07-116 Stevens Creek Corridor grant
~ Slale of Califomia . The Resources Agency Amold Schwarzenegger, Govemor
.' @ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION . P.O. Box 942896 . Sacramento, CA 94296-0001 Ruth Coleman, Director
(916) 651-8579
December 22, 2004
Therese Ambrosi Smith
Director, Parks _Recreation
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Project Number: UP-43-002
Contract Number: C0201077
Dear Therese Ambrosi Smith:
Enclosed for your files is a copy of a fully executed contract for the above
referenced project. Please refer to your procedural guide for grant process
information. As a reminder, your project must comply with the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 and any other laws and codes relating to individuals with
disabilities. If you have any questions, please contact me at (916) 651-8579 or e-
mail at avent@parks.ca.gov.
Albert Ventura
Project Officer
State of California - The Resources Agency
Department of Parks and Recreation
2002 Resources Bond Act
Urban Park Act of 2001
City of Cupertino
July 01, 2002 thru June 30, 2010
Under the terms and conditions of this agreement, the applicant agrees to complete the project as described in the project description,
and the State of California, acting through its Director of Parks and Recreation pursuant to the program named above, agrees to fund the
project up to the total grant amount indicated.
A development project in the City 1f Santa Clara of a summer camp and outdoor education center.
Total State Grant not to exceed
The General Provisions attached are made a part of and
incorporated into the Contract.
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City Manager
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Date //, ~ 3-/0 5'/
T.B.A. NO.
hereby certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance.
Grant Contract
Special Provisions
General Provisions
A. Definitions
1. The teon "Act" as used herein means the Appropriation for the Program.
2. The term "Application" as used herein means the individual Application and its required
attachments for grants pursuant to the enabling legislation and/or Program.
3. The term "Acquisition" means to obtain fee title or a lesser interest in real property, specifically,
conservation easement or conservation rights. Leases or rentals do not constitute Acquisition.
4. The term "Acquisition and Developmenr means a Project that combines Acquisition of real
property with Development for a New Park, New Recreational, or New Multipurpose Facility.
5. The term "Departmenr means the Califomia Department of Parks and Recreation.
6. The term "Developmenr means capital improvements to real property by construction for a New
Park, New Recreational, or New Multipurpose Facility using Bond Act funds.
7. The teon "Grantee" as used herein means the party described as the Grantee on page 1 of this
Contract. The term "Project" as used herein means the Project described on page 1 of this
8. The term "State" as used herein means the State of Califomia Department of Parks and
B. Project Execution
1. Subject to the availability of grant monies in the Act, the State hereby grants to the Grantee a
sum of money (grant monies) not to exceed the amount stated on page 1, in consideration of,
and on condition that, the sum be expended in carrying out the purposes as set forth in the
Description of Project on page 1, and under the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.
The Grantee shall assume any obligation to furnish any additional funds that may be necessary
to complete the Project. Any modification or alteration in the Project as set forth in the
Application on file with the State must be submitted to the State for approval.
2. The Grantee shall complete the Project in accordance with the time of Project Performance set
forth on page 1, and under the terms and conditions of this Contract.
3. The Grantee shall comply as lead agency with the California Environmental Quality Act (Public
Resources Code, Section 21000, et. seq., Title 14, California Code of Reaulations,Section
15000 et. seq.)
4. The Grantee shall comply with all applicable current laws and regulations affecting Development
Projects, including, but not limited to, legal requirements for construction Contracts, building
codes, health and safety codes, and laws and codes pertaining to individuals with disabilities.
Urban Park Act of 2001 Procedural Guide
5. The Grantee shall permit periodic site visits, including a final inspection upon Project completion
by the State, to determine if Development work is in accordance with ttle approved Project
6. Prior to the commencement of any work, the Grantee agrees to submit any significant deviation
from the original Project Scope in writing to the State for prior approval. Changes in the Project
Scope must be approved in writing by the State and must meet the exact need described in the
original Project Application.
7. If the Project includes Acquisition of real property, the Grantee agrees to comply with all
applicable state and local laws or ordinances affecting relocation and real property
Acquisition. .
8. The Grantee shall provide for public access to Project facilities in accordance with the intent and
provisions of the enabling legislation and/or Program.
9. Grantees shall have (1) fee title, (2) lease hold or (3) other interest to the Project lands and
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the State that the proposed Project will provide public
benefits that are commensurate with the type and duration of the interest in land, as
determined by the State, that is held by the Grantee.
10. Every Grantee for a grant pursuant to this chapter and the entity that will operate and maintain
the property, if that entity is different than the Grantee, shall agree to comply with all of the
following requirements: (1) To operate and maintain the property developed pursuant to this
chapter so that it is usable by residents of the project's service area. With the approval of the
department, the grant recipient, or its successor in interest in the property, may transfer its
property interest and the responsibility to operate and maintain the property, in accordance with
the terms of the grant and any applicable law, to an eligible public agency or nonprofit
organization that is able to operate and maintain the property in perpetuity. Any attempt to
make a transfer in violation of this subdivision is void. (2) To use the property only for the
purposes for which the grant was made and to make no other use or sale or other disposition of
the property, except as authorized by specific act of the legislature. If the use of the property is
changed to a use that is not permitted by the terms of the grant, or if the property is sold or
otherwise disposed of, the grant recipient shall reimburse the state an amount equal to the
amount of the grant, the fair market value of the land and any improvements constructed with
the grant, or the proceeds from the sale or other disposition, whichever amount is greatest. If
the property that is sold or otherwise disposed of is less than the entire interest in the property
funded with the grant, the grant recipient shall reimburse the state an amount equal to either the
proceeds from the sale or other disposition of the interest or the fair market value of the interest
sold or otherwise disposed of, whichever amount is greater. (b) In lieu of seeking
reimbursement pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a), the department may impose
restrictions on the use of public park property identical to the requirements for the preservation
of public parks set forth in the Public Park Preservation Act of 1971 (Chapter 2.5 (commencing
with Section 5400)) with respect to any property used, sold, or otherwise disposed of in a
manner not permitted by the terms of the grant.
11. lands or interests in land acquired with grant funds shall be acquired from a willing seller.
C. Project Costs
The Grant monies to be provided to the Grantee under this Contract may be disbursed as follows:
1. If the Project includes Acquisition of real property, the State may disburse to the Grantee the
grant monies as follows, but not to exceed, in any event, the total State Grant Amount set forth
on page 1 of this Contract:
a. Up to a 10% advance of the total State Grant Amount
Urban Park Act of 2001 Procedural Guide
b. After the property is in escrow, the Grantee may request up to 80% of the total State Grant
Amount as specified in the approved Application, or 100% of the aGtual Acquisition cost,
whichever is less. The Grantee shall immediately place these funds 'in escrow.
c. The remaining State grant funds shall be paid up to the amount of the grant or the actual
Project cost, whichever is less, on completion of the Project and receipt of a detailed
summary of Project costs from the Grantee.
2. If the Project includes Development, the State may disburse to the Grantee the grant monies as
follows. but not to exceed in any event the total State Grant Amount set forth of page 1 of this
a. Up to a 10% advance of the total State Grant Amount.
b. On proof of award of a construction contract or commencement of construction by force
account, up to 80% of the total State Grant Amount, not to exceed 80% of the total dollar
amount of any or all awarded construction contracts.
c. The remaining State grant funds shall be paid up to the amount of the grant or the actual
Project cost, whichever is less, on completion of the Project and receipt of a detailed
summary of Project costs from the Grantee.
D. Project Administration
1. The Grantee shall promptly submit written Project reports as the State may request.
In any event, the Grantee shall provide the State a report showing total final Project
2. The Grantee shall make property and facilities developed pursuant to this Contract available
for inspection upon request by the State.
3. The Grantee shall use any monies advanced by the State under the terms of this Contract
solely for the Project herein described.
4. If grant monies are advanced, the Grantee shall place these monies in a separate interest
bearing account, setting up and identifying such account prior to the advance. Interest
earn~ on grant monies shall be used on the Project, as approved by the State. If grant
monies are advanced and not expended, the unused portion of the grant shall be returned to
the State within 60 days of completion of the Project or end of the Project Performance
Period, whichever is earlier.
5. The Grantee shall use income earned by the Grantee from use of the Project to further
Project purposes, or, if approved by the State, for related purposes within the Grantee's
E. Project Termination
1. Any Grant funds that have not been expended by the Grantee shall revert to the fund and be
available for Appropriation by the Legislature for one or more of the local assistance
programs that the Legislature determines to be the highest priority statewide.
2. The Grantee may unilaterally rescind this Contract at any time prior to the commencement of the
Project. After Project commencement this Contract may be rescinded, modified or amended
only by mutual agreement in writing between the Grantee and the State.
3. Failure by the Grantee to comply with the terms of this Contract or any other Contract under the
Act may be cause for suspension of all obligations of the State hereunder. However, such
Urban Park Act of 2001 Procedural Guide
failure shall not be cause for the suspension of all obligations of the State hereunder if in the
judgment of the State such failure was due to no fault of the Grantee. In such case, any amount
required to settle at minimum cost any irrevocable obligations properly incurred shall be eligible
for reimbursement under this Contract.
4. Because the benefit to be derived by the State, from the full compliance by the Grantee with the
terms of this Contract, is the Preservation, protection and net increase in the quantity and quality
of parks, public recreation facilities and/or historical resources available to the people of the
State of California and because such benefit exceeds to an immeasurable and unascertainable
extent, the amount of money furnished by the State by way of grant monies under the provisions
of this Contract, the Grantee agrees that payment by the Grantee to the State of an amount
equal to the amount of the grant monies disbursed under this Contract by the State would be
inadequate compensation to the State for any breach by the Grantee of this Contract. The
Grantee further agrees therefore, that the appropriate remedy in the event of a breach by the
Grantee of this Contract shall be the specific performance of this Contract, unless otherwise
agreed to by the State.
5. The Grantee and the State agree that if the Project includes Development, final payment may
not be made until the Project conforms substantially to this Contract.
F. Hold Harmless
1. The Grantee shall waive all claims and recourse against the State including the right to
contribution for loss or damage to persons or property arising from, growing out of or in any way
connected with or incident to this Contract except claims arising from the concurrent or sole
negligence of the State, its officers, agents, and employees.
2. The Grantee shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the State, its officers, agents and
employees against any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses or liability costs
arising out of the Acquisition, Development, construction, operation or maintenance of the
property described as the Project which claims, demands or causes of action arise under
Government Code Section 895.2 or otherwise except for liability arising out of the concurrent or
sole negligence of the State, its officers, agents, or employees.
3. The Grantee agrees that in the event the State is named as codefendant under the provisions of
Government Code Section 895 et. seq., the Grantee shall notify the State of such fact and shall
represent the State in the legal action unless the State undertakes to represent itself as
codefendant in such legal action in which event the State shall bear its own litigation costs,
expenses, and attorney's fees.
4. The Grantee and the State agree that in the event of judgment entered against the State and the
Grantee because of the concurrent negligence of the State and the Grantee, their officers,
agents, or employees, an apportionment of liability to pay such judgment shall be made by a
court of competent jurisdiction. Neither party shall request a jury apportionment.
5. The Grantee shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the State, its officers, agents and
employees against any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses or liability costs arising out of
legal actions pursuant to items to which the Grantee has certified. The Grantee acknowledges
that it is solely responsible for compliance with items to which it has certified.
G. Financial Records
1. The Grantee shall maintain satisfactory financial accounts, documents and records for the
Project and to make them available to the State for auditing at reasonable times. The Grantee
also agrees to retain such financial accounts, documents and records for three years following
Project termination or final payment.
Urban Park Act of 2001 Procedural Guide
The Grantee and the State agree that during regular office hours each of the parties hereto and
their duly authorized representatives shall have the right to inspect ant! make copies of any
books, records or reports of the other party pertaining to this Contract or matters related thereto.
The Grantee shall maintain and make available for inspection by the State accurate records of
all of its costs, disbursements and receipts with respect to its activities under this Contract.
2. The Grantee shall use a generally accepted accounting system.
H. Use of Facilities
1. The Grantee agrees that the Grantee shall use the property developed with grant monies
under this Contract only for the purposes for which the State grant monies were requested
and no other use of the area shall be permitted except by specific Act of the Legislature.
2. The Grantee shall maintain and operate the property developed for a period commensurate
with the type of Project and the proportion of State grant funds and local funds allocated to
the capital costs of the Project, as determined by the State.
I. Nondiscrimination
1. The Grantee shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex, race, color,
national origin, age, religion, ancestry, sexual orientation, or disability in the use of any
property or Facility developed pursuant to this Contract.
2. The Grantee shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of residence except to
the extent that reasonable differences in admission or other fees may be maintained on the
basis of residence and pursuant to law.
3. All facilities shall be open to members of the public generally, except as noted under the
special provisions of this Project Contract or under provisions of the enabling legislation
and/or Program.
J. Application Incorporation
The Application and any subsequent change or addition approved by the State is hereby
incorporated in this Contract as though set forth in full in this Contract.
K. Severability
If any provision of this Contract or the Application thereof is held invalid, that invalidity shall not
affect other provisions or Applications of the Contract which can be given effect without the invalid
provision or Application, and to this end the provisions of this Contract are severable.
Urban Park Act of 2001 Procedural Guide