21731 . APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building ProM identification v\ 04t PERMIT NO. Bu ilding Addraa: 21731 ' 1 -2-r, Ctic1 am Gr, G io'o S CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION , ContradwaName: ((77 Lk.Na APPLICATION I PERMIT TJ�4'?aOG4"� BUILDINGELECiID PLUMBINGMkT'IIANI CATEGORY CONTROL# Anhtt /Engineer. Lk.No: kip a`"~t� QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address PERMITISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION u LJ =1 I hereby affirm that l am llcmxa under provisions of Cbupter 9(manman iDBD N ingwith Se n7000)of Dlvldm3ofthe BudneaandProlesaimsCaae,cod Lsce.flom te. r'� and d o P M P R ` F O W Llmrwe Class `� LIC/ y-"�60 G '�- Date Comrador ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1-1000AMP5 02. I understand my plans shall be used as public recvda OVER] SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. {�yy O I `� Liremed Professional SIGNSELRLMCAL OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION �P 'I., 3 Iherebyafgrmthetlamexemsptfromthe CorLLnstor'3 License raw farthe 9sECL1LCBiCI11T/M15C p foBowing rtasm.0kam70315,Budne�and Pmfobra Code:Mydtyor O y Fpq TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. r"��� countywhidnrequlrnapemdtbmrowd,iltm,lmprove,demoLLsh.arrtpalr S anyetmciure prior to lb fesurrce,aLw mryEesthe appBant for ouch pemdt to POWERDEVICFS & a Ne a signed statement that he Is Boemed pursuant to the proWlnm of the ' W6 533 ww Cced—ols Lkeme Law i0haplrr 9(commencing with Setlbn 7000)&MA- F O� s13ofthe Busleesa and Profembro Cade)orthat he b exempt therefromand SWB'U'UNC POOL ELECTRIC onVALUATION S the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 70315 by any OSS applicant for a permit objects the applicant to a civil perulty of nor rose than 0[mtiISMYHCF@SFIXURFS M hundredadlars(5500). 1,u owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECIR SQ.FT. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCTION compenselm,wllldothew�rk,mdthcilmdurt Griot Wended or offeredfor r 0 sak(SeC706q Bualrosand I`mfeubm Code:The C.mradols IAce.law SS who# apchy rk o Inmrfp w&h whowb ilemploylmgprpovwesthed that,anhd OCCCROUP RES UNITS Improvements ate not Intended mothered fosc.If,however,the building or TOTAL Mprovemeu hsaldwkhln orcyesrofcompldbn,thewmer-W Ilderwiro have t rdenofprovingthathedid rwtbuBdorimproseforpurposeofsale.). QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE L sa owner of the Property,am ex<halvely contracting wall,Limoa d FLOOD ZONE APN tontractan to corotrod the project(Sec.7014,Busher and Prdewbro Code: PFRMIT15SUANCE The Contndorb Lloem,Law don not apply to an owner of property who Wilda or Imposes th. , and who contacts for such p,jeN with a ALII]t-O]UAI4 VENT-WATER( - -W7Tado0)licensed purwmt to the Contradar's Lle mse Law. FEE SUMMARY L_j I am exempt order Sm B k P C for this rt BACK FLAW PROTECT.DEVICE OUTSIDE FEES Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y N RECEIPT 4 WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FIXTURM_PER TRA SQi00L TAX Y_ N ❑1 hereby af(Imt the I have s certificated avnsnt to self-Awa,or a eedlfloa o(Worken'Comperoatlm Amu Moe e•aedHkd copy thereof$ee. RECEIPT 3800,Lab CJ GAS EA.SYSTPAf-11NC40I17LE15 PARK FEE Y_ N C. # GAS EA.SYSIIM-OVER4(EA) DING DIVISION Com nv 1 Is hereby pCJ FGs. BUILDING DI VISION FEES [Certified copy h heel withmthed. GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE ®CedNed copy b Ned with the city Iropecibn division. - CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE Reoel t# SEWER.SANITARYSTORM EA d]OFt' Date (ITiaaMbn need rad b completed H the SURAL h(axone hundred dollaa a100)ofeth) WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELICTR ENERGYFEE Y N IeedHy the tsthe pedorsaneeof the work forwhlch wspermRis farts.#, I atoll not employ any person In any manner o as to become subject to the WATER SYSIFM/TREATING Woken Compensation law.o/GII(omh.Dale PAID NOTICE Date Recd tX Z 2 Nouldb ca esubjeANthe after maHom a ati nlabdonempbn,you NEW RESIDENTIAL IaLMB. SOF[. ahold become abject to the Worten'Compensation provbbm of the Lbor TOTAL CC N Code,you must fort hwlth comply with such provislans or this permit dull be I QI 0 lin > deemed revoked. eem 0 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY S I MI FEE 1253 aZ hereby alOmhe hnbacoumdlm kMingageny(orthepMom+ TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE 7 anreoftheworkforwhiehthba tb baued(S-130 Y/,Civ.C) 00 Lender's Nacre l sl l PLUMBING FEE V 6,59 LL f Landers Address I`"I-I- QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W 1 duythe l have read thlsappikatbnand sate that theabove Information bcorrsa.Iagreetorm,plywltnalidtyandmuntyordlmnmsandstateUwa PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: T 1 relalingmbuildingcomtrudlm, "hembymthoriznmpresentstivesoftMs U) cilymoenter upon the above-mentbmd property for inspeelon purpose. ALTER OR ADDIO MWH. Date Reeei tq V _ (We)agree to save,indemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cupedlno against llnbWtiea,jedgmeds,cats and experaes which may In any way acvue AIR HANIXING UNIT CTO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL' aga I=sad City In consequence of the granting of this permit. C � � T, AIR HANDUNc UNIT tovFR to,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Sigmmm of rap ant/Cmtndo Aa 1 D,t EXHAUST HWD(WI DDrn CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applies utorfuture buBdag occupant store or hind le hazardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BT ) Dale RCYCI Iq materai as dell red by the Cu pertiro Municipal Cade,Chapter 9.1 7,and the Health and Salety Code Seam 25537(a)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 1010,000 B'ru) TOTAL: Yes �No W the applicant mfumm building oovpant use equipment or dnvkes VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISS ATE which emit hazardous air mnambunta as droned by the Bay Ana Ab QualityF-1e,mgcrrem QN. BOBFR-C(1MPOFEOR100,0(OBTU) rEd 141991 4haYvereadtheharar ..materiabrtqulrtmentunderChapierG95of BOII.ER-OOMP(OVER iW,000BTU) the erMa soh Health A Safety Code,ocK tum 25505,have a t and 25534. I underste allyl lithe tithe ingdoes rotmrrquire enta hith mustb mar, NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFT /s3ae. �IMts �y 1' r®pomb0lty to natty the«cvpuLL d the m7uUcments whbh crust be rrct prbrtolMuam:eofa�CsertlfketeofOmrpamy. ` O.vner or t agentI Dat ISSUE TOTAL: OFFICE COPY