S 2576APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMI'I'PLUMBING-MECHANICAL BUILDING -ELECTRICAL BUILDING 1'ROJF.C'T IIIENPIF'ICATION PERMITNO. S 2576 BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY No. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. DATE o S � 'D Z — 22 -y OWNER Mli:I I` I' ryE: " FnU)NI' \\ CI )NS NAME: LI NO: NIC CONTROL# ❑ ARCHITE41'/I7NGINEER: LIC NO: )D CONTACT. PHONE:BU[LDING PERMIT INFO ❑ co sultan( Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG ELECT PLUMB MICH �e�`���j / 1(7 E] ❑ ❑ LICENSED CON'RACTOR'S VCLARATION I herchy atflrm that I am licensed ower prlmvia x tf Chapter 9 (umanancin Inn QTY ELECTRIC PERM IT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION I'L•NMIT ISSUANCE with Section 7111gB oftlivision 3 nl'Ihc Buninees and i'mfessiens Cole, anA my I'menne v 'n full force and effect. S1 RESIDENTIAL: ❑SIUWL APPLInNCES-R[SNF.hT1Al. -icer mss V hie.# hale Contractor s�_ ARC ITECT'S DECLAR 1st 1 undenwnd Iny plana CAIT be n.ceA a. Public rec"Ns ElPLUM IN RF -PIPE ❑ADDITION El PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑ MULTI -UNIT ❑STRUC URAL MODIFICATION ❑INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMI,N'T OSWIMMING POOLS PANELS IJPTO200AMPS Licensed l'ndcssional ]III-1(00AMI'S OW'NIiR-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 herchy affirm that 1 am e¢mpt from the Collimators License law far the following reason. (Section 703 1.3, Business and Pmfcasamn Care: Any city or county ClBATIi REMOU'/REPAIR ❑DIiMOLITION ❑OTHER OVER I(NIOAMI'S SIGNS ELECTRICAL which requires it permit to construct. slier, improve, demolish, or repair any sdaemre SPECIAL Cl RCUIT/M ISC. prior o hs Issuance, also require, thonpplicams for wall permit to file u signed statement lbw lure htenxeJ pursuant m the prov l pions of the Cnmmcnm's License law (Chapter 9 (enmmenci ng with Section AXXq of Di vision 3 of the ]business and Par esxinnx CNo) or That he is cxempd mhercfram and the basis for the alleged esemp,ion. Any violation of TEMP. METER OR POLE INST.. 'I' AL1 ❑ NEW BLDNADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a Permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of POWER DEVICES [I TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE Bat ...,ban five hundred doll... (5500. ❑I, as owner of the properly, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. will do the work, and the smear Is nom emended orot'ered rnr sale (Sec. 71,14, Business IMPROVEMENT C3 OTHER SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC mid Profession, Code: The Cn dranor'x License Law dues not apply to an owner of la OUTLETS - SW I'I'Cl PIS - FIXTURES NEW RESIDEWIAL ELECTR SQ FT. progeny who builds or imprnvea thereon, and who docs such work himself or Through his awn employcea provided (bat ouch Improvereres are Bol intended or offered for rale. IL however, she building orimpmvemcm ix sold wdhidone yearnfcnnmpleama,the SQ. ET. FLOOR AREA SISQ, f. -n -builder will have the burden o(pmving that he did nos build ur improve farina. puser ce of sale.), nsed coets L us ancr of rhe pmpeny, am cxelmively con0aatimg with licemmmm Flw OT ' O o..I... I the pu vo (Sec. 7(A4, Ilu.inma and Professions Code:)'G e Contractor', Li law does not apply to an owner of properly who builds or improves thereon, and QTV. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE wn,e ho cnnmues for such projects with a commends) licensed pursuant to he common.. PERMIT ISSUANCE License law. 1 am exempt under Sec. . B & P C for this reason Owner Date ALTER -DRAIN & VENT - WATHR (EA) VALUATION BACK FLOW PROTECT'. DEVICE WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I herchy affirm under penally of perjury octal the following dcclaaiminms: ❑ I have and will maintain a Cenifcnd ofConsennn aelf-insure for Workers Comped- DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF, ARBA. CORD. TYI'li CONSTRUCTION motion, az provided for by is mat 37110 of the W Mm CNet for the performance of the work for which shin .it is issued. _ FIXTURES -1'T:R TRAP 0 1 have and will .mono,, let cr n am,c, o a [in w rk I., hi as required it Section 1700 of IM1e mambo. Coda far lite perlbrnnnnw of the work for which this Dench m. issuN. OCC. U APN GAS -EA, SYS'I'I1M-I INCA OUTLETS - Carrier:rkmop naafi I� r,NeicYolicYmNo," r 2 1999 GAS-EA.SYS'I'EM-OVI3R 411iA) { PER 2 �""�`r CERTIFI( THOF TIRE IP1HONFROMW K RS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE IYaFv7 4 \ ING DIVISION FErS GREgSP/INUUti TRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR (This simian nceA no, he conmpineJ ifshe permit is funme JJollars (EI 1 or less.) GREASE9'RAP PLANCHECK FEE SEWP.R-SANI'I'AkY-STOIIM IIA.2tlfl Ff. 1 ccrllfy Ihu(in she pal Elnnnnrut the worn far which dmi, pencil it ixnued. l shell Jj�'( Worker.' Counp en- Basemploylnry Depwn In any morder.n asm a, omy`.k her �•/�"r� MERGY FEE WATER HEATER WNEN'IMLECIR GRADING FEE i sodium laws of form. Date Applicant ¢ NOTICE COM I AW: ,eller ma -n6 t is CeniO me of Exemption, yuu should become subject m (he Worker's Compensation pravWoae of the L.Mn Cade, you most WATER SYSTEMOREATING SOILS FEE tbrthwi fi almply with such previsions or This permit shall be Deemed revoked. WATER SERVICE NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMU. SQ, ET. CONST'RUCT'ION LENDING AGENCY I herchy affirm them Them is o c...ducdon lending agency for he Performance of PAID --Y Receipt # the work for which the, permit is icwN (See. 3(197, Civ. C.) Lenders NameTOTAL: TOTAL' Lender. Address BIJILDIN �R I certify that 1 have mad chin applicalum and state that the above iatermmion is correct. lugree to cammply with all eityand county ordinances and slate laws mla,ing to building con.amctiun, and herchy unmhuliae reprexen(utive. of this ciD dm enter upon Ne QTY, MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SEISMIC FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE ELECTRIC FE A / v aeoveancatinnnl pmpany for inspection purposes. (We) agree m save, indemnify and ken, heNcs. ,he City of Cupcnino against ALTER OR ADI) TO MECH. PLUMBINGF I: liabilisics,jndgmenn, costs ani upenrea which may in any wuyocerre.,instsaid City In consequence ^find painting of this permit. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 1I,000 CENT) MECHANICAL PE APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH AT.I, NON -POINT SOURCE " iU1.A'TIONS, '-' AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER I0,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signameof App ora Compactor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) HOUSINGMITIGATION FEE HEATING UNIT (TO 100.(0X) B 1' Of Will the applicant or Ed Takata, mlpleam.ssoreor handle h..akma .!t/, is defined by the Cepenind Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the He flih and Safety Code, Sccdon 2553^_007s(/,' HEATING UNIT OVER RiujXXI BIT) VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) E] Yes C(No PAID Dale Receipt # Will the air m tm nr al, a building occupant use e. Air Q l or devices which emit hueuNnus air conmmimm�r Its AeOned thy the Buy Arm Air Quality Management BOILER -COMP (3HP OR LIIfIJXX) BTU) T(YI'AI . HOTLER- COM P(OVER IIXI j), IT] U) Dinrim4- ,r. El Yes D6-1 AIR CONDIT, TONER I have mwl the haeardnusm0erlah, tr under Chapter 6.95of the Cali. Poria Health & Scurry CNet 2E5in 25533 and 255Jity uddersmN that if amt ISSUANCE DATE NEW RESIDENT Al. MECH. SQ. IT. eaten i building Jcesnrn currently havca¢nam,,has it is my responsibility b. notify, the stupor /� r y of(heregnir which moat he mm pnonn Lssu mfu Cenifiea,e of p�u�n/pyq./ �+ I.S'SUED9Y: TOTAL. Owne'rn Ihodoed aTat hate t- / OFFICE 0 Z_z 0 [C - LU 1 0 Z) z 00 LL 0 w Y z A ADDITIONAL PERMIT FEES BUILDING PROJECTIDENTeP(CATION VALUATION �D D a a monlssO -:n �/ N V� ONNENS ME �.) 'Z orvE L FEE SUMMARY mNSAcrons uc NO % / V , BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE C r crops RAess /'' ��{,Qp / Q t (,.C/n� /jWNONE "'O`i SEISMIC FEE S� QTY. ECTR91RMIT FEE UTLETS- SWITCHES -RECEP FIXTURESPPLIANCES. AELECTRICLIGHTING RESIDENTIALPANELS SIGNS Lj SIGNS TRANS. SPECIAL CIRCUIT ' EMP. METER OR POLE INS. PERMO VAL OATION IUANCE OATS SS MOTORS SEE FEE SCH. SERVICE CHANGE TOTAL DTV. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE SLOG ❑ ELECT. ❑ PLO, ❑ MEOH. ❑ ALTER -DRAIN & VENT -WATER (EA.) - BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE ` E, \\J/C/ I DRAINS -FLOOR. ROOF, AREA, COND. FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS - EA. SYSTEM - I INC.4 OUTLETS GAS - EA. SYSTEM - OVER 4 (EA.) INDUSTRIAL WASTE INTER. LAWN SPRINKLERS - 1 INC 5 V.B. LAWN SPRINKLERS - OVER 5(EA.) SEWER -SANITARY -STORM EA.200ft/� WATER HEATER W/VENT WATER SYSTEM WATER TREATING EQUIP. TOTAI QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. APPLIANCE AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10JA0 AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10=C.F.M) EXHAUST HOOD (WITH DUCT) HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE) BOILER - COW (3 H.P. of 100,000 B.T.U.) BOILER -COMP 10w, 100,000 BTU) SEE FEE SCH. TOTAL