00070004• X00 zu u ay 5�- 'oz—c GSC; of z teas z a x eeCO F7+' 2 e ce O z z0 ti a>_ Z) z U O O U F P. UZ a CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMyATION: BUILDING ADDRISS: •JZ6/I PLRMIT NO. 11102 WILKINSON AV Lt. A11-5haNuMb>h 00070004 OWNI?R'S NAME: M k Rb APPLICATION SUR DAT 1! 07/05/2000 CHEW 656. , ikl6t PHONE,: SANITARY NO. CON 1801. NO. Srw �os�= �tsi33 ARCHITFICIZISGINF.F.R: h / BUILDING PFRMI'I INFO BLDG PLUMB , h1' —6 0 a (� V ✓� 1' -1 I LICENSHI) CON 'IRACiOR S DFCLARXI[ON Job Description 1 berth, Minn mat I Can licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (enmmeneing with Section 70(Xpof Division Sol the tint inewand Pmfesiots Gde,und my beam, is in toe cares and ease. se Class Linn RE -PIPE [')are Urs eI)CCLA necurnscr's Decl.na n0N I understand my plans shall he uwN as public mttord.s Liccnal Professional , OWNER-BUILDI:R DECLARATION 1 heraby alirtm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for she rollowin"c t. l S,aiun 7031.5. Heti nd 1'mfcn m Cade, Any city o unty which requires a permit fin wrolmet, obimprove, demolish, or repair any structure prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such Permit o lie a signal statement Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation thin he is wen,dipan,ai Ou I, prnv,...00l he Contracaor, license Lao, tehapior 0 (calmnencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Prols000, Cede) $ 4900 or that he is exempt thercliota and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031,5 by any applicaut r..nt "mmol ,ubl¢h the appllamn to civil an"I" APN Number Occupancy Type flood marc than live hundred dollars (s51Xp. 35617075.00 ❑1,usownet ofthe property. mitt,Inpinyecswid,wagesa%dtah%fmc,mhem,ati„n, - will do the work, and the ru,nue is not intended or ,Ifcred lin sale (Sec. 7("4, Huxines.s and Profndons Code: The Contractors License Law docs not apply In an Required Inspections propetyWho nhld,n,imprnvcxeeon,endIn"dool1aeltvorehimself none,ffm 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING Or his owe employees. provided mal such improvement, arc mol intended or Offered for sale. If, however. the building or improvement is sold within One yes of 301. — ROUGH PLUMBING cnfnplelinn, the owner.hnJder will novo dm harden of pnoing mal he did not I Id ar improm lmpmimsum.sale) 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY ❑ L a, fwncr nnlnn pmt+nr, teen e,aft.i,ely emttrnear, with licensed eomr'cta” In 507 — FINAL PLUMBING construct the project (Sec.. 7(111. Imoness and I'ntfession.s Cocc:)'I'lie Contractor's License Law due, and apply u, an neater of pmpeny who build, or improves mcrcan, ' and who corrals for sett pruiedx with a centramor(n) licensed pursuunl do the Contractor's License Law. - ❑ 1 um exempt under Sec. . It K P C for this reason Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ' 1 hereby ullirm under penally or Perjury one of the following declar tions, ❑ 1 have aad 1111 maiinam u CenlGeme of ComcOn ,, xlf-in-re for Worker, Compemminn, u, pmvidcd In by Section 3700 oI the Labor Code, for be perfOmence of the work for which thi< pemtit is issued. } ❑ 1 have and will mnimxin Wader's Cnmpensalion Inefnnca as required by Section 37M1 of the laha Colo. fur he perlonaance of the wo 1, for which this permit i, Issued. My W/�jy/Ao�r', /C�oym�/9� rwranee ca /(i( /�J�Pnl�ic/Y�numF'r are. Cartiee_/_mss Policy Nn./=(,g(/�- CERTIFICATION OF I!KRMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPFNSAIION INSURANCE I "is section need mud he u,mplcmd if the permit is for one hundred dollars IS IMP ar It".) I ecrdify that in the perti nnunce of the work for which this permit is issued, I , %hull not employ any parson in any manner sea rix to Iwcoam ,uhlect Or the Worked' Campenution Loos of Cnlifomio. Date NO'HCH 10Niernmkinethisovisiosof of E, odyouumulst becomesubjctIntheWor:IL the Labor Code.yfu mull bcefinesu...opy me ,Compcn., provisions Labor ' C,ehpker his hdI limhwith comply with .ash pnrvisionx nr his permit shall M devoted revoked. CONS 'I'RUC [UN LENDING,wCNCY I hotvmy aBimt nen mere Is a construction lending agency for the performance 01 the work lar welch this period h le.ued (Sc,,. 307. Cl, C.) Lender's Name Lenders Address I certify that 1 have toad this application and state that the abuse information is matt. I agnea to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating w 1`1111,11."consuucnon, and heehy aulhorite rep ra.conal e, at his city nn enter upon the above -rand ma l property lin inspection purin%o. (We) serve to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupsninn against babilidox, judenncnt.. cast% and expanse' which may in airy way aKmc again"'aid City in consequence Of the graming of this permit.✓>/ O Q APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NONLPOINT Issued by: Date y' SOURCE REGULATIONS. Re -roofs signmurcof ApprcanvGtntrac o, Date HAZARDOUS MAA ENRIALS D1SCi OSURH Will the applicant or future building accuem,RIOne OF handle hazardous numenal Type of Roof as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 912, and the Ilealth and Safety Code, Section 45532(0'1 O rc% ONn All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will meopplicain or Bnture hmld'ntheneenipam a,n egon",e, nrdcvlccs which If roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit hazardous air contaminates as defined by the Buy Area Air,Quolidy Management Distde7 all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 7Ye% El No all non -point source regulations. 1 have read the hmr,mlia, materials requimmems under Chapter 6.95 of the California Hndth A Safety Code, Seeuoo125,5115.25,5)3 and 25534. 1 undersumd ,hal if the building docs not cumendv have a femur. that it is my re,onsihilidy to notify the Occupant of the requimnems which must be met prior to issuance of a Cenilicade of Eo DCCCCc'' Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better DwnerarDato Call mii.edagent OFFICE