01050003 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10180 CAMINO VISTA DR. 01050003 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE MALKA NAGEL 05/01/2001 T� is ONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. uCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO z .DG ELECT PL IB ECH Pi LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION ZI hereby tfi m that i am licensed ander provisions n g Job Description o i r a pr��s,ons or Chapter 9 aommrndn FvthSection]O0p)ofDivision3ofsheBusinessandPmfosionsCudeandmylicense NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE. <ymrmuomeanaerr«t. 3633 SQ. FT. LIVING SPACE, z zce ccnseClass Lic,p0e ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 496 SQ. FT. GARAGE . = 1 understand my plans shall he aveJ as public records dZ O O Licensed Professional o OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 ma exempt firm the Contractor's License Law for he following mason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Profrs lam,Code:Any city or county IM which recurs,a permit to conaruct.alter.improve,demolish,or repab any structure u� Priort t e also 9 :theapp! ant for.such permits fl 'g dstatement - e, hot he is licensed p a ,to the prossairsesof,hcContra Liven. la (Chapter9 Sq.-sFI. Floor Area , --_- _-_- - - r s.,. • nation (commencing< gwtptthe ra)B)orD'aiisorfinelegedi ai re loans Code) •��1't ; ,. •.,N i.I, { �'.\i �(}' $3638H or Nm he is exempt themfmm ander,far..roo for the alleged eeempuon.Any violation "� --of Secnot ann 703 1.5 iv any applicant fora500)rt subjects the applicam to r civil penahy Occupancy Type l of not mom Than five handrtd dollars(S50o). 34 2�LP�L Alnrel�r n'N:'. � ,. °I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sale compensation, ll V willdo he work,andthe.amemre isnot Intended or offered-Far'safe'(Sce.']Wa,' '-Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License law docs not apply to an 305 - FRAME Required Inspections—It " owner of property Who bui Ws or improves thereon,and who dos such work himself or through his own employees.pmvmed tot such improvements aye not intended or ... 307 - INSULATIONcompletion. -offered f f It:however,the building p merit n la.. edwithin not year lir iampltn@eo nor-bald it[have theburden lProvingthat h did not build or 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF mprove for purpose of<ale.'. 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL _ — — _. — --- glLmnwnrroit - pct. -an Tarr s 'slit - a ...0 mratn 603 — ROOF BATTENS onstmn the p r (s nd obla s.,on.C,ds:)The Crmmemrs r oo .. .. . c .'lie. ' License Law oe all yi woe fpmpenywhobaim.orimpmae thereon. 604 — ROOF IN—PROGRESS and.who a ¢ sac rets III crn,.et.N,) licensed.pursuant.to the. __..... ....___..____... _._ .-_ .. ....__ __.._.___.__. .-__... .._ Contra h 'tens w --- %? °Ir _<a to , c ' ',B&P C for trNmeon _ - o erD,e Lf U 0 K ' Oh SATI E RATION 1 hereby affirm ua r pewhy of perjury ane of the following declarations:- �r 1I ti{, ° I have roil will mumbut a CeniGcate of�Consrntt6 self-imam for Workers ��0�110a"kltd�® _ Compersetion, as provided for by Section 3703 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for.which this permit,is issued.V °Ice '. dti will maim W kers Ccarraponori Inxumner,as required by secdun JUN 2 4 2002 - _ 37M of the Labor code.for the Perfordwnce of the work for which this Permit is issaed.My Worker's Compensation Insurance cabrier rod Policy number am: t BUILDING. • Cart,c. .I. Vt,t ;'' Poli y\o. r .r ^ ' s . L r, t st Y „CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTIONFROM WORKERS'" _ , -' - _ COMPENSATION.INSURANCE m`,' '�`V,f ..._....._ .. -",ice, ---- -"-- •r rfhts,at need not he coirletcd if the - I,- --- -- O fl' - (SI(X))or le".) P permit is far one hundred dollars 1 tfymiin' h pen - 'e, work for hhthrial ,,t shall r employ any person n any mann<r w us to.eco nc su.Ject n,the Workers t •^ (` t ",.rq s ' Compcnsmiun Laws of Callrornia.Date .APPlicdni_. ..f ..... rNONCE TO APPLICANT. ' if, rs making CertificateofE pt should Z .eco subject othe Work Compensation provisions h L. C d you mace r.irthw honply hprovisions r this permit shlllh<JccmeJ evoked,� �_ .. --,- - . - CONS(RUCTION LENDING AGENCY _ a I h of th for R th r th- cn t et on lend ng igen y f th p rfanname a t Gz7 r - k for which this permit is issued(Sec 3119].Civ.C 1 Lender's Namethapl have rtaJ this appli<atmn and zm-the the above informaion is E! .wrrea.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and ante laws relating :�:f) •mbuildingcmumtse aandh ehy ori-rep -mmives of city to enter upon .the,hove.menti. pope or coon mi - "ts;0. (W'e)- sox ,de ' and y of Cupertino again., Z . liabilities.' d encs,av a pens Lal ch nnay in y way?cerae again¢said V Z City i' nx acne e¢ ling of s mitt. ¢ ,APP. A. -0N aTA, S'AN P 'COsI _ K'ITH ALI _\PO Issued b l "'ZC/ 0 - - so• cF Fc' � oN .� Y4()� c Date / ijpamre m App moan, a1on,' "'s " at Re-roofs r ' RIALS DIsCLOg UR pP a dam t .lice alert a - orcrial . Type of Rdel d b ah C H n no MUS hll Cad Ch ps 9 12 lid th H hh rN safety YpK 11 thea I cant hu na.Code S t o 353J./of i . - .All-roofs.shall.be inspected prior.to_any_roofing.material-being installed.___-.._ Lauth applicant ;'` building ocu p 'useequipmentrdevices whcn: If a roof is Ibstalle,d'diithom first obtamifig an inspectton,II'agree to remove emir hazardous a to lints a,d edb he Ba,Area Air Quality Mw t D t`, all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with `al 'non-point sourceregulahons I ..-.,t :.:;;y I have' the and s a coals pt' rent,.nJ nChapter h95 of the Calicorm 1 &S YC c tions"so 533 and 21111.lunderstood that dthel, n res cu le a tenon at islt my resp sibiltry to notify sae . . .. .ecu _of r, m t ch must et prior to popeits read Cenificrt<of ' ,. �L G/ Signature of Applicant. Date own<r or atnori=e,agent spam All roof coverings to be Class"B" Dr better ' ' OFFICE