02020116c� _ OFFICE- .~ .� CI OF TINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIIVL'ISI ONPERMIT BUILDNG ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 22204 VIA CAMINO CT AAA FURNACE & AIR CONDITIONING 02020116 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE SCHWARTZ ROBERTA B AND MARTID 1712 STONE AVE 02/28/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)293-4717 ARCHITECLENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO i O O t o BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF.CH �E zoo IJ " l L_J __1 r?i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description O ;C 1 hereby affirm that i am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (enmmencing with Section 7") of Division 3ofthcBusonessandProfession, Coda,endmylicense CHANGE FURNACE 12000OBTU & s z iamronrnmean O Lic. ADD A/C 600002TU t i'g o 10 License C a s Dae _ fLL COmmnor i� ARCHITECT'S OECLAR N ,g I understand my Plans shall M1e used as Public records oO Licensed Poofnsional o OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION I I hereby of Tin that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the 3 < following mason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county zo which requires a Permit to conamet. alter, Impror<, demolish, or repo. any suumae 'goad jam -prat t c, also q N forC nammem, .._ ,_.. o lonm,Li,,r Nath 1 icdpurs Moth provisions thftheBuIm 1 LewChapter 9on,Code) 'th Section,o7001) fDivision lat Tia Professions , �Sq.-,Ft, anation �i},4 >w. latle) Icon be rnan ealigelled . Any violation of that he is exempt they mail the boas for the cts the ek a it. S.ni UL{.`�. t ., ♦it. j If licam 11 - of Senior 703 1.5 by any opPlicam far a permit subjects the applicant m a civil penalty ppli umber Occupancy Type ;of not more than five hundred dollarsS500).A ...: ❑ 1. as Owner °f Ne property, or my employees win wa,r, as their sulc comPcnfation. - 3 03 — ROUGH Mg-C14AR tICREptionsb 'will d° the work: and the structom is not intended or offered for sale (See 70s4. ' Busness'and Profession. Code: Tire Contractors License Law does not apply In an owner of 5 property Who builds or improves thermn, and who docs such work himself th...foIf bnoono intn>� o� m,m,�eiourn, ms .__.... --- 3.04 .-. ROUGH . ELECTRICAL ------- -- or If, noplinyear.rp nwieidshatisuch sold tnortr 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ' Ne owner.mdwer Win have he rumen ser that he did not build or Tip a ion, Proving `o mproveforputpr".1'sale.). 507 — FINAL PLUMBING contractors to508- ❑Luowner ofthe propcny,am eaclusivelycoProfeinionsCoe:) - - FINAL MECHANICAL ' Th nnatmet the eat (Sec. 7044. Rusmess and Prorea,n,n. Cone:) The enmtmnora project ' law does not apply to an owner of Property who builds improves thereon. .. se arta who conkers for.projecr.s wiN n commnor(s) licensed pursuant Tess Ne. and 1 _ ... --- -.__- . Comrutors License Low. _ Case exempt under Sec. .R1&PCfor this rtawn 1' Owner Door - - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION -' 1 hereby affirm under Penalty of perjury one of the following declarations ❑ 1 have andmi, will maintain Certificate of a se for worker's ` Labor hoc by Section 3]00 of the Labor COdc, for the Compensation, provided f 37M O v For performance of 0e wort for which his permit is issued. he _ O 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as required by Section - 37(gl of the Labor Code, for the rernormmce N the work for which this Permit is issued. My Worker's Compcoution Insurance carrier and Policy number are: ' Cerrnet� f�T i'I IF,-bi XEM P. `....` 1 i) t.. :. --- TIO .CERT I IONOFEKEMPTIS OM QRKERS'(' - - ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE: ". ' ° (This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars -' ($I00) or InuJ I certify, that in the performance of the work for which this Permit is issued, 1 shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become .subject io the Workers' - Cmmpcy.mdnn Laws of California. Date Applicant. .. ... ... :. .. .- .. ..,_ .. _.. ... _ .. .. NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If. after making this Ce orhour of Eaemptioo, you should ` btemon subject m the Worker's Compensmion provisions of the Labor Code, you mutt O forthwith Comply with such provisions or this Permit shall be dimmed revoked. yCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 t erebyM. that there is a constmctinn lending agency for the performance t r of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) (] Lender's Name.. .. __....... „ . D L<nBer'a'Address .. ,.. .,... 1 moony that I have read Nlz application and stain him the ifin is 'sr Ere ammy ordinances sena sate laws offing I agree tr comply wiN all d state 't ho enter upon'.O to building mnsmction, and hertby amhoriee reprcscmetives of this cirymeninr upon d authoJ Y Ls7 , he above-micurnmed property for inspection purposes.. tr :6 (We) agree no save, indemnify and keep harm i the City of Cupenino against y liabilities. judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way accae against said .i Z City in consequence of the granting Of this permit. - 1 APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL N N -POINT 9 Issuedb : Date y SOVIB7E'REG )TONS. 1 , S6I g p,,5 A 1HCa tactor . ._•'• Re -roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the pplicam Or future building oncepant store or handle harandersmt •A Type of Roof .... •. - .. .. .. .. u claimed by me Cupeni Mun'ciral Cod Chapter 9 12 d the Health end Safety Guru, Section 25532(0) it �. Cl ' '' ,Jahn ,t I-� 1 r i,` I f , All roofs.sh_all be mspec[ed poor to, any. roofing, material being. installed... will theappl'eant Or fount building occupant usecquipmern ordevices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove cm t harardous ser camammantz u defined by Ne Boy Arm Air Quill ty Management District? "' all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with pyo all non -point source regulations. �./ 164 read the'hazalloux rnatarials,rcquiremains under Chapter 6.95 of the Catfnmia Health&Safety Code, Sections 25505.25533 and 25534. 1 understand that Tribe building does not currently have he ant. Nmit is my responsibility t°°otify the -' oeculpsno of the requirements, hick in be met prior m issuance of a Cenifcme of osa mays Signature of Applicant Date � _ All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Own.. or wtnod ed agent V. _ OFFICE- .~ .�