20556 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES = USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY / Building Projed Identubtim con v N'TS 2 i L PERMIT NO. Building Add : 20556 O r 5nu � me CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION u'K-dlJ U-" cmtst«•C Name: Ix.Na: APPLICATION / PERMIT rch . BUM.DINGELECTRICALPLUMBING-MFLHA NICAL CATEGORY CONTROI.I ARe t/En over. 1e LNa Q ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE ' BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address - FERMITISSUANCEEl ❑ El CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am lkomed under P.1sion.of Chapter 9(commm APPLIANCESRESIDENITAL x30 Dt,CM Ing Floe.h5eebn 700D)of in.and elft on3otlheBusiness and Pro(eWmeCode,and my Lias ebIns roan and skeet. PANELS Date ��. 7 croon —2215C,2: n_M�chanical PLUK R Date 3/-ylj—Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 701-1000 AMPS QQZ IuMea Mmyphmah Ubeusdupubhciewds OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. o[j Lio,mad Professional SIGNS ELECTRICAL 6y OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPFGIALCIRCUIT/MLSC Ihereby.ffirmthat l.mexempt fromthe Comaatarb License law f«the following reaem.&dim7MI5n.,Bualnand Psofuon M loCode: y city or OpplI"' n which Inesatommtrut,alter,lm mvpdemolb r TEMP.MEITR OR POLEIMT: FSO anytmeua prior to its bsuame,also requires thea pliant for such permit to 5 O fife a aigned statement that he b Bamsed pursuant to the powlamne of Ne POWER DEVICFS Contatore L,eme Law(Cha(Chapter e nenn S withrtlnn7000)ofDivl- �O�' abn3ofthe Wsines.and Pmfmbm Cods)onthat he b � e therefromand SWE�fMINC POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION 'g the bub for the Akged exemption. Any violation o!Secctlon7m15 by any cep Q apph.ntfora pemdt objets the applicant tore Evil penalty dna morethan OU'TLEISSWI7CFIESFlXTl1I4F5 h Eve hundred dollirs(55M. 6 n 1,u owner of the property,or my employees with wages u their sok' NEW RIDDFNTIAL Ef.ES"TR SQFI'. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION compensation,wRldothe work,and the cot uure b rot W ended or otlemd for 5 0 sakLSec-7004,Business amiProf®loro Code:The Comraeoes License Law (,IrQ daanwt.pplytoanownerofpmpenywMWU@orimprovatherto ami C• whodoneuch workhlmeell orthmugh hisownemplgen,prwkled that mch OCCCROUP RMUNTTS a Improvement.uunotmtendedorofferedforule.If,hcwever,thebulldNg« TOTAL Improvement Is sold wkhln ane year.!completbrc the owner-0uilderwl0 love t4LIIu rdenofpmvingtw hedid me WEdorimprovef«purpssofsale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE LI L u � owner of the property,am ershmroly tratpa ing with parsed PERMIT ZONE APN PERMIT ISSUANCEmntraton m construe the pSer.)et( 7014,Bovines and prdn.lors Code: a The Contaeori Llanx Law don not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN A VFM-WATER TA) or toy.thereon, and who comate for such pjets whitsa ry➢1(+tor(q ucemad pursuant to the Contractor'.License Law. BAacEwwFRQTErT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJ I am exempt under Sec B A P C for thb reasonOUTS I DE FEES Owner- Date DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION` AECFR'T a . 07 hereby affirm that I have a oertl0cate of consent to.elf-Iwre,or• FIXTURPSPFRTRAP SCHOOL.TAX Y_ N_ cenlEate of Workers'Compensation Insurance«a certified mpy thereof Fac. RECEIPT 3800,Lab CnJ��nQ(yQ��q GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 WC40UlLE15 PARK FEE Y_ N_ CoPolm a renuaau 1.+r5. GAS EA. I'Q.f-0VER4(EA) RIN�a ' Cy BUILDING DIVISION FEES Cewled copy is heabyth thehaa. GREASE/IArIXIsnu,WASTE wTERCl-POOR PLANCHECK FEE ertNed mpy Is(tied with the ttylrepectbn dfvbim. ' CMTUJCATE OF EXE1.11PHON FROM WORKERS CEEASE TRAP PAID _ COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER-SANEEARY,S ORM(EA.XpF-r. ' Date Recd t# ( orlecibn need not becompleted Rihe permit b!«as hundmd dollars rnm)«les.) WATER BEATER w/VENT/ELETR ENERCYFEE Y N_ 1 cetuy that b the per(ormnce of the work forwNch tM.pemdt le Iwed, I ehaB stat employ.sty penin In any manner eo u to bcmme objet to the WATERSYSTEM/TREATING w«kea'compen„mnlaw.cur CaWamla.Date PAID PP A Ilan, Z =O NU OTICETO APPLICAN(: ,after making thbrtB Celate of Exemption, RESIDENTIAL PLMB. n,you SQ}T. ee Dale Rd t# .amid become aubjet to the Workers'Compersatlm proWslom orthe Labor TOTAL N Code,you mist forthwith comply withauch pmvbbroorthb permit shall be BUILDING W 7 deemed revoked. CONSTRIKTION LF2gDING AGENCY S ISMIC FEE CL Ihereby afBrtnthat there b•mmeroeion lerdingagency forthe perform ELECTRIC FEE Z ance olthe work forwhkhthb psmdtls ,c.ea,ed 033097,Civ.CJ TOTAL: xZ U O I,ruler',N.me PLUMBING FEE _ LL ~ leoder'.Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE OIU Icertlfythxlhave read thbappgotbnaM aahthatthealxwe Wamvdon 1 Eson— -Iagreetoccenplywkh all ttyaM ommyordbancesand state laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID. r r,Iallog tobullding mvtrution,and hereby authortre mpreantatWn ofthls Zcity to enter upon the above-rmntlored property f«bupetlon purpus. ALTERORADDTOMECH. Date RecCl t#' V — (w'e)agree to save,indemnify an d keep harmim the City of Cu rtW against OabWtka,ydgments,m+t.am expenses which may N anyway..e AIR HANDLING UM1TT(TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: agalut said City In mosequeme of the granting of tM.pennR. AIR HANDLiM1G UNIT(OVER 10,070 CIM) CONSTRUCTION TAX YJ Sgvmreof Appuo t « Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HA7AR15OUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the appliantorfuture building occupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT UO 100,000 BTU) Date Recei t# material as deEmd by the Cupenlro Municipal Code,Chapter 9.17,and the _ Fkalth and Safely Code Salon 25532(a)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER IW,"BTU) TOTAL: x15 YnI` No WW the applicant tum Wilding occupant us equlp.ru or civ VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RFSTD) IS511AtyDATE which emit hezardsue air contaminants as deEnd by the Bay Arca Air ��iN�1LJ • Quality Management Distrkt7 BOILER-COMP DEE!OR 100,000 BTU) yesNo Thave madthe hav •materials rtqulremenb under Chapter b.95 of BOE.FRLVMP(OVPRIOO,(00BTU) .JUN E 6 19SU the Ca)ffom6l Iealth 6 SafetyCode,Saabs 2"505,75533 and 25534. I understand that if the Wlldlogrims not currently have.tenant.that It bony N'EW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT. City r,B�Blt .possibility to notify the o pm ch m reof the requirement.which be met prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupasry �j111e + .C 'CAvner or authorized a get Date TOTAL: I I ISSUEDBY: OFFICE COPY