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CITY OF CUPERTINo ''"saUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUI LOING ADDRESS PHRM IT NO. s 0104 089 OWNER'S NAME APPLICA'T'ION SUB LATE lieem04/18/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. necZ ARCIII'TI'CT`fiNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO — BLUG Ill ECT PLUMB MECH N n �y 1.1('IiNS1I am RACI 9Disium.at Chapter fob Description z In 1 hereby aoin6 ma,l ant Iieen%m ceder provismn.%or chapter 9(commencing P �mtw wile Sulinn AXXn of Dn'ision Sof the Busincsn Orli PmRxai"nsCWc. Jmyliunw ay G J in lull force end c m. W�� Liatmaa%%_ j= Lie.«_ '1� SIGNS TODA AkCIII'1'ECI':San CIIANAI'IUN PIN ALED �'�` 1 unJersmnJ my plain shall M used as public OON co 0 LieerwJPrufeW at MAY 10 2001 .F a OWNER.BUILDER DECLARATION W—m 1 heeby ullinn mat I um exctnpt In the Gmlru for Liu%..Luw or the C?� folanving mason section 9031.5.Business and Pour,sions Code Anycayor county BUILDING S C which requires a permit m n conslm .alter,improve.demolish,or repair any structure i3� prior in its issuance.also mquim.%the applicant for such remdun file a signed summer, thin m or,cnxd peracrein the pnowim dthe Commcwr,Liccow Le. Chlpmry Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (a,mutctming with Secli"n 70g11 telD'oision 30 he Busine"and Pmfir"iens Calc) or Rml he In exelnrl mcmfmm tlhJ lee Nf,k rid the alleged exent,lic Any vialaiimt of Section 1031.5 by any applicant tar a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not time,than live hundred dollars 15500. A PN Number Occupancy Type ❑I,n owner of the pro er y,or any employees who wages as their sole eontpenmtion, will do mu work,cul the%oacatre is not iled or offered Gtr sale(Sec.1094. 3162003:7. 00 Resloe%%and Pndb%shms Gde: Ilie C"ntram"r%License Law doe,nm apply to an Required Inspections owner of pmpery Who builds or improves hereon,and who does such work himself n.through his own employee..provided mat such intprovermms are no,intended or 101 — FOUNDATION offered for sale If,however.the building or inmrovcment is%old within one year of nnpled,l„r the owmr-hu ide�will hue,be mnden of proving mot he did Dol mind"r 1.L43 — I-IFE R iinpmve - initiative 01,u%%nxtric,s ermpe.,nm exeldximly commuting with licensed contractors In 104 — REBAR 10tstm<t he pFtj,t,Ise,91,14.Business and Proresdonx Code:)The Contractor's .1.0 — ANCHOR BOLTS - Llccn%c Luw does nut apply Iran owner of property who builds or improves them er, - CmI who ,fume,%ka such pinieel,. with eommemr(%)licensed I„t tta" "I me 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL n ontractors Lia"w Law. 0 l atm exempt under Sec. ,B R P C for Ibis mason : 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL Owner Date 514 — FINAL_ PUBLIC WORKS W(IRKPR'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION , 1 hemby allirnt under penalty of pajury one of the lidlowing deelsea hid, ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Cmihcme of Conserv m sell-insum for Worker's / Compensation, as provided for by Section 370 of the Lahor Code, far the pertTmtumc tel'dm sod fur wltidt this eennl,k i%%used. S 01 have and will maintain Worker:Compensation Ina muses.as required by Section J 3701 of the Labor Cala for the performance of he sod far which this Noun is %sued.My Worker'//%f%r(CCoatm'e/ns'�aion Insurance carrier and anddPolicy number are: Currie', ,I:RtI II�ICATItAIN11PEKEMI'No: FR[)A1 WOR KERN COMPENSATION INSURANCE (this section need not he conmle al it the vmft is lir.one hundred dollars (b Un or Ices.) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is ihos c].I shall not employ any person in any manner%a as to weome subject m the Workers' Conlpem,ion Lawsof Culifal'ria.Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL alma mukmg this Certificate el'Exemptiollynu should Maier, ubjut to the N'mwr's Compcn%ation provisions of the Lubin Code,you must Q p forthwith comply with such provisions fir This permit shall M reserved¢Nuked. -Z. 2 F, (4 CONS'IRfJCTION LENDING AGENCY a 1 hcrem ullinn mal there Is a comuaction lending agency liar the perlbnamle of the work far which this pem+il is issued(Sec 30G.Ci,C.) LC Lender's Name D Z Lender's Address U O 1 renify mm 1 have rmA m'u upp11ea1on and state that the co—ialnrnmtion is v rnT1.1 agree ,,nnnply will,all city and county ordinance,and Stam laws relating U h,building conswnion,and hembv authorize mpmmntmivc%afthis city it,enter upon 4: the oMwe-me dotted pmpeny Inn inxpeeim purpi 6f (We)agrca to xrve.indemnily and seer nannies,the Cnyof Cupeninn again, Z! hadsh its,ludgnmri,cots and oxponncs winch nary in any way as me against said UZ City lu cnnscqucnec it the gmnin,of this pmol. O tom" APPLICANT UNDERSFANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITHALL NON POINT Issnedb Dale ` ' URGE REGUI - NS. s,naturv,4 AIlpimI!h1Cmuract ,areI Re-roofs IRIALS DISCLOSURE Will the apnliIA%Ak UI)Il$MATE canl or Imam I„olden,oceupom unto m It rdlc hu ard"u%material Type of Roo as defined by the Co,"ims Mm,ielpal Code.Chapter 9.12,and the Health ami Safety Gds.Section 255321x1:' C yes 0 N All roofs all be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant"I Imam huddling"Ccapem ase equesuem ordeviae%wbieh If a root is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove emit fimandous air cmdanrmm�.s as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management F10L.na. all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands :rod will comply with 0Yes ❑N" all non-point source regulations. ove toad me It ration's tclueaialx egnimmenm order Chaplu 6.95 of the lfornia Health A Safely CnJe.Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 understandthinhebuildingdoesnot can Only have a tenant,that it is my m%pmsiblliry b,notify the upam of the mquimmcnuwbieh roust d inn rdor m i%xuunu of a Ccnilica¢of tfey` �I �.{� ySignature of Applicant Date tteo aur r�a `d`�~ wird— All roof coverings to be Class `B" or better OFFICE w F+ � a � USX PA � � o N ad 3 Q _ Z LEM ® a$ d FED N mz o � 0 Cl- a a Q �X Q o � �W o W$ y � a U O z oC w IL U o �¢ Z z �W m $� W O > c= W I Q3 O m C J Q H z a . a W) 0 Q U Z JF CL W U OCO 0 g °C N O o OC J z a p z m a w O O � z Q 3 z J O U 0 O Q CL 4. O oZ � 8 a U � W� T Q O a U n� O U w D o � w z • o OO g3 o z a m O a C' Q s 3 o W J c a a z 0 15 w 0 o • F a U O _ z w CLU 0,0 O N z 3 g � � F ,- a cr a ¢ z Y 3 D3 } Q Z z z mw mCCJJ �_ in m Q m WD Q C) LLL O E L O V/ 0 � Q \ U \ O CL / w / a q ] b4o CM § � $ «§ ] © k cr moo % 222 3 2 z L O k ƒ lo: Q 4 z > to ¥ k �� \ Z ® � ' � « \ ZD ( to # # e2K � x x x 2 ` R � P— � a U O z Z W U T U � N � zu1 d a U z i DY Z a Q O z a. _ O a W z a:W� � D w 0 . r 1 1 , s To: Design Review Committee Date: January 24, 2001 From: Peter Gilli, Associate Planner • Subject: Application: 27-ASA-00 Location: 10123 N. Wolfe Road (Vallco Fashion Park) Project Description: Architectural and Site Approval for a new exterior entrance and minor exterior changes for a new restaurant at Vallco Fashion Park. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee take the following action: 1. Approve 27-ASA-00 based on the model resolution. BACKGROUND: The master use permit for the Vallco Fashion Park (7-U-76) requires that all new exterior entrances receive Architectural and Site Approval. The nearby Fresh Choice and McDonald's restaurants received architectural approval for their exterior entrances. The Vallco Fashion Park and the City of Cupertino entered into a Development Agreement in 1990 (1-DA-90). Signage proposals are reviewed for conformance with the Sign Ordinance in effect at that time. DISCUSSION: This report will address the following issues: (1) Exterior Structural Work; (2) Awnings; (3) Window bay signage; (4) Pedestrian Crossing; and (5) Vallco Entrance Awning • 1. Exterior Structural Work The applicant proposes to add 255 square feet of floor area by moving the exterior wall out to be flush with the brick columns. New windows will be installed along the expanded areas. A separate entrance to the restaurant is proposed near the existing Vallco entrance. Separate exterior entrances are present for the Fresh Choice and McDonalds on the east side of this section of the mall. Staff considers the additional square footage to be insignificant,and is supportive of the structural exterior changes since they will are similar to the easterly entrance (Wolfe Road side). 2. Awnings The applicant proposes to install custom awnings over the new exterior windows. Attached is an exhibit showing the awning design at a Todai Restaurant in Glendale, California(Exhibit B). The awnings will be colored blue, white, aquamarine and green in the wave pattern shown in Exhibit B. Since the awnings will not be visible from a public street, staff does not object to the design. Staff recommends that the applicant provide small light fixtures in each awning for evening use. The proposed awnings will have open sides, which would allow light to spill out of the awning. Light spillover would be avoided by enclosing the sides of the awning, as staff is recommending. 3. Window Bay Signage There is a bay window along the west wall of the tenant space, shown in the attached photographs. The window currently displays a mural of a tree with a small Vallco advertisement. The signage is on the wall behind the bay •.window, not on the glass itself. Similar window decoration is present on the second story section of the mall that crosses over N. Wolfe Road. The Vallco management indicated that the applicant may use this particular bay window for restaurant signage:`l e attached plan set indicates that the i '.age will be applied on the windows. • The Sign Ordinance limits the amount of signage displayed in windows to no more than 25% of the window area. Based on past interpretation, signage on the window or the wall behind it would be considered window signage. The proposed bay window signage does not conform to the Sign Ordinance and would require an exception. to e ieves t at an exception approved for this bay window would set a precedent that would result in additional requests from other Vallco tenants, such as McDonalds, who have in the past requested additional window and building signage which were denied. Staff recommends that the bay window remain as it is presently. 4. Pedestrian Crossing Many patrons of the new restaurant will park in the nearby parking structures, and will cross traffic at the point marked with an orange "X"on Exhibit A. This will likely increase the foot traffic in this section of the mall. Staff recommends that the pedestrian crossing be improved by installing special paving material. This will emphasize the crossing for pedestrians and for vehicles. 5. Vallco Awning The Wolfe Road (east side, marked by a blue dot on Exhibit A) entrance to the mall has an awning overhanging the mall entrance. The awning adds interest to the wall plane and compliments the Fresh Choice awnings, as well as providing shelter from the rain. The mall entrance on the west side does not have a corresponding awning. Staff recommends that an awning matching the type on the east entrance be installed on the west entrance (at the location noted by the red dot on Exhibit A). • Prepared by: Peter Gilli,Associate Planner Approved by: Ciddy Wordell, City Planner C,(F— Attachments: Model Resolution Exhibit A: Aerial Photograph Exhibit B: Photograph of tenant space at Vallco Fashion Park Exhibit C: Photograph of awnings at an existing restaurant in Glendale, CA Plan Set g:/plunning/drd27-ASA-00 SR.doc • 2 27-ASA-00 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO.34 OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING AN ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL FOR A NEW EXTERIOR ENTRANCE AND MINOR EXTERIOR CHANGES FOR A NEW RESTAURANT AT VALLCO FASHION PARK. SECTION I: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: 27-ASA-00 Applicant: Hiraoka Ko & Associates (Todai Restaurant) Location: 10123 N. Wolfe Rd SECTION IL FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino received an application for an Architectural and Site Approval, as described in this Resolution; and • WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee finds that the changes are beneficial and compatible with the surrounding area; 1. The proposal, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; 2. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of the zoning ordinance, and the General Plan. 3. The design will not result in abrupt changes in building scale between the subject site and neighboring properties, as the proposal is single story and located at the rear of the structure. 4. The proposal will use materials that compliment neighboring structures. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the application no. 27-ASA-00, is here by approved; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this Resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application 27-ASA-00 as set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee Meeting of January 24, 2001, and are incorporated by reference herein. • Resolution No. 34 • 27-ASA-00 January 24,2001 Page 2 SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT • 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the plan set "Todai Restaurant, Vallco Fashion Park" dated December 12, 2000, as amended by this resolution and by Exhibit A. 2. BAY WINDOW SIGNAGE This resolution does not include approval for the bay window signage shown on Sheet A.9 of the approved plan set. 3. VALLCO DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL This approval results in the addition of 255 square feet of retail space, which will be deducted from the development potential for the Vallco Fashion Park. 4. AWNINGS The proposed restaurant awnings shall be illuminated by small light fixtures locating inside the awning, and the sides of the awnings shall be covered to block spillover light, subject to approval by the Director of Community Development. An awning shall be installed above the adjacent westerly entrance (red dot on Exhibit A) to the Vallco Fashion Park in a manner that corresponds to the entrance that is directly opposite to the east (blue dot on Exhibit A), subject to approval by the Director of Community Development. 5. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING • The applicant shall enhance the pedestrian crossing leading from the adjacent parking garage by using special striping and colors. The location of the improvement is noted on Exhibit A with an "X". The design of the crossing will be subject to final approval by the Director of Community Development. 5. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90-day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90-day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. Resolution No. 34 5 27-ASA-00 January 24,2001 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24`h day of January, 2001, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review • Committee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/Ciddy Wordell /s/Chuck Corr Ciddy Wordell Chuck Corr Chairperson City Planner Design Review Committee • • g:/p1anning/drd27-ASA-00 reso.doc a ' r• 1 • l'' J 10300 Torre Avenue • Cupertino, California 95014 CITY OF Telephone: (408) 777-3308 L U P E kT 1 N O FAX: (408) 777-3333 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT January 25, 2001 Hiraoka Ko & Associates (Todai Restaurant) 10123 N. Wolfe Road Cupertino, CA 95014 SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION LETTER—Application 27- ASA-00. This letter confirms the decision of the Design Review Committee, given at the meeting of January 24, 2001, an architectural site approval for a new exterior entrance and minor exterior changes for a new restaurant at Vallee Fashion Park, according to Design • Review Resolution No.34 Please be aware that if this permit is not used within one year, it shall expire on January 24, 2002. Also note that an appeal of this decision can be made within 14 calendar days of the decision. If this occurs, you will be notified of a public hearing, which will be scheduled before the Planning Commission. Sincerely, Peter Gilli Associate Planner Enclosures: Resolution No. 34 g:planning/Drc/27-ASA-OOAction letter Printed on Pecycfed Paper