlite,overlap wood battens,purlins or spaced sheathing ICBO ES evaluation report.
for anchorage in the plane of the roof.Holes are provided in Over solid sheathing, on roofs with slopes of 4:12 (33%
each tile forfasteningwhere required bythiSmstallation.Inter- slope) or greater, underlayment must be one layer of mini-
locking ribs are provided onthe longitudinal edges ofthe tiles mum Type 30 felt either complying with ASTM D 226 or recog-
to restrict lateral movement and provide awater stop.In addi- nized in an ICBO ES evaluation report,and must completely
tion,transverse bars are provided on the underside to serve cover the decking.
as weather checks.Mineral coloring oxides areeitherappiied When the tiles are installed over spaced sheathing.the un-
to the exposed surface in a cementitious material or mixed in- cledayment must comply with the ICBO ES Acceptance Crite-
teg rally with the tile mixto produce a th rough-colored product. ria for Concrete Tile Underlayment on Spaced Sheathing
The tiles are cured to reach required strength before ship- (AC08).The underlayment must be draped over the rafters,
ment.See Table 1 for product designations,dimensions and with a 4-inch(152 mm)headlap and a 6-inch(152 mm)side-
installed weights. See Figure 1 for tile profiles. lap.
2.1.2 Lightweight Tiles: Duralite tiles are manufactured in Underlayment must be lapped over hips and ridges, and
the same mannerandsize,andwiththesame profiiles,asreg- lapped or laced through the valleys. Hip and ridge nailers
ular-weight tiles;but the tiles are comprised of portland ce- must also be covered.
ment,lightweight aggregate and proprietary ingredients.See See Section 2.2.9 for application of underlayment in areas
Table 1 for product dimensions and installed weights. subject to roof ice buildup.
• 2.1.3 Cedarlite: Cedarlite tiles are manufactured in the 22.4 Battens:
same manner as regular-weight tiles,except they are com- 22.4.1 Cedarlite Tiles: Battens installed for Cedarlite tiles
prised of portland cement,lightweight aggregates and propri- must be nominal 1-by-3 wood.The battens must be fastened
etary ingredients, and have a wood shake appearance and as described in Section,and spaced at 10 inches(254
flat backside. mm) on center. The top edge of the Cedarlite file must be
22 Installation—New Construction: aligned with the top of the batten.
2.2.1 General: Installation shall be in accordance with 22.4.2 All Other Tiles: Battens are required on solidly
Tables 15-D-1 and 15-D-2 of the code,except as noted in this sheathed roofs with slopes below 3:12(25%slope) in order
report.Care must be taken to ensure both horizontal and ver- to minimize membrane penetration,and above 7:12(58.3%
tical alignment on the roof.Foreign particles must be cleaned slope)to provide positive file anchorage.Battens must be fas-
from all interlocking areas,to ensure correct fit and prevent tened either with corrosion-resistant 8d common or box nails
Evaluation reporttofICBOEvaluation Service,Inc.,are iisuedsolely to provide information to Ck=A membersofICBO,utilizingthe code upon which the report
isbwcd,Evaluation reportsare motto be mnamedwmpmsenting"sthetiesoranyotheranHbutesnot speeificaiiy addressednorasan endomement orrecommen-
dation for use of the subject report.
This report is based upon independent tests or other technical data submitted by the applicant.The ICBO Evaluation Service,Inc.,technical staff has reviewed the
test resultsand/orotherdsta,but does not possesstesifacif tlesto make an independent verification.There is no warranty byrCBOEvaluation Service,Inc.,express
orimplied,asto any"Finding"orolhermatterin the report oras to any product covered by the report.Thisdisclaimer includes,but is not limitedto,merchantability.
Page 1 of 6
Page 2 of 6 ER-2656
or approved equal,spaced at 24 inches(610 mm)on center; Section 1509 of the code.Openings through the the for pane- .�
or with 11/2-inch-long (38 mm), 7/18-inch-crown (11.1 mm), trationssuch asvents must beflashed in accordancewith the ./
No. 16 gage,corrosion-resistant staples spaced a maximum code and supported by additional blocking or roof framing as
of 12 inches (305 mm) on center. required.Flashing around pipes,vents and flues shall consist
On roofs with slopes of 21/2:12 (21% slope) to less than of a sub-flashing at the deck and a top flashing fitted in with
3:12(25%slope),nominal 3/8-inch(9.5 mm),decay-resistant the the application. Flashing for profile tile must be made of
wood lath strips are attached vertically to framing over the un- lead or other approved flexible material and must be formed
derlayment, from eave to ridge, at 24 inches (610 mm) on to the contours of the tile.
center.Battens must be structurally adequate to support ex- A weatherblock is required at headwalls, hips and ridges
pected loads, but not smaller than nominal 1-by-2 boards, when installing Espana or Mission"S"tiles.Weatherblock is
and must be fastened through the vertical lath with minimum optional for all other profiles.Weatherblock materials include
8d corrosion-resistant box nails or approved equal. mortar,foil-backed pressure-sensitive adhesive,flexible met-
When used on roofs with slopes of3:12 to 21:12(25%slope al formed to fit the tile, preformed plastic,neoprene or metal
to 175%slope),battens must be fastened to the roof deck at formed to fit the tile, and coated rigid foam.
a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm)on center. Battens must 2.2.8 Broken Tile Replacement:The broken tile is first re-
have provisions for drainage either by providing a 1/2-inch moved. If battens were used originally,existing nails, if any,
(12.7 mm) separation at the batten ends every 4 feet(1219 are cut and new the inserted.If no battens were used,the old
mm),or by shimming with decay-resistant wood or strips of fastener is removed and the hole in the underlayment re-
material such as asphalt cap sheet or shingles spaced no paired with roofing cement. A 6-inch-by-6-inch-by-1/2-inch
more than 12 inches (305 mm) on centei. Battens must be (152 mm by 152 mm by 12.7 mm) plywood piece is nailed to
spaced to maintain a minimum 3-inch(76 mm)headlap when the deck to act as a batten.The new tile is then inserted.
tiles are installed. 2.2.9 Severe Climate Considerations:In areas designated
See Section 2.2.9 for installation of battens in severe cli- by local building departments assubjectto rooftop accumula-
mate areas. tion of sand,snow or rain driven by high winds, openings at
2.2.5 Eaves:An eave closure strip or other approved special hips,ridges and walls must be closed with metal ormortar,or
accessory must be installed to ensure that the save Course approved sealant material. In areas subject to severe ice
of tilesliesmin thesameplaneastheremaittheeander of efield.InCoure build-up atthe eaves,tiles must not be installed on roof slopes
areas determined by local building officials to be subject to 1505.3below of t e code must
be provioof de on described it.Section
blowing dust or snow, save closure strips are required with 1505.3 of the code must be provided.
Espana and Mission'S"tiles.Where solid fascia material is Horizontal battens must be installed on top of nominal
attached to rafter ends and extends above the plane of the 1-by-4vertical battens,to allow airflow between the roof deck
deck to act as afirst-course riser,an anti-ponding device must and the installed tile.Vertical battens must be installed at 12
be used to support the underlayment. or 16 inches(305 or 406 mm)on center,or at up to 24 inches
2.2.6 Fastening: (610 mm)on center if fastened into rafters.Horizontal battens
g: must be minimum 1-by-4 wood,fastened through the vertical Fleld Ille:Tilesshallbefastenedinaccordancewith battens. All tiles are nailed through horizontal battens. In
Tables 15-D-1 and 15-D-2 of the code.Tile nails shall be mini- areas where basic wind speeds exceeding 80 mph (129
mum No. 11 gage corrosion-resistant steel nails.having a km/h)exist,directions in Table 15-D-2 of the code must be fol-
minimum 5/1e-inch (7.9 mm) head diameter, and sufficient lowed. Underlayment application must comply with Tables
length to penetrate 3/p inch (19 mm) into framing or battens 15-D-1 and 15-0-2 of the UBC.
or through the thickness of the sheathing,whichever is less. 2.3 Installation—Reroofing Applications:
When battens are not used, every tile shall be nailed.
Cedarlite tiles must be fastened to the sheathing with two 2.3.1 General:Reroofing shall comply with Chapter 15 and
nails per the in accordance with Table 15-D-1 of the code.As Appendix Chapter 15 of the UBC.Care must be taken to en-
an alternative,on minimum 7/18-inch-thick(11.1 mm)oriented sure both horizontal and vertical alignment of tiles and bat-
strand board or minimum 15/32-inch-thick(11.9 mm)plywood, tens on the roof.Foreign mattershall be cleaned from all inter-
a single buglehead wood screw,in the center fastener hole, locking areas.Cracked or broken tiles shall not remain on the
may be used.The screw must be of sufficient length to pene- roof.Damaged or rusted flashings should be replaced.Exist-
trate through the deck approximately 1/4 inch(6.4 mm) mini- Ing framing must be adequate forthe additional load.The ex-
mum.The screw head is driven to a point that allows the face fisting roof must be inspected h accordance with Appendix
end of the tile to lift 1/4 to 1/2 inch(6.4 to 12.7 mm)above the Chapter pa Section thing of the code.When installed over
file below.The bu lehead screw must have a head diameter existing spaced sheathing boards,with ging with
battens, or
g ther plywood,or an underlayment complying with the code or
of 0.328 inch (8.3 mm) and a shank diameter, between an underlayment specifically recognized for this type of use
threads, of 0.132 inch(3.35 mm). in an ICBO ES evaluation report may be used.When installed Trim Tile: Nailer boards of sufficient height to ade- over solid sheathing, one layer of Type 30 felt or approved
quately support hip or ridge tiles either must be fastened into equivalent underlayment shall be installed on the roof prior to
frami n g with two 1 Od nails at 24 inches (610 mm) on center application of the tile.I n lieu of this underlayment,the building
or two 20d nails at 48 inches(1219 mm)on center,or are se- official may determine that the existing roof covering provides
cured using galvanized steel strapping or special galvanized the equivalent underlayment protection.
steel attachment devices at 48 inches(1219 mm)on center. The minimum allowable roof slope is 3:12(25%slo;,.).De-
Each hip and ridge tile is attached to the nailer board with one tails not covered underthis section are identical to thr,ae de-
No. 11 gage, corrosion-resistant nail of sufficient length to scribed in Section 2.2.Fasteners shall be of sufficient lenTh
penetrate /4 inch (19.1 mm)into or through the thickness of to penetrate through the roof sheathing or a minimum of /4
the supporting member.Nose ends must be set in a bead of inch(19.1 mm)into the structural framing,whichever is less.
roofer's mastic or an adhesive complying with ASTM C Battens shall be installed in accordance with Section 2.2.4.
920-87 that also covers the nail head.All rake tiles must be 2.32 Deck Preparation:
fastened with two nails.The junction of the field tile and the
hip and/or ridge must be weatherproofed with a dry ridge/hip Asphalt Shingles:Wood batten strips shall be pro-
system,a bed of mortar or other approved bedding material vided for roofs with slopes over 7:12 (58.3%slope).
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 2.32.2 Rock or Gravel Roofs:The existing roof deck shall
2.2.7 Flashing:Valley flashing must be in accordance with be swept clean of all loose rock and gravel.One layer of mini-
Section 1508 of the code.All other flashing must comply with mum Type 40 coated base sheet shall be applied to the deck
Page 3 of 6 ,. ER-2656
prior to installation of battens in accordance with Section 2.5 Identification:
2.2.4. The underside of each field tile is imprinted with the Monier
Lifetile LLC logo or the name Monier,Lifetile or Boral Lifetile.
2.3.3 Eave Preparation: Existing roof material shall be cut pallets bear a tag with the Monier Lifetile LLC name and ad-
back to allow installation of a raised fascia board or eave CIO- dress,the evaluation report number(ICBG ES ER-2656)and
•` sure material,flush with the end ofthe roof sheathing in accor- the installed weight of the product. Cedarlite tiles also have
dance with Section 2.2.5. an"M"imprinted on the top side of the tile.
2.3.4 Flashing: New pipe flashing and minimum 24-inch- 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED
wide(610 mm)metal valley flashing shall be installed over ex- Reports of tests conducted in accordance with the ICBG ES
isting flashing. Existing chimney and wall-counter flashing Acceptance Criteria for Special Roofing Systems (AC07),
shall be used only if they are in good condition and sufficient dated April 1999,and installation and quality control details.
height exists to insert new file flashing.Flexible flashing shall
be used with profiled tiles. 4.0 FINDINGS
2.3.5 Wood Shakes and Shingles- Existing wood shakes That the extruded concrete Interlocking roof tiles de-
and shingles shall be removed and tiles installed as for new scribed In this report comply with the 1997 Uniform
construction. Building Code'",subject to the following conditions:
4.1 They are manufactured, identified and Installed in
2.4 Roof Classification: accordance with this report and the manufactur-
er's Instructions.
When installed in accordance with Section 2.2 of this report, 4.2 They are manufactured at plants located in Phoe-
the roof tiles are noncombustible roof coverings in actor- nix,Arizona;French Camp,California;Gilroy,Cali-
dance with Section 1504.1 of the UBC.When installed over fornia; Lathrop, California; Rialto, California; San
minimum /a2-inch-thick(11.9 mm) plywood,in accordance Bernardino, California; Kapolel, Hawaii; Hender-
with Section 2.2 and in the reroofing applications described son, Nevada; Katy, Texas; and Tacoma, Washing-
in Sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.4 of this report, the tiles are ton.
Class A roof coverings,,in accordancce with Section 1F5\001IA4.2 of
the Code. OFFEE
BL'E�TILE DIMENSIONS AND WEGHTSThis report Is ubject to re-examination in one year-
Tn.E DESIGNATION (pan (Inches) liner.) fine wn
-Regular weight 9.0 17 123/8 3
!•. -Dunlite 5.5 17 123/8 3
Espana,Tejas 9.0 161/2 131/8 23/4
-Monier 2000 9.5 161/2 13 21/2
-Regular weight 9.5 17 123/8 21/s
-Duralite 5.5 17 123/8 21/8
Sentry Classic 9.5 161/2 13 21/4
-Monier 2000 9.3 161/2 13 21/8
Dunlite 5.6 161/2 13 21/8
Roma 9.3 16T/2 13 2
Classic"100" 9.5 16T12 13 15/4
Shake,Country Slate,Country Shake,Colonial Slate,and Split Shake
-Regular weight 10.3 17 123/8 11%4
Shake,Sentry Slate,Country Shake,Country Slate,Country Split Shingle
and Country Split Slate(Split Slate-Texas plant only)
-Regular weight 10.3 161/2 13 11/4
Homestead 9.5 161/z 13 11/4
Split Shake and Slate Flat
-Tradition 10.3 161/2 13 171/16
-Premium Duralite 7.4 161/2 13 111/16
Cedarlite 5.6 13 /2 13 3/4
Monier 2000 Split Shake and Monier 2000 Slate 9.5 161/2 13 1
Duralite Split Shake and Duralite Slate p 5.7 161/2 13 1
For Sl: 1 inch=25.4 mm,1 psf=0.0479 kPa. ``` Fr
11nsulled weight was determined with a 3-inch headlapJU (� Con
Page 4 of 6 ER-2656
Espana® `^. � �./y'
Tejas Espafia Country Shake, Country Slate
Traditions a
Mission"S" 1
Classic 100 \
Shake Sentry Classic, Roma
Slate,Sentry Slate > CedarUte'"
Split Shake®,
Split Shingle
Hip TRim Dacus
It should be noted dw the tom02iou of hip tom dIM whedc mt or pto6k,a similar The options for hip can dks he N the Www
xdd mn ehddd a em b wimla d arsahe d'H'dmdx bamd •
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Ondw item mit bdm mg be domed.m and nald ar-Ec fth
to.adhoKw mdbr m the dips
'ts'a ii i;•;.
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Nae bbladaa man be wled In dl rtybm.
2's9•allasmgbe..... Nna teiry hl�bard aLa •
Page 5 of 6 ER-2656
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t a •• .•::::r:::.t..'':.:•ct$:;^�•.::::�• .rearm b,am®nadrmep.
'i:Ei•:; ii0',.:'�::SEi:: ' ii5f' nmmthashd Mout omased.,hano,m b.ma now,
'�ei"!iEi�i�° ieii am Ns awmbm,e,hee
,.: ."::: . Oa�bd and d6v aloe Ib a fvu/�6Nshd hm sW a b�+b•
leo mtmmnrsimb vsW perske ak dndfiays Imph b pbms:e the -
Wlaw batt boatl s'mmm®d Y{'bred mlWmm).
a ...... .. .:...: . .::::. CLOSED VALLEY
9mdad dmd valle•teomml
•'•••••: ::::'':::: •••• '.: .. m11fi6 ataamdsdmhmm Of haom mlal ffiYb[d bj•Mne
ad/m adhesive N eat the flips
�;:•• ';tWi No.28pw(mivimtm)plwmlmi raked valleyfiaM^g
s::i.J.-":w- No.26 pup G-"phmimd fibbed sa8ry Dashing .
`t"'n' - •. .:.. ..... ,. Mioimtm l-sanding lam spFffi diverser
JUL 2 5 2002
;�••.. ::.... Bemmve pnttlm dtllett�whae tl4 roam mini Dashing mpre
vat vara tlamwmg.
Bilse Bashing and counterflaslimil m be Fluedidu
mhrimtm 26 puge phwized slx4 cop- ® 14'
® — — —h5n®tm 6'
Wim ties mm be tat to the CmmtaDuhog —
enem that mfhor lugs and ® 14'
mill holes are d imimted,the
remaining portlm must he we H ®®
suppoNd m m even phos
with field s pre Che should ®®
be homedd m the pmlom
course of the with miter's ®®
miasmic or the s dhesMt ®®®
® Nora Crieltet or specially formed diverter is retire- .
mended where roof projections exceed 2'in width
® estept who evidence b wbmlaed m wpport
omWlow.Mitlpting(remits Indwde root dope,
®®® proximity to chip or diverter.
Page 6 of 6 ER-2656
Raingutlas should be lafounurn
3-odrimum 'i'or 6`depending on pitch.
IRe overhang should be kept to
a Minimum('/a"tppinU
1 'NOTE:
Overhang for
Monier 21100,and
Duralite Fla must not
be less than 11/4".
7ypioal Ridge Condition MonierUfedle Metal Faye Ibser/(30sure Snip
Trim is In be fastened with one maoslm-redvam oal(of sufficient length to
penrnte rials board a minimum of 3/4`-101 minimum.
Trim lilt coven field We minimum 3•.
lhutedspMat carried mer or earned under ridge railer
option&[named layer of fell over miler board as waderblocic
place lav barer t'/i from enter of ridge milm
In severe climate areas,the ridge must be sealed with mewl,mortar,mastic or e
pressure sensitive adhesive where the meets ridge board.
Roofer's mastic or til.adhesive mint be applied al headlap to corner nail hole.
'� r>e 0..h1� tau mde•a®�. ::;...
�.����/j he wnPlaW�abe bike uodutrfvmr
Tia,.;. .:.S;v-...•ii;�.,``' ';d^v
- �' alL'1[h s[b a]1n aCbmj
�.:1':.:'.:+.is'.::::'• :l•..!.
STEP 3-Smodw d Gahani..d or Ind Flashing v
1:•.f A�'_ tNt'.�t::='"v�{T::l:c�-y C� =annamadiminimvr 6'Lm LLemm br du
.:u�..•;:jll d"t1.., ale vel 9'mPnullealc
!.�'.1'^lel!.c?l=•. •^ 1�••. 0.dm case daliLR Pipe mmrs Wmh m�1�
✓":.i�4'�• •:.i.r•-.(�i\:�•,� _ll:y;. Shed OWmp®Abeaad,Wieb pbe or aped
SW C4epr Rapbmlla ara,N®,
F."dic Wei.int lud m ober dul6Mwm Larbua,
din is' n wuni eml peolnnun—
rmdu,We,inapp1 novio.sup¢
22185 VIA CAMINO CT 02070165
OWNER'S NAME: - APPLICAbC J j r€2 0 0 2
N Z L III C=1 L:7 L i
L 1 hereby aRinn that 1 am liccnud under QQrevisions of Chapter 9lcommencing REROOF f'OWN ]obe, iption
wit hSmism of Division SofmBusipeyAndProfessmrsCode.egpmylicense L�JJ
is in f and act `XX�r 402
o 6 u Lice y� Lie t
° NUJ l 4 2002
i3 Sr" HI C ON
nd I I 'a c rds
� WNER-BUILDER DECLARATION BUILDING 1 hereby AM.that 1 am eacmpt from the Contractor's License law finite $13500
H Z a following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code Any city or couty
8 S m xhich requires a permit m construct,vher,improve,demolish,or repair any stmcmm
that fie iprior to its iauance,Wits requims the applicmi for such permit m Bk a signed statement �� - -- -- - - ----------- -- ---
3licensedyuuuaotto!be 06"ons of the Comminuee License Law(Chapter9 Valuation
3TdJ664k8. L' L@F 5'L't
(eommc«ing with Sectiom70W)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code)
or three he is exempt thmc dm and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation
'of Senion 7031tl by any opplic in for o permit subjects the vgplicvm on a civilpenalry-
'ofmt more mm five hundred dollars ts5B0). 3 0-APN I >l:' Occupancy Type
[3 1,asawn er of the property,or my employees with wages us their sole compensation. 307 — INSULATION
;:viil':do'thi"work.and the code: hi is not imcndi ima.RLaw for out Apply 7044,' - ,: s,,.
Business 7044,-
Professions Who
Code:Th<Com,hexes License law d«x not apply tom Ins E"ns"'' "
owner of progeny em builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself 602 - ROOF PLYW�OD NApI L
or und) . his.If,employees,provided that such improvements ore not intended or --
"oRered-for sale.IL however.rite building or in, tis sold within one ar oY'"'" - '-603- ROOF' BATTENS -
e°mpletmn,thporaerb ale.). iuhave m<narom°rproving matnemanot badaar: 604 - ROOF IN-PROGRESS
improve for purpose of sale.).
❑Las ownerof thepojec pmec.7(vat exclusivelycontracting withlicensed contractors to
onto icame the .m (Sec. m a owner o a.Professions ills or The Contractor heme, � I , .!kCt ."',i
Licerue law,arae not apply man owner of progeny who builds se improves that he
_°nama,mroLkers lLow .h proj<cts.withacontrator(s),licensed pursuant to the. __.. ..____ .. ....... ........_—._..._ _..__.___ _......___._.,-.______....__.___ ._._-.__._..____.....:..__....
ors Limodc Law.
Olnn<acmpt uridcr Sic."I B@ P C for Nis reason •-'� �i:' 1'I3`i;Jii
Da .. :
ate '. •: .....'
I hemby aRtmt order penalty of perjury one oflthe following declarations:
have and will maintein'a Certificate of Consent to self-inion,for Worker's
' - Compensation:an provided for by Section 37W of the labor, Code, for the
performance of the work for which Nis permit is issued.
❑1 ha8e iod will maintain WVmkrr'a Cimt eniatsm Idiumtice,as required by Section
3700 caf,lue Labor Code fdr,he performs ce or the work'for which this permit is
=- issued W kers Com I ur c And Po1 y 1 m.
eN`^aPol cyt�(,Ql(d2��ZJ_(L�
is ariiiodnced not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars �"`its" - � O
M1 W)or less.)
I citify Nat in be perforri of the o k far whish tit s a t 's issued'1 `L, , ',�(;i`(I S' '
shall not employ any person in any mannerso as to become subject to the Workers
Compe tsitimn Lews of Califomm.Dite " •"" "'
Appl ce i.. : ., .._ . .. _ ._. ..
!N11ICETOAPPLICAM`Ifaftcrmaking this Certificate of Eaemptlon.you should
Q Qbecame subjecrto the Worker's Compensation provmons of the Labor Code,you must
forthwith'comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked.
�- I hereby aRmn that th - cohswctlon lending agency for the performance
.., of Ne work(«'rvhich Nis permits issued(Sm.3097.Civ.�),
d'Q Lenders Name_...._.._..p.............. _ -
LinacrsAddress'• `.`"..: .'.�: •' �
y. I ccnifythat I have need this application and state that the above information is
I, Es coned.l ayee ply with all city and county ordioanceS and stem laws relating
to Lola struct, :andhs Au ad rcprtrenmivas of this city to enter upon
[it the a -mention cd pally for ion
(we)igrttto e,,And ni(y P iry of Copenino Against
F-fn ubilitim judgment emu d.. any way accrue agtimt said
CityineWm cnc oft' Nmia IAW -/-1
A Ua E i:%'NoPOINi"� Issued by: Date V �/
Si td pP mucew SMA RIALS DISCLOSURE"� "Dart ""
pat tomo handle h sumo matenal - Type Of.Roof.
p �
ssdBedb Ne Ou m.M n cCnpt 3 dthe Health and Safety
yP 91
Code S cu 35573(al 1 Ci 3 1 t n I (• . ,` , t - 1, 1 t i: :
^oYea plitol arcw,oat j Y All roof a be m pected.pri any roofing.matenal.being installed ._.__... .
'.•,L.Wluthe.ppficmtorrurureWil ' gracmp.ntuse ac,ipmem«devices which If of is installed on r ming an inspection;I agree.to iemove
mitt noxa or air conumin'ants. incd bytheBiy Am.'Air Quality Management
'i'n`to Yes ' Nn' -. ... .. new material %or ' plicant understands and will comply with
, :, u. all non-point s rte u
iead'the d `min,' nu under CTapter 6.suviof
f a HceIN k S' et a' 33 and 35534 1 d rsund at
iftle building das h t is my rcaponsthity tv roti the
acupam of the rri 'm h t p or to Zama of a Certify to of
o< pa .,.. .' -
g a[ure of Applicant '
a — . ... . .. .. . . ._ ...
oloh".high° :w agp ., ,,, , . ,Date 1 roof coverings to be Class"B" or better
. : .-.:._:...i -- OFFICE - -