07-140, Lynx Technology 11/19/2007 10:50 FAX 11/16/200718:14 FAX 4087773333 CITY CUPERTINO ~001/001 ~ 0021003 AGREEMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO I 0300 TOI'TI!l A venue CupeItino, CA 9S014 408-777-3200 NO. 0327 10 BY TInS AGREEMENT, made a.nd entered into this .12 day of November. 2007 by and between the CITI OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as Cl'IY) and Name (1) Lynx Technolou:ies (2) Address .l;lSO 4]it Avenue. Suite 202 City Canitola. CA Zip 2.1W.2 Phone !:U':j] 4794821 f 83 L479.1227 (Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideratJon ofthelr mutual covenants, the parties hel'ato agree liS follows: CONT:RACTOR shill provide OT fl.1mish the followini ~pe"ified services and/or materials: Digitize a base plan for De AnzalMcClellan-Pllcillc8 including curb, gutter, row, medians, and striping. Furur., rnllrnc: signsl modification, CIP 420- 9!!iS6. EXHIBITS: The following lIttaChed exhibits hereby are made part ofthi.s A~~ment: Exhibit A quote wit starr signature. TERMS: The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreeme.Dt shall commence on November 16,1007 and shall be completed before December 31.2007 COMP~NSA TION; For the full performiUlce of lb.is AgNement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: Amount not to exceed $480,00 California Labor Code, Se<ltJon 1771 tl'lquJres the payment of prevailing wa.ges to all workers I!ImploYed on a Public Works contract in excess of:li 1 ,000.00. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Hold Harmlq!l. Contractor agrees lO save Elnd hold harmless the City, its officer9, agents and employees from any and all dam.ge and liabilil;Y due to neiligence, errors and omissi OIlS, including all COSts of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the performance of this Agreement, City shall no' be liable for acts ofCon1nC:IQr in perfonning services described h~ein. lhsuranc:e. Should the City require evidence of Insurability, Conlnlctor shall file with City a Certificate of InsUTance beforl!! ~ommencing any seIVices undtr this Agre~mcmt. Said Certificate shall be .subject to the approval of City'S Diro~tol" of Administrative Services. Non-Discrimioatlon. No discrimination llb;jlll be made in the employment of persons under this Agreement because of the race, color, national origIn, ancestry, ndigion or sex ofsucb person. Interest of ContnC:lor. It ill understood and agreed that thiij Aueement is not a contrilOt of employment in the sense that the relationship of master and servant exists between City and undersigned, At all times, Contractor shall be deemed to be an independent cOntractor and ContrlJctor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations In executing this '&reement. Contractor celtlfles that no one who has or will have an)' financial interest under this Agre~ment is an officer Of employee ofCUy. Changes, This A~eemeJJt sh~ll not blJ assigned or tnlnsfem:d withollt the written consent of the City. No changes or varlatioas of any k.ind are authorized wlthout the wrinen lOonsent of the Clty. CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR lU'Id representative for CITY shaH be: NAME Vicki Guaoo DEPARTMBNT Publlc Works This Agreement shall become effective upon its executton by CITY, in witness thereof. the parties havc cxccuted [his Agreement lhe d:!y and )'aar first written above. CONTRACTOR.: BY_?d..~ ItLtL Title _()w("') if Soc. Sl!Ic. ,iI. APPROVALS J"M5NT FA c::-::; CITYOF:(~ _ tF- Title ABS'_ 0;",.<0, OfP~ EXPENDITURE DISTRIBUTION 110. .7014 f.,b02- $480.00 Attllchmlmts: exl)lblt A ~' r. c 1 SWldard_llllin'om~nl.l1oc RECEIVED NOV 1 6 ?007 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Lynx Technologies 1350 41st Avenue, Suite 202 Capitola, California 95010 Phone: 831-479-4821 Fax: 831-479-1227 Mapping Project Estimate #1243 Date: November 12,2007 Quoted By: Terry Hastings Approved: 'PL~ Company: City of Cupertino Name: Vicki Guapo Traffic Engineering Address: 10300 Torre Avenue Phone: 408-777 -3243 Fax: 408-777-3333 Cupertino, CA 95014 Estimated time for completion: Cost Item Task Description Time Rate Estimate Digitize Intersection: Scan, Geo-rectify and digitize different features into Labor database. 8 Hours $60/hr $480.00 Total not to exceed $480.00 Please sign the estimate below. We will schedule this project upon receipt of the signed ISignature Date ,I This estimate is valid for 30 days.