01090030 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO BDILDING DIVISION PERMITr CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. MICHAEL & *LKA NAGEL FRAN LEE CONSTRUCTION IN201090030 OWNER'S NAMEAPPLICATION SUB DATE �o �BU �Wlino 1 13�Tti (��r 20917 FARGO DR 09/07/2001 PHONE:i SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO.(408) 996-2527 O m Z ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO id w BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ¢GUa = CJ 1_1 IJ fir y i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION li_ i hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9m ,marrencing Job Description wFuca wimSection]Wo7ofDiemen3oftheBnnleexsandprofession,Code,addmylicense TEMP POWER. Y'ae I,in full force and effect. zad aV Lw are me Clasx Lir.p O DContramor _ d.u.1-, ARCHITECTS DECLARATION r=O aj I understand my plans shall be used no public mems, �r i?p OLimnsed Professiorml m OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION •w R v 1 hereby affirm that i am exempt from the Cento cor's License Law for the !=Z< following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county t $200 MFC which requires a permit to ennstrvct, q improve, ir a ve,demolish,or repany structureai i 3 =ids i. smidec also mo 'r U ppi tf hpernitto fl asgoed settlement, - ttia htl I nx'ed pun (Idth pm m f th C tactor L La (Chaps 9 _ - ea I , i Valuation fcomme cmgwith Sat noBoo)ef Divi' 3 fm Basine -od.Rar s sidith2Y_,l>re J.t;(1'.+,. or that A i ciempi th f' 'nd the basis for the alltged 4e pooh.A y viol tion ' -of Senior� Bin canyholicmtfora permit subjects the applicam toacivil pcnahy oraotmmemmfr m,mreadodera(swB> 1031PN1t� lr._a'.s OeeupaneyType p L.az owner of the propeny,ser my employees widr wages az ...le compensation, '104 ROTJQ9 will d.the work,and the structure isnot imeni oroffered for'shle'(Sea:7044;' 'Bmibesi and'Professions Code:The Commnor's License Law does out apply m an Required Inspections'X weer of propeny Who builds or improvesthereon,and who docs such work himself 0 or through h' ployees pmv den that h' p te encs anot,mended or offered'f 1' h If. waver the building or unt3mommiatrssold within one Year of ....._....._.._.,. ._._... :.. .......... .. .. - le ...._ _..,..___ ., _ .......... ._.. completion,the owner budder will have the When of proving that he did nm build or improve for propose of sale.). y ✓' Y71 as.. a Lth p p ny Ii-tei ly.. t t gwithic sed conscroodhor t ... .-....... .. ... _- t . /tvextruct the project(Sce.7044 Business d Professions Code)nor Contractor's , License,Law does no, ppl do ner propicry,who builds p theorem, -yam and he amuram, r- act h amrimarehm fiecrimid.ohoodure to the __ .....____.... OContractors Lm e L 77 I an &PCT thereason OwDo �� s ER FEN SATf N U DUN Y f I erebyaffirmunde relit'of pequry,o eof the following dalamtions / �+g ❑ -'wtll maintain a Cenific f Co ani-to self msum s for Worker Compensation, i provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the partarmnwe orthe work for which this pernut Is Issued. , 111 h nd will childish Worker's Conrpensatimi 1 m ranee as req lred by Section - 3'M of the Labor Code Far the performance of the work permit for which this peit is issued.My Wodees Cmpenssabi msum c ammo a 11 icy man be,am: erh k t>1"'�J;4U �!P01cy S 7 S f' i CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM.WORRERs' ;"': r-�tt) rte 1 ,t - �.. al 4f.,F Aft' COMPENSATION INSURANCE t (This section need not be compleied if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) 1 ) l . . - -.., - ...,...,.,. ... ...a..... ,.. ........ ................. ... ...n. ,. 1 m ft'thatin the performance o(IM work Ti",rvM1i h th leper jshall t employ any pe n any manner so es Ice become subject to the Workers• "1"' i, Q O _Cmit Laws of Calf Dam 'AI NOTICETO APPLICANT:If, k' ; t- f Emseripticur,am should become suirshnto the WekCompensation provisions Cody a u fonh th ply th ch prosmoor thispermit hall be r,ciao resk.d. l ....._....�.. _.... i ._. ... . . k x "CONSMUCTIONLENDING'AGENCY " I be by ITim thanh o xt t lend g g ncy far Ne peH rmunce .. I„ ' ftha wnakforaeldirlimislairro,i. sed lSey3097Ci.C) --_.._ __ _.- _ ..... .. . ._.._. _ . 6s:Q dithers Name r.. .. . . «., n= .. _. .. .... .... ......... .____...... .- o:Z Lentl 5Addr llo% I emfy thin f h d all city uapplicationd state thin theabs a m6muuon is.. '0 En t ortect.l agree to comply with all coop and c nty, odiati ccs and state lows refuting' >a W toed ldngcntn ed andhreby author pd"S',vas--[h city 1. nmr upon) ,!W .the b t road pe f ' speer 'nod"S', an . (W gEe s r ft' which may ihcCty se ruio5gamd, F� W' citi 1 t dg a c !ng, h h may r any , ec 1191. ainn said t UZ Cit use Deo i g rh prma p A L ND S SA WILL COMPLY Wit r NO�OINT r' Issued by: Date 7f ; /n G � 1 7 �/i J :. I$1gn t of,pp iDanUCo order, _ ".i 1� U Date Re-roofs HA DOUS MATERIALS DIS CLOSURE yk 'i, i the applicam r f tuts b Id'ng occepantime,mrhandle hauNcoustradderial Type Of Roof .•. as dein d by the Capenin.Mumapal Code Chepttt 9 12 d the Health and Sefery CodeS�Y 255320 , N s ' ris, r'ca7 t S Y Qi I r r4.Y1 4Ai 4 .YG. I' .r r ..All roofs shall.be it spectesLpnor_to. any roofing.matenal being installed. 1. Y1, W'113h appl c i f t«b lde,occ pain r eqo proem r de as when If a roof is installed Without first obtainingap;ilis ectioiiv I'fa ree`to'remove emthazb 'a oro lsa.defindbyth BdyAm.A QalryMabg et, P g . Ir District , „l,, - , " all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ore 1 o „ all'non'-porn£sourceregulations..,I,I'i „I I hav rwd t Its a « 6 .9 re memsiunder Chapter 6.95'oTiha, Cel fo didd, fat ,S' dons2 .25533and25534Aundemandthit! u f, not se a to that t';mY rtspons b Tit to notify tfie o up t f t i h mus m[ prim see'u a ce aro id a of ` n` _ .Signature of Applicant . Date ,Owner orsatlbmi#,ag ,,: 1 ,; i, ate„-, All roof coverings to be Class B oi'betteir :1 ,, ._..... OFFICE ._.. ... .. .._ _ _......._.. .. ..... . .. . .._ .. ..