B 0604APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY c BUD. HNG -E LECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPF.RTINO PLUMBING-.+IECHnmcAl. NUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT ,,,�r_nunux-r Hxrzxrrnv...... S�Q�� �6Q GINEE LIC NO ADDRESS, T❑J .sos� o ❑ BUILDING fir. CnshLFcaidby �lY (.il17 BLDG - ELC:Cr p'1'Y. ELECTRIC PERMIT I FEE 1 hcrehy affirm that 1 in liacloed under ouskin., of Chapter 9lcommcncing MWZ with St 700(pnf Di,si Sol the Im,mr.vs and Professions Codeand my lice.,. is CW OF- in full force and effect. 04 1 NV Licenu CI... Llc. a Q W ).to Cut melnf ARCHrrc('1 s DECLARATION F -N Z I unde,xnnd my pLm'.J 11 be used a, pohllc record, CZ -a 1 '4 F' W Licensed 11rolessiowl OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION C W 6 I homily affirm that 1 am exempt from the Comr.tou rs LicenLaw for the �L L U following rcaxnn. (Section 70}1.5, Rusin.., and Professions Code: Any city or cony 11!'314 F' which ,.lobes It permit to construct, other, improve, demolish. or repair any soca.. prior. its imuence. also requires the applicant l oreach pvordto file a,igncdsmmn.m that he is licensed pursuant to the provision of the Contractor, License Law (Chapter 9 N0p minimal with Section l(XXH of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code)or a , c that he is exempt tomorrow and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of 7C ^ Section ](111.5 by any applicant for a Permit subjects the applicant o a civil penalty of �.y.m not mom than live hundred dollar, ($500). SG p Lax^wn.rol''he prop.ny,,enty cmpoyces with wage, as mei, snlc lonclusatilm GGGG2'"' will Jo the work, anJmeamcmrc musemadedofoRered fur sole Sr,. 70,CL Booms, W m and Professinnx Code: The Contractor', License Law docs not apply to an owner of a 3 proper who build, or improves thereon, and who does such work himulf or through hisemployees, provided that such improvements are not intended or oRered for salenlf, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of cnmplminn, the owncr-huildcr will have the burden of proving than he did not build or improve for for- ❑ Las owner of the proper. am exclusively contralim, with lutowd contiatots to construct the project (See. BIW. Bu,mexs and professions Cm1e:) The C^mmetm', Li- no, Law does not apply to an owner m propcny what builds or improves thereon, and QTY, who contracts for such projects with a contractors) licensed pursuant o the Contractor, License Law. ❑ I ton exempt 1mJcr Seo. . B & P C for this reason PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCIiS - RESIDENTIAL PANELS IJP TO 21X) AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL (/ SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP. METER OR POLE INST, POWER DEVICES SWIMMINGPOOLELECI'RIC t OU'TLE'TS-SWI'rCHC.S-FLXrURS NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECIit SV PE Owner Da1p WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION �. 1 hereby arhrm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations. 1 have and will mainmin a Certificate of Consent u1 «If -insure for Wo,ker's Comp.. / saninn, nx prnvidcd Inr by SCClinn 3700 ono. LOM. Cola for he purfonnanca or 'he w'orA Inr which phis perm. Is issn I hove nnA will nmimain WorkrAcr, Cnmpensulinn Insurance, as rcqulreA by Scctinn 37W.fmcl,is Cde.E the rrmmance of the work for which this per�ymit is iuueJ. Cumcerke t n rnnce carne Policy Nu.Y��I_/ CER TIFICATEOE SAI [O PION Nxt^M'n,��:NrX`�t/ C( I.. 1'E....otdift INS CCYYII((J% 77 ('ILie tont.. .lied not be umtpluN ifth^Iw' tis fur uncbunJrcJ Aollnn ($lisp or less.) toy any that in the performancen as t bee for which this permiti,iamed.lshall not employ any person in any mvnner m az m become subject to the Workers' Compel Z cation I..., of California. Dae O O Applicant IZ ✓�N-I NOrICI: TO APPLICANT: IL aIle,..king illi, Ccn'IEoam of Exuntption, you should F" lice..... xabjca a1 the W ..lor's Conlpinc.nom pnrvixina of the LuMa Code, you (mixt forthwith comply with such provisions or this pemtil shall be deemed revoked. Q CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY U 0 I hcrehy ichnn thauherc i., sued (See 3ylending agency for the peRonnunce of W the for which that pmmit i, issued (Ss.}tXR. Civ. C,) O U Lcndcr,Name r 1lndcr x Anfil, IA I ,agree that 1 have with thirty and county and elven that the %Mrve information i, UZ building I ogle ,comply with all city all county ordinances and some laws relating he QTY, U Z building c^n,nmai..n. and hcmM1y amhnnm repmsenmtives of this city ulcmer upon the above eationed property for'mspenion purposes. (We) agree to s'.ve, indeu only and keep hamO.ss the City of Copeman ogainw hiduhics.judglncnP, "INs and expenses which nnty in any way tu'cow o,am,l,aid City in cnnwyuet.e of the gmanag of mix permit. Aum lr ANT 1151 DER STAN US AND WILL COMPLY WI'T']I ALI, NON -POINT I IAZA It XAJS MAI'F.RIA IS DISCLOSURE: Will the applicant or Icame building misspent store or handle heeardaus material as def Bed by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Code, Section 8532UC El Y., ❑No W111 1111 opplicant or Lome huihrng occupant me equipment nndcvitx, which mit hamrdoa., air ennlantimnnx as dcGncd by he Itny Arca Air Quality Menagc.u'.t DlunfB C] Yes ON. I have read the hoverdon, mntandc no sircmenrs under Chapter 6,95 of the Cali folia Ilenhh & Safety Code, Sections 25505.25533 and 25534.1 t dermaid thio if the baildi ng does and cmxnI ly have a orient, that II is Illy resporobuily to molly the oecapam +fol. myulrcme M1nmst beth no, oI...... ce d a CenlOcmc of Oceuparey. .0 PLUMBING PERMIT PERMITISSUANCE AL'rl:R - DRAIN & V BN'1'- WATER (I:A) BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS- FLOOR. ROOK. AREA, COND. PIXTU RES - PER TRAP GAS - IiA. SYSrI:M-1 INC. 4 OUTLET'S GAS- EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EA) GREASUINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GREASE'1'14\P SEWER -SANITARY - S'R)RM EA. 2110 FI'. WATER ((EATER WIVENGIE .ECTR WATER SYS'reM,TREXHNG WATER SERVICE NEW RESIDENTIAL ('LMB. SV. IT. MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ACI'ER OR ADD TO MEC( I. AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 1u(XX)CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10.000 CFM) EXHAUST HOOD (WIDUCI ) I ENI ING UNIT GO I OIL(X10 II'I'U) HEATING UNIT(OVER HXLIXU BTU) VENI'ILA'RON FAN (SINGLE RISID) BOILER -COMP (}HP OR 100,000 B'I'U) BOILER - COMP(OVER I(X),IXX)BTU) AIR CONDITIONER NEW RESIDENTIAL-MECH. SQ IT. FEE FEE ,- L -S — 3S 3 'ERMIT INFO c JOB DESCRIPOUN RESIDENTIAL: L;SPDWL ❑ KITCHEN REMODIiI, ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RI: -PIPE [I MULTI -UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑ IN] ERROR ❑ Cl IIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT E]SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH R17MODEUREPAIR 0DEMOLITION SO. IT, FLOOR ARIA $15q Fr. BUILDING DIVISION FEES FEL laic PLUMBING CONS I'RUCI'ION TAX I IOUSING MI"I'IGATION FIA: PAID Oath Reed. a �)T�I• J v ISSULD OFFICE