19492 (2) POST THIS CARD NEAR FRONT OF BUILDING, . r xMlTNoq. 94 CITY OF CUPERTINO : 1 L INSPECTION D ISION- JOB I PECT16N RECORD �/ J JOB ADDRESS 0_k,,g UNIT,# L'OT,#" cA DRY ` coNUTROLx l � PETM Mr, OWNER • CONTRACTOR- 0 i .II S"tBU1 LDING PERMIT INFO 1; " - INSPECTION' '' ", .DATE,1. INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD •I ' FOUNDATION/PIERS NOTE ALL GRADING AND DRAINAGE ' Lc 'UFERGROUND .1 .• SHALL BE INSTALLED TO COMPLY WITH OBDESCR11MON- PFE SETBACK-CERT THE APPROVI*D PLANS'AND CITY OE•. ' CUP UNO STANDARDS: GARAGE SLABS PREGUNITE - .. - -i- A , -POUR NO CONCRETEUNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED'. UNDERGROUND/SLAB " INSPECTION DATE ,INSPECTOR' PLUMBING ELECTRICAL cntII w MECHANICAL ` DO-NOT POUR'FLOOR"'UNTIL'ABOVE HAS BEEN'SICNED. WOOD FLOOR PLUMBING - - - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FRAMING/VENTS/CLEAR - INSULATION PLACE.NOrSUBFLOOR UNTILABOVE'HAS'BEEN.SIGNED' •* ROUGH - ' NUBS&SHOWER PAN' - AT MECHANICAL Al E ACUZZI BOND �9b U2MMSTAIRS -2- U ] ION/VENTILATION -- - _ EMERG.EGRESS - •- ' SEWER WATER , COVF-R NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS-BEEN SIGNED •EXTERIOR SHEAR 14OLD DOWN - - - .INTERIORSHIAIi/HOLD DOWN - 'SHEETROCK/SHEETROCK SHEAR.- _ EXTERIORLAIH/W-SCREEN SHOWER LATH - - SCRATCIi COAT NO TAP&OR PLASTER'.UNTIL ABOVE HAS`BEEN SICNED - NOTE:NO FINAL INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE.BEFORE - - - •- THE CONSTRUCTION TAX IS PAID ,FINALS DATE INSPECTOR TA-N.#, .. - .. - ELECT.ENERGY - - - PLUMBING ENERGY -- - MECH.ENERGY. BUILDING ENERGY - ELECT.FINAL TEST - PLUMBING GAS TEST ' MECHANICAL HEATING ELECTRICAL RELEASE FIREDEPT. ' GRADE - - - - OCCUPANCY - - TEMPORARYAPPROVALS i - ELECTRIC - - - GAS BUILDING' . { OCCUPANCY OF BUILDING IS,NOTTERMITTED UNTIL ISSUANCE DATE BUILDING FINAL IS SIGNED BY BUILDING INSPECTOR,' ' PAID x ' J , . ARRANGE-FOR INSPECTIONBY PHONING 252-4505 BETWEEN 12:30 PM AND 4:30 PM MONDAY THROUGH.FRIDAY,24 HOURS ' JAN 101990 BEFORE.REQUIRED INSPECTION. JOB"ADDRESS AND PERMIT# ARE NEEDED WHEN PHONING. Citi of,C1IvBlfinn IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ REVERSE SIDE BEFORE CALLING FOR FINAL INSPECTION 's`U Dev: OFFICE COPY APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pm'ect Ideml(icatlon - 7 Pl,R TNO. Building Addre? - 19492 nets ase: hone: - ADATEp?679//• CITY OFCUPERTINO-BUILDINGDIVISION (� C radior _sN � LIe.Ne: ' APPLICATION / PERMIT ' ArndummattEnglocer. Lic No: tlU1LDINGELECTRICAUPLUMBING MEC[IAMCAL CA9if30RY CONTROL N�dQ c jN T 'R /+W - t I '' t' • !BUILDING PERMITIINFFO�,! tQT'Y � �ECBCTR[C PERMIT s FEL ,t Addmc PLUMB II PEIMTISSUANCE " �p 17 �... .f� '�jI ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION j�L Ihcmby affUm that l am licensed under provisions o(Chapter 9(rommene- APPLIANCFSRFSIDENTIAL JOBDPSCRR'ITON ingwlthfiectim 7000)ofDivlsion3 ofthe Businnsand ProfeseloreCods,and my - license is In(un f and offset. PANEB License, ns p—Co pc.� h / Date_/ - I CFVTECTntacter' 4, [•u/ _ 111 Vep or•/e CF The C RATION 201'1000 AMPS l V` a� V rx 0 ZO d my p a be dTajpubllc re.H.. OVER 1000 AMT'S SQ.FI'.FLOOR G f/SQ.FT. �aKr1 �j Limmed Professions _ggSIGNSELECTRICAL OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPFGIALCBRC[fIT/MIS, ' "I hereby afRrmthat l am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the pp following reason.(Section 7031S,Buslness and Professions Code:An ct Cz county which requires a permit tomostruct,alter,impmve,dereolish,or repair 'TGMP.METER OR POLE[NST. gU .x anyst dos prior to Its Issuance,also requlmthe applicant for such permit to t5 c. file a signed statement that he is licensed punuant to the provisions of the POWER DEVICES - 3K� Contradict.License Law(Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000)of Divi- SWPIMING 100E ELECTRIC F OS cion 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code)orthat he is exempt thereIfromand - VALUATION the bash for the alleged exemption. Any violation of SecHan 7m L5 by any oGapplicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of nor more than OUTLETSSW[TCfiFSEXTURLS c/i_7 v . mf< five hundred delta.($500). NEW RF SIDEMITALELECTR �n ❑1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole aeQ'Fr. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION C compensation,wllldo the work,and the structure b not Intended or offered for ,� t/ •1(h/'r 5 q. sale(Sc<.7014,Bueinese and Profeeslons Code:The Contractor's Llmnse Law U does not apply toan owmro(pmpeny who Wilds orlmprovestherme,and OCC.GRORFS UNITS whodoessuchworkhirnself orthwgh hlsownemplaym,pmvided that such UP(- t Improvementsare not intended orof(ered for sale.If,howevep the building or TOTAL: Improvement is sold within oneyearofcomplMiory the owner-bullder wlil have t1r*rden of proving that he did not Wos build or Improve for purpose of sale.). QTy, :-7-14PLUMBING PERMIT[i.tr. . , FEE � PCODD ZONE APN UL as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed mntracten to construct the projM(See.7074,Business and Pre feeslons Code: PERMIT ISSUANCE 190 The Contractor.License Law does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) ' Wilds or Improves thereon,and who contracts for such pRojm;with •D O n- .` IFEEtSUMMARY t cq➢t actor(A)licensed punuant to the Contractor's License Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE (_J f am exempt under Sec. It&P C for this reason ' DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,GOND. SANITARY Y N Owner- Date RECEIPT If WORK MAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FIXTURES PER TRAP SCHOOL FAX Y N ❑1 hereby affirm that I have o certif,Imu ane of consent to copy themed ora -� RIiElPT N MOD,coniLab ofWOrkeri Compensatlonlnsurance oracenl(Ied copythereo((Sce. CA&EA SYSI'EMI INC4 OUTLETS PARK FEE Y N 38f0,lab CJ - . C.mPoliry n - GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) - RECEB'I'X Y d� BUILDING DIVISION FEES Cenfrel copy is hercbyth the cid. CREASE/INDUSHRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE cenined ropy v pled with the city inspem.n arolm... CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' - GREASE'IRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE - - _ (This ionneednol Wcompl&cd Btheper tis(oronehundreddolian SEWER'SAMTARY-STORM EA'2(pFT. Date- RCC, ($100).r lOseJ WATER"EATER W/VENT/E•ECTR ENERGYFEE Y I certify that In the performanm ofthe work forwhlch thio permit laissued, — I shall not employ any person In any manner an as to Wrome subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Workers'Compm,.6on laws of California. Date - PAID O Z - Applicant Z G NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you INTW RES3DFNTIAL PLMB._SQ.FI'. Date Rete) t# should bmme subject to the Workeri Compensation provisions of the Labor TOTAL: N Code,you=at forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be > deemed evoked. BUILDING FEE 0 LU O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I herebyafOrm that then is a construction lending agency for the perform r�I ELECTRIC FEE 7 Z. .a.of the work for ch this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL: 0.DD V O Ie.der'x Name .� PLUMBING FEE - 0.0 1. lender's Address QTY. +MECHANICALPERMIT` "FCE• MECHANICAL FEE O W I cenifythatl have read this appticatlonand rtatethauheabove information rrei.I agree to comply with all city and countynrdlnances and state laws, PERM ANCE FEES PAID: C relating to building construction,end hereby authorize mpresentativee of this - F N city to enter upon the above,mentioned property for Inspection purposes. ALTER OR DTO MECH. ? (We)agree to live,Indemnify an d keep harmlm the City of Cu pen Inca Date Rete) t# V against Babilitles,rydgmenis,c sen expenses which may In anyway accrue AIR IiANDW [JNIT'(f010,00 Fns) SUBTOTAL: D - .gat sa CI nsequen f granting of permit / AIR HANDLING (OV B,"CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX �+yjQ fl/-y'/-�+p �/r o�40 - Slgnaturc of Applic�t/Cootmcror ✓ Date allAUsrHOOD DU CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building Occupant store or handle haeardous HEATING UNIT(TO 1 ,000 BTU) - material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.1 2,and the Date Remi t# Health and Safety Code Se 1..25532(.)7 HEATING UNIT( ER1 ,000 BTU) TOTAL: •V ❑Ys Yj No Will the applicant or future building emupant use equipment mdevices VENMATTONAN(SING •REBID) ISSUANCE DATE which emit havrdous air contaminants as dented bythe Bay Area Alr - pp Quality Management Dut 17 BOILER-CO P(311POR100,0 BTU) - RAOJ 4 Yn /INo have read the h ousoeterials requlements under Chapter 6.95 of BOILER MP(OVER 100,000 ) ��^� u 'ni7� h� the Callforn la I lealth&Safety Code,Sect ions 25505,25533 and 25534. I 1• JJ understand that lithe building does not mrrently have a tenant,that It is my, NEW IDENTTALMECA. SQ.PI'. ' imponslbllitytonotifytheom pant of the equmments which must W met - /t�ssrr�fpp n..y'� priorto eS Of ific of Occupancy. City.t9.L.Ompfifte Owner or /s o/9a gent Date , ISSUED Y. �� v 'TOTAL: — OFFICE COPY r sp�qoximate scale: 20:1 APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE V.JITH 'fI1E CffY 01 CU 'ERTINO CODES AFiJ Of:Dih:Fli4CES DATE, Th i :et of p:^rC> .1!'I p'?:,', oE. MIUS1 be ked rn i c ; s un • C�, lav fultc n sa, on sa .e w,i. the br iic nu Thi s'3n a ncstions W SH 11 PLi; Oc ��o p! m:: .-i io bo an V1 V apI ro,ai d ilia vi n 'A any provisions m C iy 0 u.r,:.,ce or State Law. j • Q 1 21 r3 � � 3 a 48 cabinet � 1 15� QUL� D with doors o and 2 shelves sink JAN 101990 I I _ � 15" oLDG. INSPECTIDN DEPART �/ 13 ILL25 CIiY of GUPERTINQ 37 o p sink, @20. Q 0 51 9 shower 3 30 �- - - - 25