ERC 03-12-03Community Development Department
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 777-3308
March 12, 2003
Committee Members:
Jason Chou for Ralph Quails
Charles Corr
David Knapp
Steve Piasecki
Dolly Sandoval
Committee Members absent: Ralph Qualls
Staff present:
Gary Chao, Vera Gil and Aarti Shrivastava
Staff absent:
Glenn Goepfert
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 12, 2003
Motion to approve the February 12, 2003 minutes
Steve Piasecki
Jason Chou
Charles Corr and David Knapp
Application No.:
M-2002-09 (EA-2002-08)
Matt Pietras/Sim Architects
Mercedes Road (APN #342-22-044)
The following items were discussed:
o Adjourn to Mercedes Road for a tour of the property
o Drainage
o Driveway routing
o Oak trees
o Retaining walls
[] Return to Conference Room A to continue discussion
o The new house location has moved to the rear of the property.
Dave Russell, 22790 Mercedes Road, had the following concerns:
o Aesthetics - preserving the "country" feel
o The Marianist property: ambulance accessibility during and after
o Drainage
ACTION: Recommendation for a Mitigated Negative Declaration with the following
mitigations: 1. The applicant is required to preserve at least 40% of the site with the
exception of the main building pad area, vegetations around the perimeter of the house
and the proposed driveway area. 2. Any new landscaping shall be of native species
consistent with existing surrounding vegetations. 3. A construction operation plan
indicating equipment staging area and methods, site and tree protection measures must
be submitted and approved by the Planning Department prior to building permit
issuance. 4. The applicant is required to plant two 24" box oak trees in the front of the
house to further screen the house from downhill properties. 5. The applicant must
follow the recommendations from the Project Geotechnical Engineer and the city's
geologic consultant with regards to foundation and site preservation measures.
MOTION: Charles Corr
SECOND: Steve Piasecki
VOTE: 5-0
Application No.:
Z-2002-04, TM-2002-05, U-2002-12 (EA-2002-24)
Prometheus (Villa Serra)
20800 & 20900 Homestead Road
The following items were discussed:
Traffic Impacts:
o Homestead Road and De Anza Blvd. intersection at project build out.
o Fehr & Peers and CMP conducted 2 separate traffic counts at the
intersection and results were drastically different. A 3ra count is
o At project build out, the worst-case scenario could be mitigated by
creating a right turn lane on southbound Homestead Road.
Removal of housing units and the relocation of tenants.
o Relocation plan goes to the Housing Commission in April.
o Construction operation plan showing the staging areas will be included.
o Construction noise should also be addressed in the relocation plan.
Pedestrian friendliness and walkability on Homestead from apartments to retail.
[] Transition from old apartments to new apartments
Underground parking.
[] Private park spaces:
o 1.75 acres (mitigated) of open space would be consistent with the General
ACTION: Recommendation for a Mitigated Negative Declaration with the following
mitigations: 1. The applicant is required to provide a Tenant Relocation Plan that will
be provided to the Housing Commission for review. 2. A construction operation plan
indicating equipment staging area and methods, site and tree protection measures must
be submitted and approved by the Planning Department. 3. The applicant will conduct
a study that aid in the reduction of construction noise. 4. A private park shall be
located on the property no less than 1.75 acres of open space to be consistent with the
General Plan.
MOTION: Charles Corr
SECOND: Steve Piasecki
VOTE: 5-0
Application No.:
SPA-2003~01, GPA-2002-04, Z-2002-02, U-2002-06,
TM-2002-02 (EA-2002-14)
Dermis Meidinger / Bill Hagman (Civic Park)
10320-10440 S. De Anza Blvd.; 20360-20440 Town Center Lane
The following items were discussed:
[] Mixed-use concepts.
[] Heights - 4-story elements.
[] No air quality or noise impacts.
[] Tree replacement:
o All heritage oak trees are being relocated (7).
o 247 total trees being removed, 273 total trees being planted.
(49 removed, 23 replaced).
ca Traffic Impacts
o Expected growth conditions (5-7 year period)
· Rodrigues Avenue 10% increase
· Pacifica Drive 13% increase
o Possible traffic calming measures on entire frontage of Rodrigues Avenue
and Pacifica Drive.
o 1400+ spaces provided
o Shared parking (1291 needed for existing spaces).
Sewer system testing needed.
ACTION: Recommendation for a Mitigated Negative Declaration with the following
mitigations: 1. Tra__ffic: The applicant shall continue their proportionate share of the cost
to redesign the McClellan/De Anza signal to enable it to function more efficiently, as
described in the traffic report. The applicant shall contribute their proportionate share
of the cost for improvements to the intersection of Blaney and Rodrigues Avenues. The
applicant's proportionate share will equal the increment of new traffic added to the
intersection compared to the new traffic from the near term build-out in the
surrounding area. The applicant will provide traffic mitigation on Rodrignes Avenue
and Pacifica Drive. This mitigation will include traffic calming measures such as on-
street parking (to off-set parking deficiencies), traffic curb bulb-outs and /or traffic
speed humps or other traffic mitigation measures, as deemed appropriate, to offset the
project traffic that will use these two streets. 2. Parking: The applicant needs to
evaluate the parking and determine whether there is enough parking. 3. Trees: The
applicant will provide 273 new trees to compensate for the removal of one specimen
tree and 246 existing trees on the site. 4. Sanitary_: An evaluation of the existing
sanitary system is needed to determine whether the system is adequate.
The following mitigations have already been incorporated into the plan:
MOTION: Steve Piasecki
SECOND: David Knapp
VOTE: 5-0
Respectfully submitted,
Kiersa Witt
Administrative Clerk