22471 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATIOPd WITHIN RED LI NES — USE BALL POIfVT PEM OWLY eulldin Proce�demi(Icalion PIiN.WTNO. Bullding Add�ce:^� �� �� � , Z 2 4 71 �.� wmre ame: onr. , p � (,� CITY OF NPERTINO-BUILDINC DNISION � �1 � ^ � � co� ttm.H.�: _ c��.No: AppLICATION I PERMIT � ��1 ,' :r?1t�/Fngiker, k o. B�LDINGF7.EC7AICAU7'LUMBMGMECFIAMCAL CA7EGORY CO �XO Q7Y ELECTRICPERMIT �g BUILDINGPERMITINFO '' Aadre..: - � ' I'F72h9i75SUANCB �T�Qu LICENSED CONTRACfOR'S OCCLARATION IM1ercbyaffirmthallamlkmecdunderprovlalon�alUapmr9(mmmrn API'I.IANC6SRF9DEM7AL ]OBDFSCItQ'170N IngwltM1SeMon7000)of DiWdon3o(1heButlneseand Pm/eeslonoCode,and my u«�k isi�r�u�o.�,,,a dr�. / rnxos / .� h}�p�.,C��•7 Lkenx Clam Llc p Oale- CantnRor ANCHITECI'SDECLARATION p�"�� � p�+�7. Iunderehndmyplavelu116euecEapubllcrtwrtl� OVER1000AMI'S SQ.Ff.FLODRARFA 5/SQ.FI'. k�Z LlcenxdPro(enlowl 9GNSELFf7RICAL � O C� D _ ��� � � bWNCR-BNLDEX UECWRATION �"n< ' SPFGIALCIItCU1T/MISC � �.OD ' zp.,�a Ihembya(firm/FutlameKempl(romtheConlnRorbLlcenxGwtmthe � (ollowing rc+san.(Settlon 7m1S,Buelnese and Pm(enlona Code:Any tlty or ' O�F.� 1II.SP.MEfOtOR['OLEINS7. rr,� cauntywh(chrtqulreeapermkfomvtruqalter,lmpmve,dertnlbh,orrtpalr q anyetmctureptlorroltebs�ance.alwrtquimMeappllcvit(onuchpertNno �pWFRDEVICFS P� � flle a elgned etatement that Fe V Ikeneed punuant to Ihe provblo�u a( the �� �Dµy CantnctofeLkemelaw(Clupler9(romn�encingwltM1SecMon7000)otDlvl- Q�+OJ slan3oflheBuelneeeendPro(embvCode)arlhatheleezempttFemlmmand SWP/h9NG7'OOLELLC7R[C . y0. A N �0 5 tM baeb(or the alleged exemptWn. My Wolatlon of Senion 7Q71S by any OIJILETSSW1TCtIESFlXIURFS 3 � ��a appilmnt(ara pertNt eubjMe Ihe app0ont loa dvil pevlty d nU rtnmtAan A� !We hundred doihn(;5(1%., NEWR65IDEN17ALELECTR_SQ.FC. $'['ORI6 'fYPGCAN5fRUCTION I � �I,ee mvrer o(tFe pmpeity,or rtry employcce wlth wagn u thclr eok compeneaHw,w111do1heworka�dlhestruRurcbnoHntendedoro!lered(or� ' � � /� �0 eale(See 70CA,Buelnco aM Pm(emlo�u Cade TM1e ConhaRor�Llceve Gw �� $ docanolapplytoanawmro(pmpe�tywM6uildsorlmprovnthereoRand � �� �5^ whodoeeeuchworkhlmeelfwthmughAlaownemplqeee,prwWedthatwch C S improvemenb are not Intended oro((ertd(onale.If,Fmvever,lAebullding m 70TAL: Impmvementle�old wltFln oneycam(cmnpletloqtheowner-bulldcrwlll Fave tF�urdeno(pmvingthathedldnotbulldorimpmve(orpurpowotuleJ. Q'['y, PLCIMBINGPERMIT �' p�ppD I' U L a�mvner o!Ihe Pmperty,em exclueively mntncHng wllh Ilmnsed PERMR LSSUANCE TE mmntton ro mruwR the pmjeci($ee 7064,BueNm and Prolewloro Cade: �� The CantnRar'e Llanee law doea nat apply m�n owner ot prope'ty wha qLTFR�DMIN k VFM- Eu1Ws or Imp�oves tFueon,anA who mn<nm (w such p�okah wllh a WA�� rqfl{�actor(e711remed punuant ro Ne Contnctor'�Gcenm Law. FEE SUMMARY LJ� �m evempt uMer Sec. B&P C (or Ih6 rcawn BAIX FLOW PROTFCT.DEl7CH ' Owner Dale DRAINSFI.00RROOP,ARCA,CONU. SAMTARY Y_ N_� � RECFII'f N � �WO0.1QdANCOMPF2�SAT10N�ECLARATION �,��5���.�� � $p{ppLTA% - Y N PAereby aRlrm Ihat 1 Fave a rnrtlliate of coment to ee161nmre,or e . �� RFTE�7'M i:rtl(Iceleo(WorYen'CompereaHonl�uunncewecertl(Iedcopythemo!(Sec. GASEA.SYS'1'EM-1INC.60U7LEI'S PAWCFEE Y fY 3800,Iab CJ RFGDI'I M I Ibllryi CAS£A.SYSfFM-0VFR I(FA) Co�mp ny 6UIL1)INCDIVISIONFF.[S �CertltledcopybFertby(umlehed. GREASH/INDU5IRLWASTEINTERCO'7OR PLANCHHCK�EE � Cetlltled copy Lv(iled wilh the dty I'upeRlon dlvleion. ,,.�����,,. ,,,///��� i CERi11lGTfOFIXEA1PfIDNFROMWORKENS' GREAS8IRAP �A'�'l�tC�4L �� �g� COMPENSATION INSURANCE S�g-snMy.,�iwsrorsht En.lcpm�. Datc RCCCI �N RM1laxtlion need nU be complMed if the perMt b(oro�hundred dollan a10°>ar1�.� �yp�����y�����d�� LNGRCYFEE Y N � ImrtlfythaHnlhepeAomanemf�hewmk(arwhlchtFlepertnlHebwM, — — I aFall not employ any penon in any rtunner ao u 10 become eubfe t�o�he I W`��y�5�£At�7REAnNG ` D� PAID Wwken'CompenutlonLweolGll(ornla.Date Z Z NOTiCETOAPPLICAM:If,aftermaYinglhbCenlflaleofFsemp�bn,yw '�W�DFMIALPLMB. :OFf. DBfC �Zett'i tM � � chwldbecomeaubpntalM1eWorken'Compe�uatbnprovblomoflheLabor TOTA • ua � N Code,youmustlortM1withmmplywltheuchpmvlelo�uorlhbpermibhalibe U N W 7 deemed revoked. a p coNsraurnoN�woinc ecwcv SEISMIC FL•B � IherebyaRlrmlhatlherebam�ut�ucllonlendingagenryforlhepeAorrtr �O CLLC7'RIC[�.0 � Z anmo(thework/orwhlchtAbpermlthba�ed(Sec.3097.CIv.C.) TOTAL: 3 `• (� O- liber'e Name PLUMBINC FEE LL1= l.endcr'aAddrees QTY. MECHANICALPERMIT �C' MECHANICALIEE OW Iwnifythatlluvcrcad�hieappllraHonandsmtethaltheaboveln(ormaHon � a umrmct.lagrtelocomplywllhdlqtyandmuntya�divnmaandp�telawe I �'�RLSSUAKCE S• �'���/���: } relalingmbulldingroroWcflon,andFcmbyauthatlurcprceenhlivnoltF� I C7 � Z tltytocntcrupontheahpvo-menllonedpmpe�tyfarLupectlonpurpuen. I AL7IItORA�D70MECH. (� �O nafC RCCC'1 �a � — (We) ee�o eave,Iddemni(y an d kcep harmleea the Clty o(CLpeMlno a abl0tlee a,m eandexpeneeawAlchrtuylnanywayacc'ue AIR}fANULINCUMTQOt0,000CPM) 'SUBTOTAL: S Sgal teal Inro • n (thegranHngMlhbpermlt. � �,q �1�!�p4 f�. n[xrurrouNcun�rrrovrxio,000crM� CONSTRUCTIONTAX X Slgmturco(Ap �,�eico�n� . ' D.�m IXHAUS'fHOOD(W/DUCp CONSTRUCI'IONTAXPAID: NA7ARDOUS MATCRIALS UISCLOSURE Wllliheappllramor(umrebulldingorcupantemroorlundleFavrdow EIFATINGIIMT(71�1q1,00U6i1n n�fe {ZBCCIOI� rtuterlal ae deMed by the Cvpertlno MuNtlpai Code,Ch�pter 9.17,�nd thc fle�Ynd9fetyCodr,Sectl�on7553ZU)7 FIGATINGIJ�TT(OVFRIW.0009TIn TOTAL: Q Illthcappllanto4turebuitdingaccupantueeequlpmenlordevices z ��nW770NFANlSINGLENES[D) , O ISSIQ'Qi1�ATG whlch eMLhaz�rdaw nlr rontaminanb ee de(Ined by tFe 9ay Arca Alr ' Q,all�y Mamgement DlntdiYt BOILER-COMP pHP OR 100,IXq BT[n i. �•o ❑No QFp G� �QQ�} vercadlhehazarcTou�matcrlal+mquircmentsunderCM1apterG9iaf. 60fLEft�COMP(OVHR100,000B7i1) Y>r � V p7��• �c Glllornla HmItF&Sa(ecyCode,Senlora 25505,25533 and 755k.t . undenbMlhaH(thebulldingdcesnolcurrentlyhaveatenanq�hatitbmy N6WRF5lDEN77ALMIiGi. SQ.IT resporeibility to ndlfy the occupant of lhe requircmenb whlch muel be met ����� prlor tu Lssuance M a CeNNn1e o(Occupanry. r Ownrronulhorlecd agmt , Dam ��'D a 7'OTnL: ISSUHD BY:,�,� OFFICE COPY