5477 TY OF (tUPM11NIAN .
• BU 4dDi�fG DEP'ANT
of OccGetificale' ' ipainc
No. 622
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the (description of building orsfructure).
Kits Camera
VallcoFashion •Park..........................................:................
----•- --`-----_--- ••----------------•--•--- ----------
------------------------------ ......
Erected on Lot No- -------------------- .................Block No. ............
Addition ____ _...............:-••-•-•:.....:::...........
Interior. Remodel Flre Zone -•--: -III
Street No. 10123 N Wolfe Rd Sp, 112060 B-2 "'"' "'
...........................Occ. Group
Owner ...., Kits Camera .
Use Zone
Building Permit No. -_---54Z�-----------------------------Plain No. ..........................
�as been inspected and the following occupancyAe`reof is 6re6y66ihoriied:
OCCUPANCIES Mex. Allowable F oor Loads per sq. ff.
Basement .-•--•---..__._.."".........................:....................:. :.
$t floor ..:....: :...... __...------••-•-._.____..__.. .......
.................................•-•---------°--................................... ...:_ _
2nd floor _______________________Retail sales _____________________•-•--
4511 L-L:
Mall....................................... ........_:_60'lE T.•:L...........................:.:..........
3rd floor ........ _._
th floor -"-•------------------------------------"---.__._...__..:_...___:.
------------------------------....:. -
Add floors aiS necessary ...........:...........:....................
•_________ ----------
-- --------- ------1..........._
Roof .----•_•---•--•--••---:..---•-------------•--------------•--._.---"--
June 21; 84
- - - - ------- - --------------------
Building Official
This certificate must be �oeted and permanently maintained in a conspicuous dace ait or
close to the entrance of the building or structure referred to above.