02060018CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMITNO. 10080 N. WOLFE RD APPLIED CONSTRUCTION TEC 02060018 WNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE IENLO EQUITIES 10050 N WOLFE RD, SW2-28 06/04/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)252-9990 ARCHITECDENGINEER: - - BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH I � 'R^:.•, .' : - 1._J CJ C__] 1......I LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provision of Chapmr 9lcommencing with Section 90001 of Division 3 of the Business and Pmfasions Code. and my license * NO CONDITIONS s in fall Immoral effect. Liccns Chis Lin.. Dae Contactor ARCHITECT DECLARA I N I i ndersmnd my plans mall be usN os public records Licensed Pmfossiowl OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following mason. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions Cade: Any city or county' 6 O O 0 which requires a pem,it m construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any sweture . Prior to its issuance, also requires the ri"Iicunl fur such pamot to file a signed suremern. - duthglslicenseUparmangm the provisions of the Contrect«'s Licentt Law (chapter 9 SectioniOWJof Division 3ofthc Businessand ProfSssions Cale) Sp .,yq�I Qpi'{n�[�a.., ���)'1,tA2F(f.V�64 �i:(1.i Valuation (cobbmwcing.iN or Rai he Is eaempi Nc&frbm'and the basis for the alleged atern iod. Any violation .,V'U; (S p13.1' -of Section 90)1.5 by any applicia l fora permit subjou s the applicem m a evil penalty of am moreman five hundred dollars ($500) Occupancy Type 304AP_NftELECTRICAL CIT. as owner or Rhe pmperty, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation,FINALSLEC-TRIGAL ENERGY 50i_ -will' do' the work'. and the sducmre isr not- intended '.1 nliertd-for sale-(SeCTM4,- Bdainaa aced Proresaiom Cade: The Cummlom's License Law d«s not apply m on - - - _- - - 505 - FINAL EL15GTiR4 LyAEclions l''' • ; - or r or property Who builds or improves themon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees. provided that such improvements not intended or di ----�---------�_--�""---'--'-—� -"_. .__. within improve Yao -"dffcad'roTsblc lf: hfiwcvcCthc building-orimprovement is sold within one c- f --��----'---""-�--�-- -� 1-•-''`Pl ', , •. the owner -builder will have the burden or proving that he did not build or oprove improve for purpose oLsolc), for ' vel I t th l' sW .. contractors C71.m ow of tbepropcnY I - y gw, � .._ .._._.. comhdct the prej t (S ]641 B J Pref n Cod ) ThC I t o - , Lo does oat a l t f n who buil)improves Ri property prolcc prs Loth _ andewho.convac¢ fors h is with. caohvaor(s). licensed dam contracts - Contmcm LawY r ❑IalScaem funder see:'' B&rCrortms reaaan Ownh •' r..,•. , r:: Dale„''`'f'I'' ”' "WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION one following declarations; S 1 hereby alfimr under pcnaltypf perjury of the ❑ 1 have and 'will'maiu'min'u' Cenificote of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, unprovided for by Scniom 39W of the Labor Cade, for the Perfectionism of the work for which this tenth is issued. , U I h o d ll'meina n Workers Cornpe moa 1- m cc readmit by Sect o 39W of thelobo Code fd the perform race df U k f which thispermit Is i'slue s p t nn sumo a me Cari It i n''s J n a s} r i '+ s :'s 1.2 A� Z i I I�'1 rl� 1 CERTIFlC ORKERS I 1 1 i COM ENSATEONSIIRANCE IThis uictioKnfednot be complumd if the permit is for one hundred dollars I•; (51 W) or Ins.) . t _ , 1 certify d pc f c f tl o hYh tIssueJ _ it tok. ub ct toy any manner m s id becomesubject m the Workers'' shs all not employ in any w, of Cson Dat Comtion laws of Colifomia: Dau" NOTICETO'APo after this or Exemption, ould i'i,icmom Compork-anong Labor you st the Wormi's previsionsof the Lobar Code, you moa brthwit or forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit .hull be JttmeA revoked. comploint such is ' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY ' u ' I hereby aff r n that then is a conswci on lendmg agency fortheperrorinaett s • ' sid he wiik for which this permit -s issued (Sec 3090 Civ. C) -_... . Lcnders Name-- ,..__._ us. ._:._ ....._... .. __.. ... ._ ._ .._.._ ._. .._... _-�._... _._._._—... __ ..._ LeuJs'sAddress - ly. ,.il Icenfy tom lha pPfpto nd.rd thho rfonu often 1 H t comply withIIclyari county d.tt I lawsrefining enter t bald ecce t n m authorizep tt .orlh. City to ¢r upon / nyfor l the bu a I n J pmpcnY r pet Purpose,. �../.Jy/ harmless the pen against IWcl agt vs d d keep h hi wayity may i acc ] city t judgments, and _expenses which y', any Y ccm< again said —O Z� Ijcosts City c y rte at lheg i gar this per nn LIC isN ONUERShh S A WILL COMPLY WI'1 tI ILL NON PoINT _ LD1. c e s't$I r ;, Issued by: Date Re -roofs ignammof ApplicantlC tract« , :- -.oat HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE " Will theapplicant rt building occupantstorer hadle hazardous material ... ... Type Of. Roof ._ .,..... _ _ _.......,,......,.. ._....___...,„ as defined by the C pc e M pal Cods, Chapter 9 12 and Ill. Health and Safe,, Code S non `553''fal 1 ,. n c:1. y1. , sn ..�. ,, , l -l. .,� ❑Ye Na + All roofs shall be prior to, any roofing,ma[erial being mstalled.. w,u lne ppl' t r t bade ng «cupam equipment a vices whim _ -inspected If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to, remove chair fiNous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Dist set all new materials. for inspection. Applicant understands, and will comply with r ❑r. rvn .. „ - all non-pointson ' Ice 'regulations. ,. " tc l have read Ihmlb,,i doas materials mquimmcros'umEr Claptcr.6.95 of the Celifpmla Health & Safey Calc Sections 25505:25533 and 25534 1 urchrsu d Ihm if 0fc building class not curtrntly have Im...... has it is my msponsibilay to minify the occ i' t f mrequirementship"'ust M t prior to is f a Cenificatc of t of Applicant Dae _ pi-,1,..,.._Signature IJIISLI_� 1�n11(1( NJ U l/ All roof coverings [o be Class "B" or better ow eroradtno aageal Date. ._..— OFFICE_It .. __.._ . ._. _. ... _. ., ,, .. .. ..I